Quickest way to load data from PostgreSQL to R - r

I’m planning to do some data analysis with R; the datasets are stored in PostgreSQL tables and some of them contain up to 2 million records. I thought this would not be a big problem for R and loading of the records would be rather quick, but the things turned out differently.
Doing something like this may take a minute or more, which is not what I was expecting:
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "mydb", user="me", password="my_password");
records <- dbGetQuery(con, statement = paste(
"FROM my_table",
"ORDER BY id")); # 1.5M records
Alternative code is even slower:
records2 <- dbSendQuery(con, "select * from my_table ORDER BY id")
I can’t say my hardware is the most advanced in the world, but it’s a rather decent MacBook Pro with 8G RAM and SSD. When I fetch the same data with, let’s say, QGIS, things are done significantly faster.
What can one do to increase performance in such case? Alternative libraries? Tricks and hacks? Anything else?

You should exclude ORDER BY - this is not part of loading data. It may significantly slows your query.
You can order data afterwards having them in R memory. If you are looking for fast ordering check this SO answer.

More of a redesign than answer to the question, but...
You could always plug R directly into PostgreSQL, and run your query without moving the data anywhere. Can't move it any faster than not moving it at all :)
PL/R for PostgreSQL


Copying data from SQL Server to R using ODBC connection

I have successfully set up a R SQL Server ODBC connection by doing:
DBI_connection <- dbConnect(odbc(),
driver = "SQL Server"
server = server_name
database = database_name)
Dataset_in_R <- dbFetch(dbSendQuery(DBI_connection,
"SELECT * FROM MyTable_in_SQL"))
3 quick questions:
1-Is there a quicker way to copy data from SQL Server to R? This table has +44million rows and it is still running...
2-If I make any changes to this data in R does it change anything in my MyTable_in_SQL? I dont think so because I have saved it in a global data.frame variable in R, but just checking.
3-How to avoid going through this step every time I open R? Is there a way to save my data.frame in the "background" in R?
1: Is there a quicker way to copy data from SQL Server to R?
The answer here is rather simple to answer. the odbc package in R does quite a bit under-the-hood to ensure compatibility between the result fetched from the server and R's data structure. It might be possible to obtain a slight increase in speed by using an alternative package (RODBC is an old package, and it sometimes seems faster). In this case however, with 44 mil. rows, I expect that the bigger performance boost comes from preparing your sql-statement. The general idea would be to
Remove any unnecessary columns. Remember each column will need to be downloaded, so if you have 20 columns, removing 1 column may reduce your query execution time by ~5% (assuming linear run-time)
If you plan on performing aggregation, it will (very close to almost) faster to perform this directly in your query, eg, if you have a column called Ticker and a column called Volume and you want the average value of Volume you could calculate this directly in your query. Similar for last row using last_value(colname) over ([partition by [grouping col 1], [grouping col 2] ...] order by [order col 1], [order col 2]) as last_value_colname.
If you choose to do this, it might be beneficial to test your query on a small subset of rows using TOP N or LIMIT N eg: select [select statement] from mytable_in_sql order by [order col] limit 100 which would only return the first 100 rows. As Martin Schmelzer commented this can be done via R with the dplyr::tbl function as well, however it is always faster to correct your statement.
Finally if your query becomes more complex (does not seem to be the case here), it might be beneficial to create a View on the table CREATE VIEW with the specific select statement and query this view instead. The server will then try to optimize the query, and if your problem is on the server side rather than local side, this can improve performance.
Finally one must state the obvious. As noted above when you query the server you are downloading some (maybe quite a lot) of data. This can be improved by improving your internet connection either by repositioning your computer, router or directly connecting via a cord (or purely upgrading ones internet connection). For 44 Mil. rows if you have only a single 64 bit double precision variable, you have 44 * 10^6 / 1024^3 = 2.6 GiB of data (if not compressed). If you have 10 columns, this goes up to 26 GiB of data. It simply is going to take quite a long time to download all of this data. Thus getting this row count down would be extremely helpful!
As a side note you might be able to simply download the table directly via SSMS slightly faster (still slow due to table size) and then import the file locally. For the fastest speed you likely have to look into the Bulk import and export functionality of SQL-server.
2: If I make any changes to this data in R does it change anything in my MyTable_in_SQL?
No: R has no internal pointer/connection once the table has been loaded. I don't even believe a package exists (in R at least) that opens a stream to the table which could dynamically update the table. I know that a functionality like this exists in Excel, but even using this has some dangerous side effects and should (in my opinion) only be used in read-only applications, where the user wants to see a (almost) live-stream of the data.
3: How to avoid going through this step every time I open R? Is there a way to save my data.frame in the "background" in R?
To avoid this, simply save the table after every session. Whenever you close Rstudio it will ask you if you want to save your current session, and here you may click yes, at which point it will save .Rhistory and .Rdata in the getwd() directory, which will be imported the next time you open your session (unless you changed your working directory before closing the session using setwd(...). However I highly suggest you do not do this for larger datasets, as it will cause your R session to take forever to open the next time you open R, as well as possibly creating unnecessary copies of your data (for example if you import it into df and make a transformation in df2 then you will suddenly have 2 copies of a 2.6+ GiB dataset to load every time you open R). Instead I highly suggest saving the file using arrow::write_parquet(df, file_path), which is a much (and I mean MUCH!!) faster alternative to saving as RDS or csv files. These can't be opened as easily in Excel, but can be opened in R using arrow::read_parquet and python using pandas.read_parquet or pyarrow.parquet.read_parquet, while being compressed to a size that is usually 50 - 80 % smaller than the equivalent csv file.
If you already did save your R session after loading in the file, and you experience a very slow startup, I suggest removing the .RData file from your working directory. Usually the documents folder (C:/Users/[user]/Documents) from your system.
On question 2 you're correct, any changes in R won't change anything in the DB.
About question 3, you can save.image() or save.image('path/image_name.Rdata') and it will save your environment so you can recover it later on another session with load.image('path/image_name.Rdata').
Maybe with this you don't need a faster way to get data from a DB.

