flot plots interfering with each other - plot

and thank you once again for your expert support. I have a rather nice implementation of flot, that has one very unfortunate bug. The plot routine works in a loop, so it creates as many plots as there are data files, that pass muster, in the directory. If there is only one data file, then only one plot, the resulting flot plot works fine and the check boxes turn the lines on and off as expected. If I have more than one data file and hence more than one flot plot.. only the bottom one seems to work correctly, the remainder lock up after either one toggle or none.
Can someone give me an idea how to create the flot plots so they do not interfere? I have read elsewhere that the function name does not need to be different, but have not verified this, and I did change the labels, but this added additional weirdness.
Quite a long code.. but it gives you most of what I know...
The first section here actually builds the data sets for flot... then the rest creates the plot...
<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
var results = [
$downsample = 5;
for($k=0;$k<2; $k++){
//$k =0 is Left, $k = 1 is right
if ($k==0){
$side = "L";
$offset = 1;
} elseif ($k==1) {
$side = "R";
$offset = 0;
for ($m = 1; $m <= count($trackdata)-1; $m++){
echo "\n{\n\"label\": \"".$m.$side."\",\n"; //echo "\n{\n\"label\": \"".$m." ".$side."\",\n";
echo "\"data\": [";
for ($n=1;$n<=count($PSD[$m*3-2]);$n=$n+$downsample){
$tmp = "[".$PSD[$m*3-2][$n].",".$PSD[$m*3-$offset][$n]."]";
echo $tmp;
if ($n > count($PSD[$m*3-2])-$downsample){
echo "]}";
} else {
echo ",";
if ($m <> count($trackdata)-1){
echo ",";
} else if ($k<1){
echo ",";
echo "];";
var options = {
legend: {
show: true
series: {
points: {
show: false
lines: {
show: true
grid: {
hoverable: true
xaxis: {
yaxis: {
var i = 0;
var track = 0;
choiceContainer = $("#labeler<?php echo $i ?>");
var table = $('<table />');
var row = $('<tr/>');
var cell = $('<td width=\"100\"/>');
var temp = $(table);
$.each(results, function(key, val) {
track = track + 1;
val.color = i;
l = val.label;
if (track == 1){
cell.append('Left Channel');
} else if(track == <?php echo $tracks ?>){
row = $('<tr/>');
cell = $('<td width=\"100\">');
cell.append('Right Channel');
} //else if ((track == 7) or (track == 14) or (track == 21) or (track == 28) or (track == 35)){
cell = $('<td width=\"60\"/>');
var bar = $('<div style=\"width:18px; white-space:nowrap; float:left\"><bar />');
var inp = $('<input name="' + l + '" id="' + l + '" type="checkbox" checked="checked">');
var bits = $('<label>', {
text: l,
'for': l
function plotAccordingToChoices() {
var data = [];
choiceContainer.find("input:checked").each(function() {
var key = this.name;
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
if (results[i].label === key) {
return true;
$.plot($("#placeholder<?php echo $i ?>"), data, options);
var previousPoint = null;
$("#placeholder<?php echo $i ?>").bind("plothover", function(event, pos, item) {
if (item) {
if (previousPoint != item.datapoint) {
previousPoint = item.datapoint;
var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2),
y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2);
showTooltip(item.pageX, item.pageY, item.series.label + " $" + y);
} else {
previousPoint = null;
function showTooltip(x, y, contents) {
$('<div id="tooltip">' + contents + '</div>').css({
position: 'absolute',
display: 'none',
top: y + 5,
left: x + 15,
border: '1px solid #fdd',
padding: '2px',
backgroundColor: '#fee',
opacity: 0.80
$('.legendColorBox > div').each(function(i){

Okay.. so the dust settled and I did sort out my issue, along with cleaning up a few things. First of all, I created a function for the plot routine. This uncovered the issue I was having, where I was reusing the same variables for the divs into which the data was going, hence the mixed up results. By creating the function, and then driving the function with custom variables for each iteration, the plots operate independently as they should. – Mark
function flotplot(results, choiceContainer, plotholder, numtracks, legendcontainer){
// pass in results, choicecontainer, plotholder
// results = data
// choiceContainer = $("#labeler1");
// plotholder = $("#placeholder0");
var options = {
legend: {
show: true,
container: legendcontainer,
noColumns: 2,
sorted: false
