Termination-checking of function over a trie - recursion

I'm having difficulty convincing Agda to termination-check the function fmap below and similar functions defined recursively over the structure of a Trie. A Trie is a trie whose domain is a Type, an object-level type formed from unit, products and fixed points (I've omitted coproducts to keep the code minimal). The problem seems to relate to a type-level substitution I use in the definition of Trie. (The expression const (μₜ τ) * τ means apply the substitution const (μₜ τ) to the type τ.)
module Temp where
open import Data.Unit
open import Category.Functor
open import Function
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary
-- A context is just a snoc-list.
data Cxt {𝒂} (A : Set 𝒂) : Set 𝒂 where
ε : Cxt A
_∷ᵣ_ : Cxt A → A → Cxt A
-- Context membership.
data _∈_ {𝒂} {A : Set 𝒂} (a : A) : Cxt A → Set 𝒂 where
here : ∀ {Δ} → a ∈ Δ ∷ᵣ a
there : ∀ {Δ a′} → a ∈ Δ → a ∈ Δ ∷ᵣ a′
infix 3 _∈_
-- Well-formed types, using de Bruijn indices.
data _⊦ (Δ : Cxt ⊤) : Set where
nat : Δ ⊦
𝟏 : Δ ⊦
var : _ ∈ Δ → Δ ⊦
_+_ _⨰_ : Δ ⊦ → Δ ⊦ → Δ ⊦
μ : Δ ∷ᵣ _ ⊦ → Δ ⊦
infix 3 _⊦
-- A closed type.
Type : Set
Type = ε ⊦
-- Type-level substitutions and renamings.
Sub Ren : Rel (Cxt ⊤) zero
Sub Δ Δ′ = _ ∈ Δ → Δ′ ⊦
Ren Δ Δ′ = ∀ {x} → x ∈ Δ → x ∈ Δ′
-- Renaming extension.
extendᵣ : ∀ {Δ Δ′} → Ren Δ Δ′ → Ren (Δ ∷ᵣ _) (Δ′ ∷ᵣ _)
extendᵣ ρ here = here
extendᵣ ρ (there x) = there (ρ x)
-- Lift a type renaming to a type.
_*ᵣ_ : ∀ {Δ Δ′} → Ren Δ Δ′ → Δ ⊦ → Δ′ ⊦
_ *ᵣ nat = nat
_ *ᵣ 𝟏 = 𝟏
ρ *ᵣ (var x) = var (ρ x)
ρ *ᵣ (τ₁ + τ₂) = (ρ *ᵣ τ₁) + (ρ *ᵣ τ₂)
ρ *ᵣ (τ₁ ⨰ τ₂) = (ρ *ᵣ τ₁) ⨰ (ρ *ᵣ τ₂)
ρ *ᵣ (μ τ) = μ (extendᵣ ρ *ᵣ τ)
-- Substitution extension.
extend : ∀ {Δ Δ′} → Sub Δ Δ′ → Sub (Δ ∷ᵣ _) (Δ′ ∷ᵣ _)
extend θ here = var here
extend θ (there x) = there *ᵣ (θ x)
-- Lift a type substitution to a type.
_*_ : ∀ {Δ Δ′} → Sub Δ Δ′ → Δ ⊦ → Δ′ ⊦
θ * nat = nat
θ * 𝟏 = 𝟏
θ * var x = θ x
θ * (τ₁ + τ₂) = (θ * τ₁) + (θ * τ₂)
θ * (τ₁ ⨰ τ₂) = (θ * τ₁) ⨰ (θ * τ₂)
θ * μ τ = μ (extend θ * τ)
data Trie {𝒂} (A : Set 𝒂) : Type → Set 𝒂 where
〈〉 : A → 𝟏 ▷ A
〔_,_〕 : ∀ {τ₁ τ₂} → τ₁ ▷ A → τ₂ ▷ A → τ₁ + τ₂ ▷ A
↑_ : ∀ {τ₁ τ₂} → τ₁ ▷ τ₂ ▷ A → τ₁ ⨰ τ₂ ▷ A
roll : ∀ {τ} → (const (μ τ) * τ) ▷ A → μ τ ▷ A
infixr 5 Trie
syntax Trie A τ = τ ▷ A
fmap : ∀ {a} {A B : Set a} {τ} → (A → B) → τ ▷ A → τ ▷ B
fmap f (〈〉 x) = 〈〉 (f x)
fmap f 〔 σ₁ , σ₂ 〕 = 〔 fmap f σ₁ , fmap f σ₂ 〕
fmap f (↑ σ) = ↑ (fmap (fmap f) σ)
fmap f (roll σ) = roll (fmap f σ)
It would seem that fmap recurses into a strictly smaller argument in each case; certainly the product case is fine if I remove recursive types. On the other hand, the definition handles recursive types fine if I remove products.
