LOC() for user defined types gives different results depending on the context - pointers

I'm trying to debug some code in which members of a user defined object mysteriously change addresses, and while doing that I realized user defined objects do that as well. Here's a small example of querying object address from function that created it and then from its member function:
module foo_module
type foo_type
procedure :: foo
end type foo_type
subroutine foo(this)
class(foo_type) :: this
print *, 'Inside foo this is', loc(this)
end subroutine foo
end module foo_module
program trial
use foo_module
type(foo_type) :: object
print *, 'Object address', loc(object)
call object%foo()
end program trial
A sample output I get is:
Object address 4452052800
Inside foo this is 140734643354880
Why am I getting two different addresses for the same object? Am I doing something wrong? Or is there something with LOC that comes into play I don't understand?
I'm using ifort under osx.

LOC is an extension. Its behaviour is as specified by the compiler vendor.
What the behaviour intended by the vendor here isn't clear, but the difference that you are seeing is that in the main program you get the integer equivalent of the memory address of the non-polymorphic object (what you probably expect), while in the subroutine you get the integer equivalent of the memory address of the polymorphic descriptor for the object (maybe what you want, maybe not).
Using TRANSFER(C_LOC(xxx), 0_C_INTPTR_T) is a more portable way of getting the integer representation of the address of an object (where the C_* things are from the ISO_C_BINDING intrinsic module). C_LOC requires that its argument have the TARGET attribute and be non-polymorphic (use SELECT TYPE).
I'd recommend asking on the relevant Intel Forum if you want further clarification on the intended behaviour of the LOC extension.

I reported the bug to the developers our internal issue ID is DPD200253159. I found that the C_LOC function from ISO_C_BINDING works. For example:
subroutine foo(this)
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
class(foo_type) :: this
print *, 'Inside foo this is', transfer(c_loc(this),0_C_INTPTR_T)
end subroutine foo


Is using a default method pointer valid Fortran? (IFort compiler bug)

I just want to know for sure if this is valid Fortran or if I've misunderstood some usage. Is the following code valid?
Module MathFxns
implicit none
Type A_T
procedure(DoStuff_F), nopass, pointer :: method => add
End Type A_T
Abstract Interface
Function DoStuff_F(a, b) result(c)
integer, intent(in) :: a, b
integer :: c
End Function DoStuff_F
End Interface
function add(a, b) result(c)
integer, intent(in) :: a, b
integer :: c
c = a + b
end function add
End Module MathFxns
program Main
use MathFxns
implicit none
type(A_T) :: math
print *, math%method(2, 5)
end program Main
I just had to track down a compiler bug, that was being caused by something I think is valid Fortran. I'd submit to the compiler team, but I don't have a way to replicate as it's buried pretty far down in the stack and down multiple libraries before it caused a compiler bug and it doesn't happen in every program that uses it.
Edit: I didn't mention it before because it is complicated to explain, but since there was some curiosity, I'll try.
The production code does work in some executables, but recently I implemented it in another project which caused a compiler bug. I'll try to make a pseudo code example to illustrate, but first is a description. In the production code I have a type that has a default procedure pointer to a function (just like above). An instance of that type is a field of an abstract type. That abstract type is extended by another abstract type, then in a subsequent library that type is extended by another abstract type, which is then extended by a concrete type in another library. Finally an executable makes use of that concrete type. The module that has an instance of the concrete type throws a compiler error.
In the production code, it is an ODE Solver, with functionality wrapped into an entity type that gets extended a few times before being implemented.
It took me 6 hours, but after commenting and uncommenting line after line, the cause of the error was shown to be the default procedure pointer in the type. Whether that is the actual error or not, I can't know, but removing the default pointer (and pointing in the construction subroutine) made the project work again.
!this is in the first static library project
Module Library1
implicit none
Type A_T
!more stuff
procedure(DoStuff_F), nopass, pointer :: method => add
!more procedures
End Type A_T
Type, abstract :: B1_A
type(A_T) :: a
!more stuff and procedures
End Type B1_A
Type, extends(B1_A), abstract :: B2_A
!more stuff and procedures
End Type B2_A
Abstract Interface
Function DoStuff_F(a, b) result(c)
integer, intent(in) :: a, b
integer :: c
End Function DoStuff_F
End Interface
function add(a, b) result(c)
integer, intent(in) :: a, b
integer :: c
c = a + b
end function add
End Module Library1
! this is in the second static library project
Module Library2
use Library1
implicit none
Type, extends(B2_A), abstract :: B3_A
!more stuff and procedures
End Type B3_A
End Module Library2
! this is in the third static library project
Module Library3
use Library2
implicit none
Type, extends(B3_A) :: C_T
!more stuff and procedures
End Type C_T
End Module Library3
!this is in a fourth executable project
program Main
use Library3
implicit none
type(C_T) :: math
print *, math%a%method(2, 5)
end program Main

