How to change css style locally and save this changes - css

i have an webapp and i need to onclick change css style, but i need to save this change in the webapp instaled into the phone of my user, and only in his phone. The javascript for onclick change css style it's working but i don't have no idea to how to save this css changes.
Can somebody help me with this?
Since now thanks

In general CSS styles can't be directly saved on an HTML client.
What you can do is make an Ajax call back to your server and save the information there. The next time the user asks for the page send HTML with the appropriate style class already on the element you wish to style based on the saved information.
There are several hackish client side possibilities involving JavaScript & cookies or local storage but I would avoid that sort of solution if at all possible since it's very likely to lead to an annoying flicker as the page loads and renders styled one way and then the JavaScript finally runs and corrects the style.

To elaborate on my comment:
el1.addEventListener('click', function() { = 'red';
localStorage['color'] =;
And then on startup:
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
if (localStorage['color']) { = localStorage['color'];
Of course, you may want to add error checking and fallbacks as appropriate.


How to make A particular Web Page Grey on certain events like when the page is offline?

Here is a an offline version of on mobile which uses progressive web applications and greys out Content when User Is offline.
And Here is an Online version without greying
So How Do they Do It?
As others mentioned, you could use an overlay placed using position: fixed above the entire HTML. However this would not allow the user to click any elements beneath the overlay, so it depends on what you are after.
In the case of Flipkart, they apply the following CSS to the <html> tag:
filter: grayscale(1);
They also apply inline style to the individual elements, such as buttons to modify their colours. This approach will still allow you to navigate the site, which will come in handy if you allow for offline functionality.
Finally you will then need to add event listeners in JavaScript to handle when the user goes online or offline, such as below.
window.addEventListener('online', function(e) {
// add your logic to update the UI when online
console.log("You are online"); = 'grayscale(0)';
}, false);
window.addEventListener('offline', function(e) {
// add your logic to update the UI when offline
console.log("You are offline"); = 'grayscale(1)';
}, false);

FlowRouter without page reload

I am following this example
When I click on my links the whole page is being reloaded. Is there any way to load only the template part that is needed and not the whole page?
Edit: Also I noted another problem. Everything that is outside {{> Template.dynamic}} is being rendered twice.
Here is my project sample.
EDIT: Putting the contents in the mainLayout template and starting the rendering from there fixed the double render problems. However the reload problems happen because of this code{
"click *": function(event, template){
console.log('body all click log');
// console.log(c0nnIp);
var clickedOne = $(;
console.log('This click ' + clickedOne);
//getting the connID
var clientIp = null // headers.getClientIP(); // no need for this anymore
var clientConnId = Meteor.connection._lastSessionId;
console.log(clientConnId);"updateDB", {clientIp,clientConnId,clickedOne}, function(error, result){
console.log("error", error);
}, // click *
Without this event attached to the template the routing works without any reloads, however as soon as I attach it the problem persists.
Do you have any ideas why this code causes such problems?
EDIT 2 following question Rev 3:
event.stopPropagation() on "click *" event probably prevents the router from intercepting the click on link.
Then your browser performs the default behaviour, i.e. navigates to that link, reloading the whole page.
EDIT following question Rev 2:
Not sure you can directly use your body as BlazeLayout target layout.
Notice in the first code sample of BlazeLayout Usage that they use an actual template as layout (<template name="layout1">), targeted in JS as BlazeLayout.render('layout1', {});.
In the tutorial you mention, they similarly use <template name="mainLayout">.
That layout template is then appended to your page's body and filled accordingly. You can also change the placeholder for that layout with BlazeLayout.setRoot() by the way.
But strange things may happen if you try to directly target the body? In particular, that may explain why you have content rendered twice.
Original answer:
If your page is actually reloaded, then your router might not be configured properly, as your link is not being intercepted and your browser makes you actually navigate to that page. In that case, we would need to see your actual code if you need further help.
In case your page does not actually reload, but only your whole content is changed (whereas you wanted to change just a part of it), then you should make sure you properly point your dynamic templates.
You can refer to kadira:blaze-layout package doc to see how you set up different dynamic template targets in your layout, and how you can change each of them separately (or several of them simultaneously).
You should have something similar in case you use kadira:react-layout package.