What's the simplest way to proceed here? The inline/fuse trick does not look particularly applicable, but maybe it is. Or should I be looking for another way to deal with the substitution in the definition of Trie?

The inline/fuse trick can be applied in (perhaps) surprising way. This trick is suited for problems of this sort:
data Trie (A : Set) : Set where
nil : Trie A
node : A → List (Trie A) → Trie A
map-trie : {A B : Set} → (A → B) → Trie A → Trie B
map-trie f nil = nil
map-trie f (node x xs) = node (f x) (map (map-trie f) xs)
This function is structurally recursive, but in a hidden way. map just applies map-trie f to the elements of xs, so map-trie gets applied to smaller (sub-)tries. But Agda doesn't look through the definition of map to see that it doesn't do anything funky. So we must apply the inline/fuse trick to get it past termination checker:
map-trie : {A B : Set} → (A → B) → Trie A → Trie B
map-trie f nil = nil
map-trie {A} {B} f (node x xs) = node (f x) (map′ xs)
map′ : List (Trie A) → List (Trie B)
map′ [] = []
map′ (x ∷ xs) = map-trie f x ∷ map′ xs
Your fmap function shares the same structure, you map a lifted function of some sort. But what to inline? If we follow the example above, we should inline fmap itself. This looks and feels a bit strange, but indeed, it works:
fmap fmap′ : ∀ {a} {A B : Set a} {τ} → (A → B) → τ ▷ A → τ ▷ B
fmap f (〈〉 x) = 〈〉 (f x)
fmap f 〔 σ₁ , σ₂ 〕 = 〔 fmap f σ₁ , fmap f σ₂ 〕
fmap f (↑ σ) = ↑ (fmap (fmap′ f) σ)
fmap f (roll σ) = roll (fmap f σ)
fmap′ f (〈〉 x) = 〈〉 (f x)
fmap′ f 〔 σ₁ , σ₂ 〕 = 〔 fmap′ f σ₁ , fmap′ f σ₂ 〕
fmap′ f (↑ σ) = ↑ (fmap′ (fmap f) σ)
fmap′ f (roll σ) = roll (fmap′ f σ)
There's another technique you can apply: it's called sized types. Instead of relying on the compiler to figure out when somethig is or is not structurally recursive, you instead specify it directly. However, you have to index your data types by a Size type, so this approach is fairly intrusive and cannot be applied to already existing types, but I think it is worth mentioning.
In its simplest form, sized type behaves as a type indexed by a natural number. This index specifies the upper bound of structural size. You can think of this as an upper bound for the height of a tree (given that the data type is an F-branching tree for some functor F). Sized version of List looks almost like a Vec, for example:
data SizedList (A : Set) : ℕ → Set where
[] : ∀ {n} → SizedList A n
_∷_ : ∀ {n} → A → SizedList A n → SizedList A (suc n)
But sized types add few features that make them easier to use. You have a constant ∞ for the case when you don't care about the size. suc is called ↑ and Agda implements few rules, such as ↑ ∞ = ∞.
Let's rewrite the Trie example to use sized types. We need a pragma at the top of the file and one import:
{-# OPTIONS --sized-types #-}
open import Size
And here's the modified data type:
data Trie (A : Set) : {i : Size} → Set where
nil : ∀ {i} → Trie A {↑ i}
node : ∀ {i} → A → List (Trie A {i}) → Trie A {↑ i}
If you leave the map-trie function as is, the termination checker is still going to complain. That's because when you don't specify any size, Agda will fill in infinity (i.e. don't-care value) and we are back at the beginning.
