I need to add css to my rails application in assets pipeline? - css

I have a rails app I put my index.html in public folder and it shows when i go to port 3000 but it doesn't show it with css, I have my css folder and i tried putting it into assets stylesheets but nothing is happing? where do i put my folder with all the css files in it? would i need to change the way my index.html referances my css files?
for now my index.html in public folder references the css files like this <link href="css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
i've looked into some tutorials but their a bit complex in understanding

Things put in the public folder won't be processed by the asset pipeline. This isn't the "rails way" at all, but you can just move your .css to your public folder and call it like you're calling it now.
To gain access to the asset pipeline the quickest way I can think of is to just scaffold generate something, fill in the view with your HTML and then you can call via asset pipeline. However by default the root route isn't set so you'll have to navigate to localhost:3000/whatever-controller-you-generated-here
I highly recommend reading this guide before you go much further http://guides.rubyonrails.org/

First of all if you are using rails then why are you using static page like this. If you really want to use this then you have to specify stylesheet like this
<link href="/assets/application.css" rel="stylesheet" />


How to include CSS in Symfony 5

I am building a Symfony 5 app and want to use CSS inside my twig templates. My stylesheet is at public/css/styles.css and so I try to use it in my twig template with the line <link href="{{ asset('css/styles.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>. This works locally but once I deploy it to the Google Cloud Platform the server can no longer find it. The console shows a 404 error when trying to find the stylesheet. Where does Symfony want me to put my css files?
This feels like it should be very simple but I'm totally at a loss and feel like I'm missing something stupid. The documentation only really talks about Encore and that seems like such overkill for using a single CSS file in a twig template.
(sorry i cant comment because low reputations, thatswhy i need to take an answer)
At first, the location of your css is correct. Also the usage of your link tag looks fine. Now the question is: what is the correct error message, or better where looks the browser to your file?
I think the browser want to take your file from root, not from public folder. If you can answer this with yes, you have to check your .htaccess file and/or linking from webspace to startfolder (public) in this cause.
It works in localhost because the symfony dev-server take this work for you.
Got the CSS working. I think what did it was telling app.yaml to put the css in the public folder.
- url: /css
static_dir: public/css
Then instead of loading using the asset() function, I included the css with:
<link href="/css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
That way, the css folder I had in public locally was put in public when deployed to the GCP.

Pulling CSS and JS from base folder

I have an index file that's store on my server under a public_html folder so it can be accessed publicly.
That address is http://example.com/randomlocation/anotherlocation/index.html
on the server that would look like public_html/randomlocation/anotherlocation/index.html
The problem however is that my css, js, and img files to display the page and run it are located on another level outside of the public html section and I'm having trouble specifying the relative or base path to get there, which would be something like:
For Example:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://example.com/randomfolder/another folder/assets/css/emojione.min.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/home/examplesite/folder/folder/folder/folder/assets/css/styles.css" />
Doesn't seem to work. I've tried all variations of "/" relative paths and can't figure out what I'm missing to be able to pull those files.
Generally when a server has a public_html folder, the server is configured so that only files inside that folder will be accessible publicly via the web. (This way, you can have things like server configs and private files outside of public_html and people won't be able to get to them by just putting the url in their browser.)
In other words, you should move your css/js/images into public_html. You can put them in subdirectories to stay organized, but they should all be under public_html somewhere.
That is purposely not allowed as it would pose a huge security problem on the server. Take a look at this SO question for a possible work around.
php link to image file outside default web directory

How to get compiled meteor css bundle on server side

I have multiple scss stylesheets in client/ directory. I have one particular page that is being rendered server-side and being served statically without Meteor app (it is email unsubscription confirmation).
I want to load my main site css bundle on this page.
For this objective everything I need is just a text contents of this bundle or even better an absolute path. Problem is, Assets.getText() access only private/ directory.
However, Meteor knows about this bundle file path on server side as it serves it with index.html somehow.
Is there a way to do it by myself?
If I understand the question correctly, from looking through https://github.com/meteor/meteor/blob/devel/packages/webapp/webapp_server.js, I can get mine like this:
on the server side. Change web.browser to web.cordova for the mobile version.
But if you want to include it on the static page, you can probably also just go like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/merged-stylesheets.css">
depending on how you are serving the static page
The accepted answer only works in development. In production the css filename is a hash, e.g. facc2661135083eeff000051c65e72e2ad910050.css instead of merged-stylesheets.css.
This works for me in development AND production:
let cssPath = __meteor_bootstrap__.serverDir.replace('/server','/web.browser');
cssPath += "/"+fs.readdirSync(cssPath).find(file => file.slice(-4)==".css");
FYI, I'm using this server-side to pre-render with above-the-fold css: https://forums.meteor.com/t/pre-rendered-landing-pages-with-critical-css/50626