update CSS class dynamically for a whole website

I have a reference site for a series of books, and I'd like to make it so that readers can avoid spoilers. The idea I had was to make a setup webpage where they click on a checkbox for each book from which they want to see info. I could then store that (somehow) as a cookie for each time that they visit the site, plus have it work for each page in the site. So, one page might have this:
<li class="teotw">Rand killed a Trolloc</li>
and another page might have
<li class="teotw">Nynaeve tugged her braid</li>
and that information would not show up on the page unless they had checked the box for the "teotw" book. My initial thoughts are to do something like toggling the CSS class value like this:
document.styleSheets[0]['cssRules'][0].class['teotw'] = 'display:none';
document.styleSheets[0]['cssRules'][0].class['teotw'] = 'display:inherit';
but I'm not sure if this is the best method. Firstly, it would only apply to the current document only so I'd need a way to re-apply it to each page they visit. I'm using YUI as well, if it matters.
Any ideas on the best way of doing this?
There are many ways to implement it. You can use the YUI Stylesheet module (read its User Guide for how to use it) which will do what you're considering with cross-browser support and it's much easier to use than using the DOM directly.
Another way would be to add classes to the body of the page. You can define styles like this:
.teotw {
display: none;
.teotw-visible .teotw {
display: block;
With the following JS code:
if (someCondition) {
// show the hidden content'body').addClass('teotw-visible');
For the persistance of the visible state you can use cookies with the YUI Cookie utilty or local storage with CacheOffline. Code using cookies would look something like this:
var body ='body');
if (Y.Cookie.get('teotwVisible')) {
// change the cookie'#teotw-toggle').on('click', function (e) {
var checked = this.get('checked');
Y.Cookie.set('teotwVisible', checked);
body.toggleClass('teotw-visible', checked);
You should probably store the different sections in a JS object and avoid hard-coding class names in every JS line. Or maybe use a convention between checkboxes IDs and section class names.

Multiple reCAPTCHAs in one ASP.Net page

It is possible to add multiple reCAPTCHAS in one form? I tried doing so, even giving the multiple reCAPTCHAS different IDs, but when I load the page in the browser, only one of them is shown.
Is this by design? I need the two reCAPTCHAS because one is for Login, and the other one is for the Register form, which will be shown on the same page.
Only one Cpatcha is supported in a page at any time. What you can do is use AJAX and lod captcha after the form is loaded.
This might of some help.
After a quick google search, it appears that it's not currently possible. One suggestion I saw was to pop up a modal recaptcha just as the user submits the form. ondemandcaptcha for Ruby.
I was initially lead by this thread to believe there is no simple answer, but after digging through the Recaptcha ajax library I can tell you this isn't true! TLDR, working jsfiddle:
It's possible to overwrite the Recaptcha callbacks to do whatever you want with the challenge. You don't even need a proxy div because with the overwrites the DOM code won't execute. Call Recaptcha.reload() whenever you want to trigger the callbacks again.
function doSomething(challenge){
$('img.recaptcha').attr('src', '//'+challenge);
//Called on Recaptcha.reload()
Recaptcha.finish_reload = function(challenge,b,c){
//Called on page load
Recaptcha.challenge_callback = function(){
It is now possible to do this easily with explicit recaptcha creation. See my answer here:
How do I show multiple recaptchas on a single page?
It's not too difficult to load each Recaptcha only when needed using the Recaptcha AJAX API, see my post here:
How do I show multiple recaptchas on a single page?
the captcha has an img element #recaptcha_challenge_image element , so after you set the recaptcha in one div say "regCaptch",get that img src attr
,set your other captcha div html to the old one html and then set the #recaptcha_challenge_image src to the src you get , here is a working example
var reCaptcha_src = $('#recaptcha_challenge_image').attr('src');

UpdatePanel - Any ideas on how to avoid a flicker in UI? - ASP.NET/Jquery

I have rather a complex UI. However, for the purpose of this question, let's say that there is a HTML table that renders UILayout1 by default (say default mode). There is a button that a user can use to toggle between the default mode and a preview mode (UILayout2)
When in preview mode, there are some columns in the table that are invisible and there are reordering of rows. I am using JS (jquery) on load to check the mode and change it accordingly.
The table and the toggle button are in UpdatePanels.
Functionally, everything works as expected. However, when a user toggles between default and preview mode or vice versa, there is this short time interval in which the the table renders in default and then JS runs to make changes.
This results in degraded UI experience. Are there any creative ways to avoid this "flicker"?
you can use DIVs or don't use update panel in your UI generation use any concept else
The problem is likely to be that your code is running on load. I'm assuming that you're doing this using the standard jQuery method of running code on load, and not using the window's onload event. In any case, even using jQuerys $(document).ready(...) will be too slow if you have a lot of other javascript files to load, as the .ready event isn't fired on the document until all javascript includes have loaded.
You should be able to work around the issue by including your code that modifies the table just after the html for the table in your page and not running it on load i.e. make sure you don't wrap it in $(document).ready(...);
For this approach to work, you will need to have all javascript required by the code which is modifying the table included earlier in the page.
If you have other non-essential javascript files included, you should try to include them later in the page.
I'm not 100% sure how being inside an update panel will affect it - you will need to make sure that your code is being re-triggered when the updatepanel updates, but I believe this should all happen automatically.
Presumably your UI is controlled by CSS? You might be able to get rid of the flickering by adding something like this at the start of your JavaScript or in the <head> of your HTML:
if (previewMode) {
document.documentElement.className = 'preview';
Then if you modify your CSS rules that apply to your preview mode to reflect the HTML element having the class="preview" to something like:
.preview table .defaultMode {
hopefully your table should render correctly first time and will not need to be re-drawn.