However, we can mark map-trie as size-preserving:
map-trie : ∀ {i A B} → (A → B) → Trie A {i} → Trie B {i}
map-trie f nil = nil
map-trie f (node x xs) = node (f x) (map (map-trie f) xs)
So, if you give it a Trie bounded by i, it will give you another Trie bounded by i as well. So map-trie can never make the Trie larger, only equally large or smaller. This is enough for the termination checker to figure out that map (map-trie f) xs is okay.
This technique can also be applied to your Trie:
open import Size
renaming (↑_ to ^_)
data Trie {𝒂} (A : Set 𝒂) : {i : Size} → Type → Set 𝒂 where
〈〉 : ∀ {i} → A →
Trie A {^ i} 𝟏
〔_,_〕 : ∀ {i τ₁ τ₂} → Trie A {i} τ₁ → Trie A {i} τ₂ →
Trie A {^ i} (τ₁ + τ₂)
↑_ : ∀ {i τ₁ τ₂} → Trie (Trie A {i} τ₂) {i} τ₁ →
Trie A {^ i} (τ₁ ⨰ τ₂)
roll : ∀ {i τ} → Trie A {i} (const (μ τ) * τ) →
Trie A {^ i} (μ τ)
infixr 5 Trie
syntax Trie A τ = τ ▷ A
fmap : ∀ {i 𝒂} {A B : Set 𝒂} {τ} → (A → B) → Trie A {i} τ → Trie B {i} τ
fmap f (〈〉 x) = 〈〉 (f x)
fmap f 〔 σ₁ , σ₂ 〕 = 〔 fmap f σ₁ , fmap f σ₂ 〕
fmap f (↑ σ) = ↑ fmap (fmap f) σ
fmap f (roll σ) = roll (fmap f σ)


Prove recursive function exists using only `nat_ind`

I'm trying to prove the following in Coq:
∀ B: Type, ∀ a: B, ∀ b: nat -> B -> B, ∃ f: nat -> B, f 0 = a ∧ ∀ n: nat, f (S n) = b n (f n).
Which implies that a fairly general class of recursive functions exist. I know that I can construct that function using Fixpoint items or fix expressions, but I want to not use it, and instead use nat_ind defined with this type:
∀ P: nat → Prop, P 0 → (∀ n: nat, P n → P (S n)) → ∀ n: nat, P n
I believe this is possible since nat_ind behaves like a recursion combinator. But I didn't figured it out how to prove it. The problem is that the induction variable is inside of ∃ f guard, and I don't have access to it. I'm able to prove something like this:
∀ B: Type, ∀ a: B, ∀ b: nat -> B -> B, ∀ m: nat,
∃ f: nat -> B, f 0 = a ∧ ∀ n: nat, n < m -> f (S n) = b n (f n)
But it doesn't help in proving the original one I think.
Is it possible to prove the original one without using fix directly? I'm ok with using double negation and other well-known axioms if needed. Using nat_rec and nat_rect is also fine, but only as an opaque axiom. Precisely, using those are fine:
Axiom nat_rec2: ∀ P : nat → Set, P 0 → (∀ n : nat, P n → P (S n)) → ∀ n : nat, P n.
Axiom nat_rect2: ∀ P : nat → Type, P 0 → (∀ n : nat, P n → P (S n)) → ∀ n : nat, P n.
The problem seems to be to obtain recursion from the following axiomatization of nat:
Parameter nat : Type.
Parameter O : nat.
Parameter S : nat -> nat.
Parameter disjoint_O_S : forall n, O <> S n.
Parameter injective_S : forall n n', S n = S n' -> n = n'.
Parameter nat_rect : forall P: nat -> Type, P O -> (forall n: nat, P n -> P (S n)) -> forall n : nat, P n.
Where the main issue is that the nat_rect axiom has no computational behavior, so although we might define a recursor B -> (nat -> B -> B) -> nat -> B as nat_rect (fun _ => B), we can't prove anything about it.
The solution is to first encode the graph of the desired recursive function f as a relation, and then use nat_rect to produce a dependent pair, of a value that is going to be f n with evidence that that value is in the graph of f.
