save the checked items in checkbox to session -

Need help. I want to save the items that are check in my checkbox to a Session.
What I'm doing is get the value of the items that are checked and store it in an array. Then I will assign that value as Session Name and assign a value of 1 to the session.
This is the code that I'm using but it only gets the first item that is checked.
dim checkboxList
checkboxList = request.Form("schedule")
checkboxList = split(checkboxList, ",")
for each i in checkboxList
Session(i) = 1
for example If I check A and B on my Checkbox I should get
Session("A")=1 and Session("B")=1
but the only thing i'm getting is Session("A")=1
I tried checking if I'm getting the right item on the my Array by Using this code and the data is correct.
dim checkboxList
checkboxList = request.Form("schedule")
checkboxList = split(checkboxList, ",")
for each i in checkboxList
Here is my Html Code.
<form class="well" method="post" action="applicationSave.asp">
<div class="controls">
<input type="checkbox" id="onShifts" name="schedule" value="onShifts" <% if Session("onShifts") = 1 then response.Write("checked") end if %> /> On Shifts?<br>
<input type="checkbox" id="nightShifts" name="schedule" value="nightShifts" <% if Session("nightShifts") = 1 then response.Write("checked") end if %> /> Night Shifts?<br>
<input type="checkbox" id="partTime" name="schedule" value="partTime" <% if Session("partTime") = 1 then response.Write("checked") end if %> /> Part Time?<br>
<input type="checkbox" id="fullTime" name="schedule" value="fullTime" <% if Session("fullTime") = 1 then response.Write("checked") end if %> /> Full Time<br>
<input type="checkbox" id="holidays" name="schedule" value="holidays" <% if Session("holidays") = 1 then response.Write("checked") end if %> /> Holidays/Sundays?<br>
<input type="checkbox" id="projectBasis" name="schedule" value="projectBasis" <% if Session("projectBasis") = 1 then response.Write("checked") end if %> /> Project Basis

This is because values delimited with ", " (comma-space), instead "," only.
So, before working with array make "trimming" items:
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(checkboxList)
checkboxList(i) = Trim(checlboxList(i))
Another way - write Session(Trim(i)) = 1 in for statement.
BTW: Commonly, your code is unsafe. E.g, you have some session bool variable Session("IsAuthorized"). Visitor can send request to your .asp file with value schedule=IsAuthorized...


How to pass variable from hidden input box to another page

I am trying to get a value from a hidden input text box to another page, but it doesn't work. How to pass variable from hidden input box to another page?
<input type="hidden" name="FormID" value="<% objRS("Form_id")%>
<input type="hidden" name="FormID" value="<%= nFormID %>">
<input type="button" value="Open Page2" onclick=openwin();"/>
iFormID = Request.Form("FormID")
sSQL = "select * from Form where Form_id = " & iFormID
When I click on the Button Open Page2, it doesn't get the value of FormID.
How do I fix it to get the FormID from Page1.asp?
Updated: when I tried to add a button with this JS, it won't get the variable from Page1.asp
I added this on page1.asp:
function openwin()
<input type="hidden" name="FormID" value="<%= nFormID %>">
<input type="button" value="Open Page2" onclick=openwin();"/>
Since it seems like you're trying to open up a pop up window, I've added a second answer, as you are not actually POSTing any data. if you want to use a pop up, the easiest way is to put the data in the query string, like so:
function openwin()
{"Page2.asp?formID=" + document.frmReport.FormID.value, "mywindow","width=500,height=400"):}
now, i notice you're using a loop to generate the formIDs and using the same NAME for each field. so you'll need to loop through the set of fields, grab each ones value, and send it along as one string in the query string:
function openwin() {
var ids = '';
for( var index = 0; index < document.frmReport.FormID.length; index++ ) {
if( ids == '' )
ids += document.frmReport.FormID[ index ].value;
ids += ',' + document.frmReport.FormID[ index ].value;
}"Page2.asp?FormIDs=" + ids,"mywindow","width=500,height=400");
and on Page2.asp, you would do:
iFormIDs = Request.QueryString("FormIDs")
sSQL = "select * from Form where Form_id in ( " & iFormIDs & " ) "
You'll notice that I changed the sql to use the IN clause, that way you can get ALL records for a given set of formIDs, even if it's just one. This obviously doesn't take into account any security precautions to prevent sql injection, but this should get you started.
first, make sure your elements are in a form block with a METHOD of POST
second, your element
<input type="hidden" name="FormID" value="<% objRS("Form_id")%>
needs to be
<input type="hidden" name="FormID" value="<%= objRS("Form_id")%>" />
<%= is shorthand for Response.Write
so page1 would look like:
<form name="myForm" method="post" action="page2.asp">
<input type="hidden" name="FormID" value="<%= objRS("Form_id")%>" />
<input type="hidden" name="FormID" value="<%= nFormID %>">
<input type="submit" value="Open Page2" />

