Daily Geometric Returns from Monthly Observations - r

I have monthly weight observations and daily returns, and I am trying to compute a geometric return for every day in a month. It might be easier to see the pattern:
How do I reproduce the "desired output" column? Either a solution from the base functions in R or any package suggestions are appreciated!
Edit 1:
Thank you.
Here is some sample data and the solution that I have been working on:
z <- c(.35,NA,NA,NA,.2,NA,NA)
z1 <- c(.35,.35,.35,.35,.2,.2,.2)
z2 <- rnorm(7)
zCbind <- data.frame(cbind(z,z1,z2))
colnames(zCbind) <- c("months","na.locf(months)","values")
solution1 <- ifelse(zCbind[,1] == zCbind[,2],
zCbind[,1], # if TRUE
zCbind[,2]*apply(zCbind[,3],2,cumprod)) # if FALSE
I know my problem is in the false condition. Solutions that I have tried are:
replace cumprod with the prod function
changed the format of zCbind[,3] by binding or converting it matrix/df
this looked promising, but i can't find any more literature on the "cumprod.column" wrappers to the cumprod function: http://braverock.com/brian/R/PerformanceAnalytics/html/cum.utils.html

How about this with plyr::ddply()
I recreated your data to make it more like the original format
#get the latest date in each month to replace the NAs
sheet[sheet$date %in% last_days$last_day,]$weight<-runif(nrow(last_days))/2
#now we have a table which matches your data
#set the NA's to 0
# OK so here you add your seed value for the first month (0.4 in this example)
# and shift forward into the last month
output=cumprod(ifelse(shift==0,1+increment,max(shift)*(1+increment))) #cum product of seed val and day rets
# and lastly update the last days to be the original weight
# month date inc output
#1 2012-Apr 2012-04-01 0.0018504578 0.3234371
#2 2012-Apr 2012-04-02 0.0017762242 0.3240116
#3 2012-Apr 2012-04-03 0.0091980829 0.3269919
#4 2012-Apr 2012-04-04 -0.0023334368 0.3262289
#5 2012-Apr 2012-04-05 0.0042003969 0.3275992
#6 2012-Apr 2012-04-06 0.0005409113 0.3277764


R: Combine two dataframes by the nearest time

I have two dataframes; one that contains a year's worth of hourly temperatures and the other contains flight information. Bellow shows an extract from the temperature dataframe:
Time <- c("2000-01-01 00:53:00","2000-01-01 06:53:00","2000-01-01 10:53:00")
Time <- as.POSIXct(Time)
Temp <- c(20,30,10)
Temperature <- data.frame(Time,Temp)
Time Temp
1 2000-01-01 00:53:00 20
2 2000-01-01 06:53:00 30
3 2000-01-01 10:53:00 10
Bellow shows an extract from the flight information dataframe:
DepartureTime <- c("2000-01-01 03:01:00","2000-01-01 10:00:00","2000-01-01 14:00:00")
DepartureTime <- as.POSIXct(DepartureTime)
FlightInformation <- data.frame(DepartureTime)
1 2000-01-01 03:01:00
2 2000-01-01 10:14:00
3 2000-01-01 14:55:00
My goal is to take each row of FlightInformation$DepartureTime and find the closest time in the whole column Temperature$Time. I then want to add the corresponding temperature to the FlightInformation dataframe. The desired output should look like this:
DepartureTime Temp
1 2000-01-01 03:01:00 20
2 2000-01-01 10:14:00 10
3 2000-01-01 14:55:00 10
My attempts so far have come up with this:
i <- 1
j <- 1
while(i <= nrow(Temperature)){
while(j <= nrow(FlightInformation)){
if(Temperature$Time[i] == FlightInformation$Time[j]){
FlightInformation$Temp[j] == Temperature$Temp[i]
j <- j + 1
i <- i + 1
This involves first rounding all times to the nearest hour. This method is not as accurate as i would like it to be and seems VERY inefficient! Is there an easy way to find the nearest posix to give my desired output?
