Can I Add Custom Formatting Markup to MediaWiki? - css

Is it possible to add custom formatting markup to MediaWiki?
Say, for example, I have a div style I use quite often and I'd like to make markup to apply it more quickly than using <div id="frequentlyusedstyle">Title</div> -- like surrounding the text with ##Title## instead of typing out the div id. Is that possible?
(I realize that there is already heading markup; that's just an example. Thank you in advance!)

Just create a new page named "Template:name", where 'name' is whatever you want to name it, with the following text (as per your example):
< div id="frequentlyusedstyle">{{{1|}}}< /div>
(minus the extra spaces, since I don't know how to keep html from
parsing here.)
You would then use it by adding {{template name|Title}} to an article, and it will invoke the style.
You will need to have a style defined in MediaWiki:Common.css or similar, in order to style that div, such as:
#frequentlyusedstyle {
color: red;
Hope that helps.


How to define custom styling tags for CSS

Sorry if this is a noob question, but I would like to know if there is a way to make custom tags linked to CSS entries (sorry if this the wrong terminology).
Like the h1, h2 tags but with a name I choose. So that I can apply these custom tags around text and modify it without doing inline styling for every instance or styling a whole div the same. So for example:
<customTag> This makes the text look like what 'customTag' is described in styles.css </customTag>
Is this possible? If so how can I do it?
Thank you.
In a HTML element you can provide the class="YourClassName" attribute to create a custom class that you can access in CSS.
In your html file you would write something like:
<p class="maintext">Hello World!</p>
And access the class in css like this:
.maintext {
color: #fff;
You could then add the class="maintext" attribute to any HTML element you'd like to have the same styling.
See this page for more information about HTML classes.

Custom CSS Class for dijit/layout/ContentPane

I want to add a custom CSS Class to a dijit/layout/ContentPane so I'm able to style it myself.
This is cause I got more than one tab in my TabContainer where my ContentPanes are located and I don't want to double the borders. Using a border all around the Tab will double the border so I removed the left border of the tabs. In the first tab in the TabContainer I need the left border, too.
To get this I tried to assume the first ContentPane a custom CSS class which will do it.
As you see me writing here, I didn't find a way to do this.
I tried it within the data-dojo-props with
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" title="FunnyTitle" data-dojo-props="class:'firstTab'">
So this didn't work. I tried to add it like I do it in a simple HTML element with class="firstTab"
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" title="FunnyTitle" class="firstTab">
Both ways didn't add my class to the ContentPane.
So how is it done?
The class property is actually not used for that kind of purpose, but it used for identifying of which type the widget is.
However, the class attribute should work, because declarative widgets usually keep their parent attributes. If I have the following HTML:
It eventually gets rendered into:
<div class="dijitContentPane test" data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" id="myContent" widgetid="myContent">
However, please note that when using a dijit/layout/ContentPane inside a dijit/layout/TabContainer a lot of additional CSS is added, possibily overriding your own CSS.
For example, for overriding the background color of a tab inside a dijit/layout/TabContainer, I had to use the following CSS selector:
.dijitTabContainerTop-dijitContentPane.test2 {
background-color: #D4D4D1;
But also, be aware that the borders generated by the TabContainer are not applied to the ContentPane itself, but to an element with classname .dijitTabContainerTop-container (part of the TabContainer itself).
If this really doesn't work, then you can always access the domNode property of the widget you're trying to alter, for example:
require(["dijit/registry", "dojo/ready", "dojo/dom-class"], function(registry, ready, domClass) {
ready(function() {
.get("domNode"), "test2");
It's that simple that I didn't get it.
All you need to do is adding an ID to the ContentPane.
Dojo generates a widgetID with it like "dijit_layout_TabContainer_0_tablist_myID"
If the TabContainer itself has an ID, it could be different. Just have a look at the generated code.
Now you're able to get it with dijit.byId.
At the end it looks something like:
var tab = dijit.byId("dijit_layout_TabContainer_0_tablist_myID");
domClass is a part of dojo. For using it you just need to require it "dojo/dom-class"

How to create different and unique ID for some class in css?

