Invalid date format causing ModelState to be invalid in controller -

I am getting an invalid ModelState when data is returned from a View using an ajax call but only for edits. I am passing a datetime value from a SQL record to the view. The date shows up just fine in a Kendo UI DateTime picker. If I make a new selection from the datetime picker, I don't get the exception, it's only if I don't make any changes do I get the invalid error. Here is what the MVC controller is showing:
The value '/Date(1387443600000)/' is not valid for RequiredByDate."
What am I missing here? First time I have ever had an issue with a datetime field like this.
EDIT: Found out the date was being formatted in the view once the controller passed it in. Here is what I had to do before using it on the page and eventually sending it back to the controller (code is verbose for debugging purposes):
var myModel = model;
var jsonDate = myModel.Header.RequiredByDate; // "/Date(1387443600000)/"
var value = new Date(parseInt(jsonDate.substr(6)));
var ret = value.getMonth() + 1 + "/" + value.getDate() + "/" + value.getFullYear();
//ret is now in normal date format "12-13-2013"

After posting an edit above I found what I think is an even better solution to the problem. Here is a function that converts the string to an actual date object:
function dateFromStringWithTime(str) {
var match;
if (!(match = str.match(/\d+/))) {
return false;
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(match[0] - 0);
return date;

Related date time is not result same

this is the property I have :
public TimeSpan StartingTime { get; set; }
now in controller I will check if the starting time is less then now
var now = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;
return View(db.SchoolTime.ToList().Where(a => a.StartingTime < now );
here even the starting-time is less then now in database but not returning list to vew
I think it's because Starting-time is lik(09:00:00) but the now is like 09:10:00:12312312
please help thanks in advance
It is not because of the '<' condition.
Try changing the code to:
return View(db.SchoolTime.Where(a => a.StartingTime < now).ToList());
Where condition doesn't get applied unless you enumerate over the collection.
ToList() will help you do that.
Else it will execute once the collection is enumerated in the View.
Use the following code
DateTime parsedDate;
string pattern = ;
DateTime.TryParseExact(StartingTime, "MM-dd-yy", null, DateTimeStyles.None, out parsedDate);
parsedDate.TimeOfDay;// out put in your format MM:HH:SS
Inorder to make the above code to work you need to add using System.Globalization; namespace.
Update 1 :
As per your code
var now = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;
returns 00:00:00 every time because it should be assigned when you are creating the DateTime object itself.
So use this
var now = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss")
return View(db.SchoolTime.ToList().Where(a => a.StartingTime < now );

ASP.NET MVC5 stores date in wrong format

last days I have a quite hard time to convince MVC5 project to work with dates as I would like to. After intensive googling I've tried numerous attepmts to make it work properly, but without success.
Here is the problem:
I need to display and edit dates on my webpage in format dd.MM.yyyy (i.e. 15.07.2015). For editing I also need to use jquery ui datepicker. The thing here is that I've been able to successfully set that datepicker to display date in requested format, also the jquery validation is now correctly validating the date in given format. So as for UI so far so good. The problem appeared in moment, when I clicked submit button - there was an error message like:
The value '15.07.2015' is not valid for Start Date.
After brief investigation I've found that when the date is passed to server it has switched format - instead of dd.MM.yyyy the date is treated like MM.dd.yyyy. In other words the error pops up only when the day part of date is higher than 12.
Here are some highlights from my code:
In my model for date I have this:
[Display(Name = "Start Date")]
[DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:dd.MM.yyyy}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)]
public DateTime DateStarts;
Which I believe is everything I need to do to make that date display in specified format and also force users to fill the textbox with date in right format.
As given in [UIHint("Date")], I have my own template for rendering textbox for editing date. The implementation of that template is following:
#model Nullable<DateTime>
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
if (Model != null)
dt = (System.DateTime)Model;
#Html.TextBox("", dt.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy"), new { #class = "form-control datecontrol", type = "text", data_val_date = "Field must have format dd.MM.yyyy" })
<i class="fa fa-calendar form-control-feedback lowerzindex"></i>
The jquery datepicker has following implementation:
onClose: function () { $(this).valid(); },
minDate: "-1M",
dateFormat: "",
So even the datepicker knows how the format should look like.
The last component is the validation by jquery.validation:
function (value, element, params) {
if (this.optional(element)) {
return true;
var result = false;
try {
$.datepicker.parseDate('', value);
result = true;
} catch (err) {
result = false;
return result;
I know that the date is passed to server in some culture neutral format, but I thought that when I decorated code on numerous places with the requested format, this will ensure that the conversion into that culture neutral format will be done right. Or am I missing something else ?
Your problem lies in the fact that you have not set proper Culture for your application. Your request end-up executing under culture that has month-day-year order (probably under en-US) causing you a problem.
The easiest solution is to set set the culture that actually has day-month-year order and . as date separator in your web.config, for example:
<globalization uiCulture="de-DE" culture="de-DE" />
The MVC uses current culture when parsing and binding posted data to your models/parameters.
It is advised to use same date separator across entire scope - html, client, javascript, server culture, ... + facebook create event

