Make a file counting instances in sets of 5 - r

I have a file that looks like this:
1 rs531842 503939 61733 G A
1 rs10494103 35025 114771 C T
1 rs17038458 254490 21116837 G A
1 rs616378 525783 21127670 T C
1 rs3845293 432526 21199392 A C
2 rs16840461 233620 157112959 A G
2 rs1560628 224228 157113214 T C
2 rs17200880 269314 257145829 C T
2 rs10497165 35844 357156412 C T
2 rs7607531 624696 457156575 T C
...with column 1 stretching on to 22, and several thousand entries in total.
I want to create a file that lists bins of 5 million from column 4 which have data, separating by column 1.
Basically, all but column 1 and 4 can be discarded. A simple imput would look like this:
So, for the example above, I would want to get two files that look like this:
Start End Occurrences
1 5000000 2
20000001 25000000 3
Start End Occurrences
155000001 160000000 2
255000001 260000000 1
355000001 360000000 1
455000001 460000000 1
Any ideas? It seems like something that should be doable with lapply in R, but I can't get the for loops to work...
EDIT: Actually, I made this look much harder than it needed to be - basically, I want to split the original file by column 1, extract the data in column 4, and then count the instances in bins of 5 million.
(Apologies for slightly random tags, just trying to think of which tools might be best!)

Well, this happened to be very challenging. I couldn't find a way to use an unique awk command, though.
awk -v const=5000000 -v max=150
'{a[$1,int($4/const)]++; b[$1]}
END{for (i in b)
{for (j=0; j<max; j++)
print i, j*const +1, (j+1)*const, a[i,j]
}' file
And then to get only the results:
awk 'NF==4'
-v const=5000000 -v max=150 give the variables. const is the 5 million value to split the results. max is the biggest number up to which we will look for info in the END block.
a[$1,int($4/const)]++ create an array with (1st field, 4th field) as index. Note the second is int($4/const) is to get from 23432 --> 0, 6000000 --> 1, etc. That is, to see in which block of values is every 4th column.
b[$1] keep track of the first columns that have been processed.
END{for (i in b) {for (j=0; j<max; j++) print j, j*const +1, (j+1)*const, a[i,j]}}' print the values.
awk 'NF==4' just print those lines that have 4 columns. This way it just outputs those cases in which there were matches.
In case you want to store the values into a new file, you can do
awk 'NF==4 {print > "OutputChr"$1".txt}'
Sample output
$ awk -v const=5000000 -v max=150 '{a[$1,int($4/const)]++; b[$1]} END{for (i in b) {for (j=0; j<max; j++) print i, j*const +1, (j+1)*const, a[i,j]}}' a | awk 'NF==4'
1 1 5000000 2
1 20000001 25000000 3
2 155000001 160000000 2
2 255000001 260000000 1
2 355000001 360000000 1
2 455000001 460000000 1

All in one
awk '{ v=int($4/const)
a[$1 FS v]++
min[$1]=min[$1]<v?min[$1]:v # get the Minimum of column $4 for group $1
max[$1]=max[$1]>v?max[$1]:v # get the Minimum of column $4 for group $1
}END{ for (i in min)
for (j=min[i];j<=max[i];j++) # set the for loop, and use the min and max value.
if (a[i FS j]!="") print j*const+1,(j+1)*const,a[i FS j] > "OutputChr" i ".txt" # if the data is exist, print to file "OutputChr" i ".txt"
}' const=5000000 file
$ cat OutputChr1.txt
1 5000000 2
20000001 25000000 3
$ cat OutputChr2.txt
155000001 160000000 2
255000001 260000000 1
355000001 360000000 1
455000001 460000000 1