Some assumptions:
you have temperature data before and after all flight information; otherwise you'll see NA
temperature data is continuous-enough, meaning with the interpolation this presents, you don't grab something from 3 months prior (not useful)
temperature data is ordered (easy enough to fix if not)
We'll use cut, that finds the interval in which values fit within a series of breaks:
(ind <- cut(FlightInformation$DepartureTime, Temperature$Time, labels = FALSE))
# [1] 1 2 NA
These indicate rows within Temperature from which we should retrieve the $Temp. Unfortunately, it is absolute and does not allow for being closer to the next value, so we can compensate for that:
(ind <- ind + (abs(Temperature$Time[ind] - FlightInformation$DepartureTime) >
abs(Temperature$Time[1+ind] - FlightInformation$DepartureTime)))
# [1] 1 3 NA
Okay, now that NA: that indicates that the latest $DepartureTime is outside of the known times. This indicates a violation of my first assumption above, but it can be fixed. I use a magic-constant of "6 hours" here to determine that the data is close enough to be able to use it; there are certainly many other heuristics which will be less-wrong. For those, we can just assume the latest temperature:
(is_recoverable <- is.na(ind) & abs(FlightInformation$DepartureTime - max(Temperature$Time)) < 60*60*6)
ind[is_recoverable] <- nrow(Temperature)
# [1] 1 3 3
The the results:
FlightInformation$Temp <- Temperature$Temp[ ind ]
# DepartureTime Temp
# 1 2000-01-01 03:01:00 20
# 2 2000-01-01 10:00:00 10
# 3 2000-01-01 14:00:00 10
Though definitely quicker than double while loops, it will be a problem if you have large gaps in your temperature data. That is, if you have a 3-year gap in your data, the most-recent temperature will be used, which might be 2.99 years ago. For a double-check, use this:
FlightInformation$TempTime <- Temperature$Time[ ind ]
FlightInformation$TimeDelta <- with(FlightInformation, abs(TempTime - DepartureTime))
# DepartureTime Temp TempTime TimeDelta
# 1 2000-01-01 03:01:00 20 2000-01-01 00:53:00 128 mins
# 2 2000-01-01 10:00:00 10 2000-01-01 10:53:00 53 mins
# 3 2000-01-01 14:00:00 10 2000-01-01 10:53:00 187 mins
You can use different units for the time delta and check for problems with:
units(FlightInformation$TimeDelta) <- "secs"
which(FlightInformation$TimeDelta > 60*60*6)
# integer(0)
(where integer(0) says you have none that are outside of my magic window of 6 hours.)
Here's a way! Time is easiest to work with for this if you convert it to a numeric value. Then you can compare the numeric values to find the closest times before/after your reference time (FlightInformation$time_num in the below example). Once you have the closest time before and after your reference value, figure out which is really the closest to your reference. Use that time value to look up (index) the correct temperature value and add it to your data frame.
#convert time to numeric (seconds since origin of time)
Temperature$time_num <- as.numeric(Temperature$Time)
FlightInformation$time_num <- as.numeric(FlightInformation$DepartureTime)
#make sure time data is in correct order so that indexes for time are in correct order
Temperature <- Temperature[with(Temperature, order(time_num)), ] #sort data
for (i in 1:nrow(FlightInformation)) #for each row of data in flight...
#find the time in Temp that is closest + prior to Flight time
#create a logical vector saying which Temperature$time_num are <= to FlightInformation$time_num.