dplyr Filter Database Table with Large Number of Matches

I am working with dplyr and the dbplyr package to interface with my database. I have a table with millions of records. I also have a list of values that correspond to the key in that same table I wish to filter. Normally I would do something like this to filter the table.
# connect info omitted
con <- dbConnect(...)
# df with values - my_values
con %>% tbl('MY_TABLE') %>% filter(FIELD %in% my_values$FIELD)
However, that my_values object contains over 500K entries (hence why I don't provide actual data here). This is clearly not efficient when they will basically be put in an IN statement (It essentially hangs). Normally if I was writing SQL, I would create a temporary table and write a WHERE EXISTS clause. But in this instance, I don't have write privileges.
How can I make this query more efficient in R?
Note sure whether this will help, but a few suggestions:
Find other criteria for filtering. For example, if my_values$FIELD is consecutive or the list of values can be inferred by some other columns, you can seek help from the between filter: filter(between(FIELD, a, b))?
Divide and conquer. Split my_values into small batches, make queries for each batch, then combine the results. This may take a while, but should be stable and worth the wait.
Looking at your restrictions, I would approach it similar to how Polor Beer suggested, but I would send one db command per value using purrr::map and then use dplyr::bindrows() at the end. This way you'll have a nice piped code that will adapt if your list changes. Not ideal, but unless you're willing to write a SQL table variable manually, not sure of any other solutions.

Strategies for reading in CSV files in pieces?

