Wordpress Multisite theme upload - wordpress

I am new in wordpress. I am trying to build multisite using single wordpress installation. In that how I can change theme of every site? Please give me some idea.

Once you setup your multisite, you will see a new menu option where all your sites are listed. You can change such settings from there. Here is a screenshot
To change themes you can check Themes section here


Wordpress - Migrate Theme In New Wordpress

I wondering how to migrate custom theme from another wordpress to another without copying the whole wordpress...
I already tried copy the folder theme to new wordpress, but it has a lot of problem, because in the new wordpress, there is no Page as in origin wordpress.
Create some pages and see if it works.
Some themes uses plugins also, you must copy them too.
By the way, there's a dedicated stackexchange site for wordpress : https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/
You can never expect the 100% same experience on another install since there may not be the same plugins, pages, images, server settings and so on and so on. You can not even be sure your theme work on the new wordpress if the WP version is diffrent from the one you made the theme on.

Wrong Setting with my Wordpress Themes

I just installed wordpress in softclaus. After installing, I visit wp-admin and sign in. I want to change the theme of my wordpress site. I click the Appreance Themes and there is no option to add new theme. It only has a Twenty Sixteen theme. Is there a setting I must change first? or what?
It can be not possible for you to install a theme because of a line in your wp-config.php.
Can you check if you can install plugins ? Or check this file at your wordpress root using ftp ?
The Twenty Sixteen theme is the default theme of wordpress.

How can I check the wordpress theme on my system?

I have doubt in using the wordpress theme. I had downloaded a wordpress theme for my website from wordpress.org. I need to know how do i test it. The theme name is "pagelines". When i run it on my server it shows me webpage not found. How will i be able to test it out.
Please help....
First of all you need to unzip the theme file you have downloaded and place in your themes folder then go to admin panel
admin ->appearance -> Themes
there the themes will be displayed
you can view the new theme here and activate the theme
now your theme will be enabled on your wordpress, you can check your home page
Have you read the Wordpress' Using Themes guide? Read this guide first http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Themes. It will clarify a lot of your questions.

Using a Wordpress theme from another install on same server

I have two installs on the same server, I need install B to use a theme from install A how do i do this??
You can Create a Network of sites (synonyms: multisite, WPMU).
BTW you should ask this on http://wordpress.stackexchange.com
EDIT: the documentation specific to themes in a multisite WP is here: http://codex.wordpress.org/Multisite_Network_Administration#Themes
All themes are installed for the entire network. If you edit the code
of one theme, you edit it for all sites using that theme. You can
install the plugin WordPress.com Custom CSS to allow each site to
tweak their own CSS without affecting anyone else. You can activate
themes for the entire network, or edit sites and activate them

How can i change the theme for a site from front end in wordpress?

In my wordpress site i have 10 themes. I need to change the themes by clicking the link from the front end site.(Normally we change the themes in admin login). I need to change the themes without login in to the admin panel.
Is that possible?..
Install the Theme Switcher plugin and it will print out a list of your themes in your sidebar and users can click the links to make the switch. See more about Theme Switching in the WordPress Codex.
If you are not administrator or permitted by administrator then it is fully impossible .If you are permitted to change then simple go to dashboard then go theme option and change it.
