How to set system properties for runMain on command line? - sbt

How can I set a system property for runMain upon executing it from command line on Windows?
I'd like to be able to run the following command:
sbt -Dconfig.resource=../application.conf "runMain akka.Main"
Regardless of whether fork is true, whether I put it in SBT_OPTS, or how I pass it in I cannot accomplish this. I am familiar with both Setting value of setting on command line when no default value defined in build? and Setting system properties with "sbt run" but neither answer my question.
Other questions seem to indicate you can't even easily view the Java invocation arguments easily in SBT. Any help is appreciated.

This works:
sbt '; set javaOptions += "-Dconfig.resource=../application.conf" ; runMain akka.Main'
If this isn't a "friendly" enough syntax, wrap it in a little shell script.
(Note this assumes you have fork set to true for running. If you don't, see akauppi's comment.)

You could use envVars setting. I'm unsure how idiomatic it is in SBT, though.
> help envVars
Environment variables used when forking a new JVM
The following (very minimalistic) build.sbt worked fine.
fork := true
envVars := Map("msg" -> "hello")
Once you get it running, setting envVars to any value with set does the trick.
> help set
set [every] <setting-expression>
Applies the given setting to the current project:
1) Constructs the expression provided as an argument by compiling and loading it.
2) Appends the new setting to the current project's settings.
3) Re-evaluates the build's settings.
This command does not rebuild the build definitions, plugins, or configurations.
It does not automatically persist the setting(s) either.
To persist the setting(s), run 'session save' or 'session save-all'.
If 'every' is specified, the setting is evaluated in the current context
and the resulting value is used in every scope. This overrides the value
bound to the key everywhere.
I've got a simple app to run.
$ sbt run
[info] Set current project to fork-testing (in build file:/C:/dev/sandbox/fork-testing/)
[info] Running Hello
[info] hello
With the envVars setting changed on the command line the output would change as follows:
$ sbt 'set envVars := Map("msg" -> "Hello, Chad")' run
[info] Set current project to fork-testing (in build file:/C:/dev/sandbox/fork-testing/)
[info] Defining *:envVars
[info] The new value will be used by *:runner, compile:run::runner and 1 others.
[info] Run `last` for details.
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to fork-testing (in build file:/C:/dev/sandbox/fork-testing/)
[info] Running Hello
[info] Hello, Chad
runMain is no different from run in this case.
$ sbt 'set envVars := Map("msg" -> "Hello, Chad")' 'runMain Hello'
[info] Set current project to fork-testing (in build file:/C:/dev/sandbox/fork-testing/)
[info] Defining *:envVars
[info] The new value will be used by *:runner, compile:run::runner and 1 others.
[info] Run `last` for details.
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to fork-testing (in build file:/C:/dev/sandbox/fork-testing/)
[info] Running Hello
[info] Hello, Chad

If you're trying to set SBT properties, like plugin settings, then the above won't work (AFAICT) as of 0.13+ in my experience. The following however did work, when trying to pass in Liquibase settings, like password, from our CI frameworks.
In your build.sbt
Ugly, but supplies defaults, and optionally grabs from This way you've got your default and override cases covered.
def sysPropOrDefault(propName:String,default:String):String = Option(System.getProperty(propName)).getOrElse(default)
liquibaseUsername := sysPropOrDefault("liquibase.username","change_me")
liquibasePassword := sysPropOrDefault("liquibase.password","chuck(\)orris")
From the commandline
Now just override via -Dprop=value like you would with Maven or other JVM programs. Note props appear before SBT task.
sbt -Dliquibase.password="shh" -Dliquibase.username="bob" liquibase:liquibase-update


