How to know a floating QWidget position when it is shown - qt

I'm trying to move a floating QWidget (Qt::window flag ), in a position depending of it's initial position, wich is determined by the window manager.
I can't find a clean way to do it. The first move event is always at position 0,0; and during show event, position is also 0,0.
So the only way for now i've found is something like that :
this->firstMoved = false;
this->myFirstMoved = false;
void TabWidget::moveEvent( QMoveEvent* event )
if( this->firstMoved )
if(! this->myFirstMoved )
this->myFirstMoved = true;
this->firstMoved = true;
Superclass::moveEvent( event );
not as clean as i would have expected. I'm using X11 by the way.


Style.Visibility doesnt let element do animation?

I have two functions which should hide and make my element (Image), whose id is "Brandish":
hideBrandish(): void {
document.getElementById('Brandish').style.visibility = 'hidden';
showBrandish(): void {
document.getElementById('Brandish').style.visibility = 'visible';
Now I have a function, that calls first this.showBrandish().
Then I have a function, that calls the .className = 'skillimage', which moves the image per #keyframes:
this.moveSkillImage(); {
if ( === 'Brandish') {
document.getElementById('Brandish').className = 'skillImage';
Finally I call hideBrandish().
The problem is that my animation isn't processing, instead my image just gets hidden. Why is that?

Unity - Making Camera Lock on To Enemy and stay behind player?

I am attempting to create a Camera that moves with the Player but locks onto an enemy when the player clicks the lock on button. The behaviour is almost working as I want it, the camera locks onto the target. And when the player stand in-front of the target it works fine. However as soon as the player runs past the target, the camera behaves strangely. It still looks at the Enemy, however it does not stay behind the player. Here is the code that dictates the behaviour:
if(MouseLock.MouseLocked && !lockedOn){ // MOUSE CONTROL:
Data.Azimuth += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * OrbitSpeed.x;
Data.Zenith += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * OrbitSpeed.y;
} else if(lockedOn) { // LOCKON BEHAVIOUR:
if (Target != null) {
lookAt += Target.transform.position;
base.Update ();
gameObject.transform.position += lookAt;
gameObject.transform.LookAt (lookAt);
} else if(enemyTarget != null) {
Vector3 pos1 = Target.transform.position ;
Vector3 pos2 = enemyTarget.transform.position ;
Vector3 dir = (pos2 - pos1).normalized ;
Vector3 perpDir = Vector3.Cross(dir, Vector3.right) ;
Vector3 midPoint = (pos1 + pos2) / 2f;
gameObject.transform.LookAt (midPoint);
And the Code for Finding the nearest Enemy:
void FindClosestEnemy () {
int numEnemies = 0;
var hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, lockOnRange);
foreach (var hit in hitColliders) {
if (!hit || hit.gameObject == this.gameObject || hit.gameObject.tag == this.gameObject.tag){
if(hit.tag != "Enemy") // IF NOT AN ENEMY: DONT LOCK ON
var relativePoint = Camera.main.transform.InverseTransformPoint(hit.transform.position);
if(relativePoint.z < 0){
numEnemies += 1;
if(enemyTarget == null){
print ("TARGET FOUND");
enemyTarget = hit;
if(numEnemies < 1){
lockedOn = false;
enemyTarget = null;
As I said, teh behaviour almost works as expected, however I need the camera to stay behind the player whilst locked on and it must face the enemy/midPoint between the enemy and player. How can this be done? Thank you for your time.
To clarify your intent: you want to lock the position relative to the target (player), whilst setting the camera rotation to look at either the target or a secondary target (enemy)? And your current code performs the rotation correctly but the positioning is buggy?
The easiest way to fix the camera relative to another object is to parent it in the scene. In your case you could add the camera as a child under the Player game object.
If you would rather not do this then look at your positioning code again:
lookAt += Target.transform.position;
base.Update ();
gameObject.transform.position += lookAt;
I don't know where lookAt comes from originally but to me this looks all wrong. Something called lookAt should have nothing to do with position and I doubt you want to += anything in the positioning code given that you want a fixed relative position. Try this instead:
public float followDistance; // class instance variable = distance back from target
public float followHeight; // class instance variable = camera height
if (Target != null) {
Vector3 newPos = target.position + (-Target.transform.forward * followDistance);
newPos.y += followHeight;
transform.position = newPos;
This should fix the positioning. Set the followDistance and followHeight to whatever you desire. Assuming your rotation code works this should fix the problem.

