Make div display on top of everything - css

I'm using a countdowntimer on my website for shipping.
This my code I added in my header.tpl :
<div id="leveransinfo">
<img src=""/>
<img id="posten" src=""/>
<div id="timeleft"></div></div>
<div id="levinfo">
I'f you take look att (link was removed due to canceled project) and hover the countdowntimer it extends the header.
I would like the information to show there but on top of everything else. So its displays over the menu and the imageslider.
I tried to use z-index but it does not matter how I do. Is there anything else I should use instead?

Without seeing the actual styles, here's one possibility - Make sure the element that you are changing the z-index of is either position: relative;, absolute, or fixed.


What would cause the responsive features on this site not work on mobile?

I am using a Bootstrap Template, that you can see the live version here -
If you view it on a mobile device, you will see how the responsiveness of Bootstrap kicks in.
But when I applied it to my Rails app, the mobile version does not look the same.
Any ideas what may be causing the discrepancy?
You can see the differences especially in both the main 'content' area with the story (notice on my version you see multiple stories in the main view, but on the original you only see 1 story and you can read the content more easily). You can also see it when you press the buttons.
Press the 'blue' button to the right top of the original and you will notice that the sidepanel comes out at the top like it should. But on my version it still comes to the side and everything is small.
What am I missing?
Add this to your application.html.erb:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
You have made too many changes while you are implementing the html in your rails view.
Like original header have following content :
<header class="header">
<hgroup class="pull-left">
<h1 class="site-title">
<a href="index.html" title="Von" rel="home">
<i class="fa fa-lemon-o"></i> Von
<div class="btn btn-primary pull-right" id="togglesidebar">
<i class="fa fa-bars"></i>
But in your view instead of <hgroup class="pull-left"> you have <hgroup class="pull-left col-xs-3 col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3"> and for <div class="btn btn-primary pull-right" id="togglesidebar"> you have <div class="col-xs-3 col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3 masthead-group-3"> also You added two more element in between these two element that destroyed your all header view.
You haven't used middle section from html design it seems you write your own. In your <header class="entry-header"> You created div instead of image tag. So every thing started distorted here. You include header footer section for each main section. But it's not big issue. Try remove div for confirmed and unconfirmed and use image instead. SO you will have proper view. Also remove row class from view that you added so view look more symmetric.
In your about section. When you try to see on mobile view. width of main container <div style="display: inline-block;" class="col-sm-3 sidebar" id="secondary"> is calculated on the basis of it's child element like <div class="about">. As your child element is form and it's having width less than the width displayed on form so remaining section not having proper background color #1c171e. So try increase width of you form control or <h4>Submit Report</h4> like <h4>Submit Report </h4> (kind of hack)under about section You will get proper view for this also.
Judging by your css file, you have loaded similar css multiple times. Consider the fact that, if everything else suggested by the people above has been corrected, the placement of the css files in the application scss file could overwrite your correct code.
I would also check the viewport meta tag as suggested above
If you try calling the CSS and JS being used as individual standalone files, instead of minified, do you still have this issue? Order of these files will matter too. I've seen lots of quirky issues when one JS gets loaded before another, same goes for CSS.
P.S. I would leave this information as a 'Comment' vs. Answer but I don't have enough stack overflow credit yet to do so ;-)
Make sure that if you have using rails g scaffold that you remove the scaffold.css file.

Incorrect Position on <div> Element

I'm trying to make a simple yet interactive webpage for my school. Our current homepage we use for links is plain and boring.
I've created this: JSFiddle
But when I open the 'Student Links', the 'PHHS Website' button seems to automatically position itself ~50 pixels up.
Code because I have to:
<a class="itemLink" href="">
<div class="itemStudentsLink" id="PHHSWebsite">
<p class="itemText">PHHS Website</p>
If anyone knows why it's acting like this, please tell me. I'm not sure why this problem occurs.
This has to do with the vertical alignment of the blocks and the fact that one of the block's text goes onto two lines. Add
.itemStudentsLink {
vertical-align: bottom;

Text in divs won't line up

I’m making a website that has a title with differently colored words and fonts. To do this, I’ve put each word in a different div id to change the text color. I’m not sure if there is a better way than this…
Anyway, the first half of the title (the colored part) is lower than the rest of the title. It shows up this way on Firefox and Chrome, but on Internet Explorer it looks just fine. I’m not sure why there is a difference, I’ve tried out different fonts, which sometimes lessens the problem, but never completely eliminates it. Of course, when I add padding to make it line up, it messes it up on Internet Explorer.
Here’s the link for the page:
The solution is, use span
<span id="dotPerfect">
<span id="color1">Dinner </span>
<span id="color2">On The </span>
<span id="color3">Spot </span>
</span >
<span id="dotPersonal">Personal Meal Service is perfect for...</span>
try this:
#topText > h1 > div {
display: inline;
add this code in the stylesheet
Use span instead of div for this kind of actions.
<span id="color1">Dinner </span><span id="color2">On The </span><span id="color3">Spot </span>
I’ve put each word in a different div id to change the text color.
I’m not sure if there is a better way than this…
It's better to use <span>-Tags
DIV-Tags do also have a default property "display:block" from user agent style, that's the reason why you have to set "float:left" (which is really ugly in this case).
Try this
<div id="dotPerfect">
<div id="color1">Dinner </div>
<div id="color2">On The </div>
<div id="color3">Spot </div>
<div id="dotPersonal">Personal Meal Service is perfect for...</div>
Move the div with id dotPersonal to div with id dotPerfect.