#pull the max row index from the logical vector where value == TRUE (this is the closest time for Temp that is prior to Flight Time)
#use that row index to look up the Temperature$time_num value that is closest + prior to Flight time
#will return NA/warning message if no time in Temp is before time in Flight
temptime_prior <- Temperature[max(which(Temperature$time_num <= FlightInformation$time_num[i])), "time_num"]
#find the time in Temp that is closest + after to Flight time
#will return NA/warning message if no time in Temp is after time in Flight
temptime_after <- Temperature[min(which(Temperature$time_num > FlightInformation$time_num[i])), "time_num"]
#compare times before and after to see which is closest to flight time. If no before/after time was found (e.g., NA was returned), always use the other time value
temptime_closest <- ifelse(is.na(temptime_prior), temptime_after,
ifelse(is.na(temptime_after), temptime_prior,
ifelse((FlightInformation$time_num[i] - temptime_prior) <= (temptime_after - FlightInformation$time_num[i]),
temptime_prior, temptime_after)))
#look up the right temp by finding the row index of right Temp$time_num value and add it to Flight info
FlightInformation$Temp[i] <- Temperature[which(Temperature$time_num == temptime_closest), "Temp"]
#get rid of numeric time column, you don't need it anymore
FlightInformation <- FlightInformation[,!(names(FlightInformation) %in% c("time_num"))]
DepartureTime Temp
1 2000-01-01 03:01:00 20
2 2000-01-01 10:00:00 10
3 2000-01-01 14:00:00 10
If you have subsets of data in each data frame you need to match up to (e.g., match df1$group1 time values only to df2$group1 time values), you can use survival::neardate. It's a nice function for this that does basically what the above code does, but has some additional parameters if you need them.
Hope this helps! The codes a lot shorter without all the comments =)

Create 10,000 date data.frames with fake years based on 365 days window

Here my time period range:
start_day = as.Date('1974-01-01', format = '%Y-%m-%d')
end_day = as.Date('2014-12-21', format = '%Y-%m-%d')
df = as.data.frame(seq(from = start_day, to = end_day, by = 'day'))
colnames(df) = 'date'
I need to created 10,000 data.frames with different fake years of 365days each one. This means that each of the 10,000 data.frames needs to have different start and end of year.
In total df has got 14,965 days which, divided by 365 days = 41 years. In other words, df needs to be grouped 10,000 times differently by 41 years (of 365 days each one).
The start of each year has to be random, so it can be 1974-10-03, 1974-08-30, 1976-01-03, etc... and the remaining dates at the end df need to be recycled with the starting one.
The grouped fake years need to appear in a 3rd col of the data.frames.
I would put all the data.frames into a list but I don't know how to create the function which generates 10,000 different year's start dates and subsequently group each data.frame with a 365 days window 41 times.
Can anyone help me?
#gringer gave a good answer but it solved only 90% of the problem:
dates.df <- data.frame(replicate(10000, seq(sample(df$date, 1),
length.out=365, by="day"),
colnames(dates.df) <- 1:10000
What I need is 10,000 columns with 14,965 rows made by dates taken from df which need to be eventually recycled when reaching the end of df.
I tried to change length.out = 14965 but R does not recycle the dates.
Another option could be to change length.out = 1 and eventually add the remaining df rows for each column by maintaining the same order:
dates.df <- data.frame(replicate(10000, seq(sample(df$date, 1),
length.out=1, by="day"),
colnames(dates.df) <- 1:10000
How can I add the remaining df rows to each col?
