Will replicating Global Data on an OpenCL compliant device improve performance? - opencl

I have a pretty small dataset, but large enough that it won't fit in the workspace or private memories in any GPU currently on the market. What this means is that each kernel must access the data in the global memory on the GPU. If I replicate this data to multiple copies in the global memory, can it increase performance/reduce latency, or is the memory controller restrictive and will only allow one core to access the global memory at a time? If this is device specific, are there any models which have this feature?

This is very much bound by the memory controller of the video card, and multiple copies of the same data won't help you. I am unaware of a gpu having more than one memory controller for global access.
Your access pattern of the memory will greatly effect the overall throughput of your kernel. Do you have a specific example/kernel that you need optimized?


cuda unified memory: memory transfer behaviour

I am learning cuda, but currently don't access to a cuda device yet and am curious about some unified memory behaviour. As far as i understood, the unified memory functionality, transfers data from host to device on a need to know basis. So if the cpu calls some data 100 times, that is on the gpu, it transfers the data only during the first attempt and clears that memory space on the gpu. (is my interpretation correct so far?)
1 Assuming this, is there some behaviour that, if the programmatic structure meant to fit on the gpu is too large for the device memory, will the UM exchange some recently accessed data structures to make space for the next ones needed to complete to computation or does this still have to be achieved manually?
2 Additionally I would be grateful if you could clarify something else related to the memory transfer behaviour. It seems obvious that data would be transferred back on fro upon access of the actual data, but what about accessing the pointer? for example if I had 2 arrays of the same UM pointers (the data in the pointer is currently on the gpu and the following code is executed from the cpu) and were to slice the first array, maybe to delete an element, would the iterating step over the pointers being placed into a new array so access the data to do a cudamem transfer? surely not.
As far as i understood, the unified memory functionality, transfers data from host to device on a need to know basis. So if the cpu calls some data 100 times, that is on the gpu, it transfers the data only during the first attempt and clears that memory space on the gpu. (is my interpretation correct so far?)
The first part is correct: when the CPU tries to access a page that resides in device memory, it is transferred in main memory transparently. What happens to the page in device memory is probably an implementation detail, but I imagine it may not be cleared. After all, its contents only need to be refreshed if the CPU writes to the page and if it is accessed by the device again. Better ask someone from NVIDIA, I suppose.
Assuming this, is there some behaviour that, if the programmatic structure meant to fit on the gpu is too large for the device memory, will the UM exchange some recently accessed data structures to make space for the next ones needed to complete to computation or does this still have to be achieved manually?
Before CUDA 8, no, you could not allocate more (oversubscribe) than what could fit on the device. Since CUDA 8, it is possible: pages are faulted in and out of device memory (probably using an LRU policy, but I am not sure whether that is specified anywhere), which allows one to process datasets that would not otherwise fit on the device and require manual streaming.
It seems obvious that data would be transferred back on fro upon access of the actual data, but what about accessing the pointer?
It works exactly the same. It makes no difference whether you're dereferencing the pointer that was returned by cudaMalloc (or even malloc), or some pointer within that data. The driver handles it identically.

Computer with no registers

I wasn't able to find an answer to my question anywhere on the web, so I thought stackoverflow would be my best bet! My question simply is, is it possible to establish a computer with no registers? I know registers are temp. data holders and provice the fastest way possible to access data, but what are the consequences to the inexistence of registers in a computer, besides making data transmission a lot slower?
No. You can have a model of computation that doesn't involve registers. In fact, most theoretical models don't.
But as for a CPU, which is an electrical circuit, any kind of persistent state is implemented by a flip-flop, a.k.a. a register. There is no way to feed data into the circuits that perform processing without connecting a register to their inputs.
As for practical models of computation, i.e. instruction set architectures, you can avoid the terminology of calling anything a "register" but you inevitably need to define some means of data storage upon which operations act. Even if you don't, programmers will end up calling such storage locations as registers. Some old machines used the first page of RAM as primary scratch space, therefore the first 256 bytes were dubbed "registers," even if they were DRAM in the electronic sense. (Memory fails me; this could have been before DRAM. There is no difference between SRAM and what is physically called a register.)

