How can i find and change css style in ruby? - css

I don't know much about ruby, but I know about html and css...
In my Ruby on Rails application I have this tag:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "admin.css", "jquery.facebox.css", "jquery.tooltip.css" %>
Which has the output of this (i only show the css, i need css only):
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="/stylesheets/admin.css?1391082652">
But not exist this path "/stylesheets" in my aplication, i found the file admin.css only here:
when I rename it to "admin.css_", the css styles continues to apper normal in html ruby, even clear cache in browser.
How I can change the css and make work correctly in website?
Do I need to compile anything?
Not only overwrite the file somewhere?

Hi you can add extra css in your application with .css in /home/webserver/app/public/stylesheets
Another is that css are you applying is directly from jQuery I think so
Please inspect the in browser and check the class name
then search in your application with ctr+f


Bootstrap Connection

Kind of a newb question. I'm working with Boostrap to create a mobile responsive portfolio. What do you do if you want to make a change to the default Bootstrap classes? Like if I wanted to take the padding off of the class="container"? The links are only connected to the minified version of css and js. So if I make a change to the regular version .css, there's nothing connecting the change. Do I have to change the .min.css version? Should I be able to repeat a class in my own personal css page?(I've tried unsuccessfully) Thanks, any advice would help.
Two methods that I know of:
1) Make edits to the .min.css file, or
2) Add '!Important' to the your personal css, like so:
font-color: white !Important
This will overwrite any classes that have set a font-color for .testDiv
*note: using !important is not a recommended technique, but it gets the job done
You can override the classes in your own CSS file (make sure you import it into your HTML after the original CSS files from bootstrap). Like,
<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<!-- Optional theme -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css">
<!-- Custom Tweaks to theme (Add your changes to this file) -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/css/style.css">
<!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript -->
<script src="path/to/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
However, if you are going to make lots of modifications like that, I suggest you create your own customized version

CSS not styling page but is loaded in DOM

Hello there ladies and gentlemen.
I've got quite the puzzler going on. I have just installed a fresh instance of Laravel (5.1) on a Vagrant (1.7.4) machine in Windows (10). The weird thing is that I'm linking both the external stylesheet and javascript the same way:
<link href="{{ URL::asset('css/app.css') }}" rel="stylesheets" type="text/css">
<script src="{!! URL::asset('js/all.js') !!}" type="text/javascript"></script>
The problem is that the styles are not being applied (cross-browser) to the elements. I'm not getting any errors in the console. When I look at the head of the document I can see that it's the right path:
<link href="" rel="stylesheets" type="text/css">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
I have a standard Laravel file structure with the CSS and JS folders inside the public folder. If I look at the sources tab inside Chrome developer tools, I can see that the JavaScript file is being loaded but there is no sign of the CSS file. But if I right-click on the link for the CSS file, and open link in new tab, I can see the CSS. I have tried explicitly changing the character encoding type to UTF-8 both as an attribute in the link tag as well as the first line of the css itself with the #charset 'at rule'. Here are some illustrations:
Thanks for your help.
In your css-link you have rel="stylesheets" (plural). It should be rel="stylesheet" (singular) :)

Why can't I edit just the regular bootstrap.css file?

I'm diving into Bootstrap, and I'm beginning with the simplest example possible. In my HTML file there's only one line regarding style sheet:
<link href="css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
In the css folder I've deleted all other css files (minified and css map) except bootstrap.css and bootstrap-theme.css - and now the HTML file lookes screwed up.
But when I copy back the minified css in the directory, the HTML renders fine - despite no link to it in the HTML. How is that possible?
You may have some #import statements in the stylesheet you are declaring in your HTML. That means that your stylesheet makes use of another stylesheet.

Is there a css debugging tool to test an entire stylesheet for conflicts?