I have a moderate-sized file (4GB CSV) on a computer that doesn't have sufficient RAM to read it in (8GB on 64-bit Windows). In the past I would just have loaded it up on a cluster node and read it in, but my new cluster seems to arbitrarily limit processes to 4GB of RAM (despite the hardware having 16GB per machine), so I need a short-term fix.
Is there a way to read in part of a CSV file into R to fit available memory limitations? That way I could read in a third of the file at a time, subset it down to the rows and columns I need, and then read in the next third?
Thanks to commenters for pointing out that I can potentially read in the whole file using some big memory tricks:
Quickly reading very large tables as dataframes in R
I can think of some other workarounds (e.g. open in a good text editor, lop off 2/3 of the observations, then load in R), but I'd rather avoid them if possible.
So reading it in pieces still seems like the best way to go for now.
After reviewing this thread I noticed a conspicuous solution to this problem was not mentioned. Use connections!
1) Open a connection to your file
con = file("file.csv", "r")
2) Read in chunks of code with read.csv
read.csv(con, nrows="CHUNK SIZE",...)
Side note: defining colClasses will greatly speed things up. Make sure to define unwanted columns as NULL.
3) Do what ever you need to do
4) Repeat.
5) Close the connection
The advantage of this approach is connections. If you omit this step, it will likely slow things down a bit. By opening a connection manually, you essentially open the data set and do not close it until you call the close function. This means that as you loop through the data set you will never lose your place. Imagine that you have a data set with 1e7 rows. Also imagine that you want to load a chunk of 1e5 rows at a time. Since we open the connection we get the first 1e5 rows by running read.csv(con, nrow=1e5,...), then to get the second chunk we run read.csv(con, nrow=1e5,...) as well, and so on....
If we did not use the connections we would get the first chunk the same way, read.csv("file.csv", nrow=1e5,...), however for the next chunk we would need to read.csv("file.csv", skip = 1e5, nrow=2e5,...). Clearly this is inefficient. We are have to find the 1e5+1 row all over again, despite the fact that we just read in the 1e5 row.
Finally, data.table::fread is great. But you can not pass it connections. So this approach does not work.
I hope this helps someone.
People keep upvoting this post so I thought I would add one more brief thought. The new readr::read_csv, like read.csv, can be passed connections. However, it is advertised as being roughly 10x faster.
You could read it into a database using RSQLite, say, and then use an sql statement to get a portion.
If you need only a single portion then read.csv.sql in the sqldf package will read the data into an sqlite database. First, it creates the database for you and the data does not go through R so limitations of R won't apply (which is primarily RAM in this scenario). Second, after loading the data into the database , sqldf reads the output of a specified sql statement into R and finally destroys the database. Depending on how fast it works with your data you might be able to just repeat the whole process for each portion if you have several.
Only one line of code accomplishes all three steps, so it's a no-brainer to just try it.
DF <- read.csv.sql("myfile.csv", sql=..., ...other args...)
See ?read.csv.sql and ?sqldf and also the sqldf home page.

RSQLite Faster Subsetting of large Table?

So I have a large dataset (see my previous question) where I need to subset it based on an ID which I have in another table
I use a statement like:
vars <- dbListFields(db, "UNIVERSE")
ids <- dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT ID FROM LIST1"
paste("CREATE TABLE SUB1 (",
paste(vars,collapse=" int,"),
) )
paste("INSERT INTO SUB1 (",
) )
The code runs (I may have missed a parenthesis above) but it takes a while since my table UNIVERSE is about 10 gigs in size. The major problem is I'm going to have to run this for many different tables "LIST#" to make "SUB#" and the subsets are not disjoint so I can't just delete the record from UNIVERSE when I'm done with it.
I'm wondering if I've gone about subsetting the wrong way or if there's other ways I can speed this up?
Thanks for the help.
This is kind of an old question and I don't know if you found the solution or not. If UNIVERSE.ID is a unique, non-NULL integer, setting it up as an 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY' should speed things up a lot. There's some code and discussion here:
I don't know if using an inner join would speed things up or not; it might be worth a try too.
Do you have an index on UNIVERSE.ID? I'm no SQLite guru, but generally you want fields that you are going to query on to have indexes.

