Subset by function's variable using $variable - r

I am having trouble to subset from a list using a variable of my function.
rankhospital <- function(state,outcome,num = "best") {
#code here
if (num=="worst"){ return(worst(state,outcome))
}else if((num%in%b=="TRUE" & outcome=="heart attack")=="TRUE"){
I split my data frame by state (which is a variable of my function)
But hosp.estado<-sep$state doesn't work. I have also tried
The function (rankhospital("NY"....) returns me a character(0).
When I feed the sep$state with sep$"NY" directly in code it works perfectly so I guess the problem is I can't use a function's variable to do this. Am I right? What could I use instead?
Thank you!!

If state is a variable in your function, you can refer to a column with the name given by state using: sep[state] or sep[[state]]. The first produces a data frame with one column named based on the value of state. The second produces an unnamed vector.
df=data.frame(NY=rnorm(10),CA=rnorm(10), IL=rnorm(10))
# NY
# 1 -0.79533912
# 2 -0.05487747
# 3 0.25014132
# 4 0.61824329
# 5 -0.17262350
# 6 -2.22390027
# 7 -1.26361438
# 8 0.35872890
# 9 -0.01104548
# 10 -0.94064916
# [1] -0.79533912 -0.05487747 0.25014132 0.61824329 -0.17262350 -2.22390027 -1.26361438 0.35872890 -0.01104548 -0.94064916
# [1] "data.frame"
# [1] "numeric"

It seems like you are trying to get the top hospital in a state. You don't want to split here (see the result of sep to see what I mean). Instead, use:
as.character(e3[e3$, 1][num])
This hopefully does what you want.

You need sep[[state]] instead of sep$state to get the data frame out of your sep list, which matches the state parameter of your function. Like this:
e3 <- read.csv("")
state <- "WY"
num <- 1:5
# [1] "530002" "530006" "530008" "530010" "530011"


How to deselect many variables without removing specific variables in dplyr

Say there is a data frame that has a structure like this:
df <- data.frame(x.1 = rnorm(n=100),
x.2 = rnorm(n=100),
x.3 = rnorm(n=100),
x.special = rnorm(n=100),
x.y.z = rnorm(n=100))
Inspecting the head, we get this output:
x.1 x.2 x.3 x.special x.y.z
1 1.01014580 -1.4047666 1.50374721 -0.8339784 -0.0831983
2 0.44307253 -0.4695634 -0.71951820 1.5758893 1.2163749
3 -0.87051845 0.1793721 -0.26838489 -1.0477929 -1.0813926
4 -0.28491936 0.4186763 -0.07494088 -0.2177471 0.3490200
5 -0.03769566 -0.3656822 0.12478667 -0.7975811 -0.4481193
6 -0.83808036 0.6842561 0.71231627 -0.3348798 1.7418141
Suppose I want to remove all the numbered variables but keep the x.special and x.y.z variables. I know that I can easily deselect with:
df %>%
However for something like 50 or 100 variables like this, it would become cumbersome. Similarly, I know I can pick patterns like so:
df %>%
But this of course removes everything because the special variables have the . name. Is there a more intelligent way of picking these variables? I feel like there is an option for finding the numeric variable in the name.
# use regex to remove these colums...
colsBool <- !grepl(x=names(df), pattern="\\d")
> head(df[, colsBool])
x.special x.y.z
1 1.1145156 -0.4911891
2 0.7059937 0.4500111
3 -0.6566422 1.6085353
4 -0.6322514 -0.8017260
5 0.4785106 0.6014765
6 -0.8508830 -0.5078307
Regular expressions are your best friend in this situation.
For instance, if you wanted to remove columns whose last value is a number, just do !grepl(pattern = "\\d$",...), the $ sign at the end of the expression will match only columns ending with a number. The ! sign in front of the grepl() expression negates the values in the match, that is, a TRUE becomes FALSE and vice-versa.

