How to upload arules package in R - r

I am not able to upload arules package
Below is the following command I am using
I have downloaded the file from still it is not able to upload it.
Can anyone help me out

pls. find below GUI - Screen for Rcmdr Package
Open RStudio.
Go to the “Packages” tab and click on “Install Packages”. The first time you’ll do this you’ll be prompted to choose a CRAN mirror. R will download all necessary files from the server you select here. Choose the location closest to you (probably “USA CA 1” or “USA CA 2”, which are housed at UC Berkeley and UCLA, respectively).
Install packages in Windows
Start typing “Rcmdr” until you see it appear in a list. Select the first option (or finish typing Rcmdr), ensure that “Install dependencies” is checked, and click “Install”.
Install Rcmdr in Windows
Wait while all the parts of the R Commander package are installed.

I had a similar problem. I solve it using
#install and load devtools to install directly from github

If you want to install "arules" package, you may not be able to install it just using the code below.
<< install.packages("arules") >>
follow the steps in order to solve problem:
go to the package's address and download it will find it in the link below:
If you are using R-Studio just install that package you have got, by "tools" menu in your IDE (R-studio)
Tools->Install packages->...
brows the file in your computer and install it.
go to the command line and using library(arules) function test the package. If there is still an error it could belong to incompatibility of the package with the version of R (Not R-Studio or any other IDE that you are using), just upgrade R and try installation period again.

I had a related problem where I could not install arules after being able to successfully install many libraries. I finally learned that I needed to update to 3.4 for arules. In order to do that, I followed duckmayr's answer HERE. Then, I was able to install arules with no issues, and it worked.


Tried Everying, Searched Everything, Issues installing Quantstrat package from Github

Installing Quantstrat Issues. I am running the latest versions of R, RStudio, and Rtools. I have installed devtools / remotes packages and cannot seem to get quantstrat installed. enter image description here
I had similar problems too. Installing quantstrat via cmd works well for me. Here are the steps:
Create a folder for packages i.e RPackages\
Download the file from github to that specific folder and extract the files to the library name. i.e RPackages\quantstrat\
go on command line and goto RPackages
Type" R CMD build quantstrat
If it was successful, you will get a message like "building 'package_name_version_number.tar.gz'"
Now type: R CMD INSTALL package_name_version_number.tar.gz
Let me know if you have any other challenges.
I get the following error at step 4:
'R' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
what do I need to do to overcome this.
Here is the fix that worked for me:
There could be version issues depending on what version of R that you have especially for Blotter and PerformanceAnalytics. Since PerformanceAnalytics to install blotter, you must ensure that version force compatibility and the easiest way is just to install it fresh. Start by installing PerformanceAnalytics then blotter then quantstrat and you should be in good shape. Use the code below and let me know how your results turn out. Took me a few hours to solve it, but just got it done today (7/27/2020)
remotes::install_github("braverock/quantstrat", force = TRUE)

install cnv-seq.tar.gz in R

I'm trying to install this cnv-seq package on my R library to help copying number variation analysis. However, when I type in
in R command, an error code pops out saying it is not available for 3.1.1 version. So I tried the old versions as well. All says not available. And I double check with the menu, Packages-> Install packages->. No cnv-seq
Ok. Then I tried to install it from a local source which is the "cnv-seq.tar.gz"
when i type in
install.packages("C:/cnv-seq.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source")
it still returns an error that says cannot extract package from this file.
Installation of package had non-zero exit status.
Anything went wrong or is there another I can install this package manually to my PC? After take a look at a similar question here couple years ago,
How do I install an R package from source?
I still could not fix this problem.
This is a case of RTFM ;)
You can do the whole process from within R. Below, we download the archive to the temporary directory, then extract it and finally install it.
f <- tempfile())
untar(f, exdir=tempdir())
install.packages(file.path(tempdir(), 'cnv-seq', 'cnv'), type='source', repos=NULL)
I believe you first must untar the file. I believe 7zip has this capability if you do not have access to a linux machine. The linux command would be:
tar -xvf /path/to/file/cnv-seq.tar.gz
After you do this you should be able to import the package into R.

installing package from R-forge fails [duplicate]