I created a stylesheet for jquery mobile using the ThemeRoller tool. It looks really great on the ThemeRoller page. In my mobile app... not so good. I think there must be some conflicts in definitions between my stylesheet and the jquery stylesheets.
Rails layout file:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "jquery_mob_theme.min", "", "" %>
For those of you not familiar with rails it is rendered:
<link href="/stylesheets/jquery_mob_theme.min.css?1338304118" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="/stylesheets/" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="/stylesheets/" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Is the only way to deal with this to wade through thousands of lines of css to look for conflicts? Is there a css debugging tool that will detect that in a stylesheet? I could change the jquery file names to scss and then roll them into one stylesheet. I am familiar with Firebug and Web inspector which check styles on one page. That wouldn't help... right?
Unfortunately for you, All of css is based on inheritance so there is no automated way of knowing of a conflict or if an object has just overriden the styling of a parent. I think the best bet is to force rails to show the mobile version of the site on a desktop pc and then you can use the Google chrome inspector. It will show you all styles applied to a specific object. It only shows relevant styles with line numbers in the stylesheet so you aren't stuck wading through css. You can also edit it in chrome to see what your changes will look like before you change your stylesheet.
Firebug (an extension for Firefox) can show all styles applied to any given element, as well as which styles are overridden by other styles. You would have to view your mobile site from a desktop browser, but this can be done in Firefox by changing the useragent to match that of a mobile device (iPod, Android, etc.)
If you plan on using webkit on your site, Firefox is not a great choice as it does not render webkit css styles. An alternative is to use Safari and its development tools (which can be activated in the options menu).
If you need to debug from an actual mobile device, there aren't many options. If you can get Opera mobile onto the device, it comes with a decent debugger called Dragonfly.
The order of your stylin Stylesheets matters for what gets overridden. Make sure your style sheet is before both of the jQuery style sheets.

User agent stylesheet overriding my table style? Twitter Bootstrap

I'm using twitter bootstrap. My problem is that font-sizes in tables are wrong. For some reason the User Agent stylesheet is overriding the bootstrap table styles.
On the twitter bootstrap page ( everything is of course working correctly.
In my inspector I see the following difference:
My page:
The twitter bootstrap page:
So definitely the problem is that the user agent stylesheet is overriding the bootstrap styles.
I haven't been able to figure out why this is different on my page and the twitter bootstrap page.
Most of the other CSS is working fine.
My css import:
<link href="/media/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" rel= "stylesheet">
CSS import on twitter bootstrap page:
<link href="assets/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
I actually figured this out myself. I had the <!DOCTYPE html> tag wrongly written. So if you have this problem make sure the doctype declaration is correct!
Please import the docs.css into your application as well. If I must say so, you must have realized that the Twitter Bootstrap Docs are using bootstrap.css and a custom docs.css. Try doing, which you can download from the github package. Then, try playing around with the table classes in docs. css without messing with the master css. Or try adding DOCTYPE in headers.
<link href="/media/bootstrap/css/docs.css" rel= "stylesheet">
If declaring <!DOCTYPE html> in the very beginning doesn't work, then it's probably not your user-agent style sheet casuing it. It may be Bootstrap's style sheet overriding your styles (I've had this problem). Make sure your style sheet is linked to after Bootstrap's style sheet in your HTML.
<link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="css/mystylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- Your custom style sheet goes after Bootstrap's -->
I had the same issue as the OP. I wanted lovely small text and some user stylesheet was overiding it and putting:
font-size: medium;
When I wanted:
I placed the following at the top of my HTML page:
<!DOCTYPE html>
All was good then, a bad habit to get into to not declare doctype at the top. All user stylesheets have now gone.
To discover what is overriding what on your CSS it is always a good idea to inspect element (F12) and you can modify and untick attributes on the fly until you get to right, then update your CSS file with it!
However if you do have a user stylesheet issue, these values will be locked.
Check whether your CSS is called or not in browser dev tools (press F12) under network column.
If it is not called, use your style sheets with1 rel="stylesheet" type="text/css".
It worked for me.
