Pointer operator -> for golang - pointers

It seems golang does not have the pointer operator -> as C and C++ have. Now let's say I have a function looks something like this: myfun(myparam *MyType), inside the function, if I want to access the member variables of MyType, I have to do (*myparam).MyMemberVariable. It seems to be a lot easier to do myparam->MyMemberVariable in C and C++.
I'm quite new to go. Not sure if I'm missing something, or this is not the right way to go?

In Go, both -> and . are represented by .
The compiler knows the types, and can dereference if necessary.
package main
import "fmt"
type A struct {
X int
func main() {
a0, a1 := A{42}, &A{27}
fmt.Println(a0.X, a1.X)

You can do myparam.MyMemberValue, pointers are automatically dereferenced
Go spec:
Selectors automatically dereference pointers to structs. If x is a pointer to a struct, x.y is shorthand for (x).y; if the field y is also a pointer to a struct, x.y.z is shorthand for ((*x).y).z, and so on. If x contains an anonymous field of type *A, where A is also a struct type, x.f is shorthand for (*x.A).f.

Hummm, this automatic dereferencing can be very confusing (for old programmers like me)
If you learn programmation with GOLANG, no problem, it is practical.
If you pass from C to GOLANG, this will seem strange, you will probably prefer (at the beginning at least) to keep the "(*my_var).my_field" expression instead of "my_var.myfield"
If you pass from GOLANG to C, you will get many compilation errors.

Goes uses -> for passing data by using channels.
package main
import "fmt"
type Person struct {
Name string
func (p *Person) printName() {
p.Name = "brian"
func main() {
// obj
brian := Person{""}
// prints obj default value
fmt.Println("No pointer", brian.Name)
// it access the method with the pointer
// prints the result
fmt.Println("With a pointer", brian.Name)


How to get pointer to interface in GO

I would like to get rid of the variable temp in the following code:
type myinterface interface {
type a struct {
val int
type b struct {
mi *myinterface
func (a) f1() {
func demo() {
a1 := a{3}
var temp myinterface = a1
b1 := b{&temp}
But if I try to write
b1 := b{&myinterface(a1)}
I get the message
cannot take the address of myinterface(a1) ( undefined )
what is the correct way to do this?
I did not a pointer to an interface, since an interface can hold a struct or a pointer to a struct, as also detailed in this question:
"<type> is pointer to interface, not interface" confusion
Let me know if this is what you are looking for:
Full code:
package main
import (
type myinterface interface {
type a struct {
val int
type b struct {
mi myinterface
func (a) f1() {}
func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello, playground")
a1 := &a{3}
b1 := b{a1}
You almost never need a pointer to an interface, since interfaces are just pointers themselves.
So just change the struct b to:
type b struct {
mi myinterface
myinterface(a1) is a type conversion, it converts a1 to type myinteface.
Type conversion expressions are not addressable, so you cannot take the address of it. What is addressable is listed explicitly in the Spec: Address operators:
The operand must be addressable, that is, either a variable, pointer indirection, or slice indexing operation; or a field selector of an addressable struct operand; or an array indexing operation of an addressable array. As an exception to the addressability requirement, x [in the expression of &x] may also be a (possibly parenthesized) composite literal.
This related answer lists several options how to obtain the address of such expressions: How do I do a literal *int64 in Go?
For example if you use a composite literal to create a slice of type []myinterface and put a1 in it, you can take the address of its first element (which will be of type *myinterface):
b1 := b{&[]myinterface{a1}[0]}
And it will work (try it on the Go Playground):
a1 := a{3}
b1 := b{&[]myinterface{a1}[0]}
But know that using pointers to interfaces is very rarely needed, so is a field of type *myinterface really what you want in the first place?
Interface values can be nil, and also nil values (e.g. nil pointers) can also be wrapped in interfaces, so most likely you don't need a pointer to interface. We would have to know your "wider" goal to tell if this is what you really need.

