Error invalid control sequence "a href=\”%s\” - wordpress

I am translating a WordPress theme Magnovus using the default .po file in poEditor 1.6.3 on OSX Mavericks (free version). I got the following errors even when I copied the text over to the translation:
error invalid control sequence
the string I am translating is
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whether I copy it or translate it, I keep on getting this error.
I think the quotes are escaped properly here. Any ideas how to fix this?

This is a bug in Poedit 1.6.3 occurring for some (but curiously, not all) users on OS X Mavericks. It is related to OS X's Smart Quotes feature, which is on by default since 10.9.
It will be fixed in Poedit 1.6.4 and you can download a fixed build of 1.6.3 from You will need to manually fix the already-broken invalid translation to use \" (i.e. the "dumb quote"), but it won't happen again with 1.6.3b+.
(By the way:

Testing with poEdit 1.6.4 (and MacOSX 10.9.2), these errors of invalid control sequence continue to occur randomly (after fuzzy procedure). The place of errors indicated by red lines in screen table is not good. The only way to repair is to used a text editor and replace \” by \" !
Question : is a way to stop automatic fuzzy suggestion ?

You should use: %s, not \"%s\".


dir? or any command followed by "?" yields a + sign. Why?

Just experimenting with help in RStudio. So I type setwd? and the help comes up in another RStudio window. Now I type ls? ( at the console ) and all I get is "+". What's it expecting? I was told you don't need to put the () in and even if you do, same thing happens. I have to escape out of it. Shut down and startup...same problem and same ole' output from setwd?.
I'm on a MacBook air M1 macOS BigSur 11.3.1
It's expecting a string/object after the ? to search the prior type of files for. The characters before the ? it is treating as a type. If nothing is before the ? it searches all types of documentation: objects, packages, etc. Examples:
Error in `?`(Is, is) :
no documentation of type ‘Is’ and topic ‘is’ (or error in processing help)

How do I tell Vim to use any/all dictionary files that fit a filepath wildcard glob?

I am trying to set the dictionary option (to allow autocompletion of certain words of my choosing) using wildcards in a filename glob, as follows:
:set dict+=$VIM/dict/dict*.lst
The hope is that, with this line in the initially sourced .vimrc (or, in my case of Windows 10, _vimrc), I can add different dictionary files to my $VIM/dict directory later, and each new invocation of Vim will use those dictionary files, without me needing to modify my .vimrc settings.
However, an error message says that there is no such file. When I give a specific filename (as in :set dict+=$VIM/dict/dict01.lst ), then it works.
The thing is, I could swear that this used to work. I had this setting in my .vimrc files since I started using Vim 7.1, and I don't recall any such error message until recently. Now it shows up on my Linux laptop as well as my Windows 7 and Windows 10 laptops. I can't remember exactly when this started happening.
Yes, I tried using backslashes (as in :set dict+=$VIM\dict\dict*.lst ) in case it was a Windows compatibility issue, but that still doesn't work. (Also this is happening on my Linux laptop, too, and that doesn't use backslashes for filepaths.)
Am I going senile? Or is there some other mysterious force going on?
Assuming for now that it is a change in the latest version of Vim, is there some way to specify "use all the dictionary files that fit this glob"?
-- Edited 2021-02-14 06:17:07
I also checked to see if it was due to having more than one file that fits the wildcard glob. (I thought that if I had more than one file that fit the wildcard, the glob would turn into two filenames, equivalent to saying dict+=$VIM/dict/dict01.lst dict02.lst which would not be syntactically valid.) But it still did not working after removing extra files so that only one file fit my pathname of $VIM/dict/dict*.lst . (I had previously put another Addendum here happily explaining that this was how I solved my problem, but it turned out to be premature.)
You must expand wildcards before setting an option. Multiple file names must be separated by commas. For example,
let &dictionary = tr(expand("$VIM/dict/dict*.lst"), "\n", ",")
If adding a value to a non-empty option, don't forget to add comma too (let is more universal than set, so it's less forgiving):
let &dictionary .= "," . tr(expand(...)...)

How to import Geonames into SQLite?