The seq method also works if the to argument is unspecified, so it can be used to generate a specific number of days starting at a particular date:
> seq(from=df$date[20], length.out=10, by="day")
[1] "1974-01-20" "1974-01-21" "1974-01-22" "1974-01-23" "1974-01-24"
[6] "1974-01-25" "1974-01-26" "1974-01-27" "1974-01-28" "1974-01-29"
When used in combination with replicate and sample, I think this will give what you want in a list:
> replicate(2,seq(sample(df$date, 1), length.out=10, by="day"), simplify=FALSE)
[1] "1985-07-24" "1985-07-25" "1985-07-26" "1985-07-27" "1985-07-28"
[6] "1985-07-29" "1985-07-30" "1985-07-31" "1985-08-01" "1985-08-02"
[1] "2012-10-13" "2012-10-14" "2012-10-15" "2012-10-16" "2012-10-17"
[6] "2012-10-18" "2012-10-19" "2012-10-20" "2012-10-21" "2012-10-22"
Without the simplify=FALSE argument, it produces an array of integers (i.e. R's internal representation of dates), which is a bit trickier to convert back to dates. A slightly more convoluted way to do this is and produce Date output is to use data.frame on the unsimplified replicate result. Here's an example that will produce a 10,000-column data frame with 365 dates in each column (takes about 5s to generate on my computer):
dates.df <- data.frame(replicate(10000, seq(sample(df$date, 1),
length.out=365, by="day"),
colnames(dates.df) <- 1:10000;
> dates.df[1:5,1:5];
1 2 3 4 5
1 1988-09-06 1996-05-30 1987-07-09 1974-01-15 1992-03-07
2 1988-09-07 1996-05-31 1987-07-10 1974-01-16 1992-03-08
3 1988-09-08 1996-06-01 1987-07-11 1974-01-17 1992-03-09
4 1988-09-09 1996-06-02 1987-07-12 1974-01-18 1992-03-10
5 1988-09-10 1996-06-03 1987-07-13 1974-01-19 1992-03-11
To get the date wraparound working, a slight modification can be made to the original data frame, pasting a copy of itself on the end:
df <- as.data.frame(c(seq(from = start_day, to = end_day, by = 'day'),
seq(from = start_day, to = end_day, by = 'day')));
colnames(df) <- "date";
This is easier to code for downstream; the alternative being a double seq for each result column with additional calculations for the start/end and if statements to deal with boundary cases.
Now instead of doing date arithmetic, the result columns subset from the original data frame (where the arithmetic is already done). Starting with one date in the first half of the frame and choosing the next 14965 values. I'm using nrow(df)/2 instead for a more generic code:
dates.df <-
as.data.frame(lapply(sample.int(nrow(df)/2, 10000),
colnames(dates.df) <- 1:10000;
1 2 3 4 5
1 1988-10-21 1999-10-18 2009-04-06 2009-01-08 1988-12-28
2 1988-10-22 1999-10-19 2009-04-07 2009-01-09 1988-12-29
3 1988-10-23 1999-10-20 2009-04-08 2009-01-10 1988-12-30
4 1988-10-24 1999-10-21 2009-04-09 2009-01-11 1988-12-31
5 1988-10-25 1999-10-22 2009-04-10 2009-01-12 1989-01-01
14960 1988-10-15 1999-10-12 2009-03-31 2009-01-02 1988-12-22
14961 1988-10-16 1999-10-13 2009-04-01 2009-01-03 1988-12-23
14962 1988-10-17 1999-10-14 2009-04-02 2009-01-04 1988-12-24
14963 1988-10-18 1999-10-15 2009-04-03 2009-01-05 1988-12-25
14964 1988-10-19 1999-10-16 2009-04-04 2009-01-06 1988-12-26
14965 1988-10-20 1999-10-17 2009-04-05 2009-01-07 1988-12-27
This takes a bit less time now, presumably because the date values have been pre-caclulated.
Try this one, using subsetting instead:
start_day = as.Date('1974-01-01', format = '%Y-%m-%d')
end_day = as.Date('2014-12-21', format = '%Y-%m-%d')
date_vec <- seq.Date(from=start_day, to=end_day, by="day")
Now, I create a vector long enough so that I can use easy subsetting later on:
date_vec2 <- rep(date_vec,2)
Now, create the random start dates for 100 instances (replace this with 10000 for your application):
random_starts <- sample(1:14965, 100)
Now, create a list of dates by simply subsetting date_vec2 with your desired length:
dates <- lapply(random_starts, function(x) date_vec2[x:(x+14964)])
date_df <- data.frame(dates)
names(date_df) <- 1:100
1 2 3 4 5
1 1997-05-05 2011-12-10 1978-11-11 1980-09-16 1989-07-24
2 1997-05-06 2011-12-11 1978-11-12 1980-09-17 1989-07-25
3 1997-05-07 2011-12-12 1978-11-13 1980-09-18 1989-07-26
4 1997-05-08 2011-12-13 1978-11-14 1980-09-19 1989-07-27
5 1997-05-09 2011-12-14 1978-11-15 1980-09-20 1989-07-28

Making censored variables for surival analysis from dates

I am a beginner in R, and I would like to do a survival analysis on the dataset about light bulbs I have. I would like to calculate the lifetime of a light bulb, so I need to calculate the time period between date_broken in row 2 and date_solved in row 1 for example.