series: {
points: {
show: false
lines: {
show: true
grid: {
hoverable: true
xaxes: [{
axisLabel: 'Frequency (Hz)',
yaxes: [{
axisLabel: 'Power (dB)',
crosshair: {
mode: "xy",
color: 001,
lineWidth: .5
var i = 0;
var track = 0;
var table = $('<table />');
var row = $('<tr/>');
var cell = $('<td width=\"100\"/>');
var temp = $(table);
$.each(results, function(key, val) {
track = track + 1;
val.color = i;
l = val.label;
if (track == 1){
cell.append('Left Channel');
} else if(track == numtracks){
row = $('<tr/>');
cell = $('<td width=\"100\">');
cell.append('Right Channel');
} //else if ((track == 7) or (track == 14) or (track == 21) or (track == 28) or (track == 35)){
cell = $('<td width=\"70\"/>');
var bar = $('<div style=\"width:18px; white-space:nowrap; float:left\"><bar />');
var inp = $('<input name="' + l + '" id="' + l + '" type="checkbox" checked="checked">');
var bits = $('<label>', {
text: l,
'for': l
function plotAccordingToChoices() {
var data = [];
choiceContainer.find("input:checked").each(function() {
var key = this.name;
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
if (results[i].label === key) {
return true;
$.plot(plotholder, data, options);
var previousPoint = null;
plotholder.bind("plothover", function(event, pos, item) {
if (item) {
if (previousPoint != item.datapoint) {
previousPoint = item.datapoint;
var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2),
y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2);
showTooltip(item.pageX, item.pageY, item.series.label + " " + y + "dB");
} else {
previousPoint = null;
function showTooltip(x, y, contents) {
$('<div id="tooltip">' + contents + '</div>').css({
position: 'absolute',
display: 'none',
top: y + 5,
left: x + 15,
border: '1px solid #fdd',
padding: '2px',
backgroundColor: '#fee',
opacity: 0.80
$('.legendColorBox > div').each(function(i){
Here is the structure into which it writes:
echo "<div id=\"placeholder".$i."\" class=\"loading\" style=\"width:600px;height:300px;display: inline; position: relative; float: left\"></div>";
echo "<div id=\"legendholder".$i."\" class=\"loading\" style=\"width:200px; height:300px; display: inline; position: relative; float: left\"></div>";
echo "<div id=\"picker1\" style=\"clear: both\"><p id=\"choices".$i."\">Show the following Tracks:</p></div>";
echo "<div id=\"labeler".$i."\"></div>";


Leaflet-markercluster default icons missing

Default icons not showing for MarkerCluster plugin after using IconCreateFunction.
I want to use the default icons for the plugin but when using attached code I loose all the icons functions, I only get the numbers with no icons and if I activate the "childCount" I get one type of circle with the numbers offcenter within the icon. The markers has already been clustered and I want to add this value to the markercluster that is why I'm using the IconCreateFuncton so the numbers on the map shows correctly but I have lost all the icons and its beautiful functions... what is missing?
Result below using "var childCount"
$.getJSON("../test/test.geojson", function(json) {
geoLayer = L.geoJson(json, {
pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) {
var log_p = feature.properties.log_p;
var marker;
if (log_p > 0){
marker = new L.shapeMarker(latlng, {radius: log_p*25, fillColor: '#2b83ba', fillOpacity: 0.5, color: '#000000', weight: 1, shape: 'circle'});
else {
marker = null
return marker;
onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) {
var popupText = "Amount per day: " + '<b>' + feature.properties.total + '</b>';
layer.bindPopup(popupText, {
closeButton: true,
offset: L.point(0, -20)
layer.on('click', function() {
var markers = new L.MarkerClusterGroup({
iconCreateFunction: function(cluster) {
var children = cluster.getAllChildMarkers();
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
sum += children[i].feature.properties.total;
var childCount = cluster.getAllChildMarkers();
var c = ' marker-cluster-';
if (childCount < 10) {
c += 'small';
} else if (childCount < 500) {
c += 'medium';
} else {
c += 'large';
return new L.DivIcon({ html: '<b>' + sum + '</b>', className: 'marker-cluster'/* + c */, iconSize: new L.Point(40, 40) });
Markercluster icons, styles and functions are lost
I manage to solve the problem, a few lines of code was missing. I added them to the original JavaScript code as follows.