Initialization of a pointer to polymorphic object

Suppose I have a pointer to a polymorphic object:
TYPE, EXTENDS(ab):: co
Class(ab), POINTER:: foo
How do I initialize the object pointed by foo to be a co object, in the executable part of the code? I am thinking of something like
foo => co(1) ! WRONG
but this is wrong.
Pointers can only be initialized with a target with the save attribute or with null(). If you mean the initialization during compilation in the declaration part.
In the executable part of code you can certainly make the pointer to point to an object. But you need an actual object with the target attribute or you need to make an anonymous target using the allocate() statement.
co(1) is an expression or a value result of an expression. You cannot point to it, it does not have the pointer attribute. You could allocate an anonymous target with this value
allocate(foo, source=co(1))
Consider using allocatable instead of a pointer, they should be strongly preferred. If you could use allocatable, it is as simple as
foo = co(1)
thanks to the automatic (re)allocation in the assignment.

Pointer to derived type that contains allocatable array

Generally speaking I want to rename allocatable variables in a derived type that are passed through subroutine arguments. Writing everything with 'derived%type_xx' is not so pleasant. Besides, I don't want to spend extra memory on copying the values of the derived type to a new variable which costs new allocated memory. Furthermore, I know allocatable arrays are preferred than pointers for many reasons. I try to define pointers to the allocatable variable, but failed. I tried this because I want to simplify my code, both to be readable and not to be too long. I wonder if there's a way of achieving the goal? Thanks.
Here's the demonstration code:
Module module_type
TYPE type_1
REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: longname_1(:), longname_2(:)
USE MODULE module_type
TYPE(type_1) :: input
input%longname_1 = input%longname_1 + input%longname_2 ! Use one line to show what I mean
And here's what failed:
Module module_type
TYPE type_1
REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: longname_1(:), longname_2(:)
USE MODULE module_type
TYPE(type_1),TARGET :: input
REAL,POINTER :: a => input%longname_1 &
& b => input%longname_2
a = a + b ! much better for reading
It seems like a small issue, but I'd like to read my code without too much pain in the future. So what's the best option? Thanks a lot.
You can use the ASSOCIATE construct to associate a simple name with a more complex designator or expression.
You could also use the subobjects of the derived type as actual arguments to a procedure that carried out the operation.
You pointer approach failed because you had a rank mismatch - you were attempting to associate scalar pointers with array targets. You may also have had problems if an explicit interface to your procedure was not available in the calling scope. An explicit interface is required for procedures with dummy arguments with the TARGET attribute.
Use of pointers for this sort of simple name aliasing may reduce the ability of the compiler to optimize the code. Something like ASSOCIATE should be preferred.
Update: After #IanH made his comment, I have gone back to check: I was completely and utterly wrong on why your code failed. As he pointed out in his answer, the main issue is that pointer and target have to have the same rank, so you'd have to declare a and b as:
real, pointer :: a(:), b(:)
Secondly, before you can actually point these pointers to the targets, the targets have to be allocated. Here's an example that works:
program allocatable_target
implicit none
type :: my_type
integer, allocatable :: my_array(:)
end type my_type
type(my_type), target :: dummy
integer, pointer :: a(:)
a => dummy%my_array
a = 10
print *, dummy%my_array
end program allocatable_target
If you have a Fortran 2003 compatible compiler, you can use associate -- which is specifically meant for this kind of issue. Here's an example:
program associate_example
implicit none
type :: my_type
integer, allocatable :: long_name_1(:), long_name_2(:)
end type my_type
type(my_type) :: input
integer :: i
allocate(input%long_name_1(100), input%long_name_2(100))
associate (a=>input%long_name_1, b=>input%long_name_2)
a = (/ (i, i = 1, 100, 1) /)
b = (/ (2*i+4, i = 1, 100, 1) /)
a = a + b
end associate
print *, input%long_name_1
end program associate_example
Inside the associate block, you can use a and b as a shortform for the declared longer named variables.
But other than that, I suggest you get an editor with proper code completion, then long variable names are not that much of an issue any more. At the moment I'm trying out Atom and am quite happy with it. But I have used vim with the proper expansions for a long time.

Execute fortran code on startup?