Qt 4.8. Tablet Events on Mac OS 10.6.8

TabletEvents comes as mouse events.
Actual for MAC OS Qt 4.8.0 - 4.8.5.
Works fine in Qt 4.7.3 on any OS and Qt 4.8.0 on Windows and Linux.
I have two instances of QGraphcisScene and two instances of QGraphicsView.
The same types, but one view have a parent, and the another - doesn't (also it's transparent, used for drawing something over desktop).
I'm using tablet (wacom pen and touch) for painting. I handle QTabletEvents and it works only for QGrahicsView instance that doesn't have parent (means parent==0).
On the view with parent (
) tablet events doesn't comes. They comes to QApplication::eventFilter fine, but doesn't comes to view. They comes to QMainWindow as mouseEvents.
If i set parent to 0, tablet events delivers fine.
The 1st receiver of tablet event is QMainWindow.
I see that inside qt_mac_handleTabletEvent:
QWidget *qwidget = [theView qt_qwidget];
QWidget *widgetToGetMouse = qwidget;
And then:
`qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(widgetToGetMouse, &qtabletEvent);`
qtabletEvent - is not accepted event created just before calling sendSpontaneousEvent.
Then inside QApplication::notify():
QWidget *w = static_cast<QWidget *>(receiver);
QTabletEvent *tablet = static_cast<QTabletEvent*>(e);
QPoint relpos = tablet->pos();
bool eventAccepted = tablet->isAccepted();
while (w) {
QTabletEvent te(tablet->type(), relpos, tablet->globalPos(),
tablet->hiResGlobalPos(), tablet->device(), tablet->pointerType(),
tablet->pressure(), tablet->xTilt(), tablet->yTilt(),
tablet->tangentialPressure(), tablet->rotation(), tablet->z(),
tablet->modifiers(), tablet->uniqueId());
te.spont = e->spontaneous();
res = d->notify_helper(w, w == receiver ? tablet : &te);
eventAccepted = ((w == receiver) ? tablet : &te)->isAccepted();
e->spont = false;
if ((res && eventAccepted)
|| w->isWindow()
|| w->testAttribute(Qt::WA_NoMousePropagation))
relpos += w->pos();
w = w->parentWidget();
As we can see:
res = d->notify_helper(w, w == receiver ? tablet : &te);
It calls event processing by filters, layouts and then - QMainWindow::tabletEvent. Default implementation is event->ignore().
Since QMainWindow have no Parent, it is all.
So tablet event doesn't comes to QMainWindow childs.
Then seems it is QWidget *qwidget = [theView qt_qwidget]; works wrong.
Unfortunately, i can't debug it...
Please give me some hints... i'm stucked...
I spent more time on comparison Qt 4.8.0 and 4.7.3 and now i see that it is the problem in internal qt event dispatcher. It sends event to NSWindow (QMainWindow) instead of NSView (QGraphicsView).
I didn't found where is the problem, but i found that QMainWindow returns false from ::event() method.
So i reimplemented that method and parsed tablet event there:
bool UBMainWindow::event(QEvent *event)
bool bRes = QMainWindow::event(event);
if (NULL != UBApplication::boardController)
UBBoardView *controlV = UBApplication::boardController->controlView();
if (controlV && controlV->isVisible())
switch (event->type())
case QEvent::TabletEnterProximity:
case QEvent::TabletLeaveProximity:
case QEvent::TabletMove:
case QEvent::TabletPress:
case QEvent::TabletRelease:
return controlV->directTabletEvent(event);
return bRes;
The problem is: i need to use tablet for any controls in application, so i need to determine when QGraphicsView is under mouse cursor:
bool UBBoardView::directTabletEvent(QEvent *event)
QTabletEvent *tEvent = static_cast<QTabletEvent *>(event);
tEvent = new QTabletEvent(tEvent->type()
, mapFromGlobal(tEvent->pos())
, tEvent->globalPos()
, tEvent->hiResGlobalPos()
, tEvent->device()
, tEvent->pointerType()
, tEvent->pressure()
, tEvent->xTilt()
, tEvent->yTilt()
, tEvent->tangentialPressure()
, tEvent->rotation()
, tEvent->z()
, tEvent->modifiers()
, tEvent->uniqueId());
if (geometry().contains(tEvent->pos()))
if (NULL == widgetForTabletEvent(this->parentWidget(), tEvent->pos()))
return true;
return false;
Also i need to stop handle tablet events for QGraphicsView childs.
QWidget *UBBoardView::widgetForTabletEvent(QWidget *w, const QPoint &pos)
UBBoardView *board = qobject_cast<UBBoardView *>(w);
QWidget *childAtPos = NULL;
QList<QObject *> childs = w->children();
foreach(QObject *child, childs)
QWidget *childWidget = qobject_cast<QWidget *>(child);
if (childWidget)
if (childWidget->isVisible() && childWidget->geometry().contains(pos))
QWidget *lastChild = widgetForTabletEvent(childWidget, pos);
if (board && board->viewport() == lastChild)
if (NULL != lastChild)
childAtPos = lastChild;
childAtPos = childWidget;
childAtPos = NULL;
return childAtPos;
Maybe when i will have more time - i will investigate qt more deeply and fix that problem at all.

