Classic ASP to ASP.NET MVC [closed] -

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am currently working with a classic asp application. We are looking to upgrade this in small phases to .NET. what I mean by small phases is page by page over an extended period of time.
I want to minimize impact to users. So upgrade pages but keeping the look the same for now. The classic asp app is all frames based so I think i could keep the look and run the upgraded page and point to the new page?
My questions are, what is the best method in doing this in peoples experience? Again I want to build this in .NET so I don't know if i would be best off using MVC or would utilizing a particular framework make any difference here?
Those folks who have went through this pain in the past what were some gotchyas in upgrading and running a newer technology with an older technology? I would imagine i shouldn't have to much heartache in running these together.
Any additional things we should think about?
Thanks for the assistance.

MVC provides more control and flexibility. You can use .cshtml page to insert html code and use model variables ( with Razor) defined in your .cs code. You can easily display list box, combo box and other controls. Besides it does not require AJAX.


What is the past pathway to become a .net developer? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to create a learning plan for myself and for other novice students, lets say that I want to be able to create professional websites using
What do you recommend ?
For me, I started learning by browsing tutorials on Youtube. But still, the best way is through experience (at work). Learning the hard way as they say. :)
First, you should learn C# very well,
you can refer to this link to learn C# --- Click here to learn C#
Then you should have clear concepts on HTML/HTML5.
Refer to this link Click here to learn HTML
Then you should learn CSS , as you know CSS helps us in designing the website, and it looks pretty much attractive.
Refer to this link Click to learn CSS
Then you should learn JS, to make the page more dynamic.
Refer to this link Click to learn Javascript
Javascript helps us to program the behaviour of webpage
Then you should learn a database language such as mysql to store data into the database.
If you are using Visual Studio for learning ASP.NET using C#, you can follow the procedures given below : -
a. First learn how to use the forms - using textboxes, buttons, image etc.
b. Second, learn how to configure the database using .sqlexpress? ADO.NET
c. Third, learn to use grid view, data-table
or you can make a simple website of where you can insert, update,search,delete of the employees in a certain organization.
d. Then learn AJAX.
If you are not using Visual Studio , you can follow the link given below

Why Single-Page Web Application [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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While Single-Page application approach is rising as a web development choice, I still don't understand, practically, how would losing the ability to go back/forward in the browser be an O.K sacrifice? Imagine Facebook without direct page navigation! Is there an essential/direct purpose for SPA I can't get my hands on?
You wont have to give up back button functionality to develop a single page application. HTML5 has a history api (and there's polyfills for older browsers) which allows your to keep back button functioning properly.
The main reason (in my opinion) to go for a single page approach is the more app-like feel it gives you. For example gmail feels more like an app than a web page, and given its purpose, I think that's way it should be too. Another example might be the pixlr online image editor.
Single page approach indeed doesn't suit every purpose, but when you want a webapp to feel just that, instead of a website, then single page might be the way to go.
You mentioned direct navigation in comments, and that's totally doable if it's something that makes sense in your context. Angularjs can do that, and I'm sure pretty much every modern single page framework has a way of implementing this.

New Years Resolution: Move from Classic ASP to ASP.NET MVC. Where do I start? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I can write Classic ASP with my eyes closed, and can do it well. Frankly, I've only not moved to newer technologies because I haven't had a project that couldn't be done in Classic ASP (VBScript). However, my New Years resolution is to finally make the jump. I must state in advance that because I like VB, I hate C#, but I'm willing to learn. I've done a little C# in the desktop world, but never in the web world.
I've been reading all week, but my biggest hurdle is that it doesn't seem like these newer technologies let me code in the same manner I had been: inline in the pages. Now, I realize that most people think this is beneficial, but this is a huge leap for me.
Without my laying out my preconceived notions and things I think I've learned in the past week, where do you all think is the best place to start? I'm in my 30s now, so I probably don't pick things up like I used to. With that said, the learning curve is probably steeper for me now than it would have been in 2003 when I should have done this. Other than some valid links, what are some of the impediments I'll come across as I start this journey?
In your position I would probably do the following. It sounds like you have access to Visual Studio. Since you have some experience with VB, I would pick a simple project that you did in VB and see if you can recreate it starting from a new ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application Template. The main concept in MVC 4 (at least new to me) was how to use 'Razor' to display server data. It can be used to write inline code in C# but there are a few conventions that can save you a lot of HTML coding. There is also the partial view concept which can save you a lot of work. There are quite a few useful You-Tube videos out there. In particular, I think this guy did a nice job teaching how to make Ajax requests in an MVC 4 application.
Good Luck!

MVC for Webform [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Use MVC with Webform only.
Problem statement:
Is it possible to use the concept MVC (Model, View etc.) for ASP.NET webform? If yes, how do I do it? Got any picture?
There seems to be some confusion in the comments. If I understand you correctly, you are not trying to make Webforms work with the ASP.NET MVC technology. You want to use the MVC Pattern with a WebForms page.
If that's the case, then no. You can't use the MVC Pattern with a Webforms page (ie full page lifecycle, etc..). The WebForms model just doesn't work in a way that is consistent with an MVC design.
You can, however, use other patterns that are similar to MVC and try to achieve similar goals of separation of concerns. The most common of these is the MVP or Model View Presenter pattern. ecommerce solutions [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm working on several ASP.NET ecommerce projects where we're using Aspdotnetstorefront solution. It is not so bad. It has a lot of useful features, it is extensible, it is stable, but... the source code is like nightmare. If you need customize something - it becomes a problem for you, because you need to change it in several places and always keep it in mind.
Can anyone suggest some better solution?
roll your own? there are several start up projects available from microsoft or i have heard that dotshoppingcart is supposed to be good but i have not used it myself. I would advise diy as then you will know what is happening in the code look for ecommerce
Your choice will probably depend on whether you want c# or vb, webforms or MVC etc.
If you want webforms like aspdotnetstorefront then try
Kartris (codeplex)
It's free and open source. Nopcommerce is popular if you want MVC
