ArangoDB authentication via HTTP - http

I've seen examples of how to authenticate with a database using arangosh, but I couldn't find anything in the documentation about how to authenticate via the http API. Is this possible? Is it something like this:

From the command line, you can do something like this to pass HTTP basic authentication to the server:
curl --basic --user "username:passwd" -X GET
The above example is for curl. If you use any other HTTP client, you have to find the options for setting the username / password for HTTP basic authentication and send them to the server.

Ok, after playing around with authentication in Arango DB on Windows here is what I have found:
I could not get this command to work (which is supposed to enable authentication)
--server.disable-authentication false
UPDATE: I realized I couldn't get this command working because it's not a command at all :-o After looking more closely at the documentation it's a command line option. It should be used when you start arangosh. See documentation here.
I assume I need to adapt it somehow to work in a windows command prompt, but I'm not sure what needs to change. As a work around I opened the file "arangod.conf" (I found it here C:\Program Files (x86)\ArangoDB 1.4.7\etc\arangodb) and changed the following line:
disable-authentication = yes
disable-authentication = no
This enabled authentication when I restarted Arango. Yay!
Now to authenticate via http... very simple. It's just basic HTTP auth. So in my case I was using NodeJS and the request library to authenticate. Both examples below work fine.
Credentials appended with .auth:
json: true
}, function (err, data){
if (data.body.error) console.log("ERROR: " + data.body.errorMessage);
}).auth("username", "password");
OR with credentials in url:
json: true
}, function (err, data){
if (data.body.error) console.log("ERROR: " + data.body.errorMessage);

It's done through Authorization header where you set authentication mechanism (e.g. Basic) followed by base64 encoded string in format [username]:[password]. More information can be found for example here.


How to fix "invalid return_url" error when creating oauth token for Trello with httr?

I want to manage my Trello cards and boards using the trelloR package but when I try to create a token with the get_token function, I get an error message on my browser : "Invalid return_url".
my_token <- get_token(key = my_key, secret = my_secret)
my_key is my personal Trello API key and my_secret is my OAuth secret. I got them on the Trello page that gives you your authentication codes, after login :
To use the Trello API and to access to boards, I need a token. This token is generated with OAuth1.0 by the httr package. Indeed, the function get_token do something like this, according to Jakub Chromec, author and maintainer of trelloR here : = httr::oauth_app(
appname = "trello-app",
key = my_key,
secret = my_secret)
trello.urls = httr::oauth_endpoint(
request = "OAuthGetRequestToken",
authorize ="OAuthAuthorizeToken?scope=read&expiration=30days&name=trello-app",
access = "OAuthGetAccessToken",
base_url = "")
endpoint = trello.urls,
app =
When I execute this code or the function get_token with my personal key and secret, I am redirected to my browser, which is normal. As described on this page, a screen should appear asking me to allow authentication. But instead I just have an error message in the browser : "Invalid return_url".
In the RStudio console, this remains displayed :
> my_token <- get_token(my_key, my_secret)
Waiting for authentication in browser...
Press Esc/Ctrl + C to abort
I'm using httr 1.4.1, curl 4.2 and trelloR 0.6.0 with R 3.6.1 under macOS 10.15.
Some people reported the problem started after the introduction of Allowed Origins and they were able to fix it by adding the following origin:
on the appkey page. This is a bit surprising to me as the default * should cover all origins, but there you go.
Trying this today (11/23/2019), I could not get wildcards to work as Allowed Origins. You should specify the domain of where you are running the call for authorization.
One source of confusion: The comments under "Allowed Origins" on refer to sites that "your application is allowed to redirect back to following the authorization flow." That was a bit confusing to me. The list should include sites you want to redirect back to IN ADDITION TO the sites you are calling Trello.authorize() from.
If you are thinking "I don't need a redirect" (and, in fact, if you are using client.js, I don't think you can specify a redirect), then those comments under "Allowed Origins" could lead you to believe you don't need to specify anything there. That would be incorrect.
Summary: Even if you want NO post-authorization re-direct, you still have to list an ORIGIN.
Also, you cannot specify file:// in Allowed Origins, so you cannot run your javascript off a local file.

Is there a file upload function in salt stack to upload a jar to JFrog Artifactory?

