Firebase JS Secure Authentication - firebase

I've been doing some research about secure tokens and Firebase JS, but I have ready some conflicting information, so I will just ask my question directly. Is it possible to handle secure sessions with Firebase using Javascript? For practice, I'm creating a little web game that will rely on Firebase to synchronize each client, and I'm wondering the process for doing so securely.

It depends on how you define a "secure session". There are two issues at play here.
Transport level security: The Firebase JS client communicates with the servers over HTTPS. Additonally, Firebase has a security rules system that lets you specify which clients can read and write which data.
Application level integrity: However, the client is free to make whatever changes it is authorized to, even if they are not triggered by your JS code. For example, in a web page, I can open the developer console and use the Firebase API to make data changes that aren't part of the web page's logic.
To tackle the latter, you'll need a server where you can run trusted code to enforce game state. For instance, every move made by a client in the game should be first put into a "pending" queue. A server process should monitor all pending changes, validate them and them move them to a "final" game state location which will be the authoritative game state.


How does Firebase authenticate requests from my app?

Disclaimer: I am new to mobile app development and have little to no knowledge on authentication systems
Normally, when my mobile app makes https calls to my backend server, I know that I cannot trust that these calls to my server came from my app, as anyone can make https requests to my backend server. Even if I give the app a secret key, it is still possible for a hacker to obtain the key and include it in https requests. Therefore, I will not allow https requests to accomplish whatever it wants on the server; rather, I will limit the request to doing only what a user can normally do with their own data – delete their OWN posts, edit their OWN profile, and so on.
Does Firebase work the same way? I saw this StackOverflow thread regarding OAuth consumer secrets, and how they can be compromised and used to imitate a mobile app.
Is this also the case for Firebase?
Can a malicious user theoretically obtain whatever keys/secrets Firebase gave to my mobile app, and use that to emulate requests from my app to Firebase? For example, could they create new users and cause de-syncing issues with my own backend database?
If so, how can I prevent it?
Does Firebase work the same way?
Firebase works in whatever way you program it. Normally you do not put private keys in software that you distribute to end users. The recommended approach is documented very well - use Firebase Auth ID tokens to indicate who is making the call, and use code on your backend to figure out if they should be able to do the work they are requesting. This is what happens with direct database access from your app, but you have to write security rules to protect data according to your requirements.
If you are passing tokens yourself to your own backend, it is up to you to revoke any refresh tokens that you find to be compromised. You cannot fully stop hackers from compromising a system that stores user tokens on devices that you don't control. All you can do is make it hard for them to do so.
Can a malicious user theoretically obtain whatever keys/secrets Firebase gave to my mobile app
Yes, that's why you don't put secrets in code that you distribute to end users. The Firebase config that you're asked to add to your app is not considered private.
See also:
Is it safe to expose Firebase apiKey to the public?

Can i use firebase cloud messaging without notification permission? (Javascript)

Update: Google Bug Report Description
(as suggested by google dev advocate in comments on answer 1, filed a bug report; updating the content here since it more succinctly and precisely describes the problem)
I do not need or want to show any notifications to my user. And many users are not willing to give notifications permission because they assume they will start seeing notifications.
But I wish to push data to my web page from the server. The web page is active and in the foreground. This is the classic use case that Web Sockets were designed for.
I understand that I could write my own web socket server and somehow try to scale it, or go to some other third-party for an outsourced scalable web socket push solution.
But, isn't this is a very common "sub-use-case" of the messaging that Firebase Messaging is targeted towards? Therefore shouldn't Google support this use case? I can't see any fundamental technical show-stoppers, but since Google is so smart, please do enlighten me if I am missing something on why this cannot or should not be done.
Original StackOverflow Question Text:
I don't need background notifications or service workers. All I want is to send data to the web page when it is currently loaded and in the foreground.
Websockets do not need any permission but they need a websocket server and maintenance. It is difficult or expensive to scale it.
Firebase solves the problem fundamentally but I don't see why it must require a user to give notifications permission even though I only want to push data when the page is loaded; not in the background.
The problem is that Firebase Messaging is only using 1 method to deliver notifications. That is the Push API specification spec, and that specification (wrongly and unfortunately) does not allow a service worker to receive messages without the user allowing an unrelated permission to show notifications.
The fix would be for the Firebase Messaging team to provide a different way to deliver messages to active web pages -- long polling, or websockets.
But it would be extra work for them, and may be not enough people are requesting it.
It's to protect the user's preferences about what your app is allowed to do. The way push messaging works on browsers is by using a service worker. Even though you say you don't need a service worker, you are actually making using of it when using Firebase Cloud Messaging in your app.
Given that, the prompt is necessary because the browser doesn't know what you intend to do with that push message. If the user doesn't trust your app, they should have the right to limit what it can actually do, especially when they're not using your app. Mobile operating systems (iOS, Android) are the same way.

