ASP.NET ListView Paging : Invalid viewstate -

I have a ListView control as follows (for posting here I've removed the values from my ItemTemplate):
<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="MyDataSource">
<div id="requests" runat="server">
<asp:Panel runat="server" id="itemPlaceholder"></asp:Panel>
<asp:DataPager runat="server" ID="DataPager" PageSize="3">
<asp:NumericPagerField ButtonCount="10" PreviousPageText="<--" NextPageText="-->" />
<div ID="itemPlaceholder" class="request" runat="server">
<asp:LinkButton ID="button" runat="server" Text='...' CommandName="..."
CommandArgument='...' OnClick="..."
</asp:LinkButton> -
This ListView exists as a user control (.ascx), which I've embedded into an ASPX web page.
As I expect, when the web page loads, for a list of 9 items, I get 3 pages of 3 items.
When I click to go to the next page, the page loads the next set of items correctly... but only for a brief second. Then a strange thing happens. The page embeds a copy of itself inside the page 6 times, each one of them underneath one of the fields on the form inside the page.
If I then attempt to go to the next or previous page, an ASP.NET server error appears:
The state information is invalid for this page and might be corrupted.
In the stack trace, it shows the following errors:
FormatException: The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base character, more than two padding characters, or a non-white space character among the padding characters.
ViewStateException: Invalid viewstate.
I was able to replicate this on both my browsers, IE8 and Chrome.

you use listview event OnPagePropertiesChanging
like this
<asp:ListView ID="lvCustomers" runat="server" GroupPlaceholderID="groupPlaceHolder1"
ItemPlaceholderID="itemPlaceHolder1" OnPagePropertiesChanging="OnPagePropertiesChanging">
in aspx.cs
protected void OnPagePropertiesChanging(object sender,PagePropertiesChangingEventArgs e)
(lvCustomers.FindControl("DataPager1") as DataPager).SetPageProperties(e.StartRowIndex, e.MaximumRows, false);
BindListView() is method for binding list view
visit this link for example
i hope it's helpfull


2nd DataPager not visible after 2nd DataBind()

I have a ListView object in a ASP.Net page with two dataPagers for the same ListView object. One at the top of the page, the other at the bottom. Both have the same properties and both display on the initial loading of the page just fine.
When the user is allowed to search the list for items, the dataPagers usually are intentionally hidden as they don't apply to the short resulting list. However, when I "reset" the filter criteria to show all of the records again, only the dataPager at the bottom of the page is shown. The dataPager at the top of the page remains hidden even though it's properties are set back to visible. It sounds so much like a logic error, but after stepping through the code several times and trying to find an error to no avail, I'm wondering what I might be misunderstanding or not seeing.
Any help would be appreciated.
<asp:DataPager ID="DataPagerHeader" runat="server" PagedControlID="courseListView" PageSize="20" >
<asp:NumericPagerField ButtonType="Button" />
<asp:ListView ID="courseListView" runat="server" datasourceid="CoursesDataSource" OnSorting="courseListView_Sorting" OnDataBound="courseListView_DataBound" OnItemDataBound="courseListView_ItemDataBound">
<asp:DataPager ID="DataPagerFooter" runat="server" PagedControlID="courseListView" PageSize="20">
<asp:NumericPagerField ButtonType="Button" />
Code for Hiding/Showing datapager objects:
protected void courseListView_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataPagerFooter.Visible = (DataPagerFooter.PageSize < DataPagerFooter.TotalRowCount);
DataPagerHeader.Visible = (DataPagerHeader.PageSize < DataPagerHeader.TotalRowCount);
When looking at the source code using Firebug, you see the following where the dataPager should be. Note the lack of tags between the tags.
<span id="ctl00_mainPlaceHolder_DataPagerHeader"></span>

ViewState size error when using <asp:Image> control

I have an application where I am using an image control to create an image gallery on a product UserControl. When I visit any product to see it's detail, it is working fine; But, there is some problem with one product. If I visit that specific product, it throws an exception in my error log. The exception is :
ViewState Size 5044!
The control code for the gallery is:
<div class="mainImage">
<asp:Image ID="ImageControl" runat="server" BorderWidth="0" CssClass="productImage" />
<asp:Image ID="NoIcon" runat="server" SkinID="NoIcon" Visible="false" EnableViewState="false" CssClass="productImage"/>
<asp:Image ID="NoThumbnail" runat="server" SkinID="NoThumbnail" Visible="false" EnableViewState="false" CssClass="productImage"/>
<asp:Image ID="NoImage" runat="server" SkinID="NoImage" Visible="false" EnableViewState="false" CssClass="productImage"/>
I am keep on searching but could not figure out the problem. Any one's help will be appreciated.

