Why can't I use the -> operator for a struct pointer in main? - pointers

I thought that the general rule of thumb was that the -> operator was used for accessing members of struct pointers, and the . operator was used for accessing members of an actual struct. In my code, I thought I created a struct pointer, but I ended up still having to use the . operator. Can someone explain why?
typedef struct Robot
char **brain;
int size;
} Robot;
int main(void)
char buffer[100];
Robot *dalek = malloc(sizeof(Robot)*2);
for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
dalek[i].brain = malloc(sizeof(char*) * 3);
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
scanf("%s", buffer);
dalek[0].brain[i] = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(buffer));
strcpy(dalek[0].brain[i], buffer);

dalek is a pointer, and dalek[i] is equivalent to *(dalek + i), i.e. it dereferences. If you want to use the arrow, say (dalek + i)->brain etc.

dalek[i] is defined as *(dalek+i). So when you do dalek[i]->brain you are really doing *(*(dalek+i)).brain, dereferencing a single pointer twice. If you really want to use the -> operator, you could use (dalek+i)->brain.


Correct Assignment for Pointers

I am shifting from Python to C so bit rusty on the semantics as well as coding habit. In Python everything is treated as an object and objects are passed to functions. This is not the case in C so I want to increment an integer using pointers. What is the correct assignment to do so. I want to do it the following way but have the assignments wrong:
#include <stdio.h>
int i = 24;
int increment(*i){
return i;
int main() {
printf("i = %d, i);
return 0;
I fixed your program:
#include <stdio.h>
int i = 24;
// changed from i to j in order to avoid confusion.
// note you could declare the return type as void instead
int increment(int *j){
return *j;
int main() {
printf("i = %d", i);
return 0;
Your main error was the missing int in the function's argument (also a missing " in the printf).
Also I would prefer using parentheses in expressions as *j++ and specify exactly the precedence like I did in (*j)++, because I want to increment the content of the variable in the 'j' location not to increment the pointer - meaning to point it on the next memory cell - and then use its content.

memcpy to copy local array of struct into local array of struct

In C language, I want to copy 1 local array of structure into other local array of structure. Sample code example below. Which is the correct way to use memcpy() in this case?
'#define CAPACITY 5
int main(void)
typedef struct Prototype
int value;
} Prototype;
int i;
Prototype vProto1[CAPACITY], vProto2[CAPACITY];
for (i=0; i<CAPACITY; i++)
vProto1[i].value = i+1;
Here I want to copy vProto1 into vProto2. Is below command correct?
memcpy(vProto2, vProto1, sizeof(Prototype) * CAPACITY);
OR this is correct?
memcpy(&vProto2, &vProto1, sizeof(Prototype) * CAPACITY);
Thanks in advance. I am confused whether I should use "&" or not.

Sizeof pointer of pointer in C [duplicate]