Should I hide my firebase cloud function in an environment variable on the client side?

I'm building a React+Redux app, and using some firebase cloud functions which I call in an action creator. I was wondering, if I should save the cloud function url as an environment variable, since this code is on the client side? I already have cors implemented to only allow requestsfrom my domain.
Thank you
In general, you should always make sure that endpoints that can be called from a client are robust enough to be secure if publicly disclosed. Browser, Android, and iOS apps can all be inspected and disassembled to discover outgoing request URLs.
"Security through obscurity" can buy you time, but is not in and of itself a real means of protecting your application. Instead, you should make sure that the endpoint requires sufficient authorization (e.g. by using the Firebase ID token as per this sample).
In other words, there's no need to hide it because at the end of the day, you can't!

How do I communicate / trigger a Webtask from Firebas?

In an interesting blogpost about 'Firebase Authentication with the Firebase 3.0 SDK and Auth0 Integration', it is stated that:
You can even have Firebase communicate with Webtask!
Now I can imagine the (web)client triggering a Firebase operation and subsequently a Webtask, but not the other way around. Or am I missing something?
Firebase can run as a serverless app, but it can also run on the server. You can even have Firebase communicate with Webtask! (sic!)
I think that paragraph is misleadingly phrased, perhaps it was just added at the last minute to spark interest. You can have a webtask communicate with Firebase, not the other way around. You don't "run Firebase" on your server either.
TL;DR: A client application may call a webtask with an HTTP request, and that task can read/write the database, but not in any other order.
Here's a quick and dirty reality check as of Nov. 2016:
The Realtime Database by itself does not provide you with a way of executing code. This includes responding to database changes and user requests, handling fan-in and fan-out operations, etc. There is no support for webhooks either.
Which means you have to provide your own execution environment for such logic on a custom server, or you can try to cram as much as possible into the client code. This is a pretty exhaustive topic by itself.
Webtasks are short-lived functions that respond to HTTP requests. Their lifecycle always starts with a request, so they are not fit for continuously watching the database for changes. But they are perfectly valid for handling requests coming in from your client application.
As you can store "secrets" for the webtasks, you can authenticate the task on an admin access level. This gives you the possibility to verify client tokens – which should be sent along with the request –; perform complex authorization and validation, and perform RTDB write operations you wouldn't trust the clients with.
Or trigger external services securely. The possibilities are close to endless.

Connecting Firebase Simple Login and External Server

How would you use Firebase's simple login to allow users to upload music files.
As I understand it, it doesn't make sense to even think about storing audio files in Firebase's database which is why I would like to be able to store them on an external PHP server.
So, the question revolves on whether I can use Firebase's simple login system to allow users to authenticate to an external server.
I have seen Using NodeJs with Firebase - Security ... which gives some great insight, but then how would you enable the large file upload to the external server?
The technique from the answer you linked will work for your situation too, you just need to translate it into PHP and the Firebase REST APIs. Additionally, since the REST API isn't real-time you must add some kind of task queue that it can poll.
Your program would flow something like this:
User logs in to Firebase with Simple Login
User write to only a place that they can (based on security rules). The user also writes an entry into a task queue.
Your PHP server connects with a token that allows reads of all of the user's secret places.
Your PHP server polls the firebase every once in awhile to look for new tasks. If there's a new task, it validates the user and allows that user to post data to it.
All that being said, this is going to be pretty complicated. PHP's execution model does not lend itself well to real-time systems, and
I strongly recommend you consider some other options:
You're using a cloud platform, Firebase, for your realtime stuff, so consider a cloud service for your binaries too, like
If you really want to host the files yourself, use something that's more real-time like node.js. It'll save you the effort of constructing that task queue.