I know I can use difftime(time, time2, units = "days") to calculate the time between date_fixed and date_broken in the same row, but then I would calculate the time the light bulb was broken and that is not what I am interested in.
I provided a small sample of my data below. For each light bulb on a particular location I have information about the date it broke and the day it was fixed.
(Besides the columns given in the example below, I have other features that should have predictive value.)
# date_broken date_fixed lightbulb location
# 1 26-2-2015 17-3-2015 1 A
# 2 19-3-2015 26-3-2015 1 A
# 3 26-3-2015 26-3-2015 1 A
# 4 17-4-2015 29-4-2015 2 B
# 5 19-6-2015 25-6-2015 2 B
# 6 9-7-2015 30-7-2015 2 B
ds <- data.frame( date_broken = c("26-2-2015", "19-3-2015",
"26-3-2015", "17-4-2015",
"19-6-2015", "9-7-2015"),
date_fixed = c("17-3-2015", "26-3-2015", "26-3-2015", "29-4-2015", "25-6-2015", "30-7-2015"),
lightbulb = c("1`", "1", "1", "2", "2", "2"), location = c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B"))
First you'll need to fix your dates, as #Gaurav suggested. Then, you'll need to summarize by lightbulb, or the difference will be meaningless.
I present here an alternative using packages lubridate and data.table:
ds$date_broken <- dmy(ds$date_broken)
ds$date_fixed <- dmy(ds$date_fixed)
setDT(ds)[, dt := difftime(date_fixed, shift(date_broken, 1L, type="lag"), "days"), by = lightbulb]
Which produces:
## date_broken date_fixed lightbulb location dt
## 1: 2015-02-26 2015-03-17 1 A NA days
## 2: 2015-03-19 2015-03-26 1 A 28 days
## 3: 2015-03-26 2015-03-26 1 A 7 days
## 4: 2015-04-17 2015-04-29 2 B NA days
## 5: 2015-06-19 2015-06-25 2 B 69 days
## 6: 2015-07-09 2015-07-30 2 B 41 days
For a future opportunity, it's a lot of help when you produce some expected results, along with your question.
This should help
ds2 <- ds %>%
group_by(lightbulb) %>%
mutate(tp = as.Date(date_broken, "%d-%m-%Y") -
as.Date(lag(date_fixed,1), "%d-%m-%Y"))
I really love those super-impressive pipe operators in R. They're so elegant, and great if someone's got a ready-to-go solution.
I mostly do loops, probably 'cos I like something I see what's going on, and I can debug as I go. (I was also brought up on BASIC some decades ago - but don't tell anyone.)
Anyway this was my approach for something very similar that I was doing, with hopefully a bit of added value using a sequence counter. This might be useful as a regression variable (covariate or stratification) or something by which you can subset, assuming you might for example want to look at later failures separately from earlier failures. Survival curves by sequence counter were quite informative in my work.
First convert the dates...