Is it possible to have fortran execute code upon startup, without explicitly putting it into the main program?
Consider e.g. a routine that reads data from a configuration file with keyword-value pairs, which is used in different modules.
For the sake of code locality it would be favorable for valid keywords, as well as error handling for invalid values, to be defined in the module that needs the data.
Right now the only pattern to implement such behaviour, that I can think of, would be writing a setup subroutine in said module, which is called by the main program.
This means that changing the logic of a module may require a change of the main program. This seems harder to maintain than e.g. in Python doing something like
# ------ ./project/module.py ------
from project.config import register_keyword
One way to do this would be to use derived type constructors:
module foo
implicit none
! only export the derived type, and not any of the
! helper procedures
public :: mytype
type :: mytype
! internals of type
end type
! Write an interface overloading 'mytype' allows us to
! overload the type constructor
interface mytype
procedure :: new_mytype
end interface mytype
type(mytype) function new_mytype(setting)
! Some generic setting type
type(setting_type), intent(in) :: setting
! do something with setting
end function new_mytype
end module foo
program bar
use foo
implicit none
type(mytype) :: thing
type(setting_type) :: setting
! calls 'foo::new_mytype'
! all implementation details hidden away
thing = mytype(setting)
end program bar
As far as I've seen, this is not possible according to the Fortran (2003) standard.
A "static" function call like your register_keyword would have to be done in the specification-part of a module definition. By general definition this specification-part could contain a stmt-function-stmt, but this is then explicitly forbidden in C1105: "... shall not contain stmt-function-stmt, [...]". So you are basically left with calling intrinsic functions only.
If you really do not want to edit your main program, but you are fine with an additional C++ intermediate file, then the following PoC works:
program main
end program
module my_mod
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
function foo() bind(C, name="foo")
integer(c_int) :: foo
write (*,*) "hello, world!"
foo = 10
end function
end module
extern "C" int foo();
int a = foo();
Compile and link as follows:
g++ -Wall -c my_module.cc -o my_module.o
gfortran -Wall -o prog prog.f03 my_module.f03 my_module.o
There will be an output, despite the Fortran program being empty:
hello, world!
I still would not recommend doing this, since it is likely not guaranteed that the Fortran RT environment is ready when the C/C++ global/static function call happens.

MPI subroutines in Fortran

I have looked through all the posts on this topic I could find but they do not seem to solve my problem. I am thankful for any input/help/idea. So here it is:
I have my main program (main.f90):
program inv_main
use mod_communication
implicit none
include 'mpif.h'
call MPI_INIT(ierr)
call SENDRECEIVE(id, nproc, ierr, VVNP, VVN)
call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr)
end program inv_main
And here is the module that includes the subroutine (I am aware that allgather might be a better way to do the same but I could not figure it out yet for my 4D array):
Module mod_communication
implicit none
include 'mpif.h'
integer, dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: STATUS ! MPI
Subroutine SENDRECEIVE(id, nproc, ierr, INPUT, OUTPUT )
integer, intent (in) :: nproc, id, ierr
real (dp), intent(in) :: INPUT(n,m)
real (dp), intent(out) :: OUTPUT(n,m,nty,nty)
integer :: sndr
IF (id .eq. 0) THEN
OUTPUT(1:n,1:m,int(sndr/nty)+1,sndr+1-nty*(int(sndr/nty))) = INPUT
IF (id .ne. 0) THEN
end Subroutine
end Module mod_communication
This is the error message I got when compiling:
use mod_communication
Error: Symbol 'mpi_displacement_current' at (1) conflicts with symbol from module 'mod_communication', use-associated at (2)
Included at mpif-config.h:65:
Included at mpif-common.h:70:
Included at mpif.h:59:
Included at main.f90:27:
use mod_communication
Error: Symbol 'mpi_max_datarep_string' at (1) conflicts with symbol from module 'mod_communication', use-associated at (2)
Included at mpif-config.h:65:
Included at mpif-common.h:70:
Included at mpif.h:59:
Included at main.f90:27:
parameter (MPI_FILE_NULL=0)
These are just the first two errors, it keeps going like that... And I cannot find my mistake. Also, I have to use "include 'mpif.h'" and not "use mpi" because of the machine I am ultimately going to run it on. If I compile it with use mpi however on my own computer it gives me a different error, which is the following:
Error: There is no specific subroutine for the generic 'mpi_barrier' at (1)
Your main program probably gets (or rather tries to get) two copies of all the stuff in mpif.h. By include-ing it in the module you effectively make all its contents module things (variables, routines, parameters, what-nots). Then, in main you both use the module and, thereby, use-associate the module things, and try to include mpif.h and redeclare all those things again.
Do what #Jonathan Dursi suggests too.