AjaxToolkit: the last TabContainer on the page is focused on page load

I'm using more than one TabContainer on a page in an ASP.NET project and I noticed a really strange behavior: when the page is loaded the focus jumps to the last TabContainer on the page, causing it to scroll down. I don't explicitly focus on any control so I don't understand where this is coming from. I also switched places between the controls and it is always the last one that is focused.
The TabContainers don't have any fancy settings, this is basically what they look like:
<cc1:TabContainer ID="tabContainer" runat="server">
<cc1:TabPanel runat="server" HeaderText="Header1" ID="tabPanel1" TabIndex="0">
<asp:Label ID="lblTab1" runat="server" Text="Tab1"></asp:Label>
... (anything goes here, it still doesn't work)
<cc1:TabPanel runat="server" HeaderText="Header2" ID="tabPanel2" TabIndex="1">
<asp:Label ID="lblTab2" EnableViewState="False" runat="server" Text="Tab2"></asp:Label>
... (anything goes here, it still doesn't work)
I know I can set focus on a control, I tried it but the page first scrolls to the tab container and then returns to the focused control (it doesn't look good). I tried this to set the focus to another control:
<body id="main" onload="javascript:document.getElementById('lnkLogout').focus();">
Is this the standard behavior for the TabContainer? How can I get rid of it?
Place script below right after ScriptManager control:
<script type="text/javascript">
Sys.Extended.UI.TabContainer.prototype._app_onload = function (sender, e) {
if (this._cachedActiveTabIndex != -1) {
this._cachedActiveTabIndex = -1;
var activeTab = this.get_tabs()[this._activeTabIndex];
if (activeTab) {
activeTab._wasLoaded = true;
//activeTab._setFocus(activeTab); -- disable focus on active tab in the last TabContainer
this._loaded = true;
Try this out. It helped me:
window.Sys.Application.findComponent('<%=tabContainer.ClientID %>');
tabContainer.set_activeTabIndex(1); ( //Here set the id of the last tab that is the index of the last tab. Index will start with 0 upto last - 1 as in array.. )
This is an old thread, but it never got resolved – here or in any of the other threads I found – and I had the same problem.
I fixed it by putting my javascript in the body element: onload="scrollTo(0,0);"
You can set focus server-side to avoid the page jumping around.
Try this in Page_Load:
Also check you whether you are setting Page.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback.
Let me know if that helps.
UPDATE - you can simply call .Focus() on whatever control you want to be in focus by default.
eg: YourControlToFocus.Focus()
I had a similar problem, but I found a more simple solution.
In the case you use a:
<asp:toolkitscriptmanager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
and more panel in the tab container ( 3 for example):
<asp:tabcontainer runat="server" ID="tc1" ActiveTabIndex="0" >
<asp:TabPanel runat="server" ID="TB1" Height="250" >
<asp:TabPanel runat="server" ID="TB1" Height="250" >
<asp:TabPanel runat="server" ID="TB1" Height="250" >
For example, you can use the property:
tc1.ActiveTabIndex = 2 'code behind
Where the integer is the ID of the tab you want to Focus.
It works for me! I Hope I can Help someone!