I am using saltstack state script to create a jar from BitBucket and upload the jar to Artifactory. When uploading to Artifactory I see an authorization error. I am not sure if this is the right approach to achieve the upload to Artifactory.
I tried using CURL to achieve upload. I need to provide -u myUser:myPassword along the CURL command for it to work. I cannot provide the credentials in my salt state scripts. I am looking for a better option to achieve the upload without using login credentials. How to upload artifacts to artifactory using saltstack?
curl -X PUT -T /tmp/Batch.jar http://artifactory/artifactory/Batch.jar
\"errors\" : [ {
\"status\" : 401,
\"message\" : \"Unauthorized\"
} ]
I've run into this sort of thing a couple of times. The easiest solution is to write a small salt execution module to do this work. This way you can store the artifactory credentials as pillar data and use the normal python requests or salt http helpers to make the web requests.
Looks like salt stack provides a module for artifactory alread:
It may not do exactly what you're looking for, but you could definitely extend it:
The saltstack docs for writing execution modules can be here:
According to Artifactory documentation, the REST API supports these forms of authentication:
Basic authentication using your username and password
[Simplest] Basic authentication using your username and API Key.
Using a dedicated header (X-JFrog-Art-Api) with your API Key.
Using an access token instead of a password for basic authentication.
[Recommended] Using an access token as a bearer token in an authorization header
(Authorization: Bearer) with your access token.
You will have to choose one of the above.

WooCommerce - woocommerce_rest_cannot_view - Status 401

I have generated a consumer key and consumer secret. The website has SSL installed. I have also installed plugins required for JSON and REST services. This is how the url looks like:
When I am trying to get(GET) the product details using Basic Auth by using POSTMAN, a Chrome plugin, I get a JSON response like:
"code": "woocommerce_rest_cannot_view",
"message": "Sorry, you cannot list resources.",
"data": {
"status": 401
I have both the READ and WRITE permissions corresponding to the Consumer key.
The 401 error you are getting is because you are using basic auth even though your website is not secure (does not have https).
The solution in postman is to use OAuth 1.0. Just add the consumer key and consumer secret and send the request.
I met same problem.
Here is how I solve it:
require "woocommerce_api"
woocommerce =
wp_json: true,
version: "wc/v1",
query_string_auth: true
The key is query_string_auth: true
you need to force basic authentication as query string true under HTTPS
This is how i stopped worrying and moved on.
In short, the woocommerce rest controllers pretty much all have a SOMEWPRESTCLASS::get_item_permissions_check() method which in turn calls wc_rest_check_post_permissions() to decide if it returns that error;
So you hook into that and validate whichever way you want:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_rest_check_permissions', 'my_woocommerce_rest_check_permissions', 90, 4 );
function my_woocommerce_rest_check_permissions( $permission, $context, $object_id, $post_type ){
return true;
Trying to help others:
I was struggling with the 401 response while trying to CURL, and also with VBA trying to request as content-type "application/json"
However, I was able to pull a valid response by just entering this in my browser address bar:
Following this line of thought, I went back to my VBA app and changed the content type to "application/text" and was able to pull a valid response text with response code 200.
Hope this helps someone.
Try this, I had the same issue with the automattic/woocommerce library and I just got it working by appending the customer_key and customer_secret to the query.
Quick Edit
The above method works but I found a better solution for the automattic/woocommerce library.
Set query_string_auth to true
Had to dig into the code to find this setting.
Found nothing on it in the docs
return new Client($this->url, $this->key, $this->secret, [
"query_string_auth" => true
I just ran into this. Apparently something was funny with how curl was handling the url, so I had to encapsulate it in double quotes.
This doesn't work:
This does work:
curl ""
You can try Oauth 1.0 with postman:
Problem solved by adding this line below to the end of .htaccess file
All you need to add this line to .htaccess , this work with me
SetEnv HTTPS on
And make sure use OAuth 1.0 for Authorization
Try making the request using query parameter, like this:
here: you'll need to fill your url domain.
here: consumer_key and consumer_secret is your ck and cs that was previous genereted on WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > REST API
Here is a modified answer to Quickredfox's anwer:
add_filter('woocommerce_rest_check_permissions', 'my_woocommerce_rest_check_permissions', 90, 4);
function my_woocommerce_rest_check_permissions($permission, $context, $object_id, $post_type) {
if($_GET['consumer_key'] == 'asdfghj' && $_GET['consumer_secret'] == 'qwerty') {
return true;
return $permission;
The downside to this is that the flexibility of adding and revoking access for users using a gui is lost. However, if nothing else works and you just can't figure out why, this will work and does not expose the API to the whole world.
Oh, and this requires passing the key and secret as parameters a la:
This will work without https, but if you use it without https, remember that any credentials you send along with your request will be sent in plain text.
I just ran into this, I was getting the exact same error message as OP. I was using https and OAuth 1. The problem ended up being the domain. I was trying to access when the correct domain for the site was
This URL returns 401 woocommerce_rest_cannot_view error:
This URL works and returns results:
For local development (localhost) you can also use Basic Auth (e.g. for Postman) instead of Consumer Key & Consumer Secret. It works seamlessly.
Add this code to function.php to fix the problem:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_rest_check_permissions', 'my_woocommerce_rest_check_permissions', 90, 4 );
function my_woocommerce_rest_check_permissions( $permission, $context, $object_id, $post_type ){
return true;
in node js code would be
const WooCommerceRestApi = require("#woocommerce/woocommerce-rest-api").default;
const api = new WooCommerceRestApi({
url: "",
queryStringAuth: true,
version: "wc/v3"
It's sometimes an error with wordpress htaccess configuration (only if you are accessing website by https).
For some reason woocommerce want you to authorize with basic authentication when your are connecting through https which some hosting blocks so you need to unlock it.
you need to change
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]