Section Rec.
Context (B : Type) (a : B) (b : nat -> B -> B).
Inductive graph : nat -> B -> Prop :=
| recO : graph O a
| recS n y : graph n y -> graph (S n) (b n y)
Lemma graph_fun : forall n, { y | forall y', y = y' <-> graph n y' }.
induction n as [ | n IH ] using nat_rect.
- exists a; split.
+ intros <-. constructor.
+ inversion 1; [ reflexivity | ]. contradiction (disjoint_O_S n); auto.
- destruct IH as [y IH]. exists (b n y); split.
+ intros <-. constructor. apply IH. auto.
+ inversion 1; subst. contradiction (disjoint_O_S n); auto.
apply injective_S in H0. subst.
apply IH in H1. subst; auto.
Theorem nat_rec : exists (f : nat -> B), f O = a /\ forall n, f (S n) = b n (f n).
exists (fun n => proj1_sig (graph_fun n)). split.
- apply (proj2_sig (graph_fun O)). constructor.
- intros n. apply (proj2_sig (graph_fun (S n))).
constructor. apply (proj2_sig (graph_fun n)).
End Rec.
If you have the Prop inductor nat_ind instead of nat_rect, that same technique can be adapted by also assuming the axiom constructive_indefinite_description (which actually lets you reconstruct nat_rect, but here you can more simply apply it at the beginning of graph_fun):
From Coq Require Import IndefiniteDescription.
About constructive_indefinite_description.
constructive_indefinite_description :
forall (A : Type) (P : A->Prop),
(exists x, P x) -> { x : A | P x }.

How to define an alias in Agda's type delaration?

My code:
law : ∀ a x → ((suc a) * (suc a) ÷ (suc a) ⟨ x ⟩) →ℕ ≡ (suc a , refl)
law a x = refl
I think there's too many suc a and I want to give an alias to suc a, something like (this code just describes my idea, it doesn't compile):
law : ∀ a x → ((s : suc a) * s ÷ s ⟨ x ⟩) →ℕ ≡ (s , refl)
law a x = refl
Can I achieve that?
Sure. You can use let
law : ∀ a x → let s = suc a in (s * s ÷ s ⟨ x ⟩) →ℕ ≡ (s , refl)
law a x = refl
or define an anonymous module:
module _ (a : ℕ) where
s = suc a
law : ∀ x → (s * s ÷ s ⟨ x ⟩) →ℕ ≡ (s , refl)
law x = refl
Outside of the module law has the same type signature as the one you provided.

Porting (simply-typed) lambda calculus term saturation proof from Coq to Agda

I'm trying to port msubst_R from Software Foundations, vol. 2 to Agda. I'm trying to avoid a lot of busywork by using a typed representation for terms. Below is my port of everything up to msubst_R; I think everything is fine below but it's needed for the problematic part.