Extract two consecutive lines that have non-consecutive strings

I have a very large text file with 2 columns and more than 10 mio of lines.
Most lines have in column 2 a number that is the number of column 2 of the previous line +1. However, few thousands of lines behave differently (see example below).
Input file:
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 10
A 11
A 12
A 40
A 41
I would like to extract the pair of two lines that do not respect the +1 increment in column 2.
Desired output file:
A 3
A 10
A 12
A 40
Is there (preferentially) an awk command that allows to do that?
I tried several codes comparing column 2 of two consecutive lines but unfortunately I fail until now (see the code below).
awk 'FNR==1 {print; next} $2==p2+1 {print p $0; p=""; next} {p=$0 ORS; p2=$2}' input.txt > output.txt
Thanks for your help. Best,
Would you please try the following:
awk 'NR>1 {if ($2!=p2+1) print p ORS $0} {p=$0; p2=$2}' input.txt > output.txt
A 3
A 10
A 12
A 40
The variables names are similar to yours: p holds the previous line and
p2 holds the second column of the previous line.
The condition NR>1 suppresses to print on the 1st line.
if ($2!=p2+1) print p ORS $0 prints the pairs of two lines which
meet the condition.
The block {p=$0; p2=$2} preserves values of current line for the next iteration.
I like perl for the text processing that needs arithmetic.
$ perl -ane 'print and next if $.<3; print $p and print if $F[3]!=$fp+1; $fp=$F[3]; $p=$_' input.txt
| -------- | -------- |
| A | 3 |
| A | 10 |
| A | 12 |
| A | 40 |
This is using -a to autosplit into #F.
Prints first 2 lines: print and next if $.<3
On subsequent lines, prints previous line and current line if the 4th field isn't exactly one more than the prior 4th field: print $p and print if $F[3]!=$fp+1
Saves the 4th field as $fp and the entire line as $p: $fp=$F[3]; $p=$_
columns are tab-delimited
the 1st column may contain white space (this isn't demonstrated in the sample provided by OP but it also hasn't been ruled out)
lines of interest must have the same value in the 1st column (ie, if the values in the 1st column differ then we don't bother with comparing the values in the 2nd column and instead proceed to the next input line)
if 3 consecutive lines meet the criteria, the 2nd/middle line is only printed once
$ cat input.txt
A 1
A 2
A 3 # match
A 10 # match
A 11
A 12 # match
A 23 # match
A 40 # match
A 41
X to Z 101
X to Z 102 # match
X to Z 104 # match
X to Z 105
NOTE: comments only added here to highlight the lines that match the search criteria
One awk idea:
awk -F'\t' '
FNR==1 { prevline=$0 }
FNR>1 { if ($1 == prev1 && $2+0 != prev2+1) {
if (prevline) print prevline
prevline="" # make sure this line is not printed again if next line also meets criteria
{ prev1=$1; prev2=$2 }
' input.txt
This generates:
A 3
A 10
A 12
A 23
A 40
X to Z 102
X to Z 104
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -nE 'N;h
s/.*\s+(.*)\n.*(\s.*)/echo "$((\1+1))\2"/e;/^(.*)\s\1$/!{x;p;x};x;D' file
Open a two line window throughout the length of the file.
Make a copy of the window and increment the 2nd column of the first line by one. If this amended value is equal to the 2nd column of the second line then print both unadulterated lines.
Delete the first line and repeat.
N.B. This may print the second of these lines twice if the following line meets the same criteria.

get the top N counts based on the value of another column

I have a file with two columns that looks like this:
a 3
a 7
b 6
a 6
b 1
b 8
c 1
b 1
For each value in the first column, I'd like to find the top N counts from the second column. Using this example, I'd like to find the top 2 values in column 2 for each string in column 1. The desired output would be:
a 7
a 6
b 8
b 6
c 1
I was trying to do something like this with awk, but I am not that familiar with it. This gives the max, not top N:
awk '$2>max[$1]{max[$1]=$2; row[$1]=$0} END{for (i in row) print row[i]}'
Could you please try following, using sort + awk solution.
sort -k2 -s -nr Input_file | awk '++array[$1]<=2' | sort -k1,1 -k2,2nr
sort -k2 -s -nr Input_file | sort -k1,1 -k2,2nr | awk '++array[$1]<=2'
Logical brief explanation: First 2 sort commands are being used to sort data as per 1st and 2nd fields to get data in right order(as per OP's samples), then passing its output to awk to get only 1st 2 occurrences of each first field only as per ask.
$ sort -k1,1 -k2,2rn file | awk -v n=2 '(++cnt[$1])<=n'
a 7
a 6
b 8
b 6
c 1

