Meteor cannot find module "module" - meteor

I'm trying to install the Spooky module in meteor (this one is in my public folder: app/public/node_modules).
I've read answers in this post and added the following code in server/server.js
Meteor.startup ->
path = Npm.require 'path'
fs = Npm.require 'fs'
base = path.resolve '.'
isBundle = fs.existsSync base + '/bundle'
modulePath = base + (if isBundle then '/bundle/static' else '/public') + '/node_modules'
spooky = Npm.require modulePath + '/spooky'
But when I'm running meteor I get:
Error: Cannot find module '/Users/mac/Documents/websites/app/.meteor/local/build/programs/server/public/node_modules/spooky'

You need to create a smart package to use Npm modules in your app. Alternatively you can use meteor-npm.
You can't use Npm.require on its own for non standard npm modules like spooky.
If you use meteor-npm you can install it with meteorite: mrt add npm
Then use Meteor.require("spooky") instead, after you have added the module to your packages.json. You can have a look here for more details:
The official way to do it is to make your own smart package to wrap the npm module in. There is an example of such a package:
The example uses xml2js as the npm module, but you could swap the names around so its spooky instead.
Then you can add this package into your /packages folder (say with the name spooky), and add it to your meteor project with meteor add spooky.
The packages on have more examples of this, they pretty much do the same thing (e.g stripe (

The article Akshat linked to has been updated:
cd project
meteor add meteorhacks:npm
Edit project/packages.json:
"redis": "0.8.2",
"github": "0.1.8"
Use those npm modules:
var Github = Meteor.npmRequire('github');
var github = new Github();
github.gists.getFromUser({user: 'arunoda'}, function(err, gists) {


Is there a way to get version from package.json in Meteor code?

This answer explains how to read the package.json "version" from a npm started application. Is there an env variable in Meteor (1.3+) with this info?
Well, there is not npm_package_version environment value in process object.
But you get the value of version using following code :
var pjson = require('/package.json');
console.log(pjson.version); // This will print the version

Meteor require unpublished npm module

In node, it's easy to do
"dependencies": {
"express": "^4.13.3",
"node-uuid": "^1.4.3",
"PACKAGE_NAME": "git://"
In meteor I can include an npm module using var uuid = Meteor.npmRequire('node-uuid'); for npm packages that are published, but when pointing my package at github (the same way I would in a node project) I get an error.
How does one doe this with Meteor? When trying to do the same thing in the package.json I get the following error
"must declare exact version of dependency:"
Any help on how to include a package that's not published to Npm?
You need to specify the commit and point to the archive. From
If you need to install an npm module from a specific commit, use the
{ "googleapis": "" }

Trouble definding NPm dependancies inside local package

I am trying to create a package, but I cannot require npm modules inside the package. This results in a
Cannot find module '..path../crypto'
crypto = Npm.require('crypto');
S3Policy = {};
'crypto': '0.0.3'
name: 's3policy',
summary: 'S3 policy API',
version: '0.0.1'
Package.on_use(function (api) {
api.add_files('lib/s3policy.js', ['server']);
Any idea as to why I am unable to require the crypto module?
Maybe this helps?
crypto is a built in node package ( It doesn't need to be installed. However, the npm crypto package is 2 year old unmaintained code that is often downloaded by mistake ( Either Meteor or NPM gets confused because the packages have the same name, but it doesn't really matter because you don't want the NPM package.
Just take crypto out of your npm packages and you should be fine.

How to get the current directory within a meteor Smart Package

I am building a package for meteor to be published on Atmosphere and I need to get the current directory that the package is installed. I have tried process.cwd() in a file that's included in the package, but that gets the current directory of my app. The package is installed and working correctly, it just seems that the package is running in the same process as the app, hence process.cwd() is getting the current app dir. Does anyone know of a trick to get the current directory of the package?
This is what I have in the package files:
Package.on_use(function (api) {
api.use('sync-methods', 'server');
api.add_files(["lib/api_server.js"], "server");
api.add_files(["lib/api_client.js"], "client");
var cwd = process.cwd();
This displays /home/dknell/meteor-apps/testApp
Why would you need current directory? To access a file inside the package? Then add a file as n package asset:
api.add_files(['file.txt'], 'server', {isAsset: true});
And then you can read it with Assets.getText('file.txt') in your package.
If you don't want the content, but an absolute path for another tool, you can try
var path = Npm.require('path');
var base = path.resolve('.');
var assetsBase = path.join(base, '/assets/packages/<author_smart-package-name>');
For the <author_smart-package-name> enter your package name, but if it has your meteor user name included, change the colon (:) to underscore (_)
That seems okay on OS X and Linux, probably works in windows as well.
oops, this is for files within the app, not a package. anyway maybe helpful to someone
I need to access a directory path for loading a list of files
// files in /private get built to:
// .meteorlocal/build/programs/server/assets/app/
// base path resolves to:
// .meteor/local/build/programs/server
so you need to manually add "/assets/app" to your paths.
until meteor change this at some point.
just getting to the content of a file isn't helpful if you have a directory of changing content...

How can one parse HTML server-side with Meteor?

I want to be able to scrape links out of an HTML page that I am fetching with the Meteor.http method. Would be ideal to use jQuery on the server-side but I don't think this works.
Consider using cheerio its just like jquery but more for scraping. I have tried to answer this before so I hope I do a better job this time.
its an npm module so first step install it (inside your project dir) with terminal:
meteor add http
cd .meteor
npm install cheerio
So now the code:
You need to use this in your server js/or equivalent
var cheerio = __meteor_bootstrap__.require('cheerio');
last_action: function() {
$ = cheerio.load(Meteor.http.get("").content);
return $('.commit-title').text().trim()
If you run this from your client side js, you will see the last action on meteors github branch:"last_action",function(err,result){ console.log(result) } );
I got this as of today/feb 23rd
which the same as on
Use cheerio, as Akshat suggests, but I would recommend a different way of using it, as of now, for Meteor 0.8.0.
First, install npm for Meteor:
$ mrt add npm
Then modify packages.json to (of course you can have different version of cheerio, or other node packages as well):
"cheerio": "0.15.0"
In server.js (or any other file, in server-side code) start:
var cheerio = Meteor.require('cheerio');
The use cheerio in a way you like.
Upon running $ meteor it will automatically install cheerio.