## convert dates. once done it's done
ds$date_broken <- as.Date(ds$date_broken, "%d-%m-%Y")
ds$date_fixed <- as.Date(ds$date_fixed, "%d-%m-%Y")
Add a sequence counter column (called seq) to keep track of number of failures
ds$seq <- 1
Populate that counter column
for (rdx in 2:nrow(ds)) {
## if same item, increment count. If new item, start new count at seq = 1
ifelse(ds$lightbulb[rdx] == ds$lightbulb[rdx-1], ds$seq[rdx] <- ds$seq[rdx-1]+1, 1)
Now add a difference column
ds$diff <- NA
Populate that difference column
for (rdx in 2:nrow(ds)) {
## if same item, difference is current failure date minus previous in-service date
ifelse(ds$seq[rdx] != 1, ds$diff[rdx] <- ds$date_broken[rdx] - ds$date_fixed[rdx-1], NA)
Well that worked for me, both to conceptualise and to implement. Please note that some folk do get a bit hung up with loops (http://paleocave.sciencesortof.com/2013/03/writing-a-for-loop-in-r/), but around my neck of the woods life is for living, not coding, and even I sometimes stir paint with a screwdriver (an old one though).

Map a list of events (instants) to a list of periods (intervals) in R (with or without lubridate)

I have two data frames. One containing time periods marked with character unique IDs and another containing events with another set of unique IDs associated with them
Period DF (code):
periodID <- c("P_UID_00", "P_UID_01", "P_UDI_02", "P_UID_03")
periodStart <- as.POSIXct(c("2016/02/10 19:00", "2016/02/11 19:00",
"2016/02/12 19:00", "2016/02/13 19:00"))
periodEnd <- as.POSIXct(c("2016/02/10 21:00", "2016/02/11 21:00",
"2016/02/12 21:00", "2016/02/13 21:00"))
periodDF <- data.frame(periodID, periodStart, periodEnd)
Period DF:
periodID periodStart periodEnd
1 P_UID_00 2016-02-10 19:00:00 2016-02-10 21:00:00
2 P_UID_01 2016-02-11 19:00:00 2016-02-11 21:00:00
3 P_UDI_02 2016-02-12 19:00:00 2016-02-12 21:00:00
4 P_UID_03 2016-02-13 19:00:00 2016-02-13 21:00:00
Event DF (code):
eventID <- c("E_UID_00", "E_UID_01", "E_UDI_02", "E_UID_03")
eventTime <- as.POSIXct(c("2016/02/09 19:55:01", "2016/02/11 19:12:01",
"2016/02/11 20:22:01", "2016/02/15 19:00:01"))
eventDF <- data.frame(eventID, eventTime)
Event DF:
eventID eventTime
1 E_UID_00 2016-02-09 19:55:01
2 E_UID_01 2016-02-11 19:12:01
3 E_UDI_02 2016-02-11 20:22:01
4 E_UID_03 2016-02-15 19:00:01
I want to to map the event times in second DF to the time periods in the first DF in order to match the ID of the event to the ID of the period. Essentially the result table I want to see should look like:
eventID periodID
1 E_UID_00 NA
2 NA P_UID_00
3 E_UID_01 P_UID_01
4 E_UDI_02 P_UID_01
5 NA P_UID_02
6 NA P_UID_03
7 E_UID_03 NA
I suppose this can be achieved by using lubricate to transform the start and end cloumns in the first DF to intervals and the use some form of apply and instant %within% interval combination, but I am not really familiar with lubridate and did not manage to produce a working code
Additional considerations:
- periods are completely arbitrary and can last from seconds to years
- periods never overlap, so this is not an issue
- more than one event could be associated with a time period
- it is possible for DFs to contain unassociatable events and time periods
- the solution must not include loops
- does not have to be solved with lubridate, in fact a solution with the base R will be even more welcome.
I actually managed to come up with the code that produces exactly what I wanted using lubridate. So if anyone knows how to do this in base OR simply a better way than the one suggested below, sharing this will be greatly appreciated!