open import Data.Nat
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality hiding (subst)
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Relation.Binary
open import Data.Star
open import Level renaming (zero to lzero)
open import Data.Product
open import Function.Equivalence hiding (sym)
open import Function.Equality using (_⟨$⟩_)
data Ty : Set where
fun : Ty → Ty → Ty
infixl 21 _▷_
data Ctx : Set where
[] : Ctx
_▷_ : Ctx → Ty → Ctx
data Var (t : Ty) : Ctx → Set where
vz : ∀ {Γ} → Var t (Γ ▷ t)
vs : ∀ {Γ u} → Var t Γ → Var t (Γ ▷ u)
data _⊆_ : Ctx → Ctx → Set where
done : ∀ {Δ} → [] ⊆ Δ
keep : ∀ {Γ Δ a} → Γ ⊆ Δ → Γ ▷ a ⊆ Δ ▷ a
drop : ∀ {Γ Δ a} → Γ ⊆ Δ → Γ ⊆ Δ ▷ a
⊆-refl : ∀ {Γ} → Γ ⊆ Γ
⊆-refl {[]} = done
⊆-refl {Γ ▷ _} = keep ⊆-refl
data Tm (Γ : Ctx) : Ty → Set where
var : ∀ {t} → Var t Γ → Tm Γ t
lam : ∀ t {u} → (e : Tm (Γ ▷ t) u) → Tm Γ (fun t u)
app : ∀ {u t} → (f : Tm Γ (fun u t)) → (e : Tm Γ u) → Tm Γ t
wk-var : ∀ {Γ Δ t} → Γ ⊆ Δ → Var t Γ → Var t Δ
wk-var done ()
wk-var (keep Γ⊆Δ) vz = vz
wk-var (keep Γ⊆Δ) (vs v) = vs (wk-var Γ⊆Δ v)
wk-var (drop Γ⊆Δ) v = vs (wk-var Γ⊆Δ v)
wk : ∀ {Γ Δ t} → Γ ⊆ Δ → Tm Γ t → Tm Δ t
wk Γ⊆Δ (var v) = var (wk-var Γ⊆Δ v)
wk Γ⊆Δ (lam t e) = lam t (wk (keep Γ⊆Δ) e)
wk Γ⊆Δ (app f e) = app (wk Γ⊆Δ f) (wk Γ⊆Δ e)
data _⊢⋆_ (Γ : Ctx) : Ctx → Set where
[] : Γ ⊢⋆ []
_▷_ : ∀ {Δ t} → Γ ⊢⋆ Δ → Tm Γ t → Γ ⊢⋆ Δ ▷ t
⊢⋆-wk : ∀ {Γ Δ} t → Γ ⊢⋆ Δ → Γ ▷ t ⊢⋆ Δ
⊢⋆-wk t [] = []
⊢⋆-wk t (σ ▷ e) = (⊢⋆-wk t σ) ▷ wk (drop ⊆-refl) e
⊢⋆-mono : ∀ {Γ Δ t} → Γ ⊢⋆ Δ → Γ ▷ t ⊢⋆ Δ ▷ t
⊢⋆-mono σ = ⊢⋆-wk _ σ ▷ var vz
⊢⋆-refl : ∀ {Γ} → Γ ⊢⋆ Γ
⊢⋆-refl {[]} = []
⊢⋆-refl {Γ ▷ _} = ⊢⋆-mono ⊢⋆-refl
subst-var : ∀ {Γ Δ t} → Γ ⊢⋆ Δ → Var t Δ → Tm Γ t
subst-var [] ()
subst-var (σ ▷ x) vz = x
subst-var (σ ▷ x) (vs v) = subst-var σ v
subst : ∀ {Γ Δ t} → Γ ⊢⋆ Δ → Tm Δ t → Tm Γ t
subst σ (var x) = subst-var σ x
subst σ (lam t e) = lam t (subst (⊢⋆-mono σ) e)
subst σ (app f e) = app (subst σ f) (subst σ e)
data Value : {Γ : Ctx} → {t : Ty} → Tm Γ t → Set where
lam : ∀ {Γ t} → ∀ u (e : Tm _ t) → Value {Γ} (lam u e)
data _==>_ {Γ} : ∀ {t} → Rel (Tm Γ t) lzero where
app-lam : ∀ {t u} (f : Tm _ t) {v : Tm _ u} → Value v → app (lam u f) v ==> subst (⊢⋆-refl ▷ v) f
appˡ : ∀ {t u} {f f′ : Tm Γ (fun u t)} → f ==> f′ → (e : Tm Γ u) → app f e ==> app f′ e
appʳ : ∀ {t u} {f} → Value {Γ} {fun u t} f → ∀ {e e′ : Tm Γ u} → e ==> e′ → app f e ==> app f e′
_==>*_ : ∀ {Γ t} → Rel (Tm Γ t) _
_==>*_ = Star _==>_
NF : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} → Rel A b → A → Set _
NF step x = ∄ (step x)
value⇒normal : ∀ {Γ t e} → Value {Γ} {t} e → NF _==>_ e
value⇒normal (lam t e) (_ , ())
Deterministic : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} → Rel A b → Set _
Deterministic step = ∀ {x y y′} → step x y → step x y′ → y ≡ y′
deterministic : ∀ {Γ t} → Deterministic (_==>_ {Γ} {t})
deterministic (app-lam f _) (app-lam ._ _) = refl
deterministic (app-lam f v) (appˡ () _)
deterministic (app-lam f v) (appʳ f′ e) = ⊥-elim (value⇒normal v (, e))
deterministic (appˡ () e) (app-lam f v)
deterministic (appˡ f e) (appˡ f′ ._) = cong _ (deterministic f f′)
deterministic (appˡ f e) (appʳ f′ _) = ⊥-elim (value⇒normal f′ (, f))
deterministic (appʳ f e) (app-lam f′ v) = ⊥-elim (value⇒normal v (, e))
deterministic (appʳ f e) (appˡ f′ _) = ⊥-elim (value⇒normal f (, f′))
deterministic (appʳ f e) (appʳ f′ e′) = cong _ (deterministic e e′)
Halts : ∀ {Γ t} → Tm Γ t → Set
Halts e = ∃ λ e′ → e ==>* e′ × Value e′
value⇒halts : ∀ {Γ t e} → Value {Γ} {t} e → Halts e
value⇒halts {e = e} v = e , ε , v
-- -- This would not be strictly positive!