First off, here is some code:
int main()
int days[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int *ptr = days;
printf("%u\n", sizeof(days));
printf("%u\n", sizeof(ptr));
return 0;
Is there a way to find out the size of the array that ptr is pointing to (instead of just giving its size, which is four bytes on a 32-bit system)?
No, you can't. The compiler doesn't know what the pointer is pointing to. There are tricks, like ending the array with a known out-of-band value and then counting the size up until that value, but that's not using sizeof().
Another trick is the one mentioned by Zan, which is to stash the size somewhere. For example, if you're dynamically allocating the array, allocate a block one int bigger than the one you need, stash the size in the first int, and return ptr+1 as the pointer to the array. When you need the size, decrement the pointer and peek at the stashed value. Just remember to free the whole block starting from the beginning, and not just the array.
The answer is, "No."
What C programmers do is store the size of the array somewhere. It can be part of a structure, or the programmer can cheat a bit and malloc() more memory than requested in order to store a length value before the start of the array.
For dynamic arrays (malloc or C++ new) you need to store the size of the array as mentioned by others or perhaps build an array manager structure which handles add, remove, count, etc. Unfortunately C doesn't do this nearly as well as C++ since you basically have to build it for each different array type you are storing which is cumbersome if you have multiple types of arrays that you need to manage.
For static arrays, such as the one in your example, there is a common macro used to get the size, but it is not recommended as it does not check if the parameter is really a static array. The macro is used in real code though, e.g. in the Linux kernel headers although it may be slightly different than the one below:
#if !defined(ARRAY_SIZE)
#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof((x)) / sizeof((x)[0]))
int main()
int days[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int *ptr = days;
printf("%u\n", ARRAY_SIZE(days));
printf("%u\n", sizeof(ptr));
return 0;
You can google for reasons to be wary of macros like this. Be careful.
If possible, the C++ stdlib such as vector which is much safer and easier to use.
There is a clean solution with C++ templates, without using sizeof(). The following getSize() function returns the size of any static array:
#include <cstddef>
template<typename T, size_t SIZE>
size_t getSize(T (&)[SIZE]) {
return SIZE;
Here is an example with a foo_t structure:
#include <cstddef>
template<typename T, size_t SIZE>
size_t getSize(T (&)[SIZE]) {
return SIZE;
struct foo_t {
int ball;
int main()
foo_t foos3[] = {{1},{2},{3}};
foo_t foos5[] = {{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}};
printf("%u\n", getSize(foos3));
printf("%u\n", getSize(foos5));
return 0;
As all the correct answers have stated, you cannot get this information from the decayed pointer value of the array alone. If the decayed pointer is the argument received by the function, then the size of the originating array has to be provided in some other way for the function to come to know that size.
Here's a suggestion different from what has been provided thus far,that will work: Pass a pointer to the array instead. This suggestion is similar to the C++ style suggestions, except that C does not support templates or references:
#define ARRAY_SZ 10
void foo (int (*arr)[ARRAY_SZ]) {
printf("%u\n", (unsigned)sizeof(*arr)/sizeof(**arr));
But, this suggestion is kind of silly for your problem, since the function is defined to know exactly the size of the array that is passed in (hence, there is little need to use sizeof at all on the array). What it does do, though, is offer some type safety. It will prohibit you from passing in an array of an unwanted size.
int x[20];
int y[10];
foo(&x); /* error */
foo(&y); /* ok */
If the function is supposed to be able to operate on any size of array, then you will have to provide the size to the function as additional information.
For this specific example, yes, there is, IF you use typedefs (see below). Of course, if you do it this way, you're just as well off to use SIZEOF_DAYS, since you know what the pointer is pointing to.
If you have a (void *) pointer, as is returned by malloc() or the like, then, no, there is no way to determine what data structure the pointer is pointing to and thus, no way to determine its size.
#include <stdio.h>
#define NUM_DAYS 5
typedef int days_t[ NUM_DAYS ];
#define SIZEOF_DAYS ( sizeof( days_t ) )
int main() {
days_t days;
days_t *ptr = &days;
printf( "SIZEOF_DAYS: %u\n", SIZEOF_DAYS );
printf( "sizeof(days): %u\n", sizeof(days) );
printf( "sizeof(*ptr): %u\n", sizeof(*ptr) );
printf( "sizeof(ptr): %u\n", sizeof(ptr) );
return 0;
sizeof(days): 20
sizeof(*ptr): 20
sizeof(ptr): 4
There is no magic solution. C is not a reflective language. Objects don't automatically know what they are.
But you have many choices:
Obviously, add a parameter
Wrap the call in a macro and automatically add a parameter
Use a more complex object. Define a structure which contains the dynamic array and also the size of the array. Then, pass the address of the structure.
You can do something like this:
int days[] = { /*length:*/5, /*values:*/ 1,2,3,4,5 };
int *ptr = days + 1;
printf("array length: %u\n", ptr[-1]);
return 0;
My solution to this problem is to save the length of the array into a struct Array as a meta-information about the array.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Array
int length;
double *array;
typedef struct Array Array;
Array* NewArray(int length)
/* Allocate the memory for the struct Array */
Array *newArray = (Array*) malloc(sizeof(Array));
/* Insert only non-negative length's*/
newArray->length = (length > 0) ? length : 0;
newArray->array = (double*) malloc(length*sizeof(double));
return newArray;
void SetArray(Array *structure,int length,double* array)
structure->length = length;
structure->array = array;
void PrintArray(Array *structure)
if(structure->length > 0)
int i;
printf("length: %d\n", structure->length);