First off, the start and end times in the period DF should be converted to lubridate intervals:
intervalsP <- as.interval(periodStart, periodEnd)
Step 2: A function should be created for checking if an instant is located within a list of intervals. The only reason I have created a separate function is to be able using it with apply:
PeriodAssign <- function(x, y){
# x - instants
# y - intervals
variable1 <- mapply(`%within%`, x, y)
if (length(y[variable1]) != 0) {
} else {
NOTE: I had to use the interval to character coercion, because otherwise intervals were coerced to their length in seconds by the apply function and as such being not really useful for matching purposes - i.e. all four intervals in this example are the same length
Step 3: The function can the be used on the event DF and both DFs can then be merged to produce the DF I was looking for:
eventDF$intervals <- lapply(eventTime, PeriodAssign, intervalsP)
periodDF$intervals <- as.character(intervalsP)
mergedDF <- merge(periodDF, eventDF, by = "intervals")
presentableDF <- mergedDF[, c(2, 5)]
# adding in the unmatched Periods and Evenets
tDF1 <- data.frame(periodDF[!(periodDF$periodID %in% presentableDF$periodID), 1], NA)
colnames(tDF1) <- c("periodID", "eventID")
presentableDF <- rbind(presentableDF, tDF1)
tDF2 <- data.frame(NA, eventDF[!(eventDF$eventID %in% presentableDF$eventID), 1])
colnames(tDF2) <- c("periodID", "eventID")
presentableDF <- rbind(presentableDF, tDF2)
presentableDF <- presentableDF[order(presentableDF[,1]),]
The eventual DF looks like:
> presentableDF
periodID eventID
3 P_UID_00 <NA>
1 P_UID_01 E_UID_01
2 P_UID_01 E_UDI_02
4 P_UID_02 <NA>
5 P_UID_03 <NA>
6 <NA> E_UID_00
7 <NA> E_UID_03

Data frame of departure and return dates, how do I get a list of all dates away?

I'm stuck on a problem calculating travel dates. I have a data frame of departure dates and return dates.
Departure Return
1 7/6/13 8/3/13
2 7/6/13 8/3/13
3 6/28/13 8/7/13
I want to create and pass a function that will take these dates and form a list of all the days away. I can do this individually by turning each column into dates.
## Turn the departure and return dates into a readable format
Dept <- as.Date(travelDates$Dept, format = "%m/%d/%y")
Retn <- as.Date(travelDates$Retn, format = "%m/%d/%y")
travel_dates <- na.omit(data.frame(dept_dates,retn_dates))
seq(from = travel_dates[1,1], to = travel_dates[1,2], by = 1)
This gives me [1] "2013-07-06" "2013-07-07"... and so on. I want to scale to cover the whole data frame, but my attempts have failed.
Here's one that I thought might work.
days_abroad <- data.frame()
get_days <- function(x,y){
all_days <- seq(from = x, to = y, by =1)
c(days_abroad, all_days)
get_days(travel_dates$dept_dates, travel_dates$retn_dates)
I get this error:
Error in seq.Date(from = x, to = y, by = 1) : 'from' must be of length 1
There's probably a lot wrong with this, but what I would really like help on is how to run multiple dates through seq().
Sorry, if this is simple (I'm still learning to think in r) and sorry too for any breaches in etiquette. Thank you.
EDIT: updated as per OP comment.
How about this:
travel_dates[] <- lapply(travel_dates, as.Date, format="%m/%d/%y")
dts <- with(travel_dates, mapply(seq, Departure, Return, by="1 day"))
This produces a list with as many items as you had rows in your initial table. You can then summarize (this will be data.frame with the number of times a date showed up):
data.frame(count=sort(table(Reduce(append, dts)), decreasing=T))
# count
# 2013-07-06 3
# 2013-07-07 3
# 2013-07-08 3
# 2013-07-09 3
# ...
The following gets the #days of each trip, rather than a list with the dates.
transform(travel_dates, days_away=Return - Departure + 1)
Which produces:
# Departure Return days_away
# 1 2013-07-06 2013-08-03 29 days
# 2 2013-07-06 2013-08-03 29 days
# 3 2013-06-28 2013-08-07 41 days
If you want to put days_away in a separate list, that is trivial, though it seems more useful to have it as an additional column to your data frame.