How to convert dataframe from Charachter to Numeric

I know this question may be repeated but i tried all the solutions in :
How to convert entire dataframe to numeric while preserving decimals?
But didn't work
i imported excel data : from my computer manually :
File > import data > excel and i set the type of data as numeric
i checked my data using
and it s true of type numeric
QC_G.F9_01_4768 QC_G.F9_01_4765
M95T834 70027.02 69578.19
M97T834 95774.14 81479.30
M105T541 75686.39 68455.65
M109T834 72093.07 70942.65
M111T834_2 77502.98 77527.54
M114T834 68132.06 70296.73
M121T834 52233.05 56074.64
M125T834 44559.99 35831.79
M128T834 59257.48 59574.73
M135T834 105136.55 105274.98
but after data i Converted rows into columns and columns into rows using R :
New_data <-
When i checked my new data using :
I found that my columns are of type character and not numeric
i tried to convert New_data to numeric
New_data_B -> as.numeric(New_data)
i checked my data using
17 1091
Here's example of my data
#> Name MT95T843 MT95T756
#> 1 QC_G.F9_01_4768 70027.02132 95774.13597
#> 2 QC_G.F9_01_4765 69578.18634 81479.29575
#> 3 QC_G.F9_01_4762 69578.18634 87021.95427
#> 4 QC_G.F9_01_4759 68231.14338 95558.76738
#> 5 QC_G.F9_01_4756 64874.12936 96780.77245
#> 6 QC_G.F9_01_4753 63866.65780 91854.35304
#> 7 CtrF01R5_G.D1_01_4757 66954.38799 128861.36163
#> 8 CtrF01R4_G.D5_01_4763 97352.55229 101353.25927
#> 9 CtrF01R3_G.C8_01_4754 61311.78576 7603.60896
#> 10 CtrF01R2_G.D3_01_4760 85768.36117 109461.75445
#> 11 CtrF01R1_G.C9_01_4755 85302.81947 104253.84537
#> 12 BtiF01R5_G.D7_01_4766 61252.42545 115683.73755
#> 13 BtiF01R4_G.D6_01_4764 81873.96379 112164.14229
#> 14 BtiF01R3_G.D2_01_4758 84981.21914 0.00000
#> 15 BtiF01R2_G.D4_01_4761 36629.02462 124806.49101
#> 16 BtiF01R1_G.D8_01_4767 0.00000 109927.26425
#> 17 rt 13.90181 13.90586
also i converted my data to csv file and i imported it :
Old_data <-"data.csv" , sep="," , header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
And also using :
Old_data <- read_excel("data.xlsx")
I tried the solution suggested by Mr sveer
New_data <- cbind(Name=Old_data[1,],[-1,])))
it gives this result
When i tried
Name.QC_G.F9_01_4768 Name.QC_G.F9_01_4765
70027.02 69578.19
95774.14 81479.30
75686.39 68455.65
72093.07 70942.65
77502.98 77527.54
68132.06 70296.73
52233.05 56074.64
4559.99 35831.79
59257.48 59574.73
105136.55 105274.98
it delets the rownames !
Im just confused of this problem, i think the problem is because i converted rows into columns and columns into rows
Please tell me for any clarification and also if i can send the data to someone so he can try
Thank you very much
Reason why you get character type and not numeric:
Transponsing the data will lead to a matrix. A matrix can take only a single class ie. character when there are mixed class.
I am still not sure about the structure of your data. It is always a good idea to add a reproducible example, if the data is large you could also use pastebin or just reproduce as described.
I assume that when you load the data via: File > import data > excel that the first column is called "Name".
To get your desired output (especially rownames) you could try:
setNames([,-1])),Old_data[[1]]) -> df
If you want to transform the rownames to a column:
tibble::rownames_to_column(df, "Name")

In R how do you factorise and add label values to specific data.table columns, using a second file of meta data?