$.getJSON("../test/test.geojson", function(json) {
geoLayer = L.geoJson(json, {
pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) {
var log_p = feature.properties.log_p;
var marker;
if (log_p > 0) {
marker = new L.shapeMarker(latlng, {
radius: log_p * 25,
fillColor: '#2b83ba',
fillOpacity: 0.5,
color: '#000000',
weight: 1,
shape: 'circle'
} else {
marker = null
return marker;
onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) {
var popupText = "Amount per day: " + '<b>' + feature.properties.total + '</b>';
layer.bindPopup(popupText, {
closeButton: true,
offset: L.point(0, -20)
layer.on('click', function() {
var clusters = new L.MarkerClusterGroup({
maxClusterRadius: 125,
iconCreateFunction: function(cluster) {
var children = cluster.getAllChildMarkers();
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
sum += children[i].feature.properties.total;
var childCount = cluster.getChildCount()
var c = ' marker-cluster-';
if (childCount + sum <= 50) {
c += 'small';
} else if (childCount + sum <= 250) {
c += 'medium';
} else {
c += 'large';
return new L.DivIcon({
html: '<div><span>' + sum + '</span></div>',
className: 'marker-cluster marker-cluster-' + c,
iconSize: new L.Point(40, 40)

How delete vertex (node) on Polygon with Hole (Google Maps V3)

I have taken this example (solution) from Ian Grainger, but I added a Polygon with inner hole.
This example work fine for outer vertex path, but not for inner vertex path.
I need implement event Listener for internal and external node, because on fire event on internal vertex, delete external vertex. It doesn't work well.
Can someone provide some sample on how to solve this issue?
One of your issues is polygon with a hole in it has multiple (in this case two) paths, and you aren't adding listeners for changes on both paths. Below is a proof of concept, it isn't perfect, sometimes markers are orphaned, but should be a starting point. Double click on the blue markers underneath the vertices to delete them (I couldn't get your "X" to reliably work).
proof of concept fiddle
updated proof of concept with white markers
code snippet:
var G = google.maps;
var zoom = 8;
var centerPoint = new G.LatLng(37.286172, -121.80929);
var map;
$(function() {
// create options object
var myOptions = {
center: centerPoint,
zoom: zoom,
mapTypeId: G.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
// create map with options
map = new G.Map($("#map_canvas")[0], myOptions);
function addPolygon(map) {
var paths = [
[new G.LatLng(37.686172, -122.20929),
new G.LatLng(37.696172, -121.40929),
new G.LatLng(36.706172, -121.40929),
new G.LatLng(36.716172, -122.20929),
new G.LatLng(37.686172, -122.20929)
[new G.LatLng(37.486172, -122.00929),
new G.LatLng(37.086172, -122.00929),
new G.LatLng(37.086172, -121.60929),
new G.LatLng(37.486172, -121.60929),
new G.LatLng(37.486172, -122.00929)
poly = new G.Polygon({
clickable: false,
paths: paths,
map: map
G.event.addListener(poly.getPaths().getAt(0), 'insert_at', addClickMarker0);
G.event.addListener(poly.getPaths().getAt(1), 'insert_at', addClickMarker1);
function polygonBinder(poly) {
poly.binder0 = new MVCArrayBinder(poly.getPaths().getAt(0));
poly.binder1 = new MVCArrayBinder(poly.getPaths().getAt(1));
poly.markers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < poly.getPaths().getLength(); i++) {
poly.markers[i] = [];
for (var j = 0; j < poly.getPaths().getAt(i).getLength(); j++) {
var mark = new G.Marker({
map: map,
icon: {
path: G.SymbolPath.CIRCLE,
scale: 8,
strokeWeight: 2,
strokeColor: 'blue',
fillColor: 'blue',
fillOpacity: 1
draggable: true,
title: "double click to delete [" + i + "," + j + "]",
position: poly.getPaths().getAt(i).getAt(j)
poly.markers[i][j] = mark;
mark.bindTo('position', poly["binder" + i], (j).toString());
G.event.addListener(mark, "dblclick", deleteMark);
function addClickMarker0(index) {
addClickMarker(index, 0);
function addClickMarker1(index) {
addClickMarker(index, 1);
function deleteMark(evt) {
var minDist = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var minPathIdx = -1;
var minIdx = -1;
var i, j;