This, question, is, asked, over, and, over, and, over,
on the R-sig-finance mailing list, but I do not think it has been asked on stackoverflow.
It goes like this:
Where can I obtain the latest version of package XYZ that is hosted on R-forge? I tried to install it with install.packages, but this is what happened:
> install.packages("XYZ",repos="")
Warning message: package ‘XYZ’ is not available (for R version 2.15.0)
Looking on the R-forge website for XYZ, I see that the package failed to build.
Therefore, there is no link to download the source. Is there any other way
to get the source code? Once I get the source code, how can I turn that into a
package that I can load with library("XYZ")?
R-Forge may fail to build a package for a few different reasons. It could be that
the documentation has not been updated to reflect recent changes in the code. Or,
it could be that some of the dependencies were not available at build time.
You can checkout the source code using svn. First, search for the project on the
R-Forge website and go to the project home page -- for example
Click the SCM link to get to a page like this
This page will tell you the command to use to checkout the project. In this case you get
This project's SVN repository can be checked out through anonymous access with the following command(s).
svn checkout svn://
If you are on Windows, you probably want to download and install TortoiseSVN
Once you have installed TortoiseSVN, you can right click in a Windows Explorer window and select
"SVN checkout". In the "URL of repository:" field, enter everything except the
"svn checkout " part of the command that you found on R-Forge. In this case, you'd
enter "svn://".
When you click OK, the project will be downloaded into the current directory.
If you are on a UNIX-alike system (or if you installed the command line client tools
when you installed TortoiseSVN for Windows, which is not the default), you can
type the command that R-forge gave you in your terminal (System terminal, not the R terminal)
svn checkout svn://
That will create a new directory under the current working directory that
contains all of the files in the package. In the top level of that directory
will be a subdirectory called "pkg". This particular project (returnanalytics)
contains more than one package.
ls returnanalytics/pkg
#FactorAnalytics MPO PApages PerformanceAnalytics PortfolioAnalytics
But some R-forge projects only have a single package. e.g.
svn checkout svn://
#Checked out revision 14.
ls random/pkg
Now that you have a local copy all of the code, if you would like to be able to
install the package, you have to build it first.
A WORD OF CAUTION: Since R-Forge failed to build the package, there is a good chance
that there are problems with the package. Therefore, if you just build it, you may find
that some things do not work as expected. In particular, it is likely that there
is missing or incomplete documentation.
If you are on a UNIX-alike system, the package can be built and installed relatively easily. For a multi-package project like returnanalytics, if you want to install, e.g. the
PortfolioAnalytics package, you can do it like this
R --vanilla CMD INSTALL --build returnanalytics/pkg/PortfolioAnalytics
"PortfolioAnalytics" is the name of the directory that contains the package that
you want to build/install. For a single-package project, you can build and install like
R --vanilla CMD INSTALL --build random/pkg
If you would like to build/install a package on Windows, see this question and follow the two links that #JoshuaUlrich provided
More information can be found in R Installation and Administration, the R-Forge User Manual, and the SVN manual.
If (and only if) you have the appropriate toolchain for your OS, then this may succeed:
# First download source file to your working directory
# As an example use browser to download pkg:partykit from:
# Move to working directory
# Or in the case of returnanalytics (which is a bundle of packages):
# and download the tar.gz (source)
# Then in R:
install.packages( "partykit_1.1-2.tar.gz", repo=NULL, type="source")
# for the first of the ReturnAnalytics packages:
install.packages( "Dowd_0.11.tar.gz", repo=NULL, type="source")
These direction should be "cross-platform". I'm not sure the directions in the accepted answer are applicable to Macs (OSX). (I later confirmed that they do "work" on a Mac but found the process more involved that what I suggested above. They do result in a directory that do contain the packages in a form that should succeed with R --vanilla CMD INSTALL --build pathToEachPackageSeparately)
It is also possible that the current version of the package you are trying to install requires a newer version of R, for example, you may see error like:
"ERROR: this R is version 2.15.0, package 'PerformanceAnalytics' requires R >= 3.0.0"
then you can try to update your R
or, if you are facing the same situation with me, which is trying to use pqR (currently using R version 2.15), you can find the out-of-date achieved package here:
You can get here from R-Forge packages page -> "Stable Release: Get PerformanceAnalytics 1.4.3541 from CRAN" -> Old sources: PerformanceAnalytics archive
for example, you will find package PerformanceAnalytics version 1.1.0 just requires R >= 2.14
Good luck
Alternatively, you can install the particular package from GitHub, if it has a repo at GitHub.
I ran install.packages('ggfortify'), and got
Warning message: “package ‘ggfortify’ is not available (for R version
ggfortify was the GitHub repo for the same package.
The devtools library allows you to install a package from GitHub directly with install_github('username/repo').