Running sbt release task from cli for sub-project doesn't work

I have a multi-project sbt where I use sbt-release plugin. Everything works fine if I run release in a sub-project
> project reporter
[info] Set current project to reporter (in build file:/source/storage-integ/)
> release
[info] Starting release process off commit: c069698baf8bb6fca611ab4e7e086398aab473c5
[info] Checking remote [origin] ...
But this doesn't work when I run "sbt reporter/release" from cli. Where as "sbt reporter/compile" or "sbt reporter/assembly" do work.
$ sbt reporter/release
[warn] Executing in batch mode.
[warn] For better performance, hit [ENTER] to switch to interactive mode, or
[warn] consider launching sbt without any commands, or explicitly passing 'shell'
[info] Loading global plugins from /home/vagrant/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from /source/storage-integ/project
[info] Set current project to root (in build file:/source/storage-integ/)
[error] Expected ':' (if selecting a configuration)
[error] Not a valid key: release (similar: releaseVcs, rpmRelease, rpm-release)
[error] reporter/release
This looks very similar to another SO post. I tried adding releaseSettings to build.sbt as suggested but it throws error
build.sbt:62: error: not found: value releaseSettings
I tried import sbtrelease.Release._ but that throws
error: object Release is not a member of package sbtrelease
At this point I feel the solution mentioned is no longer valid. Also, I don't see any reference to releaseSettings in sbt-release readme. Any idea how to get this working?
sbt.version = 0.13.15 && sbt-release: "1.0.6"
The release settings should be only in your root project. So, in order to have that:
First, your build.sbt could be something like this
lazy val root: Project ="."))
.settings(Releases.settings: _*)
.aggregate(module1, module2)
Then, your project/Releases.scala like:
object Releases {
// You need to custom these to reflect your actual procedure
private val releaseProcess = Def.setting {
val settings = Seq(
releaseCommitMessage := s"Set version to ${(version in ThisBuild).value}",
releaseTagName := (version in ThisBuild).value,
releaseProcess := releaseProcess.value
By default you need a version.sbt with your current version. Lets say:
version in ThisBuild := "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
Then just:
sbt release

Making package a dependency of a new sbt task

When at the sbt CLI I can just type package and everything works fine - two jar files are produced. But I want to make package a dependency of a new task I am creating, so I want to make packaging happen as part of the build script. This is what I have:
lazy val deployTask = TaskKey[Unit]("deploy")
deployTask := { println("deploy happening now!") }
deployTask := {
(Keys.`package` in Compile).value
My reading of the documentation tells me that Compile really means file("src/main/scala"), which is not what I want. It seems that I have to put in <Something>. What do I need to put in instead of <Something> to get package to mean what it means when I type it at the CLI?
At the CLI I should be able to:
show deploy
, but unfortunately it does not do the packaging I expect.
These are the projects:
[info] In file:/C:/dev/v2/atmosphere/
[info] atmosphereJS
[info] atmosphereJVM
[info] * root
So it makes sense that when I run package from the CLI the root project is used.
So another way of asking this question might be: "How do I make package work for root from the deploy task I am creating?"

How to configure Typesafe Activator not to use user home?