Stuck with classic ASP form submission

I am new to classic asp. I have developed a simple asp form where I am doing a form submission to access database. I got a code to do a form validation on fields but the code works only when I you same asp code. When I change the form method to different asp file, validation doesn't work.
Dim send, txtengineer, txtcaseid, txtassetno, txtusername, txtgroup, txtLOB, txtmodel, txtsim, countError
send = Request.Form("submit")
txtengineer = Request.Form("engineer")
txtcaseid = Request.Form("caseid")
txtasset = Request.Form("asset")
txtusername = Request.Form("username")
txtgroup = Request.Form("group")
txtLOB = Request.Form("lob")
txtmodel = Request.Form("model")
txtsim = Request.Form("sim")
countError = 0
<form method="post" action="form.asp">
if send <> "" AND txtcaseid = "" then
Response.Write "<span class=""message""> << Enter Case no.</span>"
countError = countError + 1
end If
This is the code where I want to submit the collected field value. Which is working fine. I have forced to keep wherein I am want to do
I want to validate first then submit the form afterwards. I know I am doing something stupid.
Need some guidance to fix the code blocks.
The problem with having the form submit to a different page is, what do you do if there are errors? Tell the user to hit their "back" button? For that reason alone, I'd recommend putting the DB code in the same page as the form. If you can't do that, you need to move your server-side validation to the DB page. The client-side validation would still be on the form page. (Note that if you're only going to do one type of validation, it must be server-side.)
If you do everything in one page, the basic structure would look like this:
Const errstr = "<span class='err'>*</span>"
Dim txtengineer, txtcaseid '[etc.]
Dim counterror(8) '- 8 = number of fields
counterror(0) = 0
If Request.Form <> "" Then
txtengineer = Request.Form("engineer")
'etc. with other fields
If counterror(0) = 0 Then
Response.Redirect "Success.asp"
End If
End If
Sub Validate()
If txtengineer = "" Then
counterror(1) = 1
counterror(0) = counterror(0) + 1
'do whatever other cleanup/validation you need
End If
'etc. for other fields
End Sub
Sub SavetoDB()
'code to write stuff to database goes here
End Sub
function validate(){
//client-side validation goes here
If counterror(0) > 0 Then
Response.Write "<p>Please fill out the required fields (*) below.</p>"
End If
<form method="post" action="form.asp">
<p>Engineer: <input type="text" name="engineer" value="<%=txtengineer%>" size="30" maxlength="50">
<%If counterror(1) = 1 Then Response.Write errstr%>
[etc. with other fields]
<p><input type="submit" name="Btn" value="Submit" onclick="validate();"></p>

Checkbox boolean value Classic ASP

I have a checkbox
<input type="checkbox" name="chkNGI" id="prod_ngi_sn" value="1">
When it is checked I pass the value 1, but when it is not checked any value is passed.
I have to pass the value 0.
I've tried
<input type="checkbox" name="chkNGI" id="prod_ngi_sn" <%if prod_ngi_sn.checked then value="1" else value="0" end if%>>
But didn't work.
Checkboxes only pass values when ticked. You need logic on the server side to accommodate that.
Dim chkNGI
chkNGI = Request("chkNGI") & ""
If chkNGI = "" Then
chkNGI = "0"
End If
function calcParam() {
var checked = document.getElementById("prod_ngi_sn").checked;
if (checked)
document.getElementById("hiddenNGI").value = "1";
document.getElementById("hiddenNGI").value = "0"; }
<input type="hidden" name="chkNGI" id="hiddenNGI">
<input type="checkbox" name="checkNGI" id="prod_ngi_sn" onClick="calcParam()">
You can try this single line solution
Information: RS=Recordset Object
<input type="checkbox" <%If RS("ColumnName")=True Then Response.Write(" checked='checked' ")%> name="tableColumn" value="1" >
I know this question is old, but I recently had to refactor some legacy code for a company in Classic ASP, and ran into this problem. The existing code used a hidden form field with the same name as the checkbox and looked for either "false" or "false, true" in the results. It felt kludgy, but the code also performed actions based on dynamically named checkbox fields with prefixes, so inferring "false" from a missing field would introduce different complications.
If you want a checkbox to return either "0" or "1", this technique should do the trick. It uses an unnamed checkbox to manipulate a named hidden field.
<% If isempty(Request("example")) Then %>
<input type="hidden" name="example" value="0">
<input type="checkbox" onclick="example.value=example.value=='1'?'0':'1'">
<input type="submit" value="Go">
<% Else %>
<% End If %>
Create a hidden input with the name "chkNGI".
Rename your current checkbox to something different.
Add handled for onClick on the checkbox and using a small javascript function, depending on the state of the checkbox, write 0 or 1 in the hidden input.
As an example,
function calcParam() {
var checked = document.getElementById("prod_ngi_sn").checked;
if (checked)
document.getElementById("hiddenNGI").value = "1";
document.getElementById("hiddenNGI").value = "0";
<input type="hidden" name="chkNGI" id="hiddenNGI">
<input type="checkbox" name="checkNGI" id="prod_ngi_sn" onClick="calcParam()">
Your solution in post to saving page;
' connection string bla bla
' RS = Recordset Object
If Request.Form("tableColumn")=1 Then
RS("ColumnName") = 1
RS("ColumnName") = 0
End If
' other columns saving process bla bla bla