How to print dereferenced value of field without explicitly specifying that field golang

package main
import (
type outer struct {
in *int
func main() {
i := 4
o := outer{&i}
fmt.Printf("%+v", o)
I'd like to see {in:4} at the end of this, not {in:0x......}, i.e. pretty print the data structure.
I'd like to accomplish this in a similar manner to the code posted (e.g. with a fmt shortcut similar to %+v or an analogous solution).
This is for autogenerated code from a required field of a thrift struct.
What's the best way to go about this?
When you use &i it does not dereference i. Rather it references i, which means that it copies the address of i into o. See the documentation for the Address operators.
From what I gather, you should be able to use *o to dereference the pointer; in other words, go from the address back to the original variable.
For an operand x of pointer type *T, the pointer indirection *x denotes the variable of type T pointed to by x. If x is nil, an attempt to evaluate *x will cause a run-time panic.

What use case does pointers to pointer (eg **int) have?

This is pointers to pointers
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var num int
fmt.Println(&num) // 0x...0
func makePointer(firstPointer *int) {
fmt.Println(firstPointer) // 0x...0
fmt.Println(&firstPointer) // 0x...1
func makePointerToAPointer(secondPointer **int) {
fmt.Println(secondPointer) // 0x...1
fmt.Println(&secondPointer) // 0x...2
When would you actually use this? You can properly come up with something where it would be easier to do something else, but that is not what I asking about. I really want to know where in production you would use this?
Pointers to pointers make sense in function parameters sometimes; not **int probably, but a pointer to a pointer to some struct, where you want the function to be able to change what object a variable points to, not just to change the contents of the struct. For example, there are a few functions in the internals of the Go compiler that take a **Node (see cmd/compile/internal/gc/racewalk.go).
I've also written a couple of functions myself that take a **html.Node; they operate on an HTML page that may or may not have already been parsed into a tree of *html.Nodes, and they may or may not need to parse the page—but if they do, I want to keep the parsed tree around so that I don't have to parse it again. These are in github.com/andybalholm/redwood/prune.go.
They are much more common in languages that do not have multiple return values, since they can be used as a way to return an additional value that is a pointer. Many Objective-C methods take an NSError** as their last parameter so that they can optionally return an NSError*.
The goal to pass a pointer to something is if there is need to modify the pointed value. (We also use pointers to avoid copying large data structures when passing, but that is just for optimization.)
Like in this example:
func main() {
var i int
func inc(i *int) {
Output is the expected (try it on the Go Playground):
If parameter of inc() would receive an int only, it could only modify the copy and not the original value, and so the caller would not observe the changed value.
Same goes with pointer to pointer to something. We use pointer to pointer to something, if we need to modify the pointed value, that is the pointed pointer. Like in this example:
func main() {
var i *int
alloc(&i, 1)
fmt.Println(i, *i)
func alloc(i **int, initial int) {
*i = new(int)
**i = initial
func setToNil(i **int) {
*i = nil
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
0x1040a130 1
The reason why pointer to pointer is not really used is because modifying a pointed value can be substituted by returning the value, and assigning it at the caller:
func main() {
var i *int
i = alloc(1)
fmt.Println(i, *i)
i = setToNil()
func alloc(initial int) *int {
i := new(int)
*i = initial
return i
func setToNil() *int {
return nil // Nothing to do here, assignment happens at the caller!
Output is the same (address might be different) (try it on the Go Playground):
0x1040a130 1
This variant is easier to read and maintain, so this is clearly the favored and wide-spread alternative to functions having to modify a pointer value.
In languages where functions and methods can only have 1 return value, it usually requires additional "work" if the function also wants to return other values besides the pointer, e.g. a wrapper is to be created to accommodate the multiple return values. But since Go supports multiple return values, need for pointer to pointer basically drops to zero as it can be substituted with returning the pointer that would be set to the pointed pointer; and it does not require additional work and does not make code less readable.
This is a very similar case to the builtin append() function: it appends values to a slice. And since the slice value changes (its length increases, also the pointer in it may also change if a new backing array needs to be allocated), append() returns the new slice value which you need to assign (if you want to keep the new slice).
See this related question where a pointer to pointer is proposed (but also returning a pointer is also viable / preferred): Golang: Can the pointer in a struct pointer method be reassigned to another instance?
In the same way a pointer to a value lets you have many references to the same value for a consistent view of the value when it changes, a pointer to a pointer lets you have many references to the same reference for a consistent view of the pointer when it changes to point to a different location in memory.
I can't say I've ever seen it used in practice in Go that I can think of.