Semantic HTML Practice

I read about semantic HTML online...
Semantic HTML means using HTML tags for their implied meaning, rather than just using (meaningless) div and span tags for absolutely everything.
If you use <h1> instead of <div class="header">, and <h2> instead of , et cetera, Google and other search engines will interpret your headers as being important titles in your page. This way, when people search on the words in your headers and sub-headers, your page will be considered more relevant (and rank higher). Plus, it's much shorter and cleaner.
So, below is semantic,
<h1>My Website Name</h1>
<h2>My Website Tagline </h2>
What about this below?
<div id="header">
<h1><span class="hide">My Website Name</span></h1>
<h2><span class="hide">My Website Tagline</span></h2>
I tend to combine h tags with div and span tags like above - is this practised considered as the lack of semantic?
The reason why I have the span with the hide class is that I want to display the site logo instead of text. So use CSS to set the background of h1 as image and then hide the text. is this incorrect practise?
Then, if I don't use div, what can I use to make a box around the h1 and h2?
As far as I know, html 5 is not fully ready yet, we must not use <header> yet, must we??
I would do something like the following if I was going to use HTML5:
<h1>My Website Name</h1>
<h2>My Website Tagline</h2>
Remember to add display: block; to the HTML5 elements and createElement for IE in the CSS though. The header element shows the block is a header and the hgroup element is there to show that the second h* element is a sub heading, so shouldn't be taken into account when calculating the header levels in the document.
If you don't want to use HTML5 yet then you could use divs instead of the new elements, and use the HTML5 element names as the class value. This will make it easier to switch over when you feel comfortable using HMTL5 on a live site.
You don't really need to use the span elements. You can use tricks such as using a large negative text-indent in the CSS to hide the text off the screen.
If you want to display a logo instead of text, use an image. Google say so (even if they don't know the difference between a tag and an attribute). Taglines, BTW, are not subheadings (and the site name (and thus logo) is usually only a heading on the homepage).
<div id="header">
<h1><img src="foo.png" alt="My Website Name"></h1>
<p><img src="foo.png" alt="My Website Tagline"></p>
Unfortunately, Internet Explorer 8 does not recognize many HTML5 tags, and when I've tested it, I was unable to set CSS values for the <header> tag, for example. So for now I would recommend that you continue to use div tags to group your semantic meaning.
As a sidenote, Google does not like hidden text, and if you have a lot of it, it will consider it deceptive coding. One is probably fine, but you'd be better off using the alt attribute on the image tag.
Nobody suggested that you should not use DIVs at all... semantic HTML does not mean there cannot be div or span tags in your code. It just only means that whenever possible (there is a specific tag available for a specific semantic meaning) you should try to give semantic meaning.
h2 is not to be used for taglines, as somebody else already suggested.
Also, in my interpretation (some will argue), h1 is not for the name of your website. It is the title for the content on a specific page.
I agree with #David Dorward, the tag line should be in a p tag.
Your example (wrapping the header elements with a div) is perfectly acceptable, though I would like to raise a small caution: Be careful that you do not get in the habit of wrapping everything in div tags. For example:
<div class="content">
<div class="list">
Since a ul tag is already a block element, the above markup would be better off like this:
<div class="content">
<ul class="list">
And then just style the ul to look like the div.
On the matter of displaying the logo as an image:
If your logo is text-based, or has text in it, you would be better off doing the following:
<div id="header">
<h1 class="logo">My Logo Text - My Website Tagline</h1>
.logo { text-indent:-9999px;background-image:url(thelogo.jpg) no-repeat;}
/* Also add height and width based on your logo height and width */

Why is FF3 rendering an <h3> inside an <a> incorrectly?

Take a look at this page in FireFox. Feel free to navigate to any of the top six product categories to see more of the same type of code.
If you are [un]lucky enough to see the glitch, you will see at least one product box expand it's height to epic proportions.
Here is the code:
<div class="product_category">
<a href="../products/dht_1500.php" style="height: 340px;">
<h3>DHT 1500</h3>
(superfluous HTML omitted here)
Here is what Firebug reveals:
<div class="product_category">
<a style="height: 340px;" href="../products/dht_1500.php"> </a>
<h3><a _moz-rs-heading="" style="height: 340px;" href="../products/dht_1500.php">DHT 1500</a></h3>
(superfluous HTML omitted here)
<a style="height: 340px;" href="../products/dht_1500.php"> </a>
You can see FireFox is definitely closing my tags and re-opening them again, and pulling the custom CSS height style along with it, which is resulting in each product box height skyrocketing. Also note that strange _moz-rs-heading="" bit.
I suspect my problem has to do with my using block HTML elements within an inline tag, but I thought I solved that problem by converting the tags to block formatting in my stylesheet:
.product_category a {
display: block;
FireFox is playing favorites to my tags. It usually renders the page like I want it, but then every once-in-a-while, it will blow one of my product boxes sky-high, and seemingly at random.
The pages work properly in Internet Explorer and Safari. I have been testing it with FireFox 3.6 on Mac, but have seen the same problem on FireFox for PC.
Having block level elements (h3) inside an inline element (a) is not valid HTML.
Change your block elements to a span and use CSS to style it how you wish.
A similar question with the exact same symptoms was asked a few days back. The solution there was in fact taking the native block elements out of the natively inline ones. Seems changing display doesn't help in this case.
