Umbraco Member Tab - How to list the members -

Requirement: I have a requirement such that, when a new user is registered in my application, his details should be stored in Umbraco Membership. I am Currently able to add the member to the umbraco site and i can see the added members under the Member Folder in the Member Tab. But the problem is if I added a person named "Vineeth", his details can only be viewed when I follow the path below
Member Tab - Member Folder - Letter "v" Folder.
Similarly for each alphabets. Is there any way that I could see them all together. The reason I wanted to get the added members together is because my workflow is "The admin has to give approval for the registered users". So its not a good process for Admin to search under each alphabetic folder for the newly added members and approve them. So is there any way to list them together. I think one option there is adding the user control and populating the details in Grid View in that user-control and then display. Is there some other way that I could use for my requirement.
I checked with the way the search functionality is implemented in the Member section. But I am not sure how does this work. I identified the aspx page. but it has the code like below. So I am not sure what logic is written in the Search button functionality. Could you please advise me how can I do this. The path I found this is
Also I would like to know how is the list populated in the Search page.


Drupal 6.x Add More Module - No end to adding more

Simple question for all of you here dealing with Drupal 6.x...
With Drupal's Add More module, is there a way to configure my webform so that there is no limit on how many of a specific fields I can add more of?
Please see my image for example:
For example, I'd like to enable the user to add as many titles as they would like. Is that doable?
Unfortunately, it's not currently possible to add unlimited "add another" functionality with webforms. And if this functionality does become a reality someday, I doubt it will be backported to the Drupal 6 version of the module. From the webform modules author (quicksketch):
there is no progress on this subject. The ability to support multiple
values requires a tremendous amount of re-architecting, including
changes to the way CSVs are generated, analysis, the database
structure, and the UI (both for administrators and users). I wouldn't
expect this feature to be added any time soon.
See this thread for more information:
I would suggest using a node and the CCK module plus rules and views to collect this information.
Anonymous users can fill out the current form
You need some way of retrieving the data that is submitted
Regular users of the site should not be able to view submissions
Very loose directions:
Create a content type and add all of the fields that your current webform contains to it. CCK has the ability to store unlimited values out of the box. On the field settings page, inside the Global Settings fieldset, select "Unlimited" for the "Number of Values" field.
Give anonymous users permission to Create [your-new-content-type] Content on the Role Permissions page.
Using the Rules module, create a new triggered rule that fires on "Content is about to be viewed" with an condition "Content has type [your-new-content-type]" and an action of redirect to homepage (or a custom error page that you created). (Note: this is a bit of a performance hit. There are better ways to restrict access to this content type, but for the sake of this tutorial, this was the easiest to explain)
Using the Views module, create a new view with Style set to Table. Add each of the fields in [your-new-content-type] in the fields section. Under "Access" choose "role" and select the role that is assigned to your user. Add a "page" display, give it a Path and save. This is the page you will use to view submissions.
Use the Rules module to send yourself (or the submitter) an email when a node of [your-new-content-type] is created.

Arrange drupal 7 people/users admin page

I want to arrange the people's section of my drupal 7 admin page. Right now, the People/users are arranged according to usernames, status, roles, member for, ....etc. I want to make it look like last name, first name, employee id, ....etc (these are custom profile fields.) Then finally I want to arrange it alphabetically according to their last name. I have tried using views but ended up with the following two issues: 1. I couldn't find the custom profile fields like the first name, last name, ...etc, and 2. I have to either create a page or block to access the results of the views page (I want to make everything in the people's page.) I would real appreciate your help!!!
If you're referring to /admin/people, you can create a page and use that path in your view, and it'll override the default /admin/people page. This is an explicit feature of the views module.
Bear in mind you'll have to mimic all the existing functionality you want to keep from the admin/people page (eg exposed filters and sorting), and make sure you set the access permissions on the view to ensure only admin users have access.
As for not being able to see custom profile fields, do you mean they're not showing up in the list of fields to select? I don't know why that would be... if you've created a view based on Users, then the fields will show up under the "User" category (User: first name, User: last name &c). I've checked my own install and everything's showing up fine. Further info?

How I can add "files available for download" to Drupal user profile page

first time here. I have searched all day for my particular issue with no luck.
I have users that have specific roles auto generated (they purchase a game). I want to display files available to their particular role on their user profile page. I just want to know how I can add a generic view or associate a panel with user profile pages. I want this to display for every user, not on a per user basis. Basically it'll act like, say, direct2drive, you log in and go to your user profile basically and see what games you bought. Seems simple but I am having a heck of a time figuring out how to do this.
I am pretty used to using views but I just don't get how to edit the user profiles like I want to.
The simplest way is to install views_attach, and create a view with a Profile display. This displays the View on the user profile pages, rather than on its own page or in a block, and will pass the user's uid to the View as an argument.
Alternatively, if you're already using comfortable using panels, you can go to admin/build/panels and enable the Users panel. This replaces the user profile page with a panel, which you can add views, nodes and blocks to as normal.

Drupal6 - Display specific View from a specific user in page

I need a help displaying a specific View result in a page which the user created it.
"User X has created a Page called My Store and UserX has products which was created in custom Content Item."
Now how do I show this UserX's products in his My Store page?
I have already made a view called User_Store_View, I added a Page Display and on Page Settings:Path, the value was "node/%".. now I guess my problem is on the Arguments?
The path should be something like my-store and it should have an argument of user id. Given your requirements I think setting the default behaviour for the argument being invalid or not being supplied to an empty result set would be the most sensible(I think the default is show all). That may be all you really need.
However, if your product is a type that you've created yourself you will need to do some behind the scenes wiring to expose all your fields to Views; it's almost always better to build a content type using CCK so it's already hooked up to Views. And D7 is a different beast in this regard, with fields part of core and whatnot, so I can't help you out there.

Drupal views & to do list

Wondered if anyone can tell me whether the following is possible within views.
I have installed To do module -
I then created my own view which lists all the tasks created in a particular Organic Group, which works lovely.
One of the fields ive added as the to do button field which gives the user the ability to mark a task as finshed from the view listing.
the problem I have is that all users part of that group can see that buton & has the ability to mark the task as finished.
Is there a way I can use views to only show that button if the current logged in user is the author of that node( to do task).
Views have different templates. In one of them all the fields are being printed. You could in that template make a check if the user is the author and then only print the todo field.
You cam click the theme information link inside the view to get a list of templates that's used and what you could call a custom template for views to use it.
This will only show content the user created. It's a pretty simple argument