for (i = 0; i < structure->length; i++)
printf("%g\n", structure->array[i]);
printf("Empty Array. Length 0\n");
int main()
int i;
Array *negativeTest, *days = NewArray(5);
double moreDays[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
for (i = 0; i < days->length; i++)
days->array[i] = i+1;
negativeTest = NewArray(-5);
return 0;
But you have to care about set the right length of the array you want to store, because the is no way to check this length, like our friends massively explained.
This is how I personally do it in my code. I like to keep it as simple as possible while still able to get values that I need.
typedef struct intArr {
int size;
int* arr;
} intArr_t;
int main() {
intArr_t arr;
arr.size = 6;
arr.arr = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * arr.size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.size; i++) {
arr.arr[i] = i * 10;
return 0;
No, you can't use sizeof(ptr) to find the size of array ptr is pointing to.
Though allocating extra memory(more than the size of array) will be helpful if you want to store the length in extra space.
int main()
int days[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int *ptr = days;
printf("%u\n", sizeof(days));
printf("%u\n", sizeof(ptr));
return 0;
Size of days[] is 20 which is no of elements * size of it's data type.
While the size of pointer is 4 no matter what it is pointing to.
Because a pointer points to other element by storing it's address.
In strings there is a '\0' character at the end so the length of the string can be gotten using functions like strlen. The problem with an integer array, for example, is that you can't use any value as an end value so one possible solution is to address the array and use as an end value the NULL pointer.
#include <stdio.h>
/* the following function will produce the warning:
* ‘sizeof’ on array function parameter ‘a’ will
* return size of ‘int *’ [-Wsizeof-array-argument]
void foo( int a[] )
printf( "%lu\n", sizeof a );
/* so we have to implement something else one possible
* idea is to use the NULL pointer as a control value
* the same way '\0' is used in strings but this way
* the pointer passed to a function should address pointers
* so the actual implementation of an array type will
* be a pointer to pointer
typedef char * type_t; /* line 18 */
typedef type_t ** array_t;
int main( void )
array_t initialize( int, ... );
/* initialize an array with four values "foo", "bar", "baz", "foobar"
* if one wants to use integers rather than strings than in the typedef
* declaration at line 18 the char * type should be changed with int
* and in the format used for printing the array values
* at line 45 and 51 "%s" should be changed with "%i"
array_t array = initialize( 4, "foo", "bar", "baz", "foobar" );
int size( array_t );
/* print array size */
printf( "size %i:\n", size( array ));
void aprint( char *, array_t );
/* print array values */
aprint( "%s\n", array ); /* line 45 */
type_t getval( array_t, int );
/* print an indexed value */
int i = 2;
type_t val = getval( array, i );
printf( "%i: %s\n", i, val ); /* line 51 */
void delete( array_t );
/* free some space */
delete( array );
return 0;
/* the output of the program should be:
* size 4:
* foo
* bar
* baz
* foobar
* 2: baz
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
array_t initialize( int n, ... )
/* here we store the array values */
type_t *v = (type_t *) malloc( sizeof( type_t ) * n );
va_list ap;
va_start( ap, n );
int j;
for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
v[j] = va_arg( ap, type_t );
va_end( ap );
/* the actual array will hold the addresses of those
* values plus a NULL pointer
array_t a = (array_t) malloc( sizeof( type_t *) * ( n + 1 ));
a[n] = NULL;
for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
a[j] = v + j;
return a;
int size( array_t a )
int n = 0;
while ( *a++ != NULL )
return n;
void aprint( char *fmt, array_t a )
while ( *a != NULL )
printf( fmt, **a++ );
type_t getval( array_t a, int i )
return *a[i];
void delete( array_t a )
free( *a );
free( a );
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define array(type) struct { size_t size; type elem[0]; }
void *array_new(int esize, int ecnt)
size_t *a = (size_t *)malloc(esize*ecnt+sizeof(size_t));
if (a) *a = ecnt;
return a;
#define array_new(type, count) array_new(sizeof(type),count)
#define array_delete free
#define array_foreach(type, e, arr) \
for (type *e = (arr)->elem; e < (arr)->size + (arr)->elem; ++e)
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
array(int) *iarr = array_new(int, 10);
array(float) *farr = array_new(float, 10);
array(double) *darr = array_new(double, 10);
array(char) *carr = array_new(char, 11);
for (int i = 0; i < iarr->size; ++i) {
iarr->elem[i] = i;
farr->elem[i] = i*1.0f;
darr->elem[i] = i*1.0;
carr->elem[i] = i+'0';
array_foreach(int, e, iarr) {
printf("%d ", *e);
array_foreach(float, e, farr) {
printf("%.0f ", *e);
array_foreach(double, e, darr) {
printf("%.0lf ", *e);
carr->elem[carr->size-1] = '\0';
printf("%s\n", carr->elem);
return 0;
#define array_size 10
struct {
int16 size;
int16 array[array_size];
int16 property1[(array_size/16)+1]
int16 property2[(array_size/16)+1]
} array1 = {array_size, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
#undef array_size
array_size is passing to the size variable:
#define array_size 30
struct {
int16 size;
int16 array[array_size];
int16 property1[(array_size/16)+1]
int16 property2[(array_size/16)+1]
} array2 = {array_size};
#undef array_size
Usage is:
void main() {
int16 size = array1.size;
for (int i=0; i!=size; i++) {
array1.array[i] *= 2;
Most implementations will have a function that tells you the reserved size for objects allocated with malloc() or calloc(), for example GNU has malloc_usable_size()
However, this will return the size of the reversed block, which can be larger than the value given to malloc()/realloc().
There is a popular macro, which you can define for finding number of elements in the array (Microsoft CRT even provides it OOB with name _countof):
#define countof(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
Then you can write:
int my_array[] = { ... some elements ... };
printf("%zu", countof(my_array)); // 'z' is correct type specifier for size_t

