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Overflow auto doesn't work in android browser
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am using Overflow:auto to scroll a div and it works fine in desktop but not working in Android browser. Is there any proper way to fix this ?
Android doesn't supports overflow property. See if this helps you.
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How to change the style of alert box?
(13 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I recently discovered FireFox's userChrome.css where you can cutsomize about everything with CSS. I tried googling how I can customize the alert box (when I use 'alert()') but I can't find anything. Is this possible?
Welcome to StackOverflow, Normal! According to this answer, Javascript alert boxes are system objects and not modifiable by CSS. However, you should rarely encounter one while using Firefox, and if you're in the process of writing a webextension, it's much better to write your own notification or popup.
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CSS customized scroll bar in div
(20 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I want to customise the scroll bar.
According to this:
you can do it using -webkit-scrollbar. However I cannot seem to find anywhere which browsers support this feature including
Can someone please tell me where I can find out which browsers support this feature!
As it says -webkit- I assume it works on safari and chrome. But even then which "versions" of these browsers does this work on? What about andriod/ chrome mobile browsers .
You can for IE and Webkit browsers but Firefox would require a JS solution - and if you bother to do it in JS, it doesn't really need you to do it in CSS as well.
An example of a JS scrollbar jQuery plugin.
Edit: Mobile browser - you apparently can style these but I haven't noticed them styled at all, nor did I even know my phone had scrollbars until I just checked. This plugin seems to be able to style them.
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CSS overflow-x: visible; and overflow-y: hidden; causing scrollbar issue
(9 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
The CSS properties overflow-x and overflow-y should be well supported by all major browsers. So says w3. I've just made an example where we can see that they behave poorly when the visible value comes into play.
You can find the example code here on github or a working live example.
So the irregular behaviour that I see when it comes to the visible value is what I'm trying to avoid. I would like a vertical scroll (auto or scroll), and visible overflowing content horizontally. Have just tried this on Chrome and FireFox
How can I solve this, and is this the intended behaviour?
This is expected behaviour, see the w3 Spec.
What it boils down to is that in instances where it is not possible to have visible and hidden together, the visible is set to auto instead.
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Impossible to hide navigation bars in Safari iOS 7 for iPhone/iPod touch
(8 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I'd like to know if in IOS7 safari there is a method for controlling the position of the address bar and the toolbar. I would basically like them to hide them as soon as the page loads in safari without the user having to scrolldown the page to invoke the hide?
There is currently no known method of doing this.
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CSS customized scroll bar in div
(20 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I tried searching online but I didn't find any good sources on this. Is there a way to style scroll bars with pure CSS so that it is compatible with a maximum number of browsers?
You can style scrollbars in Internet Explorer and Webkit only.
Note that these are not standard properties.
However, you can achieve this with JavaScript. One project that does this is jScrollPane.
Adding my 2 pence a little late, but if you really want to style them I would suggest trying It's not a pure CSS solution like you are looking for but is a solution of sorts.