for (i = 0; i < poly.getPaths().getLength(); i++) {
for (j = 0; j < poly.getPaths().getAt(i).getLength(); j++) {
var distance = G.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(evt.latLng, poly.getPaths().getAt(i).getAt(j));
if (distance < minDist) {
minDist = distance;
minPathIdx = i;
minIdx = j;
if (distance < 10) {
document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = "deleted path=" + i + " idx=" + j + " dist<10 minDist=" + minDist + " meters";
if ((i == poly.getPaths().getLength()) && (j == poly.getPaths(i - 1).getLength())) {
document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = "deleted path=" + minPathIdx + " idx=" + minIdx + " dist=" + minDist + " meters";
function addClickMarker(index, pathIdx) {
var path = this;
// rebind binder
for (var i = 0; i < poly.markers[pathIdx].length; i++) {
poly.markers[pathIdx] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < poly.getPaths().getAt(pathIdx).getLength(); i++) {
var mark = new G.Marker({
map: map,
icon: {
path: G.SymbolPath.CIRCLE,
scale: 8,
strokeWeight: 2,
strokeColor: 'blue',
fillColor: 'blue',
fillOpacity: 1
draggable: true,
title: "double click to delete [" + pathIdx + "," + i + "]",
position: poly.getPaths().getAt(pathIdx).getAt(i)
poly.markers[pathIdx][i] = mark;
mark.bindTo('position', poly["binder" + pathIdx], (i).toString());
G.event.addListener(mark, "dblclick", deleteMark);
function MVCArrayBinder(mvcArray) {
this.array_ = mvcArray;
MVCArrayBinder.prototype = new google.maps.MVCObject();
MVCArrayBinder.prototype.get = function(key) {
if (!isNaN(parseInt(key))) {
return this.array_.getAt(parseInt(key));
} else {
MVCArrayBinder.prototype.set = function(key, val) {
if (!isNaN(parseInt(key))) {
this.array_.setAt(parseInt(key), val);
} else {
this.array_.set(key, val);
#map_canvas {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?libraries=drawing,geometry"></script>
<div id="info"></div>
<div id="map_canvas" style="width:100%; height:100%"></div>

Ext5 : Pie chart being cut off when hovering

I am using Ext5 pie chart.
When I mouse hover the pie chart it is being cut off.
The code for the pie chart is given below.
type: 'pie',
field: 'item1',
renderer: function(sprite, config, rendererData, index) {
var record = rendererData.store.getAt(rendererData.series.sprites.indexOf(sprite));
var name = record.get('name');
var color = chartObj.baseThemeColors[name];
} else {
color = chartObj.getRandomColor();
chartObj.baseThemeColors[name] = color;
return Ext.apply(rendererData, {
fill: color
return rendererData;
subStyle: {
strokeStyle: 'white',
insertPadding: '50',
lineWidth: '0.5'
highlight: {
segment: {
margin: 20
tooltip: {
trackMouse: true,
width: 'auto',
height: 40,
renderer: function(storeItem, item) {
//calculate percentage.
var total = 0;
var idType = storeItem.get('type');
chartStore.each(function(rec) {
total += rec.get('item1');
if(storeItem.get('item1') == 0){
}else {
var pct = ((storeItem.get('item1')/total) * 100).toFixed(0);
var tipText = pct + '% (' + storeItem.get('item1') + ' of ' + total + ')<br/>' + storeItem.get('name')
label: {
field: 'name',
display: 'rotate',
font: '14px Arial',
renderer: function(text, sprite, config, rendererData, index){
var item = rendererData.store.getAt(index);
var total = 0,
idType = item.get('type'),
labelText = "";
chartStore.each(function(rec) {
total += rec.get('item1');
if(item.get('item1') == 0){
labelText = '';
} else {
var pct = ((item.get('item1') / total) * 100).toFixed(0);
labelText = text + ' ' + pct+'%';
} else {
labelText = '';
return labelText;
Here is the image of the issue.
As you can see top of the 'negative' slice is being cut off when mouse hovering. And I cannot remove that slice moving animation when hovering.
Is there any solution for this?
Thanks in advance.
Try setting
trackMouse: false
Instead of
trackMouse: true

Why the Text Header doesn't move when i scroll the grid?

i´m using Obout grid - Column Sets
There are two possibles scenarios.
1.- The Text Header moves when i scroll the grid and i set in the scrollingSetting
the property NumberOfFixedColumns to 0 , here everything works fine.