Cast a struct pointer to interface pointer in Golang

I have a function
func doStuff(inout *interface{}) {
the purpose of this function is to be able to treat a pointer of any type as input.
But when I want to call it with a the pointer of a struct I have an error.
type MyStruct struct {
f1 int
When calling doStuff
ms := MyStruct{1}
I have
test.go:38: cannot use &ms (type *MyStruct) as type **interface {} in argument to doStuff
How can I cast &ms to be compatible with *interface{}?
There is no such thing as a "pointer to an interface" (technically, you can use one, but generally you don't need it).
As seen in "what is the meaning of interface{} in golang?", interface is a container with two words of data:
one word is used to point to a method table for the value’s underlying type,
and the other word is used to point to the actual data being held by that value.
So remove the pointer, and doStuff will work just fine: the interface data will be &ms, your pointer:
func doStuff(inout interface{}) {
See this example:
ms := MyStruct{1}
fmt.Printf("Hello, playground: %v\n", ms)
Hello, playground: {1}
As newacct mentions in the comments:
Passing the pointer to the interface directly works because if MyStruct conforms to a protocol, then *MyStruct also conforms to the protocol (since a type's method set is included in its pointer type's method set).
In this case, the interface is the empty interface, so it accepts all types anyway, but still.

Rule for Go Pointers, References, Dereferencing:

I am new to GoLang, coming from the Delphi, C++ world - admittedly very excited about this language, which I think is destined to become "the next big thing".
I am trying to get a handle around how the Go parser and compiler handle pointers and references - can't seem to find any place where some clear rules are laid out.
In the below code sample for example, the return type *list.List and the local variable l are pointer types and require the pointer symbol * in their declarations, but they don't have to be dereferenced in use: l.PushBack(i). But in this same code the input parameter value *int64 is declared as a pointer and has to be dereferenced to be used properly: var i int64 = *value / 2
I assume that this is because list.List is a reference type, so the dereferencing is implicit when used, while int64 is a value type and must be handled just as any pointer to a value type, as in C++ for example: It must be dereferenced.
What is confusing to me is that even though *list.List has to be declared as a pointer type using *, when using the list instance, dereferencing is not required. This had me quite confused initially. Is that "just the way it is", or am I missing something?
func GetFactors(value *int64) *list.List {
l := list.New()
var i int64 = *value / 2
for ; i > 1; i-- {
if *value%i == 0 {
return l
All of the methods for a List have *List receivers: (http://golang.org/pkg/container/list/)
func (l *List) Back() *Element
func (l *List) Front() *Element
func (l *List) Init() *List
func (l *List) Remove(e *Element) interface{}
In your example l is of type *List, so there's no need to dereference them.
Suppose, instead, that you had something like this:
type A struct{}
func (a A) X() {
func (a *A) Y() {
You are allowed to write:
a := A{}
a.Y() // == (&a).Y()
Or you can do the following:
a := &A{}
a.X() // same like == (*a).X()
But it only works for method receivers. Go will not automatically convert function arguments. Given these functions:
func A(x *int) {
func B(y int) {
This is invalid:
You have to do this:
var x int
This is also invalid:
var y *int
You have to do this:
Unlike C# or Java, when it comes to structs, Go does not make a distinction between reference and value types. A *List is a pointer, a List is not. Modifying a field on a List only modifies the local copy. Modifying a field on a *List modifies all "copies". (cause they aren't copies... they all point to the same thing in memory)
There are types which seem to hide the underlying pointer (like a slice contains a pointer to an array), but Go is always pass by value.