OpenCL - Multiple GPU Buffer Synchronization

I have an OpenCL kernel that calculates total force on a particle exerted by other particles in the system, and then another one that integrates the particle position/velocity. I would like to parallelize these kernels across multiple GPUs, basically assigning some amount of particles to each GPU. However, I have to run this kernel multiple times, and the result from each GPU is used on every other. Let me explain that a little further:
Say you have particle 0 on GPU 0, and particle 1 on GPU 1. The force on particle 0 is changed, as is the force on particle 1, and then their positions and velocities are changed accordingly by the integrator. Then, these new positions need to be placed on each GPU (both GPUs need to know where both particle 0 and particle 1 are) and these new positions are used to calculate the forces on each particle in the next step, which is used by the integrator, whose results are used to calculate forces, etc, etc. Essentially, all the buffers need to contain the same information by the time the force calculations roll around.
So, the question is: What is the best way to synchronize buffers across GPUs, given that each GPU has a different buffer? They cannot have a single shared buffer if I want to keep parallelism, as per my last question (though, if there is a way to create a shared buffer and still keep multiple GPUs, I'm all for that). I suspect that copying the results each step will cause more slowdown than it's worth to parallelize the algorithm across GPUs.
I did find this thread, but the answer was not very definitive and applied only to a single buffer across all GPUs. I would like to know, specifically, for Nvidia GPUs (more specifically, the Tesla M2090).
EDIT: Actually, as per this thread on the Khronos forums, a representative from the OpenCL working group says that a single buffer on a shared context does indeed get spread across multiple GPUs, with each one making sure that it has the latest info in memory. However, I'm not seeing that behavior on Nvidia GPUs; when I use watch -n .5 nvidia-smi while my program is running in the background, I see one GPU's memory usage go up for a while, and then go down while another GPU's memory usage goes up. Is there anyone out there that can point me in the right direction with this? Maybe it's just their implementation?
It sounds like you are having implementation trouble.
There's a great presentation from SIGGRAPH that shows a few different ways to utilize multiple GPUs with shared memory. The slides are here.
I imagine that, in your current setup, you have a single context containing multiple devices with multiple command queues. This is probably the right way to go, for what you're doing.
Appendix A of the OpenCL 1.2 specification says that:
OpenCL memory objects, [...] are created using a context and can be shared across multiple command-queues created using the same context.
The application needs to implement appropriate synchronization across threads on the host processor to ensure that the changes to the state of a shared object [...] happen in the correct order [...] when multiple command-queues in multiple threads are making changes to the state of a shared object.
So it would seem to me that your kernel that calculates particle position and velocity needs to depend on your kernel that calculates the inter-particle forces. It sounds like you already know that.
To put things more in terms of your question:
What is the best way to synchronize buffers across GPUs, given that each GPU has a different buffer?
... I think the answer is "don't have the buffers be separate." Use the same cl_mem object between two devices by having that cl_mem object come from the same context.
As for where the data actually lives... as you pointed out, that's implementation-defined (at least as far as I can tell from the spec). You probably shouldn't worry about where the data is living, and just access the data from both command queues.
I realize this could create some serious performance concerns. Implementations will likely evolve and get better, so if you write your code according to the spec now, it'll probably run better in the future.
Another thing you could try in order to get a better (or a least different) buffer-sharing behavior would be to make the particle data a map.
If it's any help, our setup (a bunch of nodes with dual C2070s) seem to share buffers fairly optimally. Sometimes, the data is kept on only one device, other times it might have the data exist in both places.
All in all, I think the answer here is to do it in the best way the spec provides and hope for the best in terms of implementation.
I hope I was helpful,

Is private memory slower than local memory?