Dynamic Data - Selecting a table from a DropDownList to scaffold in a GridView

I have been struggling with this ASP.NET Dynamic Data problem for days now... I have a DropDownList containing the table names of all the tables in my data context (.dbml) file. When I select the DropDownList, it needs to scaffold the selected table in a GridView. My code works 100% in scaffolding the MetaTable in the GridView (it implements all the rules that I applied in my Meta Classes).
However, filtering only seems to work if I explicitly add the DynamicExpression in the declaration of the QueryExtender:
<asp:QueryExtender ID="GridQueryExtender" TargetControlID="GridDataSource" runat="server">
<asp:DynamicFilterExpression ControlID="FilterRepeater" />
This in turn requires me to specify the MetaTable explicitly in the LinqDataSource (linqdsData), either programmatically in the Page_Load or in the ASP.NET syntax.
Since the GridView gets scaffolded in the Page_Load part of the life-cycle, the above approach does not work for me, since it takes place in the Page_Init part of the life-cycle.
So my requirement is that as soon as I select another table to populate the GridView with from the DropDownList, the FilterRepeater needs to reflect the filters of the newly selected MetaTable.
Is there any way for me to programmatically update the FilterRepeater in the Page_Load so that it will contain the filters of the MetaTable that I selected in the DropDownList.
The following is some of my code:
ASP.NET Page Code-Behind:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ddlTable.SelectedIndex > 0)
string tableName = ddlDataType.SelectedValue;
linqdsData.TableName = tableName;
MetaTable mt = ASP.global_asax.DefaultModel.GetTable(tableName);
GridViewData.SetMetaTable(mt, mt.GetColumnValuesFromRoute(Context));
GridViewData.DataSourceID = linqdsData.ID;
<asp:Panel runat="server" ID="pnlFilters" CssClass="gridFilterCon" EnableTheming="True">
<div class="filterGridHeading">
Filter the grid by:</div>
<asp:QueryableFilterRepeater runat="server" ID="FilterRepeater">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("DisplayName") %>' OnPreRender="Label_PreRender"
CssClass="gridFilterLbl" />
<asp:DynamicFilter runat="server" ID="DynamicFilter" />
<br />
<asp:Button ID="btnFilter" runat="server" Text="OK"
EnableTheming="False" UseSubmitBehavior="False" OnClick="btnFilter_Click" />
<asp:GridView ID="GridViewData" runat="server" OnSelectedIndexChanged="GridViewData_SelectedIndexChanged"
OnPreRender="GridViewData_PreRender" OnRowDataBound="GridViewData_RowDataBound"
OnPageIndexChanged="GridViewData_PageIndexChanged" AllowPaging="True" PageSize="50" OnInit="GridViewData_Init">
<asp:GridViewPager ID="GridViewPager1" runat="server" />
<PagerSettings Mode="NumericFirstLast" NextPageText="Next" />
<asp:LinqDataSource ID="linqdsData" runat="server" ContextTypeName="pdcDataContext"
OnSelected="linqdsData_Selected" OnSelecting="linqdsData_Selecting" EnableUpdate="True">
<asp:QueryExtender ID="GridQueryExtender" TargetControlID="linqdsData" runat="server">
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
It sounds like you are trying to do a lot on one web page. This creates complications of the type you are experiencing: each table requires distinct filters and MetaTables. Trying to keep each item straight requires a bunch of switch and/or if...then statements. I recommend an alternate approach. Instead of doing all of this on one page:
Create a web page for each table
Setup the appropriate filters and MetaTables
Copy the DropDownList containing the table names of all the tables to each web page, and use it to redirect to the appropriate web page. Dynamic Data makes it easy to create web pages for each table. That is what scaffolding is all about. With the approach above, each web page will handle its own set of concerns that are focused on the particular table.
Hope this helps.

How to make UpdatePanel inside ListView work?

I have a page with a listview that shows something like posts. On each post there should be a "rate box" which works similar to the "Like" button in facebook. The rate box is a User Control, that has an update panel inside it.
If I put the control with some random values in the page it works great - but when I put it inside the ListView, where it should be located, it won't work. The method is being called, but nothing happens.
I simplified the code a bit to make it easier to understand:
The "rate box" control:
protected void OnRateClick(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
RateAmountLiteral.Text = Rate.ToString();
RateButton.Visible = false;
FeedbackLiteral.Visible = true;
<div class="rate_div">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="rateButtonPanel" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:Literal ID="RateAmountLiteral" runat="server"></asp:Literal>
<asp:ImageButton ID="RateButton" runat="server" ImageUrl="icn_rate.png"
OnClick="OnRateClick" />
<asp:Literal ID="FeedbackLiteral" runat="server" Visible="false">Thanks for rating!</asp:Literal>
aspx (using the control):
<asp:ListView ID="PostsView" runat="server" ItemPlaceholderID="itemPlaceHolder2"
<div class="posts_div">
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="itemPlaceHolder2" runat="server" />
<div class="post_div">
<div class="post_body">
<%# CurrentPost.Body %>
<UC:RatingBox id="RatingBox" runat="server"
PostID="<%# CurrentPost.ID %>"
Rate="<%# CurrentPost.Rate %>"/>
By: <a href="<%# CurrentPost.Author.LinkToProfile %>">
<%# CurrentPost.Author.DisplayName %>
</a> |
<%# CurrentPost.LiteralTime %>
While debugging I noticed the controls in the method "OnRateClick" are empty and don't contain the right values. Please advice.
Also if you have any comments about the way I did things, don't hold yourself.
There are a lot things that you may not have set up, I cannot tell from just the code snippet you have given. But make sure you do the following: -
1) Place a ScriptManager "" on the page.
If you are using master page in your application and your web page uses the master page, place script manager in master page. Or alternatively,you can also place script manager on specific web pages anyway.
2) Add a Triggers for the button RateButton in your Update panel.