As the title says I would like to create a unique div ID for some class in css. Here is some examples:
These two blocks are using the same class in the wordpress' css. They are both named as td_block4.
Now I would like to create a unique div in the css file of the wordpress theme, where I can put a different background for each "block4".
Here is the example of what I actually want to do: (not a perfect improvisation) :)
And... when I put (in example):
.td_block4 {background-color:#000;} the css, I get this: , and that's not what I want to get.
I hope I'm clear enough, how can I fix this?
Thanks in advance.
I think you can do that only via javascript.You can attack div data-image's with their background , and on load check it and write some js like ".css('background-image',dataimage)"
Take it easy
Your <div>s are surrounded by some more unique parents, so you can simply do:
.span6 .td_block4 { background-color: #f00; }
.span4 .td_block4 { background-color: #000; }
Sometimes, it's not about hooking onto a unique element you want, but by finding a way to use its parents to hook onto a common element, differentiated by unique parents.
Try jquery for this
$(document).ready(function(e) {
And you can use css for the rest

Custom Directive with header and internal list reStrcuturedText

Basically what I'm trying to do is copy this style (from a word doc) but using rst.
I was thinking I might need a custom directive which I can can include the header and style the internal checkboxes.
Ideally I would like to be able to do something like:
.. handson::
The title
- Check one
- Check two
The bulltet items inside the handson block would be styled as checkboxs but the rest of the document would just have normal bullet points.
I had a look at the custom directive stuff but I'm not sure if that would be the best way to tackle this. I'm also using rst2pdf if that has any impact on the results.
If you don't want to go down the route of creating a custom directive, you could use a normal admonition block and "fake" the check boxes. Your markup could be standard reStructuredText:
.. admonition:: The title
- Check one
- Check two
You can then include some custom CSS markup within your reStructuredText file to target list items in admonitions:
.. raw:: html
.admonition ul { list-style-type: none; }
.admonition li:before { content: "\2610"; }
Here the CSS targets any list item element which is a child of any element with the class "admonition" and replaces the list item bullet points with simulated check boxes using the Unicode Ballot box character, ☐.
Docutils applies an additional class to generic admonitions which is a concatenation of "admonition" and the admonition title. So in the above example we could be more specific with the element we target with the CSS rule:
.admonition-the-title ul { /* ... */ }
This could be used to target a single admonition within your document.
Credit goes to these two answers to the SO question How to create a checklist in reStructuredText (reST)?
Obviously the above targets HTML output. However, I have not used rst2pdf, so can't comment on how the above needs to be modified to work with this program. Hopefully someone else will provide an answer to this. As far as I know, rst2pdf does support a cascading stylesheet mechanism, so it should be straightforward (for someone who knows rst2pdf style sheet syntax) to add an additional .. raw:: pdf role and to modify the above list styles.