2.- The Text Header doesn´t moves when i scroll the grid and i set in the scrollingSetting
the property NumberOfFixedColumns different to 0
So i wanna use a fixed column but it doesn´t work properly.
The code use for this in the web page:
<link href="../App_Themes/Theme7/styles/oboutgrid/column-set.css" rel="stylesheet"
type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function () {
//Grid1.addColumnSet(level, startColumnIndex, endColumnIndex, text);
grdCatalogo.addColumnSetScrollGrid(0, 0, 8, '');
grdCatalogo.addColumnSetScrollGrid(0, 9, 10, 'Cliente');
the code of the column-set.js:
oboutGrid.prototype.addColumnSetScrollGrid = function (level, startColumnIndex, endColumnIndex, text) {
if (typeof (this.GridColumnSetsContainer) == 'undefined') {
this.GridColumnSetsContainer = document.createElement('DIV');
this.GridColumnSetsContainer.className = 'ob_gCSContScroll';
this.GridColumnSetsContainer.style.width = this.GridMainContainer.style.width;
if (typeof (this.ColumnSets) == 'undefined') {
this.ColumnSets = new Array();
if (typeof (this.ColumnSets[level]) == 'undefined') {
this.ColumnSets[level] = new Array();
this.GridHeaderContainer.firstChild.style.marginTop = (level + 1) * 25 + 'px';
var levelContainer = document.createElement('DIV');
levelContainer.className = "ob_gCSContLevel";
levelContainer.style.width = this.GridHeaderContainer.firstChild.firstChild.offsetWidth + 'px';
// if ($(this.GridMainContainer).css('width') <= $(this.GridColumnSetsContainer).css('width')) {
// var newWidth = $(this.GridColumnSetsContainer).css('width') - $(this.GridMainContainer).css('width');
// $(this.GridColumnSetsContainer).css('width',newWidth);
// }
var columnSet = document.createElement('DIV');
columnSet.className = 'ob_gCSet';
//var position = this.GridHeaderContainer.position();
var position = this.GridHeaderContainer.getBoundingClientRect()
var top = position.top;
var left = position.left;
$(this.GridColumnSetsContainer).css({ "top": top });
$(this.GridColumnSetsContainer).css({ "margin-left": left });
var columnSetContent = document.createElement('DIV');
columnSetContent.innerHTML = text;
columnSet.style.width = columnSetWidth + 'px';
if (endColumnIndex < this.ColumnsCollection.length - 1) {
var tempLevel = level;
if (!(level == 0 || this.GridHeaderContainer.firstChild.childNodes[endColumnIndex + 1].style.top)) {
tempLevel -= 1;
var newTop = (-1 - tempLevel) * (25);
this.GridHeaderContainer.firstChild.childNodes[endColumnIndex + 1].style.top = newTop + 'px';
if (this.ColumnsCollection.lenght != 0) {
var columnSetWidth = 0;
for (var i = startColumnIndex; i <= endColumnIndex; i++) {
if (this.ColumnsCollection[i] != null && this.ColumnsCollection[i] != 'undefined' && this.ColumnsCollection[i].Visible) {
columnSetWidth += this.ColumnsCollection[i].Width;
columnSet.style.width = columnSetWidth + 'px';
var columnSetObject = new Object();
columnSetObject.Level = level;
columnSetObject.StartColumnIndex = startColumnIndex;
columnSetObject.EndColumnIndex = endColumnIndex;
columnSetObject.ColumnSet = columnSet;
oboutGrid.prototype.resizeColumnSets = function () {
for (var level = 0; level < this.ColumnSets.length; level++) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.ColumnSets[level].length; i++) {
var columnSetWidth = 0;
for (var j = this.ColumnSets[level][i].StartColumnIndex; j <= this.ColumnSets[level] [i].EndColumnIndex; j++) {
if (this.ColumnsCollection[j].Visible) {
columnSetWidth += this.ColumnsCollection[j].Width;
this.ColumnSets[level][i].ColumnSet.style.width = columnSetWidth + 'px';
oboutGrid.prototype.resizeColumnOld = oboutGrid.prototype.resizeColumn;
oboutGrid.prototype.resizeColumn = function (columnIndex, amountToResize, keepGridWidth) {
this.resizeColumnOld(columnIndex, amountToResize, keepGridWidth);
oboutGrid.prototype.synchronizeBodyHorizontalScrollingOld = oboutGrid.prototype.synchronizeBodyHorizontalScrolling;