I was working on a kernel which had much global memory access per thread so I copied them to local memory which gave a speed up of 40%.
I wanted still more speed up so copied from local to private which degraded the performance
So is it correct that I think we must not use to much private memory which may degrade the performance?
Ashwin's answer is in the right direction but a little misleading.
OpenCL abstracts the address space of variables away from their physical storage, and there is not necessarily a 1:1 mapping between the two.
Consider OpenCL variables declared in the __private address space, which includes automatic non-pointer variables inside functions by default. The NVidia GPU implementation will physically allocate these in registers as far as possible, only spilling over to physical off-chip memory when there is insufficient register capacity. This particular off-chip memory is called "CUDA local" memory, and has similar performance characteristics to memory allocated for __global variables, which explains the performance penalty due to register spill-over. There is no such physical thing as "private memory" in this implementation, only a "private address space", which may be allocated on- or off-chip.
The performance hit is not a direct consequence of using the private address space (or "private memory"), which is typically allocated in high performance memory. It is because, under this implementation, the variable was too large to be allocated on high performance registers, and was therefore "spilled over" to off-chip memory.
(I know this is an old question, but the answers given aren't very accurate, and I saw conflicting answers elsewhere during Google searches.)
According to "Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL" (Revised OpenCL 1.2 Edition):
Private memory is memory that is unique to an individual work-item. Local variables
and nonpointer kernel arguments are private by default. In practice, these variables
are usually mapped to registers, although private arrays and any spilled
registers are usually mapped to an off-chip (i.e., long-latency) memory.
So, if you use a great deal of private memory, or use arrays in private memory, yes, it can be slower than local memory.
In (GPU-like) OpenCL devices, the local memory is on-chip and close to the processing elements (PE). It might be as fast as accessing L1 cache. The private memory for each thread is actually apportioned from off-chip global memory. This is far from from the PE and might have a latency of hundreds of clock cycles, thus degrading the read-write performance.
James Beilby's answer is the right direction but is a little bit out of the path:
Depending on implementation, it could be faster or slower because opencl doesn't force providers to use on-chip or off-chip memories but AMD is very good at OpenCL on price/performance dimension so I'll give some numbers about it.
Private memory in AMD implementation, is fastest(smallest latency,highest bandwidth like 22 TB/s for a mainstream gpu).
Here in appendix-d:
you can see register file, LDS, constant cache and global those are used for different name spaces when there is enough space for themselves. For example, register file has 22 TB/s and only about 300kB per compute unit. This has less latency and more bandwidth than LDS which is used for __local memory space. Total LDS size is even less than that (per compute unit).
If going from local to private doesnt do good, you should decrease local thread group size from 256 to 64 for example. SO more private registers availeable per thread.
So for this example AMD gpu, local memory is 15 times faster than global memory, private memory is 5 times faster than local memory. If it doesn't fit in private memory, it spills to global memory so only L1-L2 cache can help here. If data is not re-used much, no point of using private registers here. Just stream from global to global if only used once.
For some smartphone or a cpu, it could be very bad to use private registers because they could be mapped to something else.

Write multiple kernels or a Single kernel

Suppose that I've two big functions. Is it better to write them in a separate kernels and call them sequentially, or is better to write only one kernel? (I don't want to read the data back and force form between host and device in between). What about the speed up if I want to call the kernel many times?
One thing to consider is the effect of register pressure on hardware utilization and performance.
As a general rule, big kernels have big register footprints. Typical OpenCL devices (ie. GPUs) have very finite register file sizes and large kernels can result in lower concurrency (fewer concurrent warps/wavefronts), less opportunities for latency hiding, and poorer overall performance. On the other hand, kernel launch overheads are pretty low on most platforms, so if your algorithm doesn't have an enormous amount of state to save between "phases" of execution, the penalty of using multiple kernels can be rather low.
Using multiple kernels also has another side benefit -- you get implicit synchronization between all work units for free. Often that can eliminate the need for atomic memory operations and synchronization primitives which can have a negative impact on code performance.
The ultimate guide should be measured performance. There is no universal rule-of-thumb for this sort of things. Benchmarking is the only way to know for sure.
In general this is a question of (maybe) slightly better performance vs. readibility of your code. Copying buffers is no issue as long as you keep them within the same context. E.g. you could set one output buffer of a kernel to be an input buffer of the next kernel, which would not involve any copying.
The proper way to code in OpenCL is to separate your code into parallel tasks, and each of them is a kernel. This is, each "for loop" should be a kernel. Some times one single CPU code function could result in a 4 kernel implementation in OCL.
If you need to store data between kernel executions just use OpenCL buffers and do not copy to host (this solves the DEVICE<->HOST bottleneck).
If both functions act to different data you could propably write a single kernel, but that depends on the complexity of the operation being run.
