Search inside sharepoint designer -

I'm using SharePoint designer and trying to find the "search in files option" throw all SharePoint project, something like in visual studio "search and replace".
Is such simple option available in visual designer 2010?

That option is not available in Sharepoint Designer.
Search in files option searches on files in your file system.
Sharepoint designer runs on your computer but it extracts data from the server using web services no files are actually on your computer so that feature is obviously not implemented.
It could be implemented on the server side and provided as a service. But bear in mind that data is also not stored on the file system in sharepoint but in the database.

Luis answer is not correct, at least not for Sharepoint Designer 2013. Click on "Site Pages", choose any page, press control + f to bring up find. Sharepoint Designer 2013 will pull down all the files associated with your site and begin searching them. You will need appropriate permissions.

The "All Pages" option will search your entire SharePoint site. I don't recommend it, it can be quite time-consuming and give you a lot of false positives.
Unfortunately, the only way to search multiple files is brute force:
Close all open tabs.
In the Navigation Pane, open the folder you want to search (such as "Site Assets").
Right-click each file you want to search, and click "Edit in Advanced Mode".
Repeat for each folder.
Open the Find dialog.
Click "Open page(s)" under "Find where:"
Your search will include all open tabs.


Publish only edited page in

Whenever I update a small part of my website I have to upload whole website again.
If i upload only edited part it throw me exception.
The way I upload my website:
For example if I have 4 pages (home, register, about me, contact me) and if I update home.aspx, I publish whole website in a local address, and then I compress it with zip format and upload it manually.
Is it possible to publish only updated part?
It is not possible to publish only a part of website, but what you can do is to choose Single-File Assembly build option ,by this you can get single assembly for your intead of updating whole application you can update only the pages you change
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What I always do when publish ASP.Net Webform project, I complate it with two steps. Maybe this way suitable for you.
When you use publishing tool on visual studio by selecting Build menu -> Publish, you can choose "File System" as "Publish Method", type your "Target Location", and select "Replace matching files with local copies". It mean the project will publish modified files only.
After publishing have done, Open defined "Target Location" using windows explore and sort by "Modified Date" and just copy newer modified files for each directory recursively to your server.
If you build the website pages into dll. You can not published only the aspx. there are many other dll and compiled files in bin folder, we don't know which matches which aspx.
If you only edited the "view", i mean, the html and markup part of <%%> code, and no code behind (.aspx.cs) change, you can published only this aspx. But remember to set website as updatable in the publish dialog.
I suggest you to compile the aspx into one dll. according to #Buzz 's answer. Then, your aspx files would be only an empty file. All you need to do is upload only one dll to the bin folder.

How to prevent users from creating folders in SourceSafe

We still use Visual SourceSafe 6.0. I would like to block my teams from creating projects (folders) on SourceSafe and only have Check-in, Check-out, and Add files rights. Yes, I would like them to be able to Add files, but not create or rename or delete folders.
How might I go about getting this in place?
I learnt the VSS security setting before at this blog. The problem is the rights for "Add Project" and "Add file" are not separate. They are both controlled by "Add/Rename/Delete".
I do have two suggestions below:
Disable the "Add/Rename/Delete" right for root directory($/), but assign the right to all folders under $/. This way, users cannot create folders/files anymore under $/.
Migrate to a better version control system, such as subversion.

toolbar button to upload to Netsuite? (in Aptana Studio 3)

I have Aptana Studio 3, build:
I'm using it to edit some Netsuite client scripts (javascript). The netsuite plugin lets me upload scripts to netsuite, which is great, but I have to right click on the filename in the project explorer, pick "Netsuite" and then "Upload"... too many clicks.
What I want is one button to stick on the toolbar that will do the upload. Is this customization possible? Not that I'm lazy but when debugging it becomes a pain to do so much right-clicking.
In Eclipse/Aptana, the "Project Explorer" can do this. If you select a project and/or file within that project, the "Upload" buttons are made available IF you have set up a remote connection to that project.
I am not certain if your uploads/pushes to Netsuite are via FTP but, if they are, just add your remote connection to the project. To do this, expand your project folder the project in the Project Explorer view and then right-click on the Connections icon to add a new (FTP) connection.Once this is setup, any file selected in the Project Explorer can be uploaded with a simply button click from this view.
Not sure if that is exactly what you want but, in the meantime, might get you closer to it!
Hit ctrl+shift+; and the file will save and upload.

Uploaded pictures not included in project

I have upload control on my page. I upload pictures in folder cars and they show in windows explorer when I open that folder (cars), but in Visual Sudio they act like they not include in project ( that is the reason why they don't show on image control which point to some of them. What did I make wrong ?
Uploading the images in the web application will never make any changes to your project. You will have to add them manually if you'll need them there. But generally these are pictures added by your user so the would just be in the file system - not really part of the solution, are they?
If you have choosen a webSITE then it will allow this, but not if a webPROJECT is selected.
I didn't find this on net, but I had two projects, and the one which was allowing me to show uploaded files was a website.
You have to click the refresh button at the top of the solution explorer in Visual Studio for it to show changes to the files.
You have to click Refresh button. Also ensure that "Show all files" icon is selected. And finally, you will have to right click on the files and select Include in Project. That way it would become part of your project.
If I may ask, what exactly are you trying to achieve in your application? The reason I ask is, if there is an upload happening in your application, you shouldn't need to include the files in your project to refer to it from code.

How to deploy existing report in MS CRM 4.0

I am new with MS CRM (Well.. spot the obvious.. but..)
How can I deploy existing report in MS CRM 4.0?
I don't want to edit or create a new one. I have a .rdl file and I just want to deploy it and publish it for a custom entity.. How do I do that? There is a report wizard in which I thought I could just select my report, but I don't see it in the list there. Maybe I need to copy it to specific location or something, but I don't know where?
In the Reports list (My Work->Reports in Workplace, I think you already found that), click "New", and then under "Report Type" choose "Existing File" which will replace the "Report Wizard" button with a file browser control to let you upload your .rdl file.
