I use sbt-thrift 0.6 and I've got the following in the build definition:
thriftPythonEnabled := true,
thriftPythonOutputDir <<= sourceDirectory(_ / "python")
When I run thrift:generate-python it generates nothing. thrift:generate-java works fine.
Can someone tell me what I have to do to enable the Python support in the plugin?
You miss Thrift config in your setting.
Give the following a try (using SBT 0.12 syntax):
thriftPythonEnabled in Thrift := true,
thriftPythonOutputDir in Thrift <<= sourceDirectory(_ / "python")
I have a PlayFramework 2.7 application which is build by sbt.
For accessing the database, I am using JOOQ. As you know, JOOQ reads my database schema and generates the Java source classes, which then are used in my application.
The application only compiles, if the database classes are present.
I am generating the classes with this custom sbt task:
// https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jooq/jooq-meta
libraryDependencies += "org.jooq" % "jooq-meta" % "3.12.1"
lazy val generateJOOQ = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Generate JooQ classes")
generateJOOQ := {
(runner in Compile).value.run("org.jooq.codegen.GenerationTool",
(fullClasspath in Compile).value.files,
streams.value.log).failed foreach (sys error _.getMessage)
((sourceManaged.value / "main/generated") ** "*.java").get
I googled around and found the script above and modified it a little bit according to my needs, but I do not really understand it, since sbt/scala are new to me.
The problem now is, when I start the generateJOOQ, sbt tries to compile the project first, which fails, because the database classes are missing. So what I have to do is, comment all code out which uses the generated classes, execute the task which compiles my project, generates the database classes and then enable the commented out code again. This is a pain!
I guess the problem is the command (runner in Compile) but I did not find any possibility to execute my custom task WITHOUT compiling first.
Please help! Thank you!
Usually, when you want to generate sources, you should use a source generator, see https://www.scala-sbt.org/1.x/docs/Howto-Generating-Files.html
sourceGenerators in Compile += generateJOOQ
Doing that automatically causes SBT to execute your task first before trying to compile the Scala/Java sources.
Then, you should not really use the runner task, since that is used to run your project, which depends on the compile task, which needs to execute first of course.
You should add the jooq-meta library as a dependeny of the build, not of your sources. That means you should add the libraryDependencies += "org.jooq" % "jooq-meta" % "3.12.1" line e.g. to project/jooq.sbt.
Then, you can simply call the GenerationTool of jooq just as usually in your task:
// build.sbt
generateJOOQ := {
((sourceManaged.value / "main/generated") ** "*.java").get
In my build.sbt a compilation phase depends on running scapegoat inspection
(compile in Compile) := (compile in Compile).dependsOn(scapegoat).value
I'm trying to introduce a new task for running tests (for development purposes to speed things up) that does not depend on scapegoat like this:
lazy val fastTests = taskKey[Unit]("")
fastTests := {
scapegoat in Compile := {}
(test in Test).value
but gets ignored
You cannot do it with a task because tasks cannot change settings. You can solve it either with different configurations or with a command (which can change settings). See for example:
How to disable “Slow” tagged Scalatests by default, allow execution with option?
(for the configurations approach)
How to change setting inside SBT command?
I'm attempting to use the sbt-aspectj plugin with the sbt native packager and am running into an issue where the associated -javaagent path to the aspectj load time weaver jar references an ivy cache location rather than something packaged.
That is, after running sbt stage, executing the staged application via bash -x target/universal/stage/bin/myapp/ results in this javaagent:
exec java -javaagent:/home/myuser/.ivy2/cache/org.aspectj/aspectjweaver/jars/aspectjweaver-1.8.10.jar -cp /home/myuser/myproject/target/universal/stage/lib/org.aspectj.aspectjweaver-1.8.10.jar:/home/myuser/myproject/target/universal/stage/lib/otherlibs.jar myorg.MyMainApp args
My target platform is Heroku where the artifacts are built before being effectively 'pushed' out to individual 'dynos' (very analogous to a docker setup). The issue here is that the resulting -javaagent path was valid on the machine in which the 'staged' deployable was built, but will not exist where it's ultimately run.
How can one configure the sbt-aspectj plugin to reference a packaged lib rather than one from the ivy cache?
Current configuration:
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-aspectj" % "0.10.6")
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "1.1.5")
build.sbt (selected parts):
import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtAspectj._
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).settings(
javaOptions in Runtime ++= { AspectjKeys.weaverOptions in Aspectj }.value,
// see: https://github.com/sbt/sbt-native-packager/issues/598#issuecomment-111584866
javaOptions in Universal ++= { AspectjKeys.weaverOptions in Aspectj }.value
.map { "-J" + _ },
fork in run := true
I've tried several approaches including pulling the relevant output for javaOptions from existing mappings, but the result is a cyclical dependency error thrown by sbt.
I have something that technically solves my problem but feels unsatisfactory. As of now, I'm including an aspectjweaver dependency directly and using the sbt-native-packager concept of bashScriptExtraDefines to append an appropriate javaagent:
updated build.sbt:
import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtAspectj._
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).settings(
bashScriptExtraDefines += scriptClasspath.value
.map("addJava -javaagent:${lib_dir}/" + _)
fork in run := true
You can add the following settings in your sbt config:
retrieveManaged := true,
libraryDependencies += "org.aspectj" % "aspectjweaver" % aspectJWeaverV)
AspectJ weaver JAR will be copied to ./lib_managed/jars/org.aspectj/aspectjweaver/aspectjweaver-[aspectJWeaverV].jar in your project root.