This is part of a project to switch from SPSS to R. While there are good tools to import SPSS files into R (expss) what this question is part of is attempting to get the benefits of SPSS style labeling when data originates from CSV sources. This is to help bridge the staff training gap between SPSS and R by providing a common format for data.tables irrespective of file format origin.
Whilst CSV does a reasonable job of storing data it is hopeless for providing meaningful data. This inevitably means variable and factor levels and labels have to come from somewhere else. In most short examples of this (e.g. in documentation) it is practical to simply hard code the meta data in. But for larger projects it makes more sense to store this meta data in a second csv file.
Example data file
Example metadata file
varlabel,,Question one,Question two,Question three,Question four,Question five,Question six,Question seven,Question eight,Question nine,Question ten
vallable,,,,,,,,,Four,D,Dont know
SO the common elements are the column names which are the key to both files
The first column of the metadata file describes the role of the row for the data file
varlabel provides the variable label for each column
varrole describes the analytic purpose of the variable
missing describes how to treat missing data
varlabel describes the label for a factor level starting at one on up to as many labels as there are.
Right! Here's the code that works:
readcsvdata <- function(dfile)
# TESTED - Working
print("OK Lets read some comma separated values")
rdata <- fread(file = dfile, sep = "," , quote = "\"" , header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
na.strings = getOption("",""))
rawdatafilename <- "testdata.csv"
rawmetadata <- "metadata.csv"
mdt <- readcsvdata(rawmetadata)
rdt <- readcsvdata(rawdatafilename)
names(rdt)[names(rdt) == "ï..ID"] <- "ID" # correct minor data error
commonnames <- intersect(names(mdt),names(rdt)) # find common variable names so metadata applies
commonnames <- commonnames[-(1)] # remove ID
qlabels <- as.list(mdt[1, commonnames, with = FALSE])
(Here I copy the rdt datatable simply so I can roll back to the original data without re-running the previous read chunks and tidying whenever I make changes that don't work out.
# set var names to columns
for (each_name in commonnames) # loop through commonnames and qlabels
expss::var_lab(tdt[[each_name]]) <- qlabels[[each_name]]
OK this is where I fall down.
Failure from here
factorcols <- as.vector(commonnames) # create a vector of column names (for later use)
for (col in factorcols)
print([4, ..col])) # print first row of value labels (as test)
if ([4, ..col])) factorcols <- factorcols[factorcols != col]
# if not a factor column, remove it from the factorcol list and dont try to factor it
else { # if it is a vector factorise
print(paste("working on",col)) # I have had a lot of problem with unrecognised ..col variables
tlabels <- as.vector(na.omit(mdt[4:18, ..col])) # get list of labels from the data column}
validrange <- seq(1,lengths(tlabels),1) # range of valid values is 1 to the length of labels list
print(as.character(tlabels)) # for testing
print(validrange) # for testing
tdt[[col]] <- factor(tdt[[col]], levels = validrange, ordered = is.ordered(validrange), labels = as.character(tlabels))
# expss::val_lab(tdt[, ..col]) <- tlabels
tlabels = c() # flush loop variable
validrange = c() # flush loop variable
So the problem is revealed here when we check the data table.
the labels have been applied as whole vectors to each column entry except where there is only one value in the vector ("checked" for varfour and varfive)
id (int) 1
varone (fctr) c("One", "Two", "Three") 1 (should be "One" 1)
vartwo (S3: labelled) 34
varthree (fctr) c("No", "Yes") 1 (should be "No" 1)
varfour (fctr) NA
varfive (fctr) Checked
And a mystery
this code works just fine on a single columns when I don't use a for loop variable
# test using column name
tlabels <- c("one","two","three")
validrange <- c(1,2,3)
factor(tdt[,varone], levels = validrange, ordered=is.ordered(validrange), labels = tlabels)
It seems the issue is in the line tlabels <- as.vector(na.omit(mdt[4:18, ..col])). It doesn't make vector as you expect. Contrary to usual data.frame data.table doesn't drop dimensions when you provide single column in the index. And as.vector do nothing with data.frames/data.tables. So tlabels remains data.table. This line need to be rewritten as tlabels <- na.omit(mdt[[col]][4:18]).
mdt =
col = "am"
tlabels <- as.vector(na.omit(mdt[3:6, ..col])) # ! tlabels is data.table
# Classes ‘data.table’ and 'data.frame': 4 obs. of 1 variable:
# $ am: num 1 0 0 0
# - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr>
as.character(tlabels) # character vector of length 1
# [1] "c(1, 0, 0, 0)"
tlabels <- na.omit(mdt[[col]][3:6]) # vector
# num [1:4] 1 0 0 0
as.character(tlabels) # character vector of length 4
# [1] "1" "0" "0" "0"

