I am stuck with wordpress menu. Can't add more menu in one of my site. Don't know why. I think it's riced it's limit. Do u have any solution. I would like to add more than 500 menu / submenu item in my menu.
Thank you
Long Answer
Each menu item contains several elements (11-12), all of which are posted when the menu form is submitted, everything from the menu id, the order, the menu title, the associated item, the nonce, etc. So, when you submit a menu with 100 items, you're actually submitting about 1100 separate values. Generally, that size is limited by the max_input_vars setting in php.ini. So, when you attempt to submit the menu form that contains more POSTed values that is allowed, the extras are not submitted, and thus the extra items you added to your menu are lost. This is an intentional setting so that people cannot bring your server to its knees by submitting a massive post with millions and millions of pieces of data that is then processed.
Increase the max_input_vars value in your php.ini to something like 10,000, I bet it's right around 5,000 now.
The WordPress Menu (Appearance -> Menus) feature, itself, does not limit the number of menus or menu items you can have.
It's possible that the Theme you're using limits the number of items in a single Menu, but that's not likely (common practice) unless you have multiple levels of sub menus beyond 2 or 3.
A Menu of Pages that exceeds a couple dozen is unusual and an indication you're using Pages and the respective Menu feature improperly. In other words: why do you have 500 Pages? In such cases it's usually best to use the wp_list_pages() PHP Function in your Theme (assuming you're a programmer) because you have more control over placement and filtering of it's output.
However, I agree with the comment on your thread that your details are vaugue. If this answer isn't helpful then you should explain what "menu" feature you're referring to, where you're seeing this limit, and why you have so many Pages.
Please help.
I am very new to web development & don't have any computers background. I have created a pincodes database Website pincodes.forinfo.in using WordPress. I want a relationship based dropdown Taxonomies like www.pincode.city.
I have tried many ways from last 6 months but failed. Please help me.
I have custom Taxonomies State, District, City, pincode. I need a taxonomy dropdown, when user clicked on state the second dropdown should show the Districts of that particular state. Like wise when a user clicked on District the third dropdown should show the cities of the particular.
How can it is possible. Please help me.
I want show this dropdown on a WordPress page.
If you are using the latest version of Wordpress then I do not see the reason to be baffled by this, since you will be able to manage this from Appearance->Menu.
Check out my screenshots.
Click on the Screen Options button on the top right corner of the
Menu page. Screen Options
For me, Types is a custom Taxonomy, so I select it. The taxonomies appear on the left now Custom Tax Appears
You can now add the links to your menu and then arrange it so that it becomes a sub-menu of your primary menu.
This is how your menu should look if you want your custom taxonomy to be a sub-item of another menu item.
Sub menu items
You can do this by holding and dragging the item slightly to the right.
You can stack such items one below the other and create endless sub-menus.
I must mention that there are some themes that do not support sub-menus. If you theme doesn't, change it and check again.
Things that you need to do to implement your idea:
Get a good autocomplete plugin - Easyautocomplete (Much better than jQuery UI autocomplete)
Create three input boxes on a custom template page
Use enqueue_script to get your JS files to load with your Wordpress installation
Bind autocomplete to the three input text boxes
Learn how to query your Wordpress installation for your taxonomies
Use a php file to transfer a json file of your taxonomies to the autocomplete function - I would recommend this AJAX plugin
Have conditions in your php file according to which the 2nd field's values are fetched after getting the value of the first field and similarly for the third field
As I said, it's a lot of coding, and if you are really starting out to code this yourself, without much knowledge of PHP or jQuery, it's going to be very difficult. I would suggest you take the help of a developer.
You can even send me the details of logging into your Wordpress installation, if you want me to take a look.
Mail me at arunadaybasu#gmail.com
I'm setting up my first Wordpress site. I have limited knowledge and understanding of its inner working. (Bear that in mind, please)
I setup 3 different pages that show posts based on their categories.