send grid & parse 502 Bad Gateway with nginx

I am trying to migrate my parse application over to digital ocean and followed this guide :
Everything works perfectly fine until I get to the very end Test Parse Server ( Executing Example Cloud Code ) section
I tested the cloud code for the sample cloud code that was provided in the tutorial :
Parse.Cloud.define('hello', function(req, res) {
so I got a Hi back in my browser as well as in postman.
See image here :

Then I test the function that uses sendgrid's service to send emails (, my cloud code file looks like this :
see image :
and now I try to run my post request from postman and I get an error even on my hello function that was working before
See image :
So I look around and figure out that its an issue with my sendgrid import
var sendgrid = require("sendgrid");
sendgrid.initialize(“xxxxxx”, “xxxxx.”);
in these lines.
does anyone have any experience with digital ocean cloud code and send grid emailing service please help me out I will be grateful as this is the last step left and I will be done with my migration :)
you have to specify server URL in parse config file. It is required and could be the reason why you cant run cloud code.
"PARSE_SERVER_URL": "http://localhost:1337/parse"
The url has be the same what you are using. There is also error in Nginx config in that tutorial, I explained it here
So I looked up at pm2 and to see real-time logs the command is
pm2 logs
at first when I ran the command I saw some errors, maybe they were there from before :
Then I tried the hello cloud function from postman app to test for its output in pm2 logs and I got the following :
Next I try to run my sendMail sendgrid function and I find out the the api-key I had used in my sendgrid function was throwing an error
ReferenceError: XXXXXXXXXXXX is not defined
So I went back to my cloud code and used quotes around my api-key parameter and passed it as a string in my send grid initialize function. Then I retry and get
[Error: The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, or revoked]
So I went back to my sendgrid account and made sure that the api-key I was using was the correct one and it seemed to be just fine. I tested again and got the same error again so I decided to generate a new api-key just in case.
So I realize that I was not using the api-key but instead API KEY ID :
When we create a new api-key on sendgrid they give us the actual api key once and they ask us to store it in some secure place :
We can only display the key above one time. Please store it somewhere safe because as soon as you navigate away from this page, we will not be able to retrieve or restore this generated token.
So after I used an actual api-key I was able to send emails 😃
But one small issue still remains and I am not sure if its because of postman that I am using to run cloud code or something in the parse server or nginx that is still returning me with a 502 Bad Gateway as a response
But when I look at the logs for my parse server I do see a
parse-wrapper-0 { message: 'success' }
but it never gets back to me in my postman and instead I am getting a 502 error not sure why but the emails are being sent succesfully :)

Swagger Basic Authentication Issue

i am using Swagger-ui version 2.1.4, i have hosted it locally and provided it my own Json file and API it opens the document fine and lists all the method in the json file, after i put basic authentication in it, i did all changes in the Index.html changes are
function addApiKeyAuthorization(){
var key = "Basic ************";
if(key && key.trim() != "") {
var apiKeyAuth = new SwaggerClient.ApiKeyAuthorization("Authorization", key, "header");
window.swaggerUi.api.clientAuthorizations.add("Authorization", apiKeyAuth);
swaggerUi.api.clientAuthorizations.add("Authorization", apiKeyAuth);
it gives error, screen shot attached.
it gives error when it tries to authenticate swagger get data of the method with anonymous permissions from same API.
When i hit the Curl from the command prompt it bring results. It only fails in Swagger
Did Swagger have any issue with basic Authentication?
You might open up Fiddler and make the request via the browser, like you said you did, and then make the request using Swagger 2.0. Compare the requests and make 100% sure the request headers and url are the same.
