wordpress media uploader window size - wordpress

i got one issue that im stacked on.
Im running the media uploader window from a colorbox modal window, which i set to 90% width, and inside i have button which trigger the media uploader (opens second window).
but when i trigger it, it everytime opens smaller modal window than the parent colorbox modal.
i think the problem is that my first window is an Iframe and when i trigger another modal, it takes the iframe as main window and by some percentage it makes the second window smaller. this could fix if i know where to set, that the second window should be 100%.
Do you know where can i set the width and height for the window with media uploader? i tried with the "40" value, but it doesnt work. i cant find no documentation for this.
thanks for reply.
screenshot here: screencast link
my code is
var file_frame1;
jQuery('#mxn_button_add_img1').on('click', function(event) {
// If the media frame already exists, reopen it.
if (file_frame1) {
// Create the media frame.
file_frame1 = wp.media.frames.file_frame = wp.media({
title: jQuery(this).data('uploader_title'),
width: 40,
button: {
text: jQuery(this).data('uploader_button_text'),
multiple: false // Set to true to allow multiple files to be selected
// When an image is selected, run a callback.
// When an image is selected, run a callback.
file_frame1.on('select', function() {
var selection = file_frame1.state().get('selection');
selection.map(function(attachment) {
attachment = attachment.toJSON();
jQuery('#mxn_post_img1').attr('src', attachment.url);
return false;


Replace default play button on Brightcove's Smart Player on mobile devices

Quite likely I just need the right terms to find the answer; however, I imagine someone else has already encountered this problem and knows right away how to solve it.
I'm using Brightcove's services and their Smart Player. I've configured a Chromeless player and tried to eliminate ALL controls because my page's controls will use their API to play, pause, etc. On desktop, this works just ok. On mobile devices (iOS7 Safari) there is a play button overlay on the video player that I'd like to replace with my own graphic.
I'd like to turn this:
into this:
Anyone know how to do this? I can't just reach into the player with JavaScript because it's in an iframe filled by Brightcove services.
You can do this with a javascript player plugin, which runs inside the player iframe. Use the overlay API to create your custom play button and playOverlayCallbacks() to prevent the default play overlay from being displayed.
Something like this would work in a plugin:
(function() {
function addPlayOverlay() {
var overlay = videoPlayer.overlay();
$(overlay).css('background', 'transparent url("http://example.com/playbutton.png") no-repeat center center')
.css("-webkit-box-shadow","inset 0 0 150px rgba(0,0,0,0.9)")
// Play when custom overlay is clicked
show: function() {
// Show custom overlay
// Prevent standard play overlay
return false;
hide: function() {
// Hide play overlay
return false;
bcplayer = brightcove.api.getExperience(),
videoPlayer = bcplayer.getModule(brightcove.api.modules.APIModules.VIDEO_PLAYER),
experience = bcplayer.getModule(brightcove.api.modules.APIModules.EXPERIENCE);;
if (experience.getReady()) {
} else {
experience.addEventListener(brightcove.player.events.ExperienceEvent.TEMPLATE_READY, addPlayOverlay);

Using Jcrop ,could not refresh preview pane correctly when changing image

I am trying to use Jcrop with preview pane in the page of changing avatar. However, after uploading new image file, when I call setImage to set the new image(with different width/height) and also set the attr of the preview image, the preview pane show up incorrectly. I use firebug the trace, it seems the img is still using the height, width of previous image. I modify the tutorial3 in the download package, simply adding a botton to change the image to see if the preview pane is correct or not. I seem to be the same error. Here below is the code for button click function.
Any solutions?
$('#img1').click(function(e) {
onChange: updatePreview,
onSelect: updatePreview,
aspectRatio: 1,
boxWidth: 450
// Use the API to get the real image size
var bounds = this.getBounds();
boundx = bounds[0];
boundy = bounds[1];
// Store the API in the jcrop_api variable
jcrop_api = this;
I see the same problem with yours in this topic Change an Image while using JCrop and the answer of AdmSteck in which is the best one.
Hope this help!
within the unminified version of the plugin "boundx and boundy" are declared as local variables that do not get updated outside of the setImage function. All you need to do is remove the 'var' for these two variables and make them global.
from line 328,
var boundx = $img.width(),
boundy = $img.height(),
$div = $('<div />').width(boundx).height(boundy).addClass(cssClass('holder')).css({
position: 'relative',
backgroundColor: options.bgColor
change to
boundx = $img.width();
boundy = $img.height();
var $div = $('<div />').width(boundx).height(boundy).addClass(cssClass('holder')).css({
position: 'relative',
backgroundColor: options.bgColor