oboutGrid.prototype.synchronizeBodyHorizontalScrolling = function () {
//this.GridColumnSetsContainer.style.marginLeft = -1 * this.GridBodyContainer.firstChild.scrollLeft + 'px';
this.GridHeaderContainer.firstChild.style.marginLeft = -1 * this.GridBodyContainer.firstChild.scrollLeft + 'px';
this.GridColumnSetsContainer.scrollLeft = this.GridBodyContainer.firstChild.scrollLeft;
The css file:
position: absolute !important;
/*top: 17px !important;*/
left: 0px !important;
right: 0px !important;
overflow: hidden;
width: 1179px;
margin-left: 47px;
/* A column set row (level) */
height: 25px !important;
background-image: url(column-set.png);
background-repeat: repeat-x;
background-color: #A8AEBD;
/* The column set for a number of columns */
color: #01354D;
font-family: Verdana;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: bold;
float: left;
text-align: center;
/* The text of a column set */
.ob_gCSet div
margin-left: 20px;
margin-top: 3px;
/* The separator between two column sets */
top: -25px !important;
.ob_gHCont, .ob_gHContWG
z-index: 10 !important;
overflow: visible !important;
I have found the solution, i had to modify the next files:
1.- I had to add the next line in the method addColumnSet of the column-set.js file :
I added it just after this line:
this.GridColumnSetsContainer.className = 'ob_gCSCont';
2.- i had to modify the next function : oboutGrid.prototype.synchronizeFixedColumns that is in the oboutgrid_scrolling.js file, and the method with all the changes is the next one, this method is called every time that that the user scroll the grid and the property NumberOrFixedColumns of the tag ScrollSetting that is inside of the grids tag is different of zero:
oboutGrid.prototype.synchronizeFixedColumns = function() {
var b = this.HorizontalScroller.firstChild.scrollLeft;
if (this.PreviousScrollLeft == b) return;
else this.PreviousScrollLeft = b;
var g = parseInt(this.ScrollWidth);
if (this.FixedColumnsPosition == 1) {
for (var f = this.getVisibleColumnsWidth(false), c = false, a = this.NumberOfFixedColumns; a < this.ColumnsCollection.length - 1; a++)
if (f > g) {
if (this.ColumnsCollection[a].Visible)
if (b >= this.ScrolledColumnsWidth) {
this.hideColumn(a, false, false);
f = this.getVisibleColumnsWidth(false);
document.getElementById("BarraScroll").scrollLeft = b + this.ColumnsCollection[a].Width;
. c = true
} else break
} else break;
if (!c)
for (var a = this.ColumnsCollection.length - 2; a >= this.NumberOfFixedColumns; a--)
if (this.ColumnsCollection[a].RealVisible == true && this.ColumnsCollection[a].Visible == false)
if (b <= this.ScrolledColumnsWidth - this.ColumnsCollection[a].Width) {
document.getElementById("BarraScroll").scrollLeft = b;
this.showColumn(a, false, false);
} else break
} else {
for (var e = false, c = false, d = this.getFixedColumnsWidth() - this.PreviousFixedColumnsWidth, a = 1; a < this.ColumnsCollection.length - this.NumberOfFixedColumns; a++)
if (this.ColumnsCollection[a].RealVisible == true && this.ColumnsCollection[a].Visible == false)
if (b - d >= this.ScrolledColumnsWidth) {
document.getElementById("BarraScroll").scrollLeft = b + this.ColumnsCollection[a].Width;
this.showColumn(a, false, false);
e = true
} else break;
var h = false;
if (!e)
for (var a = this.ColumnsCollection.length - this.NumberOfFixedColumns - 1; a > 0; a--)
if (this.ColumnsCollection[a].Visible)
if (b - d <= this.ScrolledColumnsWidth - this.ColumnsCollection[a].Width) {
document.getElementById("BarraScroll").scrollLeft = b;
this.hideColumn(a, false, false);
d = this.getFixedColumnsWidth() - this.PreviousFixedColumnsWidth;
c = true
} else break;
if (e || c) {
if (b == 0) {
this.PreviousFixedColumnsWidth = this.getFixedColumnsWidth();
this.ScrolledColumnsIndexes = ",";

Set fixed width to Nivo Slider

I've installed Nivo Slider using the code from the demo included in the free download.
