Using image styles with Scald dnd (Drupal 7) - drupal

I have been using the Scald module for few months now, with great experience. But there is one thing I haven't quite figured out yet.
When I have Drag'n'Drop enabled for a textarea (with CKEditor) I can drag images into the textarea and it displays in it's original size. If i Right-click the image I get the image properties for the image, but only at CSS level.
I'm trying to figure out how to add an Image Style to the image, so that my 4000x3000 image that I drag into the editor will be scaled down to a nicer 300x200 image where wanted, and therefor save some valuable bandwidth.

I found the answer after a pile of googling and reading through few articles. First and foremost it was the one about installing and configuring Scald. (Please Google, I can't post that many links :( )
I installed the CKEditor module, disabled the Wysiwyg module, downloaded the library into sites/all/libraries/, and finally read this article about contexts with Scald:
Bottom line, this is possible, but not easy (as sometimes Scald is), but when you get the hang of it, it's much better than the Media module.

I just struggled with this so thought I'd document how to set up contexts.
This is how you add new contexts which can use an image style formatter as a transcoder using the UI:
Go to /admin/structure/scald and click add context. Choose any name and details, but do check "Make parseable"
On the top of the original page for scald settings click "Contexts" in the upper right for "Image" under "Scald Unified Atom Types"
In the page that loads (/admin/structure/scald/image/contexts) you'll see your new context named. Open the fieldset and change the "Transcoder" from "Passthrough" to one of your image styles, e.g. "Large (image style)"
Now when you right-click on a image atom in a textarea wysiwyg and choose "Edit Atom Properties" you'll get a dialog with a new context to choose from. You can also go the default contexts provided by Scald and change them from "Passthrough" to one of your image styles.
Also, at the moment you also have to apply this change to or you'll lose your legend as you switch contexts or use the dev version. When 7.x-1.2 is released this will no longer be necessary.

I just ran across this same issue, using WYSIWYG 2.x-dev with CKEditor library 4.3, Scald 1.2. What fixed it was one of these things (sorry can't remember exactly which one):
Both "Scald DnD Integration" and "Scald SAS conversion" enabled in the relevant WYSIWYG profiles
The display settings for your image (at admin/structure/scald/image/display) have atom field set to enabled but image field set to hidden

You want to use the insert image module
The easiest way to assign image styles to images going into a wysiwyg area


ServiceNow: Manipulate DOM of ootb Widget

Our team is working in ServiceNow and trying to make some aesthetic changes to the ootb Form widget. We've cloned that widget and are trying to give the Form Sections a different background and some larger/bolder font. Since the Form layout is buried in some template code in the system, the only way for us to change the look and feel is to manipulate the DOM in our cloned widget. We've read that the best way to do this is to use the Link Function tab, but we are unsure how to begin. After inspecting our console, it looks like we want to manipulate the parent div of a tag. What is the syntax so that we can target that specific div?
We've tried different variations of this without any success:
Depending on how big changes you want to make are, I would just try and add CSS using the page CSS. I don't know how familiar you are with ServiceNow, but if you ctrl + right-click the widget in the portal, click 'Page in designer', and then the 'Page' button with a gear on it in the top right corner, then you can add page specific CSS there. I've used this a lot, and it also saves you from cloning the widget.

How to change the size of the header part of the liferay?

i want to change the size of the header of the Liferay portal page through css.How do i achieve this? i also want to change the color of the menu.
Nowadays every browser has some Firebug-style developer tools. E.g. on Firefox, hit F12 and the tool will open at the bottom of the page. Choose the "Inspector" (labels might vary, I'm looking at the german UI), find the "choose an element of the page" button, then point your mouse to the area of the page that you want to explore the CSS. You'll see how the appropriate part of the DOM is selected in the inspector and even the actual CSS rules that apply. You can temporarily change the CSS there and try out what values you actually want.
Next, learn how to build a theme in Liferay. You'll add the required CSS, identified in the step above, in your theme's custom.css.
Yes, this isn't the actual CSS that you need (probably you just wanted to know that single line), but your next question would be on how to change a different aspect of the default theme - this is how you can find it out and even solve other theme-related problems that you didn't even think of yet.

Use CKEditor CSS styling in normal div

Please see attached screenshots. Is there a way to create a div that shows the HTML snippet exactly as it was inside the CKEditor window? In my app, certain users enter in text using CKEditor, which other users need to see in view-only mode. Some of the simple styling is preserved (e.g. italics, bold) but other important styling elemenets (e.g. highlighting, table borders) are lost.
I think that the easiest option will be to use CKEditor in the read-only mode.
The reason why I recommend using entire CKEditor is that you can take the HTML that's inside it, but you would also need to get the same stylesheets and that won't be easy.
I guess that you may want to display the read-only content as if it isn't placed in an editor. For that you could use the inline mode or an editor without toolbar, elementspath and resize plugins. In the second case remember to disable the ACF.

can the fast report toolbar icons be completely replaced?

I'm working with fast report and I would like to change their default preview toolbar.
I need to replace some of the icons with icons of my own, and I need the ability to add my own custom buttons.
I looked at this thread from their support.
It mentions how to just change the icons to other fast-report provided icons, but I need to put in custom icons and add new buttons.
Has anyone done this before? Or knows whether this is possibly with FastReport.
If you have the professional edition of fastreports you have access to the source code.
I have heard of people editing this and recompiling to create thier own custom preview window

How to display full URL in address tab of Dreamweaver CS5?

In the address bar of the browser navigation tab, it shows the absolute path of the file, but it is so long that it gets truncated and I can't read the exact file that I'm working on! Is there any way to fix this?
Yeah, I got it... just hover your mouse over the truncated field for a couple seconds and a tooltip will pop up with the full address. I was just frantically clicking on it like an impatient moron and it was canceling the scheduled tooltip display.
I'm not sure what a "browser navigation tab" is. In Dreamweaver CS5 on Windows, the full url is displayed in the title bar of the document. When documents are maximized a tab will display the file name, and the full file url will display in the title bar on the right hand side. This full url gets truncated when there are too many documents open. The truncation is done from the left so you may lose some of the folders, but you should still see the file name. If this is the case, then a quick solution is to close some documents. Or Perhaps don't nest your files so deeply, or don't have really long file/folder names.
Another option is an extension that I wrote a while ago called Document Path Toolbar: The extension adds a toolbar that has a text field that displays the full url to the local file. It has an option that allows you to updated the width of the text field if you have longer file paths (I think that such modifications requires a restart of Dreamweaver). It is commercial but not much. As I no longer contribute to CommunityMX, I won't receive anything for a purchase should you decide it is something that you could benefit from.
