dalekjs error on running any tests scripts on Ubuntu - dalekjs

Hi i've been using a lot of dalekjs in my companies mac, but when I try it in ubuntu I get this error when running any scripts
~/Desktop/test $ dalek test.js
Running tests
Running Browser: PhantomJS
>> ERROR: SyntaxError: Unexpected token E
~/Desktop/test $
I have followed all the instructions properly in installing dalekjs the same way I have installed it in my mac and this is the first time I get this kind of error. Can you guys tell me if I missed installing something to make dalekjs run? Thanks!

I got it working, I think it was the installation process is where I went wrong. I installed everything globally and locally.
So this time I uninstalled all dalekjs packages locally and globally and then followed this process
sudo npm install dalek-cli -g
sudo npm install dalekjs
and it worked out just fine for me


npm globally installed package. command not found on zsh

I'm trying to install the npm package #wicked/cli using the command
npm install #wicked/cli -g
The output I'm getting indicates that the package has been updated, which means it was already installed.
However, when I tried running the command wicked-cli, I get the following error
zsh: command not found: wicked-cli
Am I missing something ? is there a path I need to add to the $Path? I've just updated my mac os a couple of days ago and not really familiar with zsh
I believe the command is just called wicked and not wicked-cli
Try run wicked --help
Source: https://www.npmjs.com/package/wicked-cli

A connection to the notebook server could not be established

While pip installing tensorflowjs in my local computer this happened.
I have tried restarting kernel.
In the Firefox console following error is shown:
Firefox Console Error Image
I have no clue regarding this problem.
This solution worked for me:
pip install "ipykernel<5.0.0"
But many suggested that this also helped them:
pip install prompt-toolkit==3.0.5
This also worked for some people:
pip install -U jupyter_console
I faced same issue. When tensorflowjs was installed, prompt-toolkit version was downgraded. Run below code in anacoda command prompt:
pip install prompt-toolkit==3.0.5

Error, 'ASK CLI v1 is not functional' in Visual Studio Code

Here's the entire error message....
Command 'ASK: Deploy the skill' resulted in an error (ASK CLI v1 is not functional. Command failed: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /q /s /c "ask init -l" error: unknown option '-l' )
Happens when I 'ASK deploy' or any ASK command. Anybody have any ideas what that means?
I figured it out and assuming you are a windows user, this may be your issue.
Before you install ASK-CLI on Windows, you must install the Node.js windows-build-tools package. Before you install windows-build-tools, make sure you have the version of Node.js that the package requires. If you have already installed ASK-CLI you need to uninstall it. Then install it again after you have installed windows-build-tools.
To install windows-build-tools, first open PowerShell with the Run as Administrator option, then type npm install -g --production windows-build-tools.
After I did this, I had to delete and recreate my ASK project, then my ASK deployments started working.
Reference: https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/smapi/quick-start-alexa-skills-kit-command-line-interface.html
I have a step by step to setup a new environment:
npm install -g --production windows-build-tools
npm install -g ask-cli
ask configure
npm install -g lambda-local
Please assure that you are running the command as Administrator or using sudo on Linux.

Error when trying to install firebase with NPM

I am trying to (re)install Firebase, however, when I run sudo npm install -g firebase-tools the following error shows up:
I have no idea what is wrong, it used to work well a few month ago.
You try running
npm cache clean
and then trying to install again.
If the error is not lost try below
Have you tried installing homebridge with the --unsafe-perm option?
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge
If npm detects it is running as root it drops to a non-privileged user which then doesn't have permissions to write to /root/.node-gyp. The --unsafe-perm option stops it from changing user.
nvm doesn't have this problem when not using sudo because it stores everything under the current users' home directory.

Unable to install grunt on windows 8

Been trying to install Grunt on my laptop to try it out, I already had Node, so installed the Grunt cli which went ok and then ran the command npm init to create the package.json file, followed the necessary steps and also went well, however when I get to the point of installing dependencies, I get an error.
For instance am trying to install Grunt as a dependency, with the following command:
npm install grunt --save-dev
After running this command I get the following error:
No README.md file found
If anyone knows what I am meant to do please let me know.