I need to import the Geonames database ( into SQLite (file is about a gigabyte in size, ±8,000,000 records, tab-delimited).
I'm using the built-in SQLite-possibilities of Mac OS X, accessed through terminal. All goes well, until record 381174 (tested with older file, the exact number varies slightly depending on the exact version of the Geonames database, as it is updated every few days), where the error "expected 19 columns of data but found 18" is displayed.
The exact line causing the problem is:
126704 Gora Kyumyurkey Gora Kyumyurkey Gora Kemyurkey,Gora
Kyamyar-Kup,Gora Kyumyurkey,Gora Këmyurkëy,Komur Qu",Komur
Qu',Komurkoy Dagi,Komūr Qū’,Komūr Qū”,Kummer Kid,Kömürköy Dağı,kumwr
قوء 38.73335 48.24133 T MT AZ AZ 00 0 2471 Asia/Baku 2014-03-05
I've tested various countries separately, and the western countries all completely imported without a problem, causing me to believe the problem is somewhere in the exotic characters used in some entries. (I've put this line into a separate file and tested with several other database-programs, some did give an error, some imported without a problem).
How do I solve this error, or are there other ways to import the file?
Thanks for your help and let me know if you need more information.
Regarding the question title, a preliminary search resulted in
the GeoNames format description ("tab-delimited text in utf8 encoding")
some libraries (untested):
Perl: (+ autocomplete demo JavaScript/PHP)
GUI (mentioned by #charlest):
The SQLite tools have import capability as well:
It looks like a bi-directional text issue. "كُمور قوء" is expected to be at the end of the comma-separated alternate name list. However, on account of it being dextrosinistral (or RTL), it's displaying on the wrong side of the latitude and longitude values.
I don't have visibility of your import method, but it seems likely to me that that's why it thinks a column is missing.
I found the same problem using the script from the geonames forum here:
Despite adjusting the script to run on Mac OS X (Sierra 10.12.6) I was getting the same errors. But thanks to the script author since it helped me get the sqlite database file created.
After a little while I decided to use the sqlite DB Browser for SQLite (version 3.11.2) rather than continue with the script.
I had errors with this method as well and found that I had to set the "Quote character" setting in the import dialog to the blank state. Once that was done the import from the FULL allCountries.txt file ran to completion taking just under an hour on my MacBookPro (an old one but with SSD).
Although I have not dived in deeper I am assuming that the geonames text files must not be quote parsed in any way. Each line simply needs to be handled as tab delimited UTF-8 strings.
At the time of writing allCountries.txt is 1.5GB with 11,930,517 records. SQLite database file is just short of 3GB.
Hope that helps.
Further investigation has revealed that it is indeed due to the embedded quotes in the geonames files, and looking here: shows that SQLite has problems with quotes. Hence you need to be able to switch off quote parsing in SQLite.
Despite the 3.11.2 version of DB Browser being based on SQLite 3.27.2 which does not have the required mods to ignore the quotes, I can only assume it must be escaping the quotes when you set the "Quote character" to blank.

Zsh + tmux + oh-my-zsh: Autocomplete produces remnant characters

I recently installed Zsh in hope of a better life and brighter mornings. However, I quickly realized Zsh introduces various issues in conjunction with tmux.
The first issue was some weird stuff happening at the end of the prompt, before my commands, but this was resolved by supplying tmux with the -u flag for unicode-support. However, I am stuck with one final issue that needs resolution before I can use Zsh with tmux:
Usecase: Autocomplete a command which contains multiple suggestions
Issue: Autocompletion shifts suggestion one character to the right, while leaving the original character behind (visual bug, it is not included in the command)
Example 1.
Then I hit TAB..
Example 2.
Then I hit TAB..
Note 1: This does NOT occur when using the Bash-shell.
Note 2: I am using "oh-my-zsh". This issue only occurs when using the provided themes. This narrows it down to an "oh-my-zsh"-theme issue, not native zsh/tmux.
In case some people still get a similar issue, see also the top-voted answer of Remnant characters when tab completing with ZSH. The plugin you were using may have had the same non-printable characters issue, that would explain the symptoms.

vi editor behaving weird

My vi editor has started behaving weirdly since today morning.
When I use keys in command mode, the characters are being overwritten. For example when using 'w' for word jump, it replaces the characters. To make sure something is not wrong with my settings I have removed the .exrc file from my home, but its still not working correctly.
I am using solaris 10, shell is ksh and version is: Version SVR4.0, Solaris 2.5.0
VARCHAR(3) is changed to (3) CHAR(3) on doing word jump.
Any idea how it has changed suddenly? Does it use any other default resource file that might have been changed?
It need not be a resource file of vi that has been changed. The setting of the environment variable TERM in the original shell session may be wrong. Compare $TERM there and in a new shell.