How can I access Windows COM objects in R v3?

Some time ago, you used to be able to install the rcom package in R to use COM scripting (eg, access to external programs.) Unfortunately, it seems to be discontinued:
Package ‘rcom’ was removed from the CRAN repository.
Formerly available versions can be obtained from the archive.
This depends on statconnDCOM, which nowadays restricts use, contrary
to the CRAN policy for a package with a FOSS licence. See and
Following the archive and statconn links and installing one of the older versions in R version 3 gives the error:
“Error: package ‘rcom’ was built before R 3.0.0: please re-install
I am not very familiar with R, but there seems no way around this message - after all, it occurs when installing, so re-installing doesn't seem to be the answer. It appears as though rcom is simply not available for recent (3.0+) versions of R. I have also scanned the package list, although searching for "COM" there returns over a hundred results and it is possible I missed the right one when clicking through them.
How can I use the rcom package, or use COM from within R some other way?
(Note: I am asking this question on behalf of a colleague. I have no experience with R myself at all. Both of us, when searching for answers, could not find anything. I am sure that others are also using COM in the latest version of R, though!)
I looked at the rcom source code a few months ago. It seems I can get it to build and install OK on R3.0.1. Below is the procedure if it helps.
Get a checkout of the latest source code of rcom. I have rcom_2.2-5.tar.gz locally. I can google something at the following address, but I have no idea of the provenance, so up to you to check it is legit.
in R do install.packages('rscproxy')
install Rtools as per the instructions on the R web site (,
open a Windows command prompt i.e. run "CMD"
go to the folder containing the 'rcom' folder, and at the command prompt:
set R="c:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.1\bin\i386\R.exe"
%R% CMD check --no-manual rcom
check it passes without too many complaints. Your call as to the --no-manual option (if you have MiKTeX installed you may remove it)
should result in
installing to c:/Rlib/rcom/libs/i386
** R
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded
rcom requires a current version of statconnDCOM installed.
To install statconnDCOM type
This will download and install the current version of statconnDCOM
You will need a working Internet connection
because installation needs to download a file.
* DONE (rcom)
in R:
I tried a comRegisterRegistry() ; comRegisterServer()
; x<-comGetObject("Excel.Application") but I get a NULL for x. I am not a user of rcom so while it all seems to compile fine; it may just not work anymore.
If you happen to need to access .NET code, a viable option (and yes I have a vested interest in mentioning it) may be the rClr package.
Hope this helps; I'd be interested to hear how you go.
This really should be a comment, but I don't have enough rep points yet to leave one.
I found that the above steps did not work for me, but the answer posted by Lisa Ann on this question, RExcel in R 3.0.x, did solve my problem installing rcom. Since you need rcom to run RExcel, the initial steps to install RExcel cover installing rcom on newer versions of R (such as 3.0.2).
Specifically, following the advice on statconn's wiki,
You also need to follow these instructions if you upgrade R, i.e. you install a new >release of R after you have installed RExcel.
Download the statconn DCOM server and execute the program you downloaded
Start R as administrator (on Windows 7 you need to right-click the R icon and click the >corresponding item)
In R, run the following commands (you must start R as administrator to do this)
Now you have rcom installed, [instructions for installing RExcel follow...]
New versions of rcom and rscproxy (also for current versions of R) are available from a different repository. Just use as the R repository to install from and you can download and install binary versions of statconn packages from there.
Hope this helps!