XNA button hovering

I have a button in my game. and I want to make it to change to other button image when mouse hover on it and change back when the mouse not in the button.
the problem is when the mouse went out from the button rectangle area, it not change back to the first image
my code like this :
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
MouseState mouseState;
mouseDiBack = false;
mouseState = Mouse.GetState();
if (new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(backButtonRectangle))
backButton = backButtonHilite;
if ((mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) &&
(new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(backButtonRectangle)))
mouseDiBack = true;
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
spriteBatch.Draw(ScoreBG, ScoreBGRectangle, Color.White);
spriteBatch.Draw(backButton, backButtonRectangle, Color.White);
any idea how I to do it...?
Fairly simple solution, you didn't set the image back on the case where the mouse is not hovering.
if (new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(backButtonRectangle))
backButton = backButtonHilite;
backButton = originalImage; //whatever your Texture2D object may be called
Don't expect the machine to know that you want to switch back! Machines are stupid! ..Ok, it's actually because you overwrote the value of the variable and didn't reset it.
You are not setting your backButton back to what it used to be when the mouse moves out of the scope area. Take a look at the code below, and notice the added ELSE statement in your Update function.
defaultBackButton = backButton; //Save the default back button somewhere outside your update function
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
MouseState mouseState;
mouseDiBack = false;
mouseState = Mouse.GetState();
if (new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1,1).Intersects(backButtonRectangle))
backButton = backButtonHilite;
backButton = defaultBackButton;
if ((mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) && (new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(backButtonRectangle)))
mouseDiBack = true;
As mentioned by Jon you need to set your original texture back when the mouse has left the rectangle.
bool mouseOverBackButton =
mouseX >= buttonRectangle.Left && mouseX <= buttonRectangle.Right &&
mouseY >= buttonRectangle.Top && mouseY <= buttonRectangle.Bottom;
backgroundTexture = mouseOverBackButton ? mouseOverTexture: mouseAwayTexture;
mouseDiBack = mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && mouseOverBackButton;

Can't get my object to point at the mouse

I'm using a combination of SDL and OpenGL in a sort of crash course project to teach myself how this all works. I'm really only interested in OpenGL as a way to use acceleration in 2D games so I just need this to work in a 2D plane.
I have been having a lot of problems today with my current issue, I would like an object to point towards the mouse while the mouse button is clicked and then of course stay pointing in that direction after the mouse is lifted.
void Square::handle_input() {
//If a key was pressed
if( event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN ) {
//Adjust the velocity
switch( event.key.keysym.sym ) {
case SDLK_UP: upUp = false; yVel = -1; break;
case SDLK_DOWN: downUp = false; yVel = 1; break;
case SDLK_LEFT: leftUp = false; xVel = -1; break;
case SDLK_RIGHT: rightUp = false; xVel = 1; break;
case SDLK_w: wUp = false; sAng = 1; break;
case SDLK_s: sUp = false; sAng = -1; break;
//If a key was released
else if( event.type == SDL_KEYUP ) {
//Adjust the velocity
switch( event.key.keysym.sym ) {
case SDLK_UP: upUp = true; yVel = 0; break;
case SDLK_DOWN: downUp = true; yVel = 0; break;
case SDLK_LEFT: leftUp = true; xVel = 0; break;
case SDLK_RIGHT: rightUp = true; xVel = 0; break;
case SDLK_w: wUp = true; sAng = 0; break;
case SDLK_s: sUp = true; sAng = 0; break;
//If a mouse button was pressed
if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN ) {
switch ( event.type ) {
case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouseUp = false; mousex == event.button.x; mousey == event.button.y; break;
case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: mouseUp = true; break;
And then this is called at the end of my Object::Move call which also handles x and y translation
if (!mouseUp) {
xVect = mousex - x;
yVect = mousey - y;
radAng = atan2 ( mousey - y, mousex - x );
sAng = radAng * 180 / 3.1415926l;
Right now when I click the object turns and faces down to the bottom left but then no longer changes direction. I'd really appreciate any help I could get here. I'm guessing there might be an issue here with state versus polled events but from all the tutorials that I've been through I was pretty sure I had fixed that. I've just hit a wall and I need some advice!
I'm assuming that you want the object to keep pointing at the mouse's position while the mouse button is held. To fix this, you will have to update the mouse position every time the mouse is moved.
Add some code similar to this:
if( event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOVE ) {
// update the mouse position here using event.???.x / y
Note that I haven't got an SDL reference here, so I can't give you the exact members, but that should help.
NB: I would also guess that there would be problems with your button handling code. You have an if statement that checks for one value of event.type, but then inside its body you have a switch statement with two values. Only one of these values will ever be executed - you should probably think about just using 2 separate if statements for the button down / button up events.