All of the images I am including in the slider are 800 pixels wide.
However, they are being resized to 1440 pixels wide. Extra code is being inserted:
<img src="images/bar.jpg" data-thumb="images/bar.jpg" alt="" title="" style="display: none; width: 1440px;">
I have searched the CSS and JS and can find no mention of 1440.
Where is this width being set?
Nivo Slider is responsive by default, if you want to limit the sliders width, use the below class in your CSS
.slider-wrapper.theme-default {
width: 800px; /* Desired width */
The above will work if you are using default theme of nivo slider, if you are using some other theme, than simply change the .theme-default to theme specific class which is assigned to the slider wrapper.
Use my custom nivo script code
* jQuery Nivo Slider v2.5.1
* http://nivo.dev7studios.com
* Copyright 2011, Gilbert Pellegrom
* Free to use and abuse under the MIT license.
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* March 2010
(function($) {
var NivoSlider = function(element, options) {
var settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.nivoSlider.defaults, options);
var vars = {
currentSlide : 0,
currentImage : '',
totalSlides : 0,
randAnim : '',
running : false,
paused : false,
stop : false
var slider = $(element);
slider.data('nivo:vars', vars);
slider.css('position', 'relative');
var kids = slider.children();
kids.each(function() {
var child = $(this);
var link = '';
if (!child.is('img')) {
if (child.is('a')) {
link = child;
child = child.find('img:first');
var childWidth = child.width();
if (childWidth == 0)
childWidth = child.attr('width');
var childHeight = child.height();
if (childHeight == 0)
childHeight = child.attr('height');
if (childWidth > slider.width()) {
if (childHeight > slider.height()) {
if (link != '') {
link.css('display', 'none');
child.css('display', 'none');
if (settings.startSlide > 0) {
if (settings.startSlide >= vars.totalSlides)
settings.startSlide = vars.totalSlides - 1;
vars.currentSlide = settings.startSlide;
if ($(kids[vars.currentSlide]).is('img')) {
vars.currentImage = $(kids[vars.currentSlide]);
} else {
vars.currentImage = $(kids[vars.currentSlide]).find('img:first');
if ($(kids[vars.currentSlide]).is('a')) {
$(kids[vars.currentSlide]).css('display', 'block');
'background' : 'url("' + vars.currentImage.attr('src') + '") no-repeat',
'background-size' : settings.backgroundSize
slider.append($('<div class="nivo-caption"><p></p></div>').css({
display : 'none',
opacity : settings.captionOpacity
var processCaption = function(settings) {
var nivoCaption = $('.nivo-caption', slider);
if (vars.currentImage.attr('title') != '') {
var title = vars.currentImage.attr('title');
if (title.substr(0, 1) == '#')
title = $(title).html();
if (nivoCaption.css('display') == 'block') {
nivoCaption.find('p').fadeOut(settings.animSpeed, function() {
} else {
} else {
var timer = 0;
if (!settings.manualAdvance && kids.length > 1) {
timer = setInterval(function() {
nivoRun(slider, kids, settings, false);
}, settings.pauseTime);
if (settings.directionNav) {
slider.append('<div class="nivo-directionNav"><a class="nivo-prevNav">' + settings.prevText + '</a><a class="nivo-nextNav">' + settings.nextText + '</a></div>');
if (settings.directionNavHide) {
$('.nivo-directionNav', slider).hide();
slider.hover(function() {
$('.nivo-directionNav', slider).show();
}, function() {
$('.nivo-directionNav', slider).hide();
$('a.nivo-prevNav', slider).live('click', function() {
if (vars.running)
return false;
timer = '';
vars.currentSlide -= 2;
nivoRun(slider, kids, settings, 'prev');
$('a.nivo-nextNav', slider).live('click', function() {
if (vars.running)
return false;
timer = '';
nivoRun(slider, kids, settings, 'next');
if (settings.controlNav) {
var nivoControl = $('<div class="nivo-controlNav"></div>');
for (var i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) {
if (settings.controlNavThumbs) {
var child = kids.eq(i);