Extract and match sets from list of filenames

I have a dataset of 4000+ images. For the purpose of figuring out the code, I moved a small subset of them to another folder.
The files look like this:
[1] "r01c01f01p01-ch3.tiff" "r01c01f01p01-ch4.tiff" "r01c01f02p01-ch1.tiff"
[4] "r01c01f03p01-ch2.tiff" "r01c01f03p01-ch3.tiff" "r01c01f04p01-ch2.tiff"
[7] "r01c01f04p01-ch4.tiff" "r01c01f05p01-ch1.tiff" "r01c01f05p01-ch2.tiff"
[10] "r01c01f06p01-ch2.tiff" "r01c01f06p01-ch4.tiff" "r01c01f09p01-ch3.tiff"
[13] "r01c01f09p01-ch4.tiff" "r01c01f10p01-ch1.tiff" "r01c01f10p01-ch4.tiff"
[16] "r01c01f11p01-ch1.tiff" "r01c01f11p01-ch2.tiff" "r01c01f11p01-ch3.tiff"
[19] "r01c01f11p01-ch4.tiff" "r01c02f10p01-ch1.tiff" "r01c02f10p01-ch2.tiff"
[22] "r01c02f10p01-ch3.tiff" "r01c02f10p01-ch4.tiff"
I cannot remove the name prior to the -ch# as that information is important. What I want to do, however, is to filter this list of images, and return only sets (ie: r01c02f10p01) which have all four ch values (ch1-4).
I was originally thinking that we could approach the issue along the lines of this:
ch1 <- dir(path="/Desktop/cp/complete//", pattern="ch1")
ch2 <- dir(path="/Desktop/cp/complete//", pattern="ch2")
ch3 <- dir(path="/Desktop/cp/complete//", pattern="ch3")
ch4 <- dir(path="/Desktop/cp/complete//", pattern="ch4")
Applying this list with the file.remove function, similar to this:
final2 <- dir(path="/Desktop/cp1/Images//", pattern="ch5")
However, creating new variables for each ch value fragments out each file. I am unsure how to use these to actually distinguish whether an individual image has all four ch values to meaningfully filter my images. I'm kind of at a loss, as the other sources I've seen have issues that don't quite match this problem.
Earlier, I was able to remove the all images with ch5 from my image set like this. I was thinking this may be helpful in trying to filter only images which have ch1-ch4, but I'm not sure how to proceed.
##Create folder variable which has all image files
folder <- list.files(getwd())
##Create final2 variable which has all image files ending in ch5
final2 <- dir(path="/Desktop/cp1/Images//", pattern="ch5")
##Remove final2 from folder
To summarize: I expect to filter files from a random assortment without complete ch values (ie: maybe only ch1 and ch2, or ch3 and ch4, or ch1, ch2, ch3, and ch4), to an assortment which only contains files which have a complete set (four files with ch1, ch2, ch3, and ch4).
Starting with a vector of filenames like you would get from list.files or something similar, you can create a data frame of filenames, use regex to extract the alphanumeric part at the beginning and the number that follows "-ch". Then check that all elements of an expected set (I put this in ch_set, but there might be another way you need to do this) occur in each group's set of CH values.
# assume this is the vector of file names that comes from list.files
# or something comparable
files <- c("r01c01f01p01-ch3.tiff", "r01c01f01p01-ch4.tiff", "r01c01f02p01-ch1.tiff", "r01c01f03p01-ch2.tiff", "r01c01f03p01-ch3.tiff", "r01c01f04p01-ch2.tiff", "r01c01f04p01-ch4.tiff", "r01c01f05p01-ch1.tiff", "r01c01f05p01-ch2.tiff", "r01c01f06p01-ch2.tiff", "r01c01f06p01-ch4.tiff", "r01c01f09p01-ch3.tiff", "r01c01f09p01-ch4.tiff", "r01c01f10p01-ch1.tiff", "r01c01f10p01-ch4.tiff", "r01c01f11p01-ch1.tiff", "r01c01f11p01-ch2.tiff", "r01c01f11p01-ch3.tiff", "r01c01f11p01-ch4.tiff", "r01c02f10p01-ch1.tiff", "r01c02f10p01-ch2.tiff", "r01c02f10p01-ch3.tiff", "r01c02f10p01-ch4.tiff")
ch_set <- 1:4
files_to_keep <- data.frame(filename = files, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
tidyr::extract(filename, into = c("group", "ch"), regex = "(^[\\w\\d]+)\\-ch(\\d)", remove = FALSE) %>%
mutate(ch = as.numeric(ch)) %>%
group_by(group) %>%
filter(all(ch_set %in% ch))
#> # A tibble: 8 x 3
#> # Groups: group [2]
#> filename group ch
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 r01c01f11p01-ch1.tiff r01c01f11p01 1
#> 2 r01c01f11p01-ch2.tiff r01c01f11p01 2
#> 3 r01c01f11p01-ch3.tiff r01c01f11p01 3
#> 4 r01c01f11p01-ch4.tiff r01c01f11p01 4
#> 5 r01c02f10p01-ch1.tiff r01c02f10p01 1
#> 6 r01c02f10p01-ch2.tiff r01c02f10p01 2
#> 7 r01c02f10p01-ch3.tiff r01c02f10p01 3
#> 8 r01c02f10p01-ch4.tiff r01c02f10p01 4
Now that you have a dataframe of the complete groups, just pull the matching filenames back out:
#> [1] "r01c01f11p01-ch1.tiff" "r01c01f11p01-ch2.tiff" "r01c01f11p01-ch3.tiff"
#> [4] "r01c01f11p01-ch4.tiff" "r01c02f10p01-ch1.tiff" "r01c02f10p01-ch2.tiff"
#> [7] "r01c02f10p01-ch3.tiff" "r01c02f10p01-ch4.tiff"
One thing to note is that this worked without the mutate line where I converted ch to numeric—i.e. comparing character versions of those numbers to regular numeric version of them—because under the hood, %in% converts to matching types. That didn't seem totally safe if you needed to scale this, so I converted to have them in matching types.