do until loop - only gets one of the values?

I have a list with 17 rows with form values, where you can select multiple items with a checkbox and write in a text field on every row next to the checkbox, and I'm trying to insert the two values into the db but I only get what I have selected in the checkbox, not what I have written in the text field?
My formpage looks like this:
sql = "SELECT * FROM menu;"
set rs = conn.Execute(sql)
i = 0
do until rs.eof %>
<input type="text" name="newheadline" value="">
<input type="checkbox" name="menu_id<%=i%>" value="<% = rs("menu_id") %>">
<% i = i + 1
loop %>
And on page2 I try to loop trough it and here I only get the value of the checkbox, not the value of the newheadline?
i = 0
do until i = 17
response.write (request.form("menu_id"&i))
response.write (request.form("newheadline"&i))
i = i + 1
What am I missing? Thanks!
You write out your textbox like:
<input type="text" name="newheadline" value="">
But you try to read it like:
response.write (request.form("newheadline"&i))
You'll need to append the value of i onto each name attribute, exactly like you do with your checkbox:
<input type="text" name="newheadline<%=i%>" value="">

ASP.NET MVC: set value in other field on my view, how to?

I have a view where the user can change some settings, its basically a "edit" page. When the user checks a particular value in a radio group i set a hidden field (its a invisible input type=text field), but when i load the page i want that hidden field set from my code. How to do this? JQuery? or can i "findControl" somehow?
This is the "hidden" field:
<div style="display: none">
<input type="text" name="HiddenImageId" id="HiddenImageId" value="" />
The above hidden field is set from a jquery that executes when a radio-button is clicked. But when I load in "edit" mode I want myself to set the "hidden" field.
Further down my view i load all the radio-buttons:
<% if (file.Id == imageFile.Id)
{ %>
<input type="radio" checked="checked" name="filename" class="filename" id="<%= file.Id.ToString()%>" />
<% }
{ %>
<input type="radio" name="filename" class="filename" id="<%= file.Id.ToString()%>" />
<%} %>
When I set the checked attribute I want to set the value of my hidden fiddle to the files ID.
You would probably benefit a lot from making better use of the [Html Helpers] in ASP.NET MVC.
You could, for example, output your "hidden" text input like this:
<%= Html.TextBox("HiddenImageId", imageFile.Id) %>
If imageFile can be null, you might want to add a check for that - use shorthand if to make it look nice:
<%= Html.TextBox("HiddenImageId", imageFile != null ? imageFile.Id : "") %>
You could also probably improve your code for the radiobuttons significantly by using Html.RadioButton...
just like you are doing
id="<%= file.Id.ToString()%>"
you can do
<input type="text" name="HiddenImageId" id="HiddenImageId" value="<%= file.Id.ToString()%>" />
or whatever the code is to get your value
I'd suggest using the HtmlHelper extensions in both cases.
<div style="display: none">
<%= Html.TextBox( "HiddenImageId",
file.Id == imageFile.Id ? file.Id.ToString() : "" ) %>
<%= Html.RadioButton( "filename",
file.Id == imageFile.Id,
new { #class = "filename", id = file.Id.ToString() } ) %>
or if you wanted to use a hidden input instead, skip the invisible DIV, and use
<%= Html.Hidden( "HiddenImageId",
file.Id == imageFile.Id ? file.Id.ToString() : "" ) %>