Scrolling a browser window with modal window, Drupal 6

I'm using Drupal 6 + dialog.module, Ctools(Axaj), jQuery 1.3.2, jQuery UI
When i'm open a modal dialog window the scrollbar of the browser is locked. I can scroll that if i use mouse scroll-wheel, but not by clicking or key-up, key-down functions.
What is the trouble? I can't find any block function in code like this:
Drupal.CTools.AJAX.commands.dialog_display = function(command) {
var $el = Drupal.Dialog.dialog,
o = {},
overrides = {};
// Ensure that the dialog wasn't closed before the request completed.
if ($el) {
// Merge all of the options together: defaults, overrides, and options
// specified by the command, then apply them.
overrides = {
// Remove any previously added buttons.
'buttons': {},
'title': command.title,
//'maxHeight': Math.floor($(window).height() * .8), // HACK // DISABLED
'minHeight' : 700, // HACK // I've set it, and dialog window automagically adjusted - we need central part with content have height = auto, so there is no scroll bar, and hence no problems with autocomplete popups in dialog windows
o = $.extend({}, Drupal.settings.Dialog.defaults, overrides, command.options);
$.each(o, function (i, v) { $el.dialog('option', i, v); });
if ($el.height() > o.maxHeight) {
$el.dialog('option', 'height', o.maxHeight);
$el.dialog('option', 'position', o.position);
// This is really ugly, but dialog gives us no way to call _size() in a
// sane way!
And i didn'y find anything interesting in css files. What's the trouble?

iframe rendering in Chrome

I have few pages that I show from my main page inside iframe.
I got a background image in the main page, when I click the button to change the page inside the frame the frame background color is becoming white somtimes until the page is visible.
I added background-color:transpert to the pages themselves and to the main page CSS.
I checked the site with FireFox and IE and it look fine (the background of the frame doesn't change) but with Chrome it somtimes rendering fine like I wanted it to be and other times the iframe background goes White.
Can i do anything that will fix that?
As this is browser behavior I doubt it can be really "fixed".
One workaround is to hide the frame while it's loading (only for Chrome) - here is the code:
var isChrome = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") >= 0);
function LoadFrame(url) {
var oFrame = document.getElementById("myframe");
if (isChrome) {
oFrame.style.visibility = "hidden";
oFrame.onload = function() {
oFrame.style.visibility = "visible";
oFrame.src = url;
Live test case. (Reloading same frame there but the concept is the same)
I used very similar attitude. This approach works only in case the page inside your iFrame is under your controll.
The change is that the page inside iframe finds the iframe in parent window and makes it visible again:
<iframe style="visibility: hidden;" id="iframe_id" src="my_page.html" />
// inside my_page.html:
window.onload = function() {
// make sure the parent iframe is visible
if (window.parent)
var nodeIframe = window.parent.document.getElementById(window.name);
if (nodeIframe)
nodeIframe.style.visibility = "visible";

UI Dialog window - How to not display dialog until content is loaded?

I've been experimenting with using a UI Dialog window to display an existing form (page with the form and no layout). I'm not sure if I'm doing this the right way but it seems to work fine minus a couple of pieces of bad behavior. This is the behavior right now:
The dialog window with no conent opens (very small/empty)
About a half second later the content loads and the window expands insantly (looks bad visually)
Even though the window width expands when the content is loaded, the title bar does not adjust to the new width and remains very small width wise. Although if resizeable is set to 'true' the title will expand. It's just not responding with a width adjustment when the content from the hidden div is loaded.
How could I go about not displaying the dialog until the content is finished loading into the dialog, and how could I force the dialog title to width adjust right after the content is finished loading?
<A HREF="javascript:newItem('foo')">CREATE NEW FOO ITEM<A>
<script type="text/javascript">
newItem= function(type) {
'/items/new', {item_type: type}).dialog({
draggable: true,
resizable: false,
title: 'Some title',
position: [150, 150]
You're going to want to call the dialog after the content is loading.
You can do this by using $.load's callback method.
<script type="text/javascript">
newItem = function(type) {
{item_type: type},
function (data) {
modal : true,
draggable : true,
resizable : false,
width : 'auto',
height : 'auto',
title : 'Some title',
position : [100, 100]
You may also want to include a hide/show toggle so the #form_load container isn't displayed until the content is loaded.
See jQuery's $.load docs here: http://api.jquery.com/load/
UPDATE: Added .hide() so content isn't shown until dialog is created.
