Sublime Text 3 side bar is not updating or refreshing - directory

For some reason the side bar on Sublime Text 3 is just displaying the folder named Template. The strange thing is that this folder is already deleted and regardless of that, the folder Template should not be displayed when I open Sublime in for example my Dropbox folder. No matter where in Ubuntu I open Sublime (from command line or Dash) it will open with that folder named Template in the sidebar. Template will have the arrow next to it indicating I can expand its contents or hide them. When I press it I see the arrow go from the right to to down position no folder contents show, nothing happens.
Also nothing happens when I go Project > Refresh Folders.
This problem happened around the time I was trying to add a new server using SFTP. Not certain if that had anything to do with it.
Any ideas whats happening here?

If it is a top level folder, you need to edit the project itself. You may right click on the folder in the side bar, and select "Remove from Project". Alternatively, you can edit the file itself by going to Project -> Edit Project. The top level folders are defined as a list of objects. Remove the entry you want from there, and it will no longer appear in the sidebar. You can write a plugin to clean up a project for you if you find yourself removing items frequently.


How to properly add and browse images from image folder of web project in visual studio

I created an image folder in my first web application(web-forms) and copied images into that folder, I want to set a background image on div. I followed following steps
opened properties (div)
1. click style tab
2. select background-image
3. select images folder
But Content folder is not showing any image, its empty. I am beginner and unable to get where I am mistaken.
You need to include into de project the images you just copied to the images folder. For that you need to click onto the little button to the right of the update (blue one) in the solution explorer top bar and that will show all the files that are not included. Then you select all the images needed -> right click -> include files.
After that repeat the process you did and the imagess should show.
Hope this helps!
Are you sure its same folder ?
Reset visual studio and windows , but if you want doing this on code-side
create a css file and look at this code
body {
Problem resolved. Right click on 'Images' folder, click 'Add' add and existing item, then I searched for images folder into project directory and added desired images.

Customize Applescript app icon

I have created my AppleScript, tested it, saved it as an .app and it works.
Now, how do I set a custom icon for it?
I have done a bit of googling and tried a few different things but cannot get it to work. The app is mainly for me and maybe some people I know to make workflows easier so having a nice little icon makes a huge difference.
Can anyone help with this please?
Basically you need an .icns icon file.
Open your application with right-click > Show Package Contents
Navigate to Contents > Resources
Delete applet.icns
Drag the custom icon file into the Resources folder
Rename the icon file in Resources to applet.icns
To update the icon appearance open and re-save the applet in Script Editor.
This is how I do it:
In Finder, select your icon file.
Get Info (CMD-I) on the file.
Click the icon in the top left corner of the Get Info window.
Copy it via CMD-C.
Now Get Info on your AppleScript file.
Click the icon in the top left corner of the Get Info window.
Paste the icon using CMD-V.
The AppleScript icon should be replaced by the icon copied from the icon file.
A screen recording demonstrating this process can be viewed at this answer from AskDifferent.
Just building into #pipwerks answers: You can also use Drag&Drop!
(Optional) Create your icon online from any image on and download de .icns file for your icon.
Get Info (CMD-I) on you AppleScript file.
Now Drag&Drop your .icns file into the small icon in the top left corner.
It works and now it's ready to add it to the dock or wherever you want.
On newer systems if the above methods do not work there is another solution.
In Script Editor, after opening our script (.app), choose View -> Show Bundle Contents from the menu (or press cmd +0).
In the panel that will expand on the right (Bundle Info) in the Resources section, right-click the applet.icns file and select delete from the drop-down menu.
Our new icon file with the same name applet.icns drag and drop into the window Resources where you just deleted it.
Save application and voila :-D
Here's another way on newer systems, I'm using macOS 12.1.
Open the new icon image file in Preview and choose File > Export...
Hold down the Option key while selecting "Format" and see a whole bunch of new choices including ICNS.
Save it, drop it in your Resources folder, and you're good to go.

Pasted folder invisible to Plone but not to Zope

I am getting a very weird problem when attempted to cut-and-paste folders from one place to another in our intranet Plone site. The paste operation returned the error "Nothing in the clipboard". However it had gone and removed the folder from where it had originally been, and it looks as though it hasn't been inserted yet into the new location. Showing the Content view of the folder in which the paste happened does not show the pasted folder. However, through the ZMI interface I can see that the paste has happened. Clearly something threw an error before the pasted content was moved successfully, and it is left in a weird state.
For example the site search can find the content in the new pasted location, and the bread-crumbs show that those content pages are beneath the folder which is otherwise invisible to Plone.
Is it possible - maybe through the ZMI - to get this folder to be visible in the Plone world?
That is a weird bug. The quick solution to get the folder to display in Plone is to go to the ZMI, then visit portal_catalog, then locate (in one of the tabs) the button to rebuild the catalog. This ought to regenerate the catalog indexes (which may have failed to be updated when you did the cut/paste, through no fault of your own) and thus all the views (folder listings, etc) in Plone will display the new index (the views use the catalog to know what to display).
The same problem as I copied a folder from one language folder to an other the pasted object was only visible in ZMI
As fRiSi said the problem was the language category in Categorization tab > Language
Because I had many subobjects inside a folder I run the script below to change the language categorization recursively
Based on Convert LinguaPlone sub-language back to language for all content?
path = '/'.join(context.getPhysicalPath())
for brain in context.portal_catalog(path={'query': path, 'depth': 1000}, Language="it"):
obj = brain.getObject()
print brain.getURL()
return printed

How to change a file path in xcode 4?

I have a project where a couple of files are in red, In XCode 3 I used to click the file Get Info and change the Path, but I have no idea how to do it in the new XCode 4.
Click on your file, and then open the right side pane (there is a button in the top right corner). There you will see Identity and Type. Under the location drop down there is a small icon of I'm not sure what. If you click it, it lets you choose a file. I think that is what you want.
My method of choice is to just drag in the files from the new location and delete the references to the ones in the old location.

How to highlight opened file in XCode 4 on the "Project Navigator" panel?

Since a project can have hundreds of files inside dozens of directories (filters) shown on the "Project Navigator" panel, sometimes it's getting difficult to seek the file which is currently opened in the Editor (for example, when I jump from file to file via "CMD + clicking", etc).
Is there a way to automatically select currently opened file on the "Project Navigator" panel? I.e., automatically expand the directories (filters) and select the file there as I would have clicked on it? Maybe there's a shortcut or something?
The keyboard shortcut is ⌘-shift-J
Right-click the file in the editor and choose Reveal in Project Navigator.
Another option is to Right click anywhere within the Editor pane (with the source code) -> Navigate -> Reveal in Project Navigator.