I am trying to create an event in my app but keep getting this 'Invalid parameter' error:
(OAuthException - #100) (#100) Invalid parameter
when it hits:
JsonObject result = facebookClient.Post("/me/events", createEventParameters) as JsonObject;
Changed the parameters several times but still no help, anyone can advice:
public string CreateEvent()
var accessToken = accessTok;
FacebookClient facebookClient = new FacebookClient(accessToken);
Dictionary<string, object> createEventParameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
createEventParameters.Add("owner", "Me");
createEventParameters.Add("name", "Test Event");
createEventParameters.Add("description", "This is a test event.");
createEventParameters.Add("start_time", DateTime.Now.AddDays(2).ToUniversalTime().ToString());
createEventParameters.Add("end_time", DateTime.Now.AddDays(2).AddHours(4).ToUniversalTime().ToString());
createEventParameters.Add("location", "A Street");
// Sample venue
JsonObject venueParameters = new JsonObject();
venueParameters.Add("street", "19 Phipps St");
venueParameters.Add("city", "Toronto");
venueParameters.Add("state", "ON");
venueParameters.Add("zip", "L2A 2V2");
venueParameters.Add("country", "Canada");
venueParameters.Add("latitude", "43.6654507");
venueParameters.Add("longitude", "-79.38569580000001");
createEventParameters.Add("venue", venueParameters);
createEventParameters.Add("privacy", "SECRET");
createEventParameters.Add("updated_time", DateTime.Now.ToString());
//Add the event logo image
FacebookMediaObject logo = new FacebookMediaObject()
ContentType = "image/png",
FileName = #"D:/Downloads/bb.png"
createEventParameters[#"D:/Downloads/bb.png"] = logo;
JsonObject result = facebookClient.Post("/me/events", createEventParameters) as JsonObject;
return result["id"].ToString();
Ok happens that I have an invalid date format. For FB docs:
NOTE - After the 'Events Timezone' migration, all event times are ISO-8601 formatted strings; they can no longer be specified as timestamps. The following formats are accepted:
Date-only (e.g., '2012-07-04'): events that have a date but no specific time yet.
Precise-time (e.g., '2012-07-04T19:00:00-0700'): events that start at a particular point in time, in a specific offset from UTC. This is the way new Facebook events keep track of time, and allows users to view events in different timezones.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object error

I have Default.aspx and Upload.aspx.
I'm passing Id through query string to default.aspx(like:http://localhost:3081/default.aspx?Id=1752).In default page i have a link button to open the upload.aspx to upload file.When i use the Request.QueryString["Id"] in upload.aspx,it is showiing error as "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".I'm dealing with RadControls.
To open when i click a link(OnClientClick="return ShowAddFeedBackForm()") i have code like:
function ShowAddFeedBackForm() {
window.radopen("Upload.aspx", "UserListDialog");
return false;
I'm using detailsview in upload page with a textbox and a fileupload control.
code to bind when a file upload in upload.aspx
protected void DetailsView1_ItemInserting(object sender, DetailsViewInsertEventArgs e)
string qString = Request.QueryString["Id"].ToString();
if (DetailsView1.CurrentMode == DetailsViewMode.Insert)
//string qString = Request.QueryString["Id"].ToString();
//int Projectid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ProjectId"]);
ProTrakEntities objEntity = new ProTrakEntities();
TextBox txtTitle = DetailsView1.FindControl("txtTask") as TextBox;
//RadComboBox cmbStatus = DetailsView1.FindControl("cmbStatus") as RadComboBox;
//var id = (from project in objEntity.Projects where project.ProjectId == Projectid select project).First();
RadComboBox cmbTaskType = DetailsView1.FindControl("cmbTasktype") as RadComboBox;
//RadComboBox cmbTaskPriorty = DetailsView1.FindControl("cmbPriority") as RadComboBox;
string Description = (DetailsView1.FindControl("RadEditor1") as RadEditor).Content;
var guid = (from g in objEntity.Projects where g.ProjectGuid == qString select g).First();
int pID = Convert.ToInt32(guid.ProjectId);
ProjectFeedback objResource = new ProjectFeedback();
objResource.ProjectId = pID;
objResource.Subject = txtTitle.Text;
objResource.Body = Description;
objResource.CreatedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
objResource.FeedbackType = cmbTaskType.SelectedItem.Text;
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "mykey", "CloseAndRebind('navigateToInserted');", true);
Getting error at querystring statement-"Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
The query string is not inherited when you open a new page. You have to include the id in the URL, i.e. Upload.aspx?id=1752.
A simple solution would be to just copy the search part of the page URL:
window.radopen("Upload.aspx" +, "UserListDialog");
However, typically you would use the id value that you picked up from the query string in the server side code and generate client code to use it.
I am not sure but if I had to guess I would question whether the window object has been instantiated at the time you call radopen in the script section of your page. You should put a msgbox before the call window.radopen() call to print the contents of the window object if it is null that is your problem otherwise this will take more digging. Just my two cents.
I also noted that if the guid query returns no results the call to .First() will cause this error as well. Just another place to check while researching the issue.
There is one last place I see that could also throw this error if the objEntities failed to construct and returned a null reference then any call to the properties of the object will generate this error (i.e objEntitiey.Projects):
ProTrakEntities objEntity = new ProTrakEntities();
var guid = (from g in objEntity.Projects where g.ProjectGuid == qString select g).First();
This error is occurring because, as the other answerer said, you need to pass the ID to the RadWindow since the RadWindow doesn't know anything about the page that called it. You're getting a null reference exception because the window can't find the query string, so it's throwing an exception when you try to reference .ToString().
To get it to work, make your Javascript function like this:
function ShowAddFeedBackForm(Id) {
window.radopen(String.format("Upload.aspx?Id={0}", Id), "UserListDialog");
return false;
In the codebehind Page_Load event of your base page (ie, the page that is opening the window), put this:
if (!IsPostBack)
Button.OnClientClick = string.Format("javascript:return ShowAddFeedBackForm({0});", Request.QueryString["Id"]);
Of course, Button should be the ID of the button as it is on your page.

