Printing formatted R code - r

I would like to adjust the print margins in tinn-R so the code stays on each line. I am trying to print some code but it wraps on to the next line and becomes less easy to read.
I have found the wrap text option but this simply chops off the end of the line. I use Rstudio but the print options are limited and my colleague suggested tinn-R which is better as it prints code formatted with colour.
I will happily take suggestions of other IDEs with good printing options.

The best option is decrease font size (the default shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+Down) of the editor (or Rterm) to get the document fits within the print page.
In time, the Tinn-R project has its own discussion list:!forum/tinn-r
All the best,


Different Colored Comments

Simple question about comment code aesthetics (color):
I recently noticed in someone's comment code that part of their comment color changed while using the # symbol. After experimenting with it, I noticed you also need to have an apostrophe (') right after the octothorp (#) as such:
#' #text
^--- This turned orange!
Since I'm a detailed commenter, I'd love to step things up if I could by adding color to my comments. I know part of the reason is my global IDE (RStudio) options, but I'd never seen anything change a comment's color before, so I was just curious:
Why does this occur? I've only seen # used when handling large, more-complex objects that need further specification => Ex. LargeObject#data$variable
Are there other symbols that trigger a color change? There's quotes of course (""), but quotes do not change color when they're commented out with an octothorp (#).
Also, on the image (bottom row), is there possibly a way to start and end a comment, followed by a command, all on one line? => Ex. #comment# print(summary(df))
The special highlighting you're seeing — words being highlighted after #' # — is specific to roxygen markup (a documentation-generation system for R). I don't know why that category doesn't seem to be listed/themeable (see #2).
The RStudio syntax highlighting colours are customizable (you can edit these themes visually), but based on what's documented at the link, there appears to be only one category for "comments".
This question has to do with the R parser, not the RStudio highlighting system. So the answer is "no"; everything from the first # on a line to the line break is considered a comment, no exceptions. In principle you could adjust the RStudio highlighting engine to recognize various delimiters within comments and display material following them differently, but you can't create in-line comments (as you could with /* */ in C) without modifying the R parser.

Markdown syntax: problems with superscript

This is my first time using R so this is about as basic of a question as they come.
I am making a presentation using markdown (ioslides). I want to do something very simple which is to put something in superscript. According to the manual, the syntax is the following:
Lower bound = α^Full – K^ - α^Full^
The first time I tried running this, I got a pop-up screen with some options. Too quickly, I pressed enter and inadvertently chose something. Now the syntax won't run and I can't figure out what I did to undo it.
Can someone help? Thank you in advance.
Markdown allows HTML to be used if necessary, so you should be able to use the HTML sup tag.

Hide and show comments

I'm writing all my scripts on .R file using R for mac. It is convenient to me because there are colors to highlight the type of commands.
I have a many comments following the # symbol that are useful when I forget about the meaning of my script but they tend to blur my script so that it gets harder to find a given command line.
Is there a way to hide and show these comments ? (Using the programm I'm currently using or another one). What would you suggest as the best program to write R script ?
Thanks a lot !
RStudio supports code folding. You can standardize your comment blocks so that they are recognized as code blocks.
For example, enter this into your RStudio editor
# this is a comment block
# more comments here
# comments upon comments
and then press Alt+L to fold, and Alt+Shift+L to unfold.
Try RStudio for mac. One of the greatest code writing environment for R there is.
You can also try Emacs, which is more like old-fashioned command line editor. You can find a good guide here.

how to change line length on Rterm.exe

I am using R 2.15.2 on windows XP.
I was used to use Rgui.exe but it was lacking the UNIX standards I like to use like CTRL+R <=>backward research and CTRL+U <=>erase line ...
If I missed something please tell me !
Then I tried Rterm.exe (which looks identical to R.exe to me) which has all those nice features. I found how to tune it right clicking on the top of the window to set height-width (it is like tuning the window you get from cmd.exe).
The problem is that now I cannot see on the window more than 75 characters, with a $ at the end: like this:
R) ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp$
Not sure if it is a R option of a windows one, but if I set options("width"=180) I can see data.frame on the full width of the window...
Not sure what is happening, can I modify this?
We still do not know the answer to that one, so I guess 50 pts goes to Oscar de León... good for him to bad for me...
Sadly, it appears to be built in.
There used to be a problem with R when trying to print long strings. Apparently it was fixed first in Rterm and other versions of R before being fixed in Rgui.
When Rgui was fixed, possibly it was by a different means, since this issue can be fixed in Rgui but not other windows versions of R. You can change the width of the console for output both in Rgui and (later) Rterm.
The prompt is another story. It is actually not the same as the output space, and thus is controlled with a different option; but, this only works for Rgui. To do it, set pgcolumns=180 in the Rconsole file under [R HOME]\etc\. This modifies the width of the internal pager of the Rgui console, and effectively enables you to type up to 180 characters per input prompt.
Possibly there is a way to integrate that behavior into Rterm, and maybe Duncan Murdoch can point you in the correct direction (or prove me completely wrong).
I'm not really sure what is being requested. If what is needed in RTerm.exe is to display the end of a long line (and position the cursor there), then use CTRL-E. You can go back to the beginning of a line with CTRL-A. One can go back and forth repeatedly as needed until the line is use ENTER.
The control character of readline seem to be active, for instance CTRL-P scrolls back one command and CTRL-N brings up the "next" command from history if you hit CTRL-P too many times. (These are the same behavior as the up/down arrow keys.) See link for other expected readline behaviors.
On my machine alt-f and alt-b (which should have been meta-f and meta-b) did not natively move forward or backward by words, but ESC-b and ESC-f did so on a line that exceeded the console width and had the $'s marking either the right or left extents as having further material to look consider.
If you want to wrap display lines, then you need to consider alternatives or additions to readline: link, but that is an untested suggestion and merely the results of a search for: "readline wrap display".
The command should be options(width = 180) (without the quotes around width), but when you run Rterm in the Windows shell, it doesn't respect changes to this value; it just prints output as wide as the console.
The best way of working with R is (almost always) to use an IDE. Try emacs + ESS or one of the many vim plugins (R.vim, vim-R, VIM:r-plugin) if you want something UNIXy.

GNUEmacs/ESS/Latex/Sweave: text displays differently when cursor is in latex code or in R code

When I scroll through an Sweave document (Rnw) with latex and R
code, the text jumps around when the mode changes between Latex and
ESS. The two modes disagree how text should be wrapped. Moreover, I've noticed that when I do
M-x toggle-truncate-lines to enable truncate long lines while the
cursor is within latex code
move the cursor to R code
return to the latex code
the truncated long lines mode is no longer on. Has anyone noticed this? Has anyone solved this problem?
By reading a similar question on the mailing list, this is what I've learned. When we scroll through the noweb file, we are switching major modes from ESS to LaTeX. Most major modes kill all local variables as part of their initialization, so when we just set the variable locally it's overwritten. To solve this, I modified a hook I found:
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook '(lambda () (if (string-match "\\.Rnw\\'" buffer-file-name) (setq fill-column 80))))
You could set a similar hook for longlines-mode or toggle-truncate-lines, etc, to meet your needs. The downside to this solution is that you're stuck with a single value for the variable set in the hook.