Checking on equal values of 2 different data frame row by row

I have 2 different data frame, one is of 5.5 MB and the other is 25 GB. I want to check if these two data frame have the same value in 2 different columns for each row.
For e.g.
x 0 0 a
x 1 2 b
y 1 2 c
z 3 4 d
x 0 0 w
x 1 2 m
y 5 6 p
z 8 9 q
I want to check if the 2° and 3° column are equal for each row, if yes I return the 4° columns for the both data frame.Then I should have:
a w
b m
c m
the 2 data frame are sorted respect the 2° and 3° column value. I try in R but the 2° file (25 GB) is too big. How can I obtain this new file in a "faster" (even some hours) way ???
With GNU awk for arrays of arrays:
$ cat tst.awk
NR==FNR { a[$2,$3][$4]; next }
($2,$3) in a {
for (val in a[$2,$3]) {
print val, $4
$ awk -f tst.awk small_file large_file
a w
b m
c m
and with any awk (a bit less efficiently):
$ cat tst.awk
NR==FNR { a[$2,$3] = a[$2,$3] FS $4; next }
($2,$3) in a {
for (i in vals) {
print vals[i], $4
$ awk -f tst.awk small_file large_file
a w
b m
c m
The above when reading small_file (NR==FNR is only true for the first file read - look up those variables in the awk man page or google) creates an associative array a[] that maps an index created from the concatenation of the 2nd+3rd fields to the list of value of the 4th field for those 2nd/3rd field combinations. Then when reading large_file it looks up that array for the current 2nd/3rd field combination and loops through all of the values stored for that combination in the previous phase printing that value (the $4 from small_file) plus the current $4.
You said your small file is 5.5 MB and the large file is 25 GB. Since 1 MB is about 1,047,600 characters (see and each of your lines is about 8 characters long that means your small file is about 130 thousand lines long and your large one about 134 million lines long so I expect on an average powered computer the above should take no more than a minute or 2 to run, it certainly won't take anything like an hour!
An alternative to the solution of Ed Morton, but with an identical idea:
$ cat tst.awk
NR==FNR { a[$2,$3] = a[$2,$3] $4 ORS; next }
($2,$3) in a {
s=a[$2,$3]; gsub(ORS,OFS $4 ORS,s)
printf "%s",s;
$ awk -f tst.awk small_file large_file
a w
b m
c m

Subtracting lines in one file from another file

I couldn't find an answer that truly subtracts one file from another.
My goal is to remove lines in one file that occur in another file.
Multiple occurences should be respected, which means for exammple if one line occurs 4 times in file A and only once in file B, file C should have 3 of those lines.
File A:
File B:
File C (desired output)
Thanks in advance
In awk:
$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0]--;next} ($0 in a) && ++a[$0] > 0' f2 f1
NR==FNR { # for each record in the first file
a[$0]--; # for each identical value, decrement a[value] (of 0)
($0 in a) && ++a[$0] > 0' # if record in a, increment a[value]
# once over remove count in first file, output
If you want to print items in f1 that are not in f2 you can lose ($0 in a) &&:
$ echo 5 >> f1
$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0]--;next} (++a[$0] > 0)' f2 f1
If the input files are already sorted as shown in sample, comm would be more suited
$ comm -23 f1 f2
option description from man page:
-2 suppress column 2 (lines unique to FILE2)
-3 suppress column 3 (lines that appear in both files)
You can do:
awk 'NR==FNR{++cnt[$1]
1' f2 f1

Comparing consecutive rows within an file

I have two files with with 1s and 0s in each column, where the field separator is "," :
Want I want to do is look at the file in pairs of rows, compare them, and if they are exactly the same output a 1. So for this example the rows 1 & 2 are different so they don't get a 1, rows 3 & 4 are exactly the same so they get a 1, and rows 5&6 differ by 1 column so they don't get a 1, and so on.
So the desired output could be something like :
Because here there are exactly 3 pairs (they are paired by the fact if they are consecutive) of rows that are exactly the same: rows 3&4, 7&8, and 9&10. The comparison should not reuse a row, so if you compare rows 1 & 2, you shouldn't then compare rows 2 & 3.
You can do this with awk like:
awk -F, '!(NR%2) {print $0==p} {p=$0}' data
where every line that's evenly divisible by two will print a 0 if the current line doesn't match the last value for p or a 1 if it matches.
If you truly only want the 1s, which is throwing away any information about which pairs matched, you could:
awk -F, '!(NR%2)&&$0==p {print 1} {p=$0}' data
Alternatively, you could output matching pair line numbers like:
awk -F, '!(NR%2)&&$0==p {print NR-1 "," NR} {p=$0}' data
Or just the counts of all matched pairs:
awk -F, '!(NR%2)&&$0==p {c++} {p=$0} END{ print c}' data
Another useful variant might be just to return the matching lines directly:
awk -F, '!(NR%2)&&$0==p {print} {p=$0}' data
I would use a shell script like this:
while read line
if test "$prevline" = "$line"
echo 1
I'm not 100% sure about your requirement to "not reuse a row", but I think that could be achieved by changing inner part of the loop to
if test "$prevline" = "$line"
echo 1
line="" # don't reuse a line