Best way to interleave two char arrays

I am looking for the best way to interleave two char arrays using a function that were input by the user. I am learning C++ and this is a homework so I can't use anything too advance assignment I am just curious if I am going the right direction with it.
I was thinking that using a for loop to iterate through each index in both arrays and then use the function to add the two chars and output them. I also have to use pointers for this assignment.
#include <iostream>;
using namespace std;
char* strinterleave(const char *a, const char *b) {
char done;
done = *a + *b;
int main() {
char interleave[]="";
char storage1[] = "";
char storage2[] = "";
int lena;
int lenb;
char *a_ptr = storage1;
char *b_ptr = storage2;
cin.getline(storage1, numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), ' ');
cin.getline(storage2, numeric_limits<streamsize>::max());
lena = strlen(a_ptr);
lenb = strlen(b_ptr);
int finallen = lena + lenb;
for (int j = 0; j <= finallen; ++j) {
strinterleave(a_ptr[j], b_ptr[j]);
Is this the wrong way to go about this and if so what would be the right direction to go?
Thank you
Here are some things to consider:
The string lengths may not be the same. You'll need to decide what do with any remaining characters in the longer string.
Examining your code...
int finallen = lena + lenb;
for (int j = 0; j <= finallen; ++j) { <--- Remember you are processing two characters at once, so you probably want something like the max of lena or lenb.
strinterleave(a_ptr[j], b_ptr[j]); // <--- this is passing chars, not pointers to chars, so it doesn't match the function declaration.
char* strinterleave(const char *a, const char b) { //<- Make this just chars, not char)
char done;
done = *a + *b; <-- Adding the characters won't interleave them. I'm guessing your instructor wants a new string created with the characters interleaved.
For instance if you have:
storage1 = "123456"
storage2 = "abc"
The instructor probably wants:
finalString = "1a2b3c456"

gcc: /home/jamie/aws/btree_int.c|28|error: request for member ‘btree_start’ in something not a structure or union|

This code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int j_btree_create (int fn_initial_nodes);
typedef struct {
int depth;
int value;
void *item;
void *left_pointer;
void *right_pointer;
} j_btree_node_int;
typedef struct {
int nodes;
int available_nodes;
int btree_extension;
} j_btree_descriptor_int;
int j_btree_create (int fn_initial_nodes) {
int *free_btree_node;
int loop_counter;
j_btree_descriptor_int *btree_start;
btree_start = (j_btree_descriptor_int *) malloc (((sizeof(j_btree_node_int) + sizeof(free_btree_node)) * fn_initial_nodes) + sizeof(j_btree_descriptor_int));
printf ("btree_start: " . btree_start);
/* *btree_start.nodes = fn_initial_nodes;
*btree_start.available_nodes = fn_initial_nodes;
*btree_start.extension = NULL; */
for (loop_counter = 0; loop_counter < fn_initial_nodes; loop_counter++) {
printf ("loop_test:" . loop_counter);
Produces this error:
/home/jamie/aws/btree_int.c||In function ‘j_btree_create’:|
/home/jamie/aws/btree_int.c|28|error: request for member ‘btree_start’ in something not a structure or union|
/home/jamie/aws/btree_int.c|33|error: request for member ‘loop_counter’ in something not a structure or union|
||=== Build finished: 2 errors, 0 warnings ===|
When compiled with CodeBlocks. I have not managed to find an exact answer to my problem (I have looked), does anyone know roughly what I am doing wrong? Probably more than one thing given I am fairly new to C.
printf ("btree_start: " . btree_start);
This is not how the things are done in c. There's no . concatenation operator and you do not concatenate strings (pointers to characters) and pointers to structures. If you want to print out the pointer, it's
printf("btree_start: %p\n",btree_start);
For the loop counter it's
printf("loop_test: %d",loop_counter);