-- data Saturated : ∀ {Γ t} → Tm Γ t → Set where
-- fun : ∀ {t u} {f : Tm [] (fun t u)} → Halts f → (∀ {e} → Saturated e → Saturated (app f e)) → Saturated f
Saturated : ∀ {t} → Tm [] t → Set
Saturated e = Halts e × Saturated′ _ e
Saturated′ : ∀ t → Tm [] t → Set
Saturated′ (fun t u) f = ∀ {e} → Saturated e → Saturated (app f e)
saturated⇒halts : ∀ {t e} → Saturated {t} e → Halts e
saturated⇒halts = proj₁
step‿preserves‿halting : ∀ {Γ t} {e e′ : Tm Γ t} → e ==> e′ → Halts e ⇔ Halts e′
step‿preserves‿halting {e = e} {e′ = e′} step = equivalence fwd bwd
fwd : Halts e → Halts e′
fwd (e″ , ε , v) = ⊥-elim (value⇒normal v (, step))
fwd (e″ , s ◅ steps , v) rewrite deterministic step s = e″ , steps , v
bwd : Halts e′ → Halts e
bwd (e″ , steps , v) = e″ , step ◅ steps , v
step‿preserves‿saturated : ∀ {t} {e e′ : Tm _ t} → e ==> e′ → Saturated e ⇔ Saturated e′
step‿preserves‿saturated step = equivalence (fwd step) (bwd step)
fwd : ∀ {t} {e e′ : Tm _ t} → e ==> e′ → Saturated e → Saturated e′
fwd {fun s t} step (halts , sat) = Equivalence.to (step‿preserves‿halting step) ⟨$⟩ halts , λ e → fwd (appˡ step _) (sat e)
bwd : ∀ {t} {e e′ : Tm _ t} → e ==> e′ → Saturated e′ → Saturated e
bwd {fun s t} step (halts , sat) = Equivalence.from (step‿preserves‿halting step) ⟨$⟩ halts , λ e → bwd (appˡ step _) (sat e)
step*‿preserves‿saturated : ∀ {t} {e e′ : Tm _ t} → e ==>* e′ → Saturated e ⇔ Saturated e′
step*‿preserves‿saturated ε = id
step*‿preserves‿saturated (step ◅ steps) = step*‿preserves‿saturated steps ∘ step‿preserves‿saturated step
Note that I have removed the bool and pair types since they are not necessary to show my problem.
