Subset data frame based on first letters of column name - r

I have a large dataframe with multiple columns representing different variables that were measured for different individuals. The name of the columns always start with a number (e.g. 1:18). I would like to subset the df and create separete dfs for each individual. Here it is an example:
x <-,ncol=18))
colnames(x) <- paste(1:18, 'col', sep="")
The column names of my real df is a composition of the Individual ID, the variable name, and the number of the measure (I took 3 measures of each variable). So for instance I have the measure b (body) for individual 1, then in the df I would have 3 columns named: 1b1, 1b2, 1b3. In the end I have 10 different regions (body, head, tail, tail base, dorsum, flank, venter, throat, forearm, leg). So for each individual I have 30 columns (10 regions x 3 measures per region). So I have multiple variables starting with the different numbers and I would like to subset then based on their unique numbers. I tried using grep:
partialName <- 1
df2<- x[,grep(partialName, colnames(x))]
[1] "1col" "2col" "3col" "4col" "5col" "6col" "7col" "8col" "9col" "10col"
"11col" "12col" "13col" "14col" "15col" "16col" "17col" "18col"
My problem here as you can see it doesn't separate the individuals because 1 and 10 are in the subset. In other words this selects everybody that starts with 1.
Ultimately what I would like to do is to loop over all my individuals (1:18), creating new dfs for each individual.

I think keeping the data in one data.frame is the best option here. Either that, or put it into a list of data.frame's. This makes it easy to extract summary statistics per individual much easier.
First create some example data:
df = * 100), 100, 50), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names_variables = c('spam', 'ham', 'shrub')
individuals = 1:100
column_names = paste(sample(individuals, 50),
sample(names_variables, 50, TRUE),
sep = '')
colnames(df) = column_names
What I would do first is use melt to cast the data from wide format to long format. This essentially stacks all the columns in one big vector, and adds an extra column telling which column it came from:
df_melt = melt(df)
variable value
1 85ham 0.83619111
2 85ham 0.08503596
3 85ham 0.54599402
4 85ham 0.42579376
5 85ham 0.68702319
6 85ham 0.88642715
Then we need to separate the ID number from the variable. The assumption here is that the numeric part of the variable is the individual ID, and the text is the variable name:
df_melt = mutate(df_melt, individual_ID = gsub('[A-Za-z]', '', variable),
var_name = gsub('[0-9]', '', variable))
essentially removing the part of the string not needed. Now we can do nice things like:
mean_per_indivdual_per_var = summarise(group_by(df_melt, individual_ID, var_name),
individual_ID var_name mean(value)
1 63 spam 0.4840511
2 46 ham 0.4979884
3 20 shrub 0.5094550
4 90 ham 0.5550148
5 30 shrub 0.4233039
6 21 ham 0.4764298

It seems that your colnames are the standard ones of a data.frame, so to get just the column 1 you can do this:
df2 <- df[,1] #Where 1 can be changed to the number of column you wish.
There is no need to subset by a partial name.
Although it is not recommended you could create a loop to do so:
for (i in ncol(x)){
assing(paste("df",i), x[,i]) #I use paste to get a different name for each column
Although the #paulhiemstra solution avoids the loop.
So with the new information then you can do as you wanted with grep, but specifically telling how many matches you expect:
df2<- x[,grep("1{30}", colnames(x))]


Take unique rows in R, but keep most common value of a column, and use hierarchy to break ties in frequency

