WAMP - localhost can share to someone - wordpress

I'm not really sure if this is possible, I have a WordPress theme installed and customized using localhost + wamp. Can my colleague view my site w/o uploading it to the server? I mean, can i share a IP address so that he can view it too?

You are looking at port forwarding. You will need to setup a port forwarding rule for Port 80 to forward to the localhost and port that is running your app locally. This way when your friend enters your ipaddress the request will be forwarded to your localhost and he will be able to view the page. Here is an article that discuss Port Forwarding.


How to link an Intranet website to my Internet accessible website

I've configured a dinamic DNS with my router and linked my external IP to no-ip.com, so I have a link to my intranet from everywhere. Now I have done a simple port forwarding from the port 80 to 8080 to my laptop, which is hosting a http-server with node.
Everything works fine but now I want to create a link to my router configuration, that I can access with the IP from my laptop, directly from my website, hosted on my laptop. Can I do that in some way?
Thank you.
You can achieve this by writing a small code on a web server, which makes a call to the router config url and shows the output.

how do i make my website accessible from the internet without a static ip and from a virtual machine?

I have windows 8 host and i have installed ubuntu 14.10 server as a virtual machine in vmware. i have installed LAMP server and i am trying to host a website from it. i have created a virtual host. my website is accessible in the host machine when i go to the address
my router info:
IP Address :
IP Address :10.30.XXX.XXX
"what is my ip" in google: 113.XXX.XXX.XXX
how do i make my website accessible from the internet ? I know it is a dumb question, but i tried searching everywhere and could not get the solution.
Since you say that you can connect to the site from the host machine, it does not matter that it is in a VM.
You say that you can connect to your site via: on the LAN. You need to forward connections to your WAN address ( to your LAN address ( You can do this in most router settings in a section called Port forwarding. Use port 80 if you're hitting the LAN IP from a browser and you don't have to add a port after the address like http:\\ Otherwise, use whatever port you like.
Once you get that working, it is a good idea to use a dynamic DNS service, which will connect your IP to a domain name and update the connection whenever your WAN IP changes. This way, instead of using the WAN IP in a browser, you can use your domain name and it should always work. But that's not your first problem. First get it working with the WAN IP by itself. Once you've got that working, get some DynDNS.
If you think it should be working but can't figure out why it isn't, use a tool like nmap/zenmap to scan your WAN and LAN IPs. That will help you diagnose the problem.
A DynDNS should do the job!
It will automatically renew your dynamic ip address. All you need is; a tool that runs on your server with website.
Search for it on google, and you'll find a solution. Btw: there are, Free and paid solutions.
EDIT: by the way, your router requires additionally some port forwarding to make your website accessible from outside. Even with the DynDNS stuff installed.
Just to give you some indications.

Can't get my IIS website online

I just tried to publish my website via IIS.
I forwarded the right ports to my LAN and it successfully connects to the LAN, but can't connect the internet.
When using (which is my local IP address), it connects to the website, but when using my external IP address it doesn't work.
What do I do wrong?
It likely has something to do with the port being auto-blocked by your Windows firewall or :80 not being routed to :8080 in your router.
I had this issue too, Windows Firewall's default was to block the :80 port. I just had to go in and make an exception.
-first of all you should have a static IP address.
-second make sure you add the make sure you add that IP address to your Network (NIC) card Interface and I hope it will work fine.
Check This Please or this topics

port forward http port (80) on virgin super hub

I am currently working on a project to make my apache server live, which is new me so this is the first time I am doing anything like this. basically I have gone in to the router and requested port forwarding on port 80 for my local IP address, but to no effect. when I test it with a web tool which tells you if a port is open or not it says it's closed. More confusingly when I run a netstsat -a command it shows http as listening. I'm not sure if its a firewall issue or I'm going about it all wrong. any Ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks
You need to be testing from outside your local network. If you run netstat on your server, of course it is going to say "listening". Is your web testing tool being run from outside your firewall? You should also be able to turn off wifi on your phone and test hitting your broadband IP address:80. Are you forwarding from port 80 on your router to port 80 on your server? Is it possible that your provider is blocking port 80 for residential accounts?
First google for an online port scanner and ask it to scan port 80.
Second if you're using Ubuntu ufw (firewall) is probably running default deny rules so do this: sudo ufw allow 80
To check it's working just plug your WAN IP into your browser URL bar, it should connect to your test page in /var/www/html/index.html

Creating a Home Server - Port Forwarding Issue

So I'm trying to setup my home server that is accessible from the Internet. I have created my Web site in ASP and configured my IIS. It works great on my local machine AND other computers on the local network can access it. I want to make it online, so that it can be accessed from elsewhere. I created an account on DynDns, and configured it to redirect the requests to my Internet IP. Then, I configured my router to forward all the incoming requests on port 80 to my local IP address, on which my Web site runs. However, when I go to my DynDns address, it redirects me to my router's home page instead. I have disabled my firewall (I know, not a good idea, it's just for testing purposes) but still no success. Does anyone have any idea what could be going wrong? I have a SMCWBR14S-N4 if that helps.
I've heard of some routers that have reserved port 80 for there configuration pages. I think the general work around there is to run your webserver on a non-standard port like 8080, but I don't have a whole lot of experience with this, so it could be something else entirely. :)
Update: For any future readers, always remember to test your external address and port forwarding on a computer outside of the network the server is on.