The problem, then, is with msubst_R (which I call saturate below):
data Instantiation : ∀ {Γ} → [] ⊢⋆ Γ → Set where
[] : Instantiation []
_▷_ : ∀ {Γ t σ} → Instantiation {Γ} σ → ∀ {e} → Value {_} {t} e × Saturated e → Instantiation (σ ▷ e)
saturate-var : ∀ {Γ σ} → Instantiation σ → ∀ {t} (x : Var t Γ) → Saturated (subst-var σ x)
saturate-var (_ ▷ (_ , sat)) vz = sat
saturate-var (env ▷ _) (vs x) = saturate-var env x
app-lam* : ∀ {Γ t} {e e′ : Tm Γ t} → e ==>* e′ → Value e′ → ∀ {u} (f : Tm _ u) → app (lam t f) e ==>* subst (⊢⋆-refl ▷ e′) f
app-lam* steps v f = gmap _ (appʳ (lam _ _)) steps ◅◅ app-lam f v ◅ ε
saturate : ∀ {Γ σ} → Instantiation σ → ∀ {t} → (e : Tm Γ t) → Saturated (subst σ e)
saturate env (var x) = saturate-var env x
saturate env (lam u f) = value⇒halts (lam u _) , sat-f
f′ = subst _ f
sat-f : ∀ {e : Tm _ u} → Saturated e → Saturated (app (lam u f′) e)
sat-f sat#((e′ , steps , v) , _) =
Equivalence.from (step*‿preserves‿saturated (app-lam* steps v f′)) ⟨$⟩ saturate ([] ▷ (v , Equivalence.to (step*‿preserves‿saturated steps) ⟨$⟩ sat)) f′
saturate env (app f e) with saturate env f | saturate env e
saturate env (app f e) | _ , sat-f | sat-e = sat-f sat-e
saturate doesn't pass the termination checker, because in the lam case, sat-f recurses into saturate on f′, which isn't necessarily smaller than lam u f; and [] ▷ e′ is also not necessarily smaller than σ.
Another way of looking at why saturate doesn't terminate is to look at saturate env (app f e). Here, recursing into f and (potentially) e will grow t, even though all the other cases either leave t the same and shrink the term, or shrink t. So if saturate env (app f e) didn't recurse into saturate env f and saturate env e, the recursion in saturate env (lam u f) would not be problematic in itself.
However, I think my code does the right thing for the app f e case (since that's the whole point of lugging around the parametric saturation proof for function types), so it should be the lam u f case where I need a tricky way in which f′ is smaller than lam u f.
What am I missing?
Assuming an additional Bool base type, Saturated would look nicer the following way, since it would not demand a Halts for the fun argument which already follows from Saturated.
Saturated : ∀ {A} → Tm [] A → Set
Saturated {fun A B} t = Halts t × (∀ {u} → Saturated u → Saturated (app t u))
Saturated {Bool} t = Halts t
Then, in saturate you can only recurse on f in the lam case. There is no other way to make it structural. The job is to massage the hypothesis from f into the right shape using the reduction/saturation lemmas.
open import Function using (case_of_)
saturate : ∀ {Γ σ} → Instantiation σ → ∀ {t} → (e : Tm Γ t) → Saturated (subst σ e)
saturate env (var x) = saturate-var env x
saturate env (lam u f) =
value⇒halts (lam _ (subst _ f)) ,
λ {u} usat →
case (saturated⇒halts usat) of λ {(u' , u==>*u' , u'val) →
let hyp = saturate (env ▷ (u'val , Equivalence.to (step*‿preserves‿saturated u==>*u') ⟨$⟩ usat)) f
in {!!}} -- fill this with grunt work
saturate env (app f e) with saturate env f | saturate env e
saturate env (app f e) | _ , sat-f | sat-e = sat-f sat-e

Guidance on very shallow embedding VHDL in AGDA

for my project in Programming Languages I am doing a very shallow and simple embedding VHDL digital circuits in agda. The aim is to write the syntax, static semantics, dynamic semantics and then write some proofs to show our understanding of the material. Up till now I have written the following code:
data Ckt : Set where
var : String → Ckt
bool : Bool → Ckt
empty : Ckt
gate : String → ℕ → ℕ → Ckt -- name in out
series : String → Ckt → Ckt → Ckt -- name ckt1 ckt2
parallel : String → Ckt → Ckt → Ckt --name ckt1 ckt2
And : Ckt
And = gate "And" 2 1
data Ctxt : Set where
□ : Ctxt
_,_ : (String × ℕ × ℕ) → Ctxt → Ctxt
_≈_ : Ctxt → Ctxt → Set
□ ≈ □ = ⊤
□ ≈ (_ , _) = ⊥
(_ , _) ≈ □ = ⊥
((s₁ , (in₁ , out₂)) , Γ₁) ≈ ((s₂ , (in₃ , out₄)) , Γ₂) = True (s₁ ≟ s₂) × in₁ ≡ in₃ × out₂ ≡ out₄ × Γ₁ ≈ Γ₂
--static Semantics
data _⊢_ : (Γ : Ctxt) → (e : Ckt) → Set where
VarT : ∀ {Γ s τ} → ((s , τ) ∈ Γ) → Γ ⊢ var s
BoolT : ∀ {Γ b} → Γ ⊢ bool b
EmptyT : ∀ {Γ} → Γ ⊢ empty
GateT : ∀ {Γ s i o} → (s , (i , o)) ∈ Γ → Γ ⊢ gate s i o
SeriesT : ∀ {Γ s c₁ c₂} → Γ ⊢ c₁ → Γ ⊢ c₂ → Γ ⊢ series s c₁ c₂
ParallelT : ∀ {Γ s c₁ c₂} → Γ ⊢ c₁ → Γ ⊢ c₂ → Γ ⊢ parallel s c₁ c₂
What I am stuck at is how can I convert this program so as to carry out the program execution i-e I don't know how to start writing the dynamic semantics. Also, if there is any way to improve the syntax or statics of my current program then please let me know.

Understanding Assignment Solution in Agda

Consider the following extracted piece of code for proving the "Unicity of Typing" for variable in Agda:
unicity : ∀ {Γ₁ Γ₂ e τ₁ τ₂} → (Γ₁ ⊢ e ∷ τ₁) → (Γ₂ ⊢ e ∷ τ₂) → (Γ₁ ≈ Γ₂) → (τ₁ ∼ τ₂)
unicity (VarT here) (VarT here) (_ , ( τ∼ , _ )) = τ∼
unicity (VarT here) (VarT (ski`p {α = α} lk2)) (s≡s' , ( _ , _ )) = ⊥-elim (toWitnessFalse α (toWitness` s≡s'))
unicity (VarT (skip {α = α} lk1)) (VarT here) (s'≡s , ( _ , _ )) = ⊥-elim (toWitnessFalse α (toWitness s'≡s))
unicity (VarT (skip lk1)) (VarT (skip lk2)) (_ ,( _ , Γ≈ )) = unicity (VarT lk1) (VarT lk2) Γ≈
I need an explanation on the working of ⊥-elim , toWitnessFalse and toWitness. Also, what do the expressions ⊤ and ⊥ mean/stand for?
⊥ is the empty type, so (in a total, consistent language) you can never construct a value of type ⊥. But this also means that any proposition you can think of, follows from ⊥. This is what ⊥-elim witnesses:
⊥-elim : ∀ {w} {Whatever : Set w} → ⊥ → Whatever
This is very useful in practice because you might be writing proofs under some assumption, and some of those assumptions might be ⊥, or they might be negative statements (A → ⊥ for some A) and you can prove the A as well, etc. Then, what you find out is effectively that you don't have to care about that particular branch anymore, since it is impossible; but then, just because you don't care, you still have to formally satisfy the result type somehow. This is what ⊥-elim gives you.
toWitness's type and related definitions are as follows:
T : Bool → Set
T true = ⊤
T false = ⊥
⌊_⌋ : ∀ {p} {P : Set p} → Dec P → Bool
⌊ yes _ ⌋ = true
⌊ no _ ⌋ = false
True : ∀ {p} {P : Set p} → Dec P → Set
True Q = T ⌊ Q ⌋
toWitness : ∀ {p} {P : Set p} {Q : Dec P} → True Q → P
Given a Q : Dec P, True Q is either ⊤ (if Q = yes _) or ⊥ (if Q = no _). The only way to call toWitness, then, is to have Q say that P is true and pass the trivial unit constructor tt : ⊤; the only other possibility would be to have Q say that P is false, and pass as an argument a ⊥ but as we've seen, that's not possible. In summary, toWitness says that if Q tells us the decision that P holds, then we can get a proof of P from Q.
toWitnessFalse is exactly the same with the roles reversed: if Q tells us the decision that P doesn't hold, then we can get a proof of ¬ P from Q.