Tinymce images auto-wrapped in <p> tag. CSS ways around or text editor hacks

I have run into this problem many times now using drupal or wordpress where my tinymce config files are a bit too cleverly abstracted.
The problem is that tinymce auto-wraps my <img> tags in <p> tags. If there is a way around this in either Wordpress or Drupal, that would be awesome.
My problem exists when I want to do something like this
img {
float: left;
p {
float: right;
margin-right: 20px;
width: 400px;
and I want my code to look like this
<img src="some_png.png" />
<p> Imagine a lot of lipsum text.</p>
but tinymce does this
<p><img src="crap_im_wrapped_in_a_paragraph.png" /></p>
<p> Imagine a lot of lipsum text.</p>
I'm trying to float an image to the left of a paragraph with a set width, without having width restraints on the image itself.
in this case the image's parent then gets a width and a float right. That is not what I want.
It is very possible that there is an easy clever fix for this but I still have not found one. I would prefer not hacking my config files if I don't have to.
1 caveat...
The only reason this problem exists is because I want clients to be able to easily do their own editing so I won't just have them wrap the image in a <div> instead of a <p>. That seems to me unintuitive for my clients who are the actual users of the wysiwyg
Previous Solution
I have been using a regex to remove the paragraph tags but it is always somehow problematic. I end up adding more images somewhere else then i have to keep tuning my regex to ignore them. 502 errors abound!
my question(s) is(are)
What can I to in my CSS to make the image wrapped in the paragraph do what I want it to do?
and if i can't
What drupal or wordpress specific can I do to make that paragraph disappear?
-- Edit --
the solution needs to be compatible with IE7+ and modern browsers. :P
You call tinyMCE with tinyMCE.init function, don't you?
So add this string to it:
forced_root_block : false,
Also you can change tiny_mce_src.js. Find
forced_root_block : 'p',
and change it to
forced_root_block : false,
P.S. Don't forger to clear the cache.
If you don't want it to wrap image tags, look in the Tinymce source for a function called "isBlock". There is a regular expression white list test that determines whether or not an element is a block element. If you need image tags to be treated as block elements then add "IMG" to the list of node names it looks for. I just had to do this myself, am still looking for negative side effects right now but it does solve the immediate problem at hand.
That was more or less a temporary solution, if you just need to stop the root level block wrapping of image tags, there's a function called "forceRoots" where you'll actually want to perform your image tag check. I did it by modifying this line of code:
if (nx.nodeType == 3 || (!t.dom.isBlock(nx) && nx.nodeType != 8)) {
to look like this:
if (nx.nodeType == 3 || (!t.dom.isBlock(nx) && nx.nodeType != 8) && nx.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "img") {
This solves the problem quite well for me.
If we're talking about a WordPress site, there's an annoying filter that will automatically wrap some elements within the content with a <p> tag called wpautop. It's actually handled by wordpress at runtime and not by TinyMCE.
Add this to the top of your template or functions.php file:
<?php remove_filter('the_content', 'wpautop'); ?>
In Drupal, one sort of "klugey" way of doing this would be to use hook_nodeapi() or the d7 equivalent(s) for displaying nodes, and using a regular expression to replace p-wrapped images occurring at the beginning of the field. You would have to inform your client that they wouldn't look right when editing, but that on display, they would appear properly.
If you're looking for a css option:
In css2 you have the :first-child selector, and in css3 there is also the :only-child selector. p:first-child img could be used with negative margins to offset margins you've declared for p elements. A downside would be that this would also impose the same negative margins on any images the client might put in a first paragraph. css3 might not be supported in all the browsers you aim to cover, but if you can use it - you could use the :only-child selector for images which are the sole children of p elements, offsetting the parent p's margins with negative margins.
If Javascript is an option, then you can use jQuery to reparent the img to be a sibling of the p. Something like this (untested)
$("p > img").each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var $p= $this.parent();
Add logic to only the paragraphs/images you really need.
Ugly, yes, but a viable solution as a last resort.
Add this line:
theme_advanced_blockformats : "p,div,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,dt,dd,code,samp"
When you want to insert a img select div:
<img src="my_img.jpg>
No need to modify anything with css.
TinyMCE 4 wraps everything in block elements. The default wrapper is P. Click on the image and choose another wrapping element like DIV. To add DIV to the menu add this to functions.php:
function make_mce_awesome( $init ) {
$init['block_formats'] = "Paragraph=p; Heading 1=h1; Heading 3=h3; Heading 2=h2; Preformatted=pre; Media=div";
return $init;
add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', __NAMESPACE__ . "\\make_mce_awesome");
There is option "valid_children" It controls which elements you disallow (-) or allow (+) img tag to be wrapped in.
This example is for
- not letting img tag to be child of p and h1-4
- letting img tag to be child of div and span
valid_children : '-p[img],h1[img],h2[img],h3[img],h4[img],+div[img],span[img]'
I fear this is not possible due to the fact that img is an inline element. Tinymce wraps everything a user enters into block elements (divs or p-tags), but img is not a block element.