Trimming a huge (3.5 GB) csv file to read into R

So I've got a data file (semicolon separated) that has a lot of detail and incomplete rows (leading Access and SQL to choke). It's county level data set broken into segments, sub-segments, and sub-sub-segments (for a total of ~200 factors) for 40 years. In short, it's huge, and it's not going to fit into memory if I try to simply read it.
So my question is this, given that I want all the counties, but only a single year (and just the highest level of segment... leading to about 100,000 rows in the end), what would be the best way to go about getting this rollup into R?
Currently I'm trying to chop out irrelevant years with Python, getting around the filesize limit by reading and operating on one line at a time, but I'd prefer an R-only solution (CRAN packages OK). Is there a similar way to read in files a piece at a time in R?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Needs to use my machine, so no EC2 instances
As R-only as possible. Speed and resources are not concerns in this case... provided my machine doesn't explode...
As you can see below, the data contains mixed types, which I need to operate on later
The data is 3.5GB, with about 8.5 million rows and 17 columns
A couple thousand rows (~2k) are malformed, with only one column instead of 17
These are entirely unimportant and can be dropped
I only need ~100,000 rows out of this file (See below)
Data example:
County; State; Year; Quarter; Segment; Sub-Segment; Sub-Sub-Segment; GDP; ...
Ada County;NC;2009;4;FIRE;Financial;Banks;80.1; ...
Ada County;NC;2010;1;FIRE;Financial;Banks;82.5; ...
NC [Malformed row]
[8.5 Mill rows]
I want to chop out some columns and pick two out of 40 available years (2009-2010 from 1980-2020), so that the data can fit into R:
County; State; Year; Quarter; Segment; GDP; ...
Ada County;NC;2009;4;FIRE;80.1; ...
Ada County;NC;2010;1;FIRE;82.5; ...
[~200,000 rows]
After tinkering with all the suggestions made, I decided that readLines, suggested by JD and Marek, would work best. I gave Marek the check because he gave a sample implementation.
I've reproduced a slightly adapted version of Marek's implementation for my final answer here, using strsplit and cat to keep only columns I want.
It should also be noted this is MUCH less efficient than Python... as in, Python chomps through the 3.5GB file in 5 minutes while R takes about 60... but if all you have is R then this is the ticket.
## Open a connection separately to hold the cursor position
file.in <- file('bad_data.txt', 'rt')
file.out <- file('chopped_data.txt', 'wt')
line <- readLines(file.in, n=1)
line.split <- strsplit(line, ';')
# Stitching together only the columns we want
cat(line.split[[1]][1:5], line.split[[1]][8], sep = ';', file = file.out, fill = TRUE)
## Use a loop to read in the rest of the lines
line <- readLines(file.in, n=1)
while (length(line)) {
line.split <- strsplit(line, ';')
if (length(line.split[[1]]) > 1) {
if (line.split[[1]][3] == '2009') {
cat(line.split[[1]][1:5], line.split[[1]][8], sep = ';', file = file.out, fill = TRUE)
line<- readLines(file.in, n=1)
Failings by Approach:
This is definitely what I'll use for this type of problem in the future if the data is well-formed. However, if it's not, then SQLite chokes.
To be honest, the docs intimidated me on this one a bit, so I didn't get around to trying it. It looked like it required the object to be in memory as well, which would defeat the point if that were the case.
This approach cleanly linked to the data, but it can only handle one type at a time. As a result, all my character vectors dropped when put into a big.table. If I need to design large data sets for the future though, I'd consider only using numbers just to keep this option alive.
Scan seemed to have similar type issues as big memory, but with all the mechanics of readLines. In short, it just didn't fit the bill this time.
My try with readLines. This piece of a code creates csv with selected years.
file_in <- file("in.csv","r")
file_out <- file("out.csv","a")
x <- readLines(file_in, n=1)
writeLines(x, file_out) # copy headers
B <- 300000 # depends how large is one pack
while(length(x)) {
ind <- grep("^[^;]*;[^;]*; 20(09|10)", x)
if (length(ind)) writeLines(x[ind], file_out)
x <- readLines(file_in, n=B)
I'm not an expert at this, but you might consider trying MapReduce, which would basically mean taking a "divide and conquer" approach. R has several options for this, including:
mapReduce (pure R)
RHIPE (which uses Hadoop); see example 6.2.2 in the documentation for an example of subsetting files
