How to make a git command read settings from .gitconfig file? - git-config

I have figured out how to make my own git command , but I want to be able to allow user saved settings required by my git command into git ~/.gitconfig file and later my git command read from the config file instead of having user to input each time the git command is executed.
Is there a simple way to read ~/.gitconfig file or do I have to parse read the content ?

Use git config --global. It is purpose-built for reading and writing settings to your .gitconfig.


Updating tracked dir in DVC

According to this tutorial when I update file I should remove file from under DVC control first (i.e. execute dvc unprotect <myfile>.dvc or dvc remove <myfile>.dvc) and then add it again via dvc add <mifile>. However It's not clear if I should apply the same workflow for the directories.
I have the directory under DVC control with the following structure:
Should I run dvc unprotect data every time the directory content is updated?
More specifically I'm interested if I should run dvc unprotect data in the following use cases:
New file is added. For example if I put 3.jpg image in the data dir
File is deleted. For example if I delete 2.jpg image in the data dir
File is updated. For example if I edit 1.jpg image via graphic editor.
A combination of the previous use cases (i.e. some files are updated, other deleted and new files are added)
Only when file is updated - i.e. edit 1.jpg with your editor AND only if hadrlink or symlink cache type is enabled.
Please, check this link:
updating tracked files has to be carried out with caution to avoid data corruption when the DVC config option cache.type is set to hardlink or/and symlink
I would strongly recommend reading this document: Performance Optimization for Large Files it explains benefits of using hardlinks/symlinks.
Links above do not work anymore -> here is the up-to-date link and also pasting the instructions here:
Modifying content
Unlink the file with dvc unprotect. This will make train.tsv safe to edit:
dvc unprotect train.tsv
Then edit the content of the file, for example with:
echo "new data item" >> train.tsv
Add the new version of the file back with DVC:
dvc add train.tsv
git add train.tsv.dvc
git commit -m "modify train data"
If you have remote storage and/or an upstream repo:
dvc push
git push
Replacing files
If you want to replace the file altogether, you can take the following steps.
First, stop tracking the file by using dvc remove on the .dvc file. This will remove train.tsv from the workspace (and unlink it from the cache):
dvc remove train.tsv.dvc
Next, replace the file with new content:
echo new > train.tsv
And start tracking it again:
dvc add train.tsv
git add train.tsv.dvc .gitignore
git commit -m "new train data"
If you have remote storage and/or an upstream repo:
dvc push
git push

How to fix "warning: could not open directory" after "git add ." command on Mac OS X Maverick

I'm new to R and RStudio and am currently taking online classes to learn more about data science. In one of my lectures, I'm being asked to create a project in RStudio prior to creating a repository in github and linking the project with git. In order to make a pre-existing project interact with git, the instructions in my lecture are telling me to navigate to the directory containing my project file by using the "cd" command followed by the location of the file and file name. My project file is currently located on my desktop so I typed in "cd ~ /Desktop/temporary_no_version_control" however, the directory doesn't seem to change and remains set on the original location of the file which was in Users/savannahkeiffer. Just so I could complete the assignment, I re-located the file to my user file and tried to follow the rest of the instructions which told me to type "git init" followed by "git add ." which is where I run into the "warning: could not open directory" warning.
I have a macbook which runs on OS X Maverick. I went into my system preferences > security and privacy and selected Full Disk Access where I manually allowed terminal to have access to all the files on my laptop. However, after closing and re-opening RStudio and attempting the commands again, I got the same error.
This is what I entered when I tried to change the directory
Savannahs-MacBook-Air-2:~ savannahkeiffer$ cd ~
Savannahs-MacBook-Air-2:~ savannahkeiffer$ git init
Reinitialized existing Git repository in
And what I got when I changed the location of the project on my laptop in order to complete the assignment (after already giving access to terminal)
Savannahs-MacBook-Air-2:~ savannahkeiffer$ cd ~
/Users/savannahkeiffer/first project/temporary_no_version_control
Savannahs-MacBook-Air-2:~ savannahkeiffer$ git init
Reinitialized existing Git repository in
Savannahs-MacBook-Air-2:~ savannahkeiffer$ git add .
warning: could not open directory 'Pictures/Photos
Library.photoslibrary/': Operation not permitted
warning: could not open directory 'Library/Application
Support/MobileSync/': Operation not permitted
warning: could not open directory 'Library/Application
Support/CallHistoryTransactions/': Operation not permitted
warning: could not open directory 'Library/Application
Support/': Operation not permitted
warning: could not open directory 'Library/Application
Support/AddressBook/': Operation not permitted
And so on.. Is this a directory problem or a "git add ." command problem?
It looks like what happened is that when you typed the cd command, you left a space in between the tilde and the rest of the path, so you changed back into your home directory (represented by the tilde). Then, when you tried to do a git init, you tried to initialize your home directory as a Git repository, and then ran into the fact that macOS restricts some programs (in your case, not Terminal, but maybe still Git) from accessing certain directories.
In the shell, the tilde is just a fancy way of spelling the environment variable $HOME, which points to your home directory (in this case, /Users/savannahkeiffer), so it should immediately precede the rest of the path without a space in between.
The best thing to do in this case is switch into your project directory and then initialize a repository there:
cd ~/Desktop/temporary_no_version_control # note the lack of space after the tilde
git init
If you didn't intend for your home directory to be a repository (i.e., you're not storing your dotfiles in a repository there), then you will probably also want to remove the .git directory from your home directory by running rm -fr ~/.git. Be careful when typing this, as rm removes data without prompting and an unfortunate space could result in all your data being deleted.
Hello this was an issue I had also but in Windows. It was a simple fix, user error. I hadn't used gitbash for awhile so I forgot the process with working in gitbash. First mistake I made was after opening gitbash I directly executed the git status command. That's when I got the "warning: could not open the directory" message. You need to using the cd (change directory) command and the dir (directory) command to navigate to the folder that has the files you want to "git add ." and "git commit -m". Once you get to that folder you will be able to use the "git status" command to see your changes then proceed as normal. I had to post this because it took me hours before I realized what I was doing wrong. No other stack post pointed this obvious user mistake. Hope it helps you.