I'd like to configure Typesafe Activator and it's bundled tooling not to use my user home directory - I mean ~/.activator (configuration?), ~/.sbt (sbt configuration?) and especially ~/.ivy2, which I'd like to share between my two OSes.
Typesafe "documentation" is of little help.
Need help for both Windows and Linux, please.
From Command Line Options in the official documentation of sbt: - The directory containing global settings and plugins (default: ~/.sbt/0.13)
sbt.ivy.home - The directory containing the local Ivy repository and artifact cache (default: ~/.ivy2)
It appears that ~/.activator is set and used in the startup scripts and that's where I'd change the value.
It also appears (in sbt/ in activator-launch-1.2.1.jar) that the value of ivy-home is ${user.home}/.ivy2:
ivy-home: ${user.home}/.ivy2
checksums: ${sbt.checksums-sha1,md5}
override-build-repos: ${}
repository-config: ${sbt.repository.config-${${user.home}/.sbt}/repositories}
It means that without some development it's only possible to change
➜ minimal-scala activator -Dsbt.ivy.home=./ivy2 about
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/jacek/sandbox/sbt-launcher/minimal-scala/project
[info] Set current project to minimal-scala (in build file:/Users/jacek/sandbox/sbt-launcher/minimal-scala/)
[info] This is sbt 0.13.5
[info] The current project is {file:/Users/jacek/sandbox/sbt-launcher/minimal-scala/}minimal-scala 1.0
[info] The current project is built against Scala 2.11.1
[info] Available Plugins: sbt.plugins.IvyPlugin, sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin, sbt.plugins.CorePlugin, sbt.plugins.JUnitXmlReportPlugin
[info] sbt, sbt plugins, and build definitions are using Scala 2.10.4
If you want to see under the hood, you could query for the current values of the home directories for sbt and Ivy with consoleProject command (it assumes you started activator with activator -Dsbt.ivy.home=./ivy2):
> consoleProject
[info] Starting scala interpreter...
import sbt._
import Keys._
import _root_.sbt.plugins.IvyPlugin
import _root_.sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin
import _root_.sbt.plugins.CorePlugin
import _root_.sbt.plugins.JUnitXmlReportPlugin
import currentState._
import extracted._
import cpHelpers._
Welcome to Scala version 2.10.4 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_60).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
scala> appConfiguration.eval.provider.scalaProvider.launcher.bootDirectory
res0: = /Users/jacek/sandbox/sbt-launcher/minimal-scala/sbt/boot
scala> appConfiguration.eval.provider.scalaProvider.launcher.ivyHome
res1: = /Users/jacek/.ivy2
Iff you're really into convincing Activator to use sbt.ivy.home, you have to change sbt/ in activator-launch-1.2.2.jar. Just follow the steps:
Unpack sbt/ out of activator-launch-1.2.2.jar.
jar -xvf activator-launch-1.2.2.jar sbt/
Edit sbt/ and replace ivy-home under [ivy].
ivy-home: ${sbt.ivy.home-${user.home}/.ivy2}
Add the changed sbt/ to activator-launch-1.2.2.jar.
jar -uvf activator-launch-1.2.2.jar sbt/
With the change, -Dsbt.ivy.home=./ivy2 works fine.
scala> appConfiguration.eval.provider.scalaProvider.launcher.bootDirectory
res0: = /Users/jacek/sandbox/sbt-launcher/minimal-scala/sbt/boot
scala> appConfiguration.eval.provider.scalaProvider.launcher.ivyHome
res1: = /Users/jacek/sandbox/sbt-launcher/minimal-scala/ivy2
I was experimenting with this today. After a while, it seems to me like this could be the best thing to do:
setx _JAVA_OPTIONS "-Duser.home=C:/my/preferred/home/"
export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Duser.home=/local/home/me'
Then you should be good to go for any Java Program that wants to store data in your home directory.
As an addition to Jacek's answer, another way that worked for me to set the .ivy2 directory was to use the sbt ivyConfiguration task. It returns configuration settings related to ivy, including the path to the ivy home (the one which defaults to ~/.ivy2).
Simply add these few lines to the build.sbt file in your project :
ivyConfiguration ~= { originalIvyConfiguration =>
val config = originalIvyConfiguration.asInstanceOf[InlineIvyConfiguration]
val ivyHome = file("./.ivy2")
val ivyPaths = new IvyPaths(config.paths.baseDirectory, Some(ivyHome))
new InlineIvyConfiguration(ivyPaths, config.resolvers, config.otherResolvers,
config.moduleConfigurations, config.localOnly, config.lock,
config.checksums, config.resolutionCacheDir, config.log)
It returns a new ivy configuration identical to the original one, but with the right path to the ivy home directory (here ./.ivy2, so it'll be located just next to the build.sbt file). This way, when sbt uses the ivyConfiguration task to get the ivy configuration, the path to the .ivy2 directory will be the one set above.
It worked for me using sbt 0.13.5 and 0.13.8.
Note: for sbt versions 0.13.6 and above, the construction of the InlineIvyConfiguration needs an additional parameter to avoid being flagged as deprecated, so you might want to change the last line into :
new InlineIvyConfiguration(ivyPaths, config.resolvers, config.otherResolvers,
config.moduleConfigurations, config.localOnly, config.lock,
config.checksums, config.resolutionCacheDir, config.updateOptions, config.log)
(note the additional config.updateOptions)
I had that same problem on Mac. I erased the directory in user home directory named .activator and all related folder. After that run activator run command on terminal. Activator download all of the folder which I deleted. Than problem solved.

How to exclude files in a custom clean task?