Generating an action URL in JavaScript for ASP.NET MVC

I'm trying to redirect to another page by calling an action in controller with a specific parameter. I'm trying to use this line:'<%= Url.Action("Report", "Survey",
new { id = ' + selectedRow + ' } ) %>');
But I couldn't make it work; it gives the following error:
CS1012: Too many characters in character literal.
Can't I generate the action URL this was on the client side? Or do I have to make an Ajax call by supplying the parameter and get back the needed URL? This doesn't seem right, but I want to if it's the only way.
Is there an easier solution?
Remember that everything between <% and %> is interpreted as C# code, so what you're actually doing is trying to evaluate the following line of C#:
Url.Action("Report", "Survey", new { id = ' + selectedRow + ' } )
C# thinks the single-quotes are surrounding a character literal, hence the error message you're getting (character literals can only contain a single character in C#)
Perhaps you could generate the URL once in your page script - somewhere in your page HEAD, do this:
var actionUrl =
'<%= Url.Action("Report", "Survey", new { id = "PLACEHOLDER" } ) %>';
That'll give you a Javascript string containing the URL you need, but with PLACEHOLDER instead of the number. Then set up your click handlers as:'PLACEHOLDER', selectedRow));
i.e. when the handler runs, you find the PLACEHOLDER value in your pre-calculated URL, and replace it with the selected row.
I usually declare a javascript variable in the section to hold the root of my website.
<%="<script type=\"text/javascript\">var rootPath = '"
+ Url.Content("~/") + "';</script>" %>
To solve your problem I would simply do + "report/survey/" + selectedRow);
Could you do'/report/survey/' + selectedRow);
instead where selected row I assume is the id? The routing should pick this up fine.
or use getJSON
Perhaps you could use JSONResult instead. Wherever the should be call a method instead i.e. OpenSurveyWindow(id);
then add some jquery similar to below
function OpenSurveyWindow(id){
$.getJSON("/report/survey/" + id, null, function(data) {;
now in your controller
public JsonResult Survey(int id)
return Json(GetMyUrlMethod(id));
That code isnt syntactically perfect but something along those lines should work
Just if someone is still looking for this. The controller action can have normal parameters or a model object with these fields. MVC will bind the valus automatically.
var url = '#Url.Action("Action", "Controller")';
$.post(url, {
YearId: $("#YearId").val(),
LeaveTypeId: $("#LeaveTypeId").val()
}, function (data) {
//Do what u like with result
You wont be able to do this, the URL.Action is a server side process so will parse before the clientside selectedRow is available. Israfel has the answer I would suggest.
If selectedRow is a client-side variable, it won't work. You have to use #Israfel implementation to link. This is because the server-side runs before the client-side variable even exists.
If selectedRow is a server-side variable within the view, change to this:'<%= Url.Action("Report", "Survey", new { id = selectedRow } ) %>');
This is because the id will infer the selectedRow variable type, or you could convert to string with ToString() method (as long as it's not null).
A way to do this that might be considered cleaner involves using the T4MVC T4 templates. You could then write the JavaScript inside your view like this:
var reportUrl = '<%= Url.JavaScriptReplacableUrl(MVC.Survey.Report())%>';
reportUrl = myUrl.replace('{' + + '}', selectedRow);;
The advantage of this is that you get compile-time checking for the controller, action, and action parameter.
One more thing that can be done, no so clean i guess:
var url = "#Url.RouteUrl(new { area = string.Empty, controller = "Survey", action = "Report" })";
var fullUrl = url + '?id=' + selectedRow;
The easiest way is to declare a javascript variable than concate your parameter value to the link.
var url = '#Url.Action("Action","Controller")' + "/" + yourjavascriptvariable;
<a href='" + url + "'>