Though, once your reading one post, from either pages, the Next Post/Previous Post navigation still cycle thru all the posts regardless of their categorie.
I would like to limit this navigation to posts within the category of the page the reader is reading from.
Is that at all feasable and if so, can you help me out understanding how to do it?
Or if there is a plugin that does that?
That's covered in the WP docs. Set in_same_cat to true.
If the links are already in your theme, you'll need to edit them.
I seem to have reached some limit with Drupal 7 Menu system. I just added a menu item using the menu system at admin/structure/menu/manage/menu-main-menu. I added a new entry and it is not appearing on the List Links page. Believing there was an error, I added it 3 more times, none have displayed on the List Links page.
I examined the database table for menu_links and the table shows the presence of the 4 entries. I have no idea if all related tables are set up correctly, or if the menu system aborted setting up all related table entries correctly, but, menu_links definitely displays the name of the entry 4 times, and they are displayed as entries 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204.
Is 1200 the limit for creating menu links??? If there is no limit, is there some way I can recover from what is happening? Do I need to adjust some variable to increase the number of links that can be displayed on a menu LIST LINKS page? Currently, I have 107 entries one this one LIST LINKS page. Other links (of the 1200) are scattered around in small menus for administration and my application.
For those needing the information, I have identified the answer to my problem.
Drupal's menu system allows you to create new menu links via the administrator's menu setup, but, the menu link will not display in the administrative menu list if the page has not been published.
Setting the page to published added the links to the menu list.
Is it possible to elegantly do this? The idea is, a node of content type "project" has a lot of fields, its url is something like node/5. I want to show some of the fields on that page, and others on node/5/extra, kind of an "extended" page that the user only loads if he is interested in that content (lots of images, in my case, that would slow down the main node page considerably).
I tried the Display suite module, unsuccessfully (it seems it's not really meant for doing what I want). I also saw this blog post, which explains how to add a custom display mode to a content type (other than the Default and Teaser ones that come by default), but I can't get it to work the way I want to either.
I guess you could create a view having the node ID as a default argument from URL. Then you can choose which fields to show or hide
Example page: http://giantcalculator.com/content/cartridge-filters
It’s very cumbersome to connect the ubercart view to a relevant content page. In the example above I have attached the view to the bottom; you can scroll down to see it. It is a tedius process though in which I have to create the view, then create a mini panel, include the view in the mini panel, then go to blocks page and add the mini panel to region (currently a region below the main content), then I have to configure the block so the view only appears on it’s one particular page.
This seems far too complicated and the particular region will soon have about 20 blocks inside it, though each only appearing on one page. Is there a better way to attach a view to its relevant content info, or vice versa?
I know the view creates a page of its own, and if I could add the content on top of the view that would be great. Or within the view itself, can the content be added somehow?
I'm almost ready to move forward with this site but I really need to find if there is a better method first. I'm posting this in a number of places and offering a $20 bounty via paypal to the first responder with best alternative that I end up using. (if there is one). Bounty may be shared if two or more people have the same response on different forums and I can't tell who was first, though when I do have an answer I'll promptly post it.
Other forums this will post include Drupal.org paid forum, Ubercart Bounty forum, aardvark, superuser and stackoverflow.
If I understand correctly, I think the piece of the puzzle you're missing is Views arguments. If you ever find yourself creating more than one view, where the only difference is the content (ie. based on taxonomy, or a certain CCK field), you probably want to use that as an argument in the view so it loads the correct content automatically.
I assume "cartridge filters" is a taxonomy term, and the page linked above is a node with this term applied. So you'd add a taxonomy arg to your view in the Views admin, and get it to pull the term from the current node. There are a bunch of tutorials out there on this, and here's a screencast: http://gotdrupal.com/videos/drupal-views-arguments
I'm also not sure why you're using mini panels. They're generally used for sets of blocks or other content to be displayed repeatedly, like a tabbed block or footer. It sounds like you just want a regular block display of the aforementioned view. You could also make this entire page a Panel.