I'm working on a custom TaskKey that makes a clean that keeps a folder in target directory - it's a database that I don't want to fill everytime.
So I tried something like that:
lazy val cleanOutput = taskKey[Unit]("Prints 'Hello World'")
cleanOutput := clean.value
cleanKeepFiles in cleanOutput <+= target { target => target / "database" }
It seems that the statement in cleanOutput is not taken in consideration.
Even when I do just the following it doesn't work:
cleanKeepFiles in clean <+= target { target => target / "database" }
But the following works:
cleanKeepFiles <+= target { target => target / "database" }
Why is the difference?
There are keys, which may have defined values in different scopes (project, configuration or task).
A key can be defined, even if it's not used in any scope, as well as a key can be given a value in any scope. The later doesn't mean that the value will be used by a specific task. It means you can reuse keys declared by sbt for your purposes.
What you do you declare a new taskKey. You define your task to call clean. You then define cleanKeepFiles in the scope of your new task to equal to whatever the value was before, plus your database directory in the target.
The value is set correctly, but the clean task will not look for it in the scope of your task.
You can verify it:
> show cleanOutput::cleanKeepFiles
[info] List(/home/lpiepiora/Desktop/sbt/stack-overflow/q-24020437/target/.history, /home/lpiepiora/Desktop/sbt/stack-overflow/q-24020437/target/database)
Additionally you can check:
> inspect *:cleanKeepFiles
[info] Setting: scala.collection.Seq[] = List(/home/lpiepiora/Desktop/sbt/stack-overflow/q-24020437/target/.history)
[info] Description:
[info] Files to keep during a clean.
[info] Provided by:
[info] {file:/home/lpiepiora/Desktop/sbt/stack-overflow/q-24020437/}q-24020437/*:cleanKeepFiles
[info] Defined at:
[info] (sbt.Defaults) Defaults.scala:278
[info] Dependencies:
[info] *:history
[info] Reverse dependencies:
[info] *:clean
[info] Delegates:
[info] *:cleanKeepFiles
[info] {.}/*:cleanKeepFiles
[info] */*:cleanKeepFiles
[info] Related:
[info] *:cleanOutput::cleanKeepFiles
You can also see that sbt knows, that you have set it in the scope *:cleanOutput::cleanKeepFiles, it is just not using it.
Where it will look for it?. You can check it by inspecting the clean task.
> inspect clean
[info] Task: Unit
[info] Description:
[info] Deletes files produced by the build, such as generated sources, compiled classes, and task caches.
// next lines are important
[info] Dependencies:
[info] *:cleanKeepFiles
[info] *:cleanFiles
You can see that one of the dependencies is *:cleanKeepFiles, the * means Global configuration. This means that the clean task will look for the setting in that scope. You can change your setting to:
cleanKeepFiles += target.value / "database"
This will set it in the correct scope used by the clean task.
There is a doClean function which you can reuse. Given that, you can define your clean task like this:
val cleanKeepDb = taskKey[Unit]("Cleans folders keeping database")
cleanKeepDb := Defaults.doClean(cleanFiles.value, (cleanKeepFiles in cleanKeepDb).value)
cleanKeepFiles in cleanKeepDb += target.value / "database"

SBT setting fallback search path

How are you doing?
I did the following in SBT console:
inspect version
And I get something like the following:
[info] Delegates:
[info] *:version
[info] {.}/*:version
[info] */*:version
So, actually, what's the difference between the last two??? I read and read the documentation but can't seem to make any difference to me. One is ThisBuild (a.k.a. entire build, a.k.a. {.}) while the other one is Global.
Why does {.} in the project axis has precedence over * in the project axis?
The values {.} and * looks pretty much the same to me..
The order of the last two in:
*:version -> try current project
{.}/*:version -> try this build
*/*:version -> try global
says that whatever version you specified in this build, you want that to override anything that was possibly defined in Global.
Example: Key "version"
For Global scope it was defined in Defaults.scala with value "0.1-SNAPSHOT".
For your projects in this build you might want to overwrite that with:
version in ThisBuild := "3.0.1"
So, because {.}/*:version has precedence over /:version, whenever you get "version" in your projects, you fetch "3.0.1" instead of "0.1-SNAPSHOT".
