Remove MVC Entity Framework auto-generated Global Uniquie Identifiers? -

I just noticed that in the database for the auto generated ids for the default authentication users table the id is not an integer, it is a very large string.b(GUID)
here is an example:
Now all of the delete methods are implemented expecting an integer id and now obviously when it passes through its id. It gives an error.
1> why is it doing the string ids in he first place?
Is there any benefits in using this for a small scale application?
2> How can I change this to just use a normal auto-incremented int?
It is using code first migrations as it is implemented when I create the project. It just creates the database on the local sql server.


Dynamic Data Entities Web Application Handle delete statement conflicted

I've created an ASP.NET Dynamic Data Entities Web Application project with visual studio 2010.
I've added a ADO.NET Entity Data Model connected to a sql Server database.
The application works fine.
I'd like to handle an exception when deleting a row in a table that has a column which is a foreign key for another table.
The exception is :
The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_name". The conflict
occurred in database "NAME", table "dbo.dbname", column 'Column_name'.
What I'd like to do is display a user friendly message to explain that the operation cannot be made before other rows in other table are delete.
I did some step by step debugging, but I can't find where the application does the database request, so that I can customize the code.
I did some research and i found two options :
- I can handle the delete directly with gridview attribute OnRowDeleting. This mean a lot of entity manipulation
- I can handle entity framework SavingChanges and check for entities on EntityState.Deleted, then check entity navigation properties and throw an explicit message if necessary. This works with a custom validation error to show user friendly message.

How do you force the OAuth Sql Server database objects to be recreated once deleted?

Using 4.5, I created a membership database and set up some open auth providers. In the course of adjusting the database, I deleted the open auth tables (UsersOpenAuthAccounts and UsersOpenAuthData) - I can find no script to generate these items or any other way to regenerate them.
The ASP.Net membership libraries create a system table called __MigrationHistory. When these OAuth elements are created, it creates this table (if missing) and creates a record there which acts as a flag indicating that it is not necessary to create the db items. Delete the table, and the membership libraries will recreate the elements.
You will receive an exception indicating that the __MigrationHistory table is missing - ignore this error, as it will be recreated along with the other elements.
BUT BEWARE - __MigrationHistory is a table used by Entity may jack it up in try to fix this, so keep a backup handy.

SQL Server load balancing optimizing Hits or Optimize the query

When we developers write data access code what should we really worry about if the application should scale well and handle the load / Hits.
Given this simple problem , how would you solve it in scalable manner.
1.ProjectResource is a Class ( Encapsulating resources assigned to a Project)
2.Each resource assigned to Project is User Class
3.Each User in the Project also has ReportingHead and ProjectManager who are also instance of User
4.Finally there is a Project class containing project details
Legend of classes used
Table Diagram
Class Diagram
ResourceId : String / Guid
Project : Project
User : User
ReportingHead : User
ProjectManager : User
All the user information is stored in the User table
All the Project information is stored in the project table
Here's the Problem
When the application requests for Resource In a Project operations below are followed
First Get the Records for the Project
Get the UserId , make the request(using Users DAL) to get the user instance
Get the ProjectId, make the request(using Projects DAL) to get the project information
Finally assign Users and Project to instance of ProjectResource
clearly you can see 3 Db Calls are made here for populating single ProjectResource but the concerns and who manages the objects are clearly defined. This is the way i have planned to , since there is also connection pooling available in Sql Server &
There is also another way where all the details are retrieved in single hit using Table Inner Joins and then Populating.
Which way should i really be taking and Why?
.NET 2.0, 2.0,C#,Sql Server 2005,DB on same machine hosting application.
For best performance and scalability, you should minimize the number of round-trips to the DB. To prove that to yourself, just run some benchmarks; it becomes clear very quickly.
One approach to a single round-trip is to use joins. Another is to return multiple result sets. The latter can be helpful in eliminating possible duplicate data.

ASP.NET Entity Framework Guid

Using the Entity Framework that I generated. I have a Roles table created during the default system AspNetSqlRoleProvider security set-up.
In the Roles table, I have an ApplicationId uniqueidentifier column. Which has a guid populated in it, which doesn't change for my application.
I need to add a Role manually through my app using the entity framework. However, when creating my Roles object and setting Roles.ApplicationId. It expects a type of Guid. I have the ApplicationId in my web.config app settings. As it shouldn't change. But it is returned at string. I cannot type cast the value either to use in Roles.ApplicationId.
What can I do to use my current ApplicationId value when trying to create a new role manually using the EF?
You're going to have to convert to a Guid, but that's easy to do. The constructor takes a string value that's the GUID form (new Guid("..")), or I think there may be a Parse method too.

Retrieving Data from the Database ASP.NET MVC + Oracle

I have two tables
Users (Userid, Name, PhoneNumber)
Applications (ApplicationsId,UserId, ApplicationName, ActiveDate)
Every user will have more than 1 application.
In Nhibernate using lazy loading I can get the users data along with all the applications for every user. So, I used to do something like user.applications[i].Applicationname to get all the applications.
But, Now how do i retrieve all the applications along with the users data using oracle commands. I know how to get one application using joins. But, how do i retrieve multiple applications and store it in a IList. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
First you should download the Oracle Data Provider for .NET in
after you make sure that you can open a connection to your oracle database then
define mapping file of your entities in Nhibernate and map table columns of your oracle table to .NET object. after that you can use the following code snippet to get the list of your entity from database
// create the query...
IQuery query = session.CreateQuery( "from Post p where p.Blog.Author = :author" );
// set the parameters...
query.SetString("author", (String) instance);
// fetch the results...
IList results = query.List();
You should define the (Post) entity and (Blog) entity to your mapping file and as you can see (Post) has relation to (Blog) entity which is defined in the mapping file too.