Cannot install R-forge package using install.packages

This, question, is, asked, over, and, over, and, over,
on the R-sig-finance mailing list, but I do not think it has been asked on stackoverflow.
It goes like this:
Where can I obtain the latest version of package XYZ that is hosted on R-forge? I tried to install it with install.packages, but this is what happened:
> install.packages("XYZ",repos="")
Warning message: package ‘XYZ’ is not available (for R version 2.15.0)
Looking on the R-forge website for XYZ, I see that the package failed to build.
Therefore, there is no link to download the source. Is there any other way
to get the source code? Once I get the source code, how can I turn that into a
package that I can load with library("XYZ")?
R-Forge may fail to build a package for a few different reasons. It could be that
the documentation has not been updated to reflect recent changes in the code. Or,
it could be that some of the dependencies were not available at build time.
You can checkout the source code using svn. First, search for the project on the
R-Forge website and go to the project home page -- for example
Click the SCM link to get to a page like this
This page will tell you the command to use to checkout the project. In this case you get
This project's SVN repository can be checked out through anonymous access with the following command(s).
svn checkout svn://
If you are on Windows, you probably want to download and install TortoiseSVN
Once you have installed TortoiseSVN, you can right click in a Windows Explorer window and select
"SVN checkout". In the "URL of repository:" field, enter everything except the
"svn checkout " part of the command that you found on R-Forge. In this case, you'd
enter "svn://".
When you click OK, the project will be downloaded into the current directory.
If you are on a UNIX-alike system (or if you installed the command line client tools
when you installed TortoiseSVN for Windows, which is not the default), you can
type the command that R-forge gave you in your terminal (System terminal, not the R terminal)
svn checkout svn://
That will create a new directory under the current working directory that
contains all of the files in the package. In the top level of that directory
will be a subdirectory called "pkg". This particular project (returnanalytics)
contains more than one package.
ls returnanalytics/pkg
#FactorAnalytics MPO PApages PerformanceAnalytics PortfolioAnalytics
But some R-forge projects only have a single package. e.g.
svn checkout svn://
#Checked out revision 14.
ls random/pkg
Now that you have a local copy all of the code, if you would like to be able to
install the package, you have to build it first.
A WORD OF CAUTION: Since R-Forge failed to build the package, there is a good chance
that there are problems with the package. Therefore, if you just build it, you may find
that some things do not work as expected. In particular, it is likely that there
is missing or incomplete documentation.
If you are on a UNIX-alike system, the package can be built and installed relatively easily. For a multi-package project like returnanalytics, if you want to install, e.g. the
PortfolioAnalytics package, you can do it like this
R --vanilla CMD INSTALL --build returnanalytics/pkg/PortfolioAnalytics
"PortfolioAnalytics" is the name of the directory that contains the package that
you want to build/install. For a single-package project, you can build and install like
R --vanilla CMD INSTALL --build random/pkg
If you would like to build/install a package on Windows, see this question and follow the two links that #JoshuaUlrich provided
More information can be found in R Installation and Administration, the R-Forge User Manual, and the SVN manual.
If (and only if) you have the appropriate toolchain for your OS, then this may succeed:
# First download source file to your working directory
# As an example use browser to download pkg:partykit from:
# Move to working directory
# Or in the case of returnanalytics (which is a bundle of packages):
# and download the tar.gz (source)
# Then in R:
install.packages( "partykit_1.1-2.tar.gz", repo=NULL, type="source")
# for the first of the ReturnAnalytics packages:
install.packages( "Dowd_0.11.tar.gz", repo=NULL, type="source")
These direction should be "cross-platform". I'm not sure the directions in the accepted answer are applicable to Macs (OSX). (I later confirmed that they do "work" on a Mac but found the process more involved that what I suggested above. They do result in a directory that do contain the packages in a form that should succeed with R --vanilla CMD INSTALL --build pathToEachPackageSeparately)
It is also possible that the current version of the package you are trying to install requires a newer version of R, for example, you may see error like:
"ERROR: this R is version 2.15.0, package 'PerformanceAnalytics' requires R >= 3.0.0"
then you can try to update your R
or, if you are facing the same situation with me, which is trying to use pqR (currently using R version 2.15), you can find the out-of-date achieved package here:
You can get here from R-Forge packages page -> "Stable Release: Get PerformanceAnalytics 1.4.3541 from CRAN" -> Old sources: PerformanceAnalytics archive
for example, you will find package PerformanceAnalytics version 1.1.0 just requires R >= 2.14
Good luck
Alternatively, you can install the particular package from GitHub, if it has a repo at GitHub.
I ran install.packages('ggfortify'), and got
Warning message: “package ‘ggfortify’ is not available (for R version
ggfortify was the GitHub repo for the same package.
The devtools library allows you to install a package from GitHub directly with install_github('username/repo').