I have a data frame that looks like this:
df <- data.frame(Set = c("A","A","A","B","B","B","B"), Values=c(1,1,2,1,1,2,2))
I want to collapse the data frame so I have one row for A and one for B. I want the Values column for those two rows to reflect the most common Values from the whole dataset.
I could do this as described here (How to find the statistical mode?), but notably when there's a tie (two values that each occur once, therefore no "true" mode) it simply takes the first value.
I'd prefer to use my own hierarchy to determine which value is selected in the case of a tie.
Create a data frame that defines the hierarchy, and assigns each possibility a numeric score.
hi <- data.frame(Poss = unique(df$Set), Nums =c(105,104))
In this case, A gets a numerical value of 105, B gets a numerical score of 104 (so A would be preferred over B in the case of a tie).
Join the hierarchy to the original data frame.
matched <- left_join(df, hi, by = c("Set"="Poss"))
Then, add a frequency column to your original data frame that lists the number of times each unique Set-Value combination occurs.
setDT(matched)[, freq := .N, by = c("Set", "Value")]
Now that those frequencies have been recorded, we only need row of each Set-Value combo, so get rid of the rest.
multiplied <- distinct(matched, Set, Value, .keep_all = TRUE)
Now, multiply frequency by the numeric scores.
multiplied$mult <- multiplied$Nums * multiplied$freq
Lastly, sort by Set first (ascending), then mult (descending), and use distinct() to take the highest numerical score for each Value within each Set.
check <- multiplied[with(multiplied, order(Set, -mult)), ]
final <- distinct(check, Set, .keep_all = TRUE)
This works because multiple instances of B (numerical score = 104) will be added together (3 instances would give B a total score in the mult column of 312) but whenever A and B occur at the same frequency, A will win out (105 > 104, 210 > 208, etc.).
If using different numeric scores than the ones provided here, make sure they are spaced out enough for the dataset at hand. For example, using 2 for A and 1 for B doesn't work because it requires 3 instances of B to trump A, instead of only 2. Likewise, if you anticipate large differences in the frequencies of A and B, use 1005 and 1004, since A will eventually catch up to B with the scores I used above (200 * 104 is less than 199 * 205).

Create column of ascending values based on unique values in another column in R with new data added in batches

I have asked a similar question in Python (How to create column of ascending values based on unique values in another column in pandas), and got the script working, but for various reasons I need to achieve the same thing in R now. I am also adding complexity here of wanting to be able to add new batches of data to the dataset periodically.
I have a list of samples which have unique sample ID numbers ("Sample_ID"). Each row of the dataset is a sample. Some samples are duplicated multiple times. I want to create a new set of sample names ("Sample_code") that ascends up from 1 as you go down the rows using a prefix (e.g. "SAMP00001", "SAMP00002" etc). I want the order of rows to be preserved (as they are roughly in date order of sample collection). And for duplicated samples, I want the number given for Sample_code to correspond to the first row that sample ID appears in, not rows further down the table (which came later in sample collection).
My starting data is illustrated with df1:
# df1
Sample_ID <- c('123123','123456','123123','123789')
Date <- c('15/06/2019', '23/06/2019', '30/06/2019', '07/07/2019')
Variable <- c("blue","red","red","blue")
Batch <- 1
df1 <- data.frame(Sample_ID, Date, Variable, Batch)
I want to create the Sample_code column shown in df1b:
# df1b
Sample_ID <- c('123123','123456','123123','123789')
Date <- c('15/06/2019', '23/06/2019', '30/06/2019', '07/07/2019')
Variable <- c("blue","red","red","blue")
Batch <- 1
Sample_code <- c('SAMP0001', 'SAMP0002', 'SAMP0001', 'SAMP0003')
df1b <- data.frame(Sample_ID, Date, Variable, Batch, Sample_code)
I would save df1b at this point and those Sample_code names used for downstream processing. The added complexity comes because I will then collect a new batch of samples - let's call it df2 (Batch 2 samples):
# df2
Sample_ID <- c('456789', '123654', '123123', '123789', '121212')
Date <- c('15/07/2019', '31/07/2019', '12/08/2019', '27/08/2019', '31/08/2019')
Variable <- c("blue", "red","blue", "red", "red")
Batch <- 2
df2 <- data.frame(Sample_ID, Date, Variable, Batch)
I want to rbind df2 to the bottom of df1, and generate more Sample_code names for the new rows. Importantly, the new Sample_code names need to take account of any Sample_ID duplicates that were present in df1, but also not change any of the Sample_code names that were already assigned back when I only had df1. The result at this point would be df2b, below:
# df2b
Sample_ID <- c('123123','123456','123123','123789','456789', '123654', '123123', '123789', '121212')
Date <- c('15/06/2019', '23/06/2019', '30/06/2019', '07/07/2019', '15/07/2019', '31/07/2019', '12/08/2019', '27/08/2019', '31/08/2019')
Variable <- c("blue","red","red","blue","blue", "red","blue", "red", "red")
Batch <- c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2)
Sample_code <- c('SAMP0001', 'SAMP0002', 'SAMP0001', 'SAMP0003', 'SAMP0004', 'SAMP0005', 'SAMP0001', 'SAMP0003', 'SAMP0006')
df2b <- data.frame(Sample_ID, Date, Variable, Batch, Sample_code)
And then I would add Batch 3 samples in the same way etc etc.
I appreciate there are at least 2 stages to this problem: 1) Producing an ascending list of Sample_code names using unique Sample_ID values; and 2) Building in an iterative way of adding batches of samples. But because the second point impacts on the functionality I want for the Sample_code names I have included both stages here.
Lastly - ideally I want to only use base R and tidyverse packages for this.
Any help much appreciated! Thanks.
Because you need to know all possible sample IDs before sample code assignment, consider reversing the order by calling rbind on all sample data frames. Then assign the Sample_code using factor levels. Otherwise, re-assign Sample_code with each batch data frame.
# df_list <- lapply(batch_iterable, method_to_build_sample)
df_list <- list(df1, df1b, df2) # FOR THIS PARTICULAR POST
df2b <-, df_list)
df2b <- within(df2b, {
Sample_ID <- as.character(Sample_ID)
Sample_code <- as.character(as.integer(factor(Sample_ID, levels = unique(Sample_ID))))
Sample_code <- ifelse(nchar(Sample_code) == 1, paste0('SAMP000', Sample_code),
ifelse(nchar(Sample_code) == 2, paste0('SAMP00', Sample_code),
ifelse(nchar(Sample_code) == 3, paste0('SAMP0', Sample_code), NA)
# Sample_ID Date Variable Batch Sample_code
# 1 123123 15/06/2019 blue 1 SAMP0001
# 2 123456 23/06/2019 red 1 SAMP0002
# 3 123123 30/06/2019 red 1 SAMP0001
# 4 123789 07/07/2019 blue 1 SAMP0003
# 5 456789 15/07/2019 blue 2 SAMP0004
# 6 123654 31/07/2019 red 2 SAMP0005
# 7 123123 12/08/2019 blue 2 SAMP0001
# 8 123789 27/08/2019 red 2 SAMP0003
# 9 121212 31/08/2019 red 2 SAMP0006

