Web Page Won't Scroll Vertically on Screens Wider than 768px - css

I have searched, but not found what must be an obvious answer to someone who understands better than I do.
Simple problem: this page won't scroll vertically when viewed on screen wider than 768px:
On screens wider than 768px, the page is stuck in this position:
I have been picking at it awhile, using firebug and experimenting. Not even going to tell you the weirdest part.
Two goals here:
Find what is wrong and a fix for the scrolling not working on screens wider than 768px.
Learn something, so I can find this kind of fix on my own.

This must be because there is no content at the side parts. Browsers don't take into account the background image's size to make the screen scrollable, only HTML contents.

I think this is causing the problem.
.section-crackbar.fixed-top {
position: fixed;
remove fixed position and it should scroll fine. Instead use this
.inside.clearfix {
position: fixed;
left: 20%;
NOTE: I'd consider giving header a better classname.


How to make Hero Image fill entirely on a mobile screen without ruining quality?

I need help with a hero image to render perfectly on a mobile screen.
The Pages I need help with are:
These pages are fine in rendered on PC or laptops.
Any guidance is deeply appreciated.
There are 3 ways.
Use img tag with width: 100% instead of background image in div;
Make div height smaller on mobile;
Get different photo for mobile and change on view resize;
The methods mentioned in the answer of #Kintamasis are completely legit and I did a +1 for that. I'd also recommend going with 1st one that will take care of full responsiveness.
If you still just want to fix it using CSS then here it is:
div.et_pb_section.et_pb_section_0 {
background-size: 100%;
padding: 16vw 0px;
let me know if this works for you.

Bootstrap Body Overflow - Using overflow-x creates mobile scrolling issues

I've more or less finished a simple bootstrap site for a client, however I ran into an issue where the body element seems to have an extra 160px on the right side! I've spent like 3 hours already trying to find an answer.
To partially solve this problem I added the below css to the head:
html, body { overflow-x: hidden;}
This got rid of the extra 160px however on mobile devices (only tested iOS) the scrolling action is now incredibly sticky - rather than the fluid scroll we expect on a mobile device. Instead of one fast flick of the finger making the page continue scrolling, now when the finger leaves the screen the page stops dead.
In terms of user experience this isn't really acceptable and has been a real pain to try and solve.
I've put the site here for you to try on a mobile to feel the 'stickyness' goo.gl/yEI3rn
On desktop you can use inspector to disable the overflow-x:hidden; on the body to see the extra pixels on the right.
If anyone can investigate the site and tell me any one of the following it would be very useful:
Which element in the body is causing the body to have the extra width?
Why the body element has the excess width?
Is there an alternative to overflow-x that will not create mobile scrolling issues?
Any other areas to investigate to try and solve this issue?
Thanks so much for any insight here!
you can try adding this to your css to see which element goes all the way:
* {
outline: 1px solid right;

Why aren't my images resizing? (Responsive Design)

So up near the top in the CSS reset, I added an additional rule to set all image elements to be max-width: 100%. However, my images aren't resizing properly, especially the gallery. It's supposed to stay in a horizontal bar, however I can't for the life of me get it to work, and I have no idea why. I'm not familiar with responsive design in particular. I bought a book and still don't understand it. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!
I can't see anywhere where you have specified what width the images should be. By adding img { width: 100%; } to your CSS it works for me.
Also you know you have included your CSS twice

Image Not Resizing Properly in Minimized Firefox Window

I am working on a site. The problem page in question is here:
Currently I have the images in a table. I am also using Shadowbox for these images.
When I minimize the browser window in Chrome and Safari, the images scale down nicely.
However, the images are not scaling down nicely when I minimize the window in Firefox.
This page has the most images and is the most troubling, though I notice that the site as a whole does not scale down as nicely in Firefox as it does in Chrome & Safari. I have not yet checked IE.
I know this must be due to some shoddy CSS on my part.
Can anyone guide me on how to resolve this problem?
Thank you so much!
see this answer "Max-width does not apply to inline elements so you will get inconsistent behaviour cross browser...you may achieve it if you set div img { display:block } and then align the img... tags with floats instead of standard inline." That probably means getting rid of your table or setting the table cells to display as block.
Had same problem with Firefox. I got it to work in Chrome but Firefox wouldn’t display the code. So here is what I did:
/* begin HeaderObject */
.banner-img {
display: block;
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 99%;
left: 50%;
/* end HeaderObject */
I changed the max-width to 99% and it displayed correctly and resized correctly. The header object was placed inside the header on the CSS, so by chance I tested to see if I could get it to work with a smaller width, as it was “nested” inside the header. Then I added the left: 50%; code because I wanted my image to display centered. Working great now.

float div cross browser. Every other browser seem okay except 1

I realy need your help as this is driving me nuts.
On my website www.markett.nl I have 2 divs floating next to eachother.
All the browsers seem to load nicely, accapt when I view the website on the iPad the div is pushed downwards as if its wide is to large.
I have read it mayby has to do with some css padding issues, but I believe padding is not used on these div elements. I use firebug for insight in css but cant solve my problem.
I've uploaded 2 images so you can see what the probem is:
Image 1 as is loads on most browsers.
Image2 will show the problem.
You have #media queries in your CSS file for responsive layout. Find this in your CSS (around line 2640):
#media (max-width: 800px) {
/* Simplify the basic layout */
#main #content {
margin: 0 7.6%;
width: auto;
and remove the margin attribute from that rule. Also you don't have to test on iPad the result - you can simply change the width of your browser window.
You're using media queries to do different things depending on the width of the viewport.
If you load your site in any browser (I'm testing with Firefox, for example) and reduce the width of the window enough, the same problem happens.
To fix it, follow Zoltan Toth's instructions.