how to map a dataframe and vectors into function parameters with *pply functions

The problem I met is specific operation for *pply(like apply or mapply, etc, I'm not sure).
The dataframe is dlt:
dlt.1 dlt.2 dlt.3 dlt.4 dlt.5
1 3.244198 6.482869 9.711874 12.92918 16.13489
6 3.196401 6.391871 9.585553 12.77681 15.96547
19 3.182911 6.365424 9.547196 12.72799 15.90795
24 3.164079 6.328089 9.491971 12.65577 15.81984
and the vector is freq:
1 2 3 4 5
Now I intend to map the dt and freqn to a function foo:
foo <- function( dlti, freqi){ dlti * freqi }
where I hope the ith column of dlt correspond to the ith element of freq
I tried apply and mapply, but both failed. Would anyone please show me what is correct way?
It is not clear from your question what you actually want because you don't show the desired result. Without that, there is ambiguity in your question.
dlt <- tribble(
~dlt_1, ~dlt_2, ~dlt_3, ~dlt_4, ~dlt_5 ,
3.244198, 6.482869, 9.711874, 12.92918, 16.13489,
3.196401, 6.391871, 9.585553, 12.77681, 15.96547,
3.182911, 6.365424, 9.547196, 12.72799, 15.90795,
3.164079, 6.328089, 9.491971, 12.65577, 15.81984
freqi <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
foo <- function(dlti,freqi){dlti * freqi}
[1] 3.244198 3.196401 3.182911 3.164079
[1] 12.96574 12.78374 12.73085 12.65618
[1] 29.13562 28.75666 28.64159 28.47591
[1] 51.71672 51.10724 50.91196 50.62308
[1] 80.67445 79.82735 79.53975 79.09920
In base R, we can do this by replicating the 'freq' and then do the *
# dlt.1 dlt.2 dlt.3 dlt.4 dlt.5
#1 3.244198 12.96574 29.13562 51.71672 80.67445
#6 3.196401 12.78374 28.75666 51.10724 79.82735
#19 3.182911 12.73085 28.64159 50.91196 79.53975
#24 3.164079 12.65618 28.47591 50.62308 79.09920
Or using Map in base R
dlt[] <- Map(`*`, dlt, freq)