Alternatively, R provides several packages to deal with large data that go outside memory (onto disk). You could probably load the whole dataset into a bigmemory object and do the reduction completely within R. See http://www.bigmemory.org/ for a set of tools to handle this.
Is there a similar way to read in files a piece at a time in R?
Yes. The readChar() function will read in a block of characters without assuming they are null-terminated. If you want to read data in a line at a time you can use readLines(). If you read a block or a line, do an operation, then write the data out, you can avoid the memory issue. Although if you feel like firing up a big memory instance on Amazon's EC2 you can get up to 64GB of RAM. That should hold your file plus plenty of room to manipulate the data.
If you need more speed, then Shane's recommendation to use Map Reduce is a very good one. However if you go the route of using a big memory instance on EC2 you should look at the multicore package for using all cores on a machine.
If you find yourself wanting to read many gigs of delimited data into R you should at least research the sqldf package which allows you to import directly into sqldf from R and then operate on the data from within R. I've found sqldf to be one of the fastest ways to import gigs of data into R, as mentioned in this previous question.
There's a brand-new package called colbycol that lets you read in only the variables you want from enormous text files:
It passes any arguments along to read.table, so the combination should let you subset pretty tightly.
The ff package is a transparent way to deal with huge files.
You may see the package website and/or a presentation about it.
I hope this helps
What about using readr and the read_*_chunked family?
So in your case:
County; State; Year; Quarter; Segment; Sub-Segment; Sub-Sub-Segment; GDP
Ada County;NC;2009;4;FIRE;Financial;Banks;80.1
Ada County;NC;2010;1;FIRE;Financial;Banks;82.5
Ada County;NC;2013;1;FIRE;Financial;Banks;82.5
Actual code
f <- function(x, pos) subset(x, Year %in% c(2009, 2010))
read_csv2_chunked("testfile.csv", DataFrameCallback$new(f), chunk_size = 1)
This applies f to each chunk, remembering the col-names and combining the filtered results in the end. See ?callback which is the source of this example.
This results in:
# A tibble: 2 × 8
County State Year Quarter Segment `Sub-Segment` `Sub-Sub-Segment` GDP
* <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 Ada County NC 2009 4 FIRE Financial Banks 801
2 Ada County NC 2010 1 FIRE Financial Banks 825
You can even increase chunk_size but in this example there are only 4 lines.
You could import data to SQLite database and then use RSQLite to select subsets.
Have you consisered bigmemory ?
Check out this and this.
Perhaps you can migrate to MySQL or PostgreSQL to prevent youself from MS Access limitations.
It is quite easy to connect R to these systems with a DBI (available on CRAN) based database connector.
scan() has both an nlines argument and a skip argument. Is there some reason you can just use that to read in a chunk of lines a time, checking the date to see if it's appropriate? If the input file is ordered by date, you can store an index that tells you what your skip and nlines should be that would speed up the process in the future.
These days, 3.5GB just isn't really that big, I can get access to a machine with 244GB RAM (r3.8xlarge) on the Amazon cloud for $2.80/hour. How many hours will it take you to figure out how to solve the problem using big-data type solutions? How much is your time worth? Yes it will take you an hour or two to figure out how to use AWS - but you can learn the basics on a free tier, upload the data and read the first 10k lines into R to check it worked and then you can fire up a big memory instance like r3.8xlarge and read it all in! Just my 2c.
Now, 2017, I would suggest to go for spark and sparkR.
the syntax can be written in a simple rather dplyr-similar way
it fits quite well to small memory (small in the sense of 2017)
However, it may be an intimidating experience to get started...
I would go for a DB and then make some queries to extract the samples you need via DBI
Please avoid importing a 3,5 GB csv file into SQLite. Or at least double check that your HUGE db fits into SQLite limits, http://www.sqlite.org/limits.html
It's a damn big DB you have. I would go for MySQL if you need speed. But be prepared to wait a lot of hours for the import to finish. Unless you have some unconventional hardware or you are writing from the future...
Amazon's EC2 could be a good solution also for instantiating a server running R and MySQL.
my two humble pennies worth.