R function that creates indicator variable values unique between several columns

I'm using the Drug Abuse Warning Network data to analyze common drug combinations in ER visits. Each additional drug is coded by a number in variables DRUGID_1....16. So Pt1 might have DRUGID_1 = 44 (cocaine) and DRUGID_3 = 20 (heroin), while Pt2 might have DRUGID_1=20 (heroin), DRUGID_3=44 (cocaine).
I want my function to loop through DRUGID_1...16 and for each of the 2 million patients create a new binary variable column for each unique drug mention, and set the value to 1 for that pt. So a value of 1 for binary variable Heroin indicates that somewhere in the pts DRUGID_1....16 heroin is mentioned.
respDRUGID <- character(0)
DRUGID.df <- data.frame(allDAWN$DRUGID_1, allDAWN$DRUGID_2, allDAWN$DRUGID_3)
Count <- 0
DrugPicker <- function(DRUGID.df){
for(i in seq_along(DRUGID.df$allDAWN.DRUGID_1)){
if (!'NA' %in% DRUGID.df[,allDAWN.DRUGID_1]){
if (!is.element(DRUGID.df$allDAWN.DRUGID_1,respDRUGID)){
Count <- Count + 1
respDRUGID[Count] <- as.character(DRUGID.df$allDAWN.DRUGID_1[Count])
assign(paste('r', as.character(respDRUGID[Count,]), sep='.'), 1)}
else {
assign(paste("r", as.character(respDRUGID[Count,]), sep='.'), 1)}
Here I have tried to first make a list to contain each new DRUGIDx value (respDRUGID) as well as a counter (Count) for the total number unique DRUGID values and a new dataframe (DRUGID.df) with just the relevant columns.
The function is supposed to move down the observations and if not NA, then if DRUGID_1 is not in list respDRUGID then create a new column variable 'r.DRUGID' and set value to 1. Also increase the unique count by 1. Otherwise the value of DRUGID_1 is already in list respDRUGID then set r.DRUGID = 1
I think I've seen suggestions for get() and apply() functions, but I'm not following how to use them. The resulting dataframe has to be in the same obs x variable format so merging will align with the survey design person weight variable.
Taking a guess at your data and required result format. Using package tidyverse
drug_df <- read.csv(text='
gather(drug_df, value = "DRUGID", ... = -patient, na.rm = TRUE) %>%
arrange(patient, DRUGID) %>%
group_by(patient) %>%
summarize(DRUGIDs = paste(DRUGID, collapse=","))
# patient DRUGIDs
# <fctr> <chr>
# 1 A 1,2,3
# 2 B 2
# 3 C 1,2
# 4 D 1,2,3
I found another post that does exactly what I want using stringr, destring, sapply and grepl. This works well after combining each variable into a string.
Creating dummy variables in R based on multiple chr values within each cell
Many thanks to epi99 whose post helped think about the problem in another way.