I actually solved this by using the sbt-javaagent plugin to adding agents to the runtime
I'm new to SBT, and i'm trying to convert gradle protobuf/grpc configuration to SBT.
I wonder if the scala community had done this before me?
I've tried this plugin https://github.com/sbt/sbt-protobuf, but it does not provide any configuration to enable grpc compilation...
Any help appreciated.
You can use ScalaPB to generate the gRPC stubs for Scala. First, add the plugin to your project/plugins.sbt:
addSbtPlugin("com.thesamet" % "sbt-protoc" % "0.99.1")
libraryDependencies += "com.trueaccord.scalapb" %% "compilerplugin" % "0.5.43"
Then, add this to your build.sbt:
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"io.grpc" % "grpc-netty" % "1.0.1",
"io.grpc" % "grpc-stub" % "1.0.1",
"io.grpc" % "grpc-auth" % "1.0.1",
"com.trueaccord.scalapb" %% "scalapb-runtime-grpc" % "0.5.43",
"io.netty" % "netty-tcnative-boringssl-static" % "1.1.33.Fork19", // SSL support
"javassist" % "javassist" % "3.12.1.GA" // Improves Netty performance
PB.targets in Compile := Seq(
scalapb.gen(grpc = true, flatPackage = true) -> (sourceManaged in Compile).value
Now you can put your .proto files in src/main/protobuf and they will be picked up by ScalaPB.
I have an example Scala gRPC project here. It shows how to configure mutual TLS authentication, user sessions using JSON Web Tokens, a JSON gateway via grpc-gateway, and deployment to Kubernetes via Helm.
I actually faced a couple of problems myself trying to migrate from Gradle to SBT.
Like you said, sbt-protobuf plugin doesn't have any grpc specific settings, yet it's possible, here are couple of settings you should double check:
Set the path and version of your protoc:
version in PB.protobufConfig := "3.0.0"
protoc in PB.protobufConfig := PATH_PROTOC
If needed set the location of your .proto files (default is src/main/protobuf):
sourceDirectory in PB.protobufConfig := baseDirectory.value / "src" / "main" / "proto"
Finally, like Eric Anderson said, set extra options of protoc used by grpc-java. First options sets the path for your protoc-gen-grpc-java plugin bin; and second sets the output path of grpc-java to the same as sbt-protobuf:
protocOptions in PB.protobufConfig ++= Seq(
"--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc-java=" + PATH_GRPC_JAVA_PLUGIN,
"--grpc-java_out=" + baseDirectory.value + "/target/src_managed/main/compiled_protobuf")
I ended up putting a repository with all of this sorted out. Here it is, hope it helps!
I'm not familiar with sbt, but it seems sbt-protobuf does not natively support protoc plugins or using the prebuilt protoc or protoc-gen-grpc-java binaries. You will need to pass the necessary flags manually.
Something like this (untested):
protocOptions in PB.protobufConfig ++= Seq(
"--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc-java=path/to/protoc-gen-grpc-java", "--grpc-java_out=path/to/output/folder")
You would need to change the "path/to" parts to fit your system.
I am trying to use phantomjs as installed via npm to perform my unit tests for ScalaJS.
When I run the tests I am getting the following error:
/usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory
I believe that is because of how phatomjs when installed with npm loads node:
Here is the first line from phantomjs:
#!/usr/bin/env node
If I change that first line to hardcode to the node executable (this involves modifying a file installed by npm so it's only a temporary solution at best):
Everything works.
I am using phantom.js btw because moment.js doesn't work in the NodeJSEnv.
Work Around:
After looking through the plugin source is here the workaround:
I am forwarding the environment from sbt to the PhantomJSEnv:
import scala.scalajs.sbtplugin.ScalaJSPlugin._
import scala.scalajs.sbtplugin.env.nodejs.NodeJSEnv
import scala.scalajs.sbtplugin.env.phantomjs.PhantomJSEnv
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val env = System.getenv().asScala.toList.map{case (k,v)=>s"$k=$v"}
ScalaJSKeys.requiresDOM := true,
libraryDependencies += "org.webjars" % "momentjs" % "2.7.0",
ScalaJSKeys.jsDependencies += "org.webjars" % "momentjs" % "2.7.0" / "moment.js",
ScalaJSKeys.postLinkJSEnv := {
if (ScalaJSKeys.requiresDOM.value) new PhantomJSEnv(None, env)
else new NodeJSEnv
With this I am able to use moment.js in my unit tests.
UPDATE: The relevant bug in Scala.js (#865) has been fixed. This should work without a workaround.
This is indeed a bug in Scala.js (issue #865). For future reference; if you would like to modify the environment of a jsEnv, you have two options (this applies to Node.js and PhantomJS equally):
Pass in additional environment variables as argument (just like in #KingCub's example):
new PhantomJSEnv(None, env)
// env: Map[String, String]
Passed-in values will take precedence over default values.
Override getVMEnv:
protected def getVMEnv(args: RunJSArgs): Map[String, String] =
sys.env ++ additionalEnv // this is the default
This will allow you to:
Read/Modify the environment provided by super.getVMEnv
Make your environment depend on the arguments to the runJS method.
The same applies for arguments that are passed to the executable.