Spring-Boot ResourceLocations not adding the css file resulting in 404

Well i have a working spring-boot app that is running on a local computer just fine. However I noticed that when i do mvn package then none of my css or java scripts, locates in
are being copied into the jar file (package) created in the target directory.
spring boot reference guide says
65.3 Convert an existing application to Spring Boot "Static resources can be moved to /public (or /static or /resources or
/META-INF/resources) in the classpath root."
24.1.4 Static Content "Do not use the src/main/webapp folder if your application will be packaged as a jar. Although this folder is a
common standard, it will only work with war packaging and it will be
silently ignored by most build tools if you generate a jar."
So that means that i can put all my js and css folders into the folder
i.e. now my structure looks like that
all of my thymeleaf templates however are still located in
I did that, and as far as i understand know i need to add the ResourceHandler to my ResourceHandlerRegistry. Previously when all of my ccs were in "/src/main/wepapp/css/" my ResourceHandlers looked like that and it worked very well for me.
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
I have tried adding multiple handlers like
but none of them worked for me.
The html templates are displayed but the web browser console is reporing 404 when trying to locate /css/corresponing.css or /js/corresponing.js
I have deliberately disabled Spring security in my test project, in order to simplify debugging of this problem.
One more thing thing that i do not completely understand is the deployment assembly. I have read an article that said that when i do want to have particular folders into my target package jar file generated by maven, i do need to include those folder into my deployment assembly, well i did however "mvn package" is still not copping all of the content(inlcuding subfolders) of my /src/main/static folder into the target jar file. I see however the "templates" folder copied into the jar file. So there is some other magic happening behind the scene.
Here is how do i declare the css in my thymeleaf layout i.e.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title layout:title-pattern="$DECORATOR_TITLE - $CONTENT_TITLE">Task List</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" th:href="#{/css/syncServer.css}" href="../css/syncServer.css" />
My question is: Is the configuration i done so far correct and if so what other options/settings i need to be aware of in order to make the app find the css files locates in /src/main/static/css/
Addition one
test project
If you move you the whole static directory into the resources and totally remove the addResourceHandlers configuration, then everything works fine.
That means that resources structure would look like the following image:

Django external css file problem

For a couple of days now I have been trying to setup my django project to run my html-template with an external css-file. So far, no succes....
I have installed staticfiles ( Im using django 1.2.4.) and put the 'staticfiles' in INSTALLED_APPS within settings.py and added the following code:
STATIC_ROOT=os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(file)), "static")
My css-file is located under /static/css/stylesheet.css
My html-template has the link
link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ STATIC_URL }}css/stylesheet"
After running the server, the page loads just fine. However django cant find my stylesheet...
What am I doing wrong here?
The static root and url doesn't actually host the files. The static serve option (in the urls.py) mentioned previously is a good option for development and learning, but if you move to a deployment server you should use the static hosting provided by your webserver.
The way the static folders is intended to work is that you add the path locations for each app, project, etc to the static directories setting in settings.py. Then, when you run the command "django-admin.py collectstatic" django pulls all of your directories into your static root. After the first time you run collectstatic, only files that have changed will be copied again. This consolidates multiple static directories into one common place.
Static files documentation
You need to pass the RequestContext to the view, so it will run through the staticfiles' CONTEXT_PROCESSORS (which includes the STATIC_URL variable).
from django.template.context import RequestContext
context = {'my_other_context': 1}
context_instance=RequestContext(request, context))
I would recommend you to just use a django.views.static.serve instance like this in the url.py file:
(r'^(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',{'document_root': '/path/to/css/'}),