how to reset jupyter notebook meta data, keep content. So it will be easier to manage with git

Is is possible to reset notebook run information, only keep content of a jupyter notebook?
Because every time I run a notebook, git will think this file is changed. I don't remember if I change the content of this notebook(some time I open a notebook for days), so I can't just checkout this notebook file for git history. If I just commit notebook to git server no matter if I make "real" change of it, it makes my git log very messy.
There some execution information is not keep in .ipynb_checkpints directory:
for example:
another real messy content is the output of cells.
You could add the following line to your .gitignore to simply make Git ignore the Jupyter Notebook checkpoint files:
If you don't already have a .gitignore file, this is a file that tells Git which files it can safely ignore. You can create it by simply making a file named ".gitignore", then adding the line above to the file.
If you're using Windows, this is a little harder than it should be, since the ".gitignore" file doesn't technically have a file name (only a file extension). Here's how you can do it anyway.
Also note that if you have already added any .ipynb_checkpoints files to your Git repo, you need to manually remove them before this will work. The .gitignore file does not work on files that are already tracked.

Symlink dotfiles

I am having trouble symlinking dotfiles. I have a folder in my home directory ~/dotfiles which I have synced to a github repo. I am trying to take my .vimrc file in ~/dotfiles/.vimrc and create a symbolic link to put it at ~/.vimrc. To do this I type in
ln -s ~/dotfiles/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
But when I run that it says
ln: /Users/me/.vimrc: File exists
What am I doing wrong?
That error message means that you already have a file at ~/.vimrc, which ln is refusing to overwrite. Either delete the ~/.vimrc and run ln again or let ln delete it for you by passing the -f option:
ln -s -f ~/dotfiles/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
There is a better solution for managing dotfiles without using symlinks or any other tool, just a git repo initialized with --bare.
A bare repository is special in a way that they omit working directory, so you can create your repo anywhere and set the --work-tree=$HOME then you don't need to do any work to maintain it.
first thing to do is, create a bare repo
git init --bare $HOME/.dotfiles
To use this bare repo, you need to specify --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ and --work-tree=$HOME, better is to create an alias
alias dotfiles='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME
At this point, all your configuration files are being tracked, and you can easily use the newly registered dotfiles command to manage the repository, ex :-
# to check the status of the tracked and untracked files
dotfiles status
# to add a file
dotfiles commit .tmux.conf -m ".tmux.conf added"
# push new files or changes to the github
dotfiles push origin main
I also use this way to sync and store my dotfiles, see my dotfiles repository and can read at Storing dotfiles with Git where I wrote about managing for multiple devices.
How to symlink all dotfiles in a directory recursively
Have a dotfiles directory that is structured as to how they should be structured at $HOME
dotfiles_home=~/dotfiles/home # for example
cp -rsf "$dotfiles_home"/. ~
-r: Recursive, create the necessary directory for each file
-s: Create symlinks instead of copying
-f: Overwrite existing files (previously created symlinks, default .bashrc, etc)
/.: Make sure cp "copy" the contents of home instead of the home directory itself.
Just like ln, if you want no headache or drama, use an absolute path for the first argument like the example above.
This only works with GNU cp (preinstalled in Ubuntu), not POSIX cp. Check your man cp, you can install GNU coreutils if needed.
To this and this.

Git Archive but first put all the files inside a folder then start archiving

As title suggest, I want to know if there is a single git command that put all my project in one folder first (not including .gitignored files) and then proceed archiving the folder— leaving ignored files not included when archiving which is nice.
This can be beneficial for me as I am working on WordPress plugin with multiple release. Some references.
I want all the files (minus the .gitignored files) move to a folder first then proceed archiving that folder
It is possible in one command provided you define an alias but this isn't git-related:
you can:
clone your repo elsewhere (that way you don't get any ignored or private file)
move your files as you see fit in that local clone
archive (tar cpvf yourArchive.tar yourFolder)
But git archive alone won't help you move those files, which is why I would recommend a script with custom bash commands (not git commands).
You don't really need to copy / clone the repo anywhere.
Make sure you committed all your changes.
Process the files any way you want.
Run tar -cvjf dist/archive-name.tbz2 --transform='s,^,archive-name/,' $(git ls-tree --full-tree -r --name-only --full-name HEAD)
run git reset --hard to restore without any of the changes you made in step #2.
The --transform='s,^,archive-name/,' is so your files will be extracted toarchive-name/....`, you can remove it if you don't need that.