Reg to find range and frequency of number IN R programming

I have numbers starting from 1 to 6000 and I want it to be separated in the manner listed below.
1-10 as "Range1"
10-20 as "Range2"
20-30 as ""Range3"
5900-6000 as "Range 600".
I want to calculate the range with equal time interval as 10 and at last I want to calculate the frequency as which range is repeated the most.
How can we solve this in R programming.
You should use the cut function and then table can determine the counts in each category and sort in order of the most prevalent.
x <- 1:6000
x2 <- cut(x, breaks=seq(1,6000,by=10), labels=paste0('Range', 1:599))
sort(table(x2), descending = TRUE)
There is a maths trick to you question. If you want categories of length 10, round(x/10) will create a category in which 0-5 will become 0, 6 to 14 will become 1, 15 to 24 will become 2 etc. If you want to create cat 1-10, 11-20, etc., you can use round((x+4.1)/10).
(i don't know why in R round(0.5)=0 but round(1.5)=2, that's why i have to use 4.1)
Not the most elegant code but maybe the easiest to understand, here is an example:
# Create randomly 50 numbers between 1 and 60
x = sample(1:60, 50)
# Regroup in a data.frame and had a column count containing the value one for each row
df <- data.frame(x, count=1)
# create a new column with the category
df$cat <- round((df$x+4.1)/10)
# If you want it as text:
df$cat2 <- paste("Range",round((df$x+4.1)/10), sep="")
# Calculate the number of values in each category
freq <- aggregate(count~cat2, data=df, FUN=sum)
# Get the maximum number of values in the most frequent category(ies)
# Get the category(ies) name(s)
freq[freq$count == max(freq$count), "cat2"]

R: summing values of matched names and adding on new names' values

I am trying to a simple task, and created a simple example. I would like to add the counts of a taxon recorded in a vector ('introduced',below) to the counts already measured in another vector ('existing'), according to the taxon name. However, when there is a new taxon (present in introduced by not in existing), I would like this taxon and its count to be added as a new entry in the matrix (doesn't matter what order, but name needs to be retained).
For example:
I want new matrix, called "combined" here, to look like this:
#names(combined)= c("Tax1","Tax2","Tax3","Tax4","Tax5")
#combined= c(5,4,5,6,2)
The main thing to see is that "Tax1"'s values are combined (3+2=5), "Tax5" (2) is added on to the end
I have looked around but previous answers similar to this have much more complex data and it is difficult to extract which function I need. I have been trying combinations of match and which, but just cannot get it right.
grp <- c(existing,introduced)
#Tax1 Tax2 Tax3 Tax4 Tax5
# 5 4 5 6 2
Instead of keeping your data in 'loose' vectors, you may consider collecting them in one data frame. First, put you two sets of vector data in data frames:
existing <- c(3, 4, 5, 6)
taxon <- c("Tax1", "Tax2", "Tax3", "Tax4")
df1 <- data.frame(existing, taxon)
introduced <- c(2, 2)
taxon <- c("Tax1", "Tax5")
df2 <- data.frame(introduced, taxon)
Then merge the two data frames by the common column, 'taxon'. Set all = TRUE to include all rows from both data frames:
df3 <- merge(df1, df2, all = TRUE)
Finally, sum 'existing' and 'introduced' taxon, and add the result to the data frame:
df3$combined <- rowSums(df3[ , c("existing", "introduced")], na.rm = TRUE)
# taxon existing introduced combined
# 1 Tax1 3 2 5
# 2 Tax2 4 NA 4
# 3 Tax3 5 NA 5
# 4 Tax4 6 NA 6
# 5 Tax5 NA 2 2