if (!child.is('img')) {
child = child.find('img:first');
if (settings.controlNavThumbsFromRel) {
nivoControl.append('<a class="nivo-control" rel="' + i + '"><img src="' + child.attr('rel') + '" alt="" /></a>');
} else {
nivoControl.append('<a class="nivo-control" rel="' + i + '"><img src="' + child.attr('src').replace(settings.controlNavThumbsSearch, settings.controlNavThumbsReplace) + '" alt="" /></a>');
} else {
nivoControl.append('<a class="nivo-control" rel="' + i + '">' + (i + 1) + '</a>');
$('.nivo-controlNav a:eq(' + vars.currentSlide + ')', slider).addClass('active');
$('.nivo-controlNav a', slider).live('click', function() {
if (vars.running)
return false;
if ($(this).hasClass('active'))
return false;
timer = '';
'background' : 'url("' + vars.currentImage.attr('src') + '") no-repeat',
'background-size' : settings.backgroundSize
vars.currentSlide = $(this).attr('rel') - 1;
nivoRun(slider, kids, settings, 'control');
if (settings.keyboardNav) {
$(window).keypress(function(event) {
if (event.keyCode == '37') {
if (vars.running)
return false;
timer = '';
vars.currentSlide -= 2;
nivoRun(slider, kids, settings, 'prev');
if (event.keyCode == '39') {
if (vars.running)
return false;
timer = '';
nivoRun(slider, kids, settings, 'next');
if (settings.pauseOnHover) {
slider.hover(function() {
vars.paused = true;
timer = '';
}, function() {
vars.paused = false;
if (timer == '' && !settings.manualAdvance) {
timer = setInterval(function() {
nivoRun(slider, kids, settings, false);
}, settings.pauseTime);
slider.bind('nivo:animFinished', function() {
vars.running = false;
$(kids).each(function() {
if ($(this).is('a')) {
$(this).css('display', 'none');
if ($(kids[vars.currentSlide]).is('a')) {
$(kids[vars.currentSlide]).css('display', 'block');
if (timer == '' && !vars.paused && !settings.manualAdvance) {
timer = setInterval(function() {
nivoRun(slider, kids, settings, false);
}, settings.pauseTime);
var createSlices = function(slider, settings, vars) {
for (var i = 0; i < settings.slices; i++) {
var sliceWidth = Math.round(slider.width() / settings.slices);
if (i == settings.slices - 1) {
slider.append($('<div class="nivo-slice"></div>').css({
left : (sliceWidth * i) + 'px',
width : (slider.width() - (sliceWidth * i)) + 'px',
height : '0px',
opacity : '0',
background : 'url("' + vars.currentImage.attr('src') + '") no-repeat -' + ((sliceWidth + (i * sliceWidth)) - sliceWidth) + 'px 0%',
'background-size': settings.backgroundSize
} else {
slider.append($('<div class="nivo-slice"></div>').css({
left : (sliceWidth * i) + 'px',
width : sliceWidth + 'px',
height : '0px',
opacity : '0',
background : 'url("' + vars.currentImage.attr('src') + '") no-repeat -' + ((sliceWidth + (i * sliceWidth)) - sliceWidth) + 'px 0%',
'background-size': settings.backgroundSize
var createBoxes = function(slider, settings, vars) {
var boxWidth = Math.round(slider.width() / settings.boxCols);
var boxHeight = Math.round(slider.height() / settings.boxRows);
for (var rows = 0; rows < settings.boxRows; rows++) {
for (var cols = 0; cols < settings.boxCols; cols++) {
if (cols == settings.boxCols - 1) {
slider.append($('<div class="nivo-box"></div>').css({
opacity : 0,
left : (boxWidth * cols) + 'px',
top : (boxHeight * rows) + 'px',
width : (slider.width() - (boxWidth * cols)) + 'px',
height : boxHeight + 'px',
background : 'url("' + vars.currentImage.attr('src') + '") no-repeat -' + ((boxWidth + (cols * boxWidth)) - boxWidth) + 'px -' + ((boxHeight + (rows * boxHeight)) - boxHeight) + 'px',
'background-size': settings.backgroundSize
} else {
slider.append($('<div class="nivo-box"></div>').css({
opacity : 0,
left : (boxWidth * cols) + 'px',
top : (boxHeight * rows) + 'px',
width : boxWidth + 'px',
height : boxHeight + 'px',
background : 'url("' + vars.currentImage.attr('src') + '") no-repeat -' + ((boxWidth + (cols * boxWidth)) - boxWidth) + 'px -' + ((boxHeight + (rows * boxHeight)) - boxHeight) + 'px',
'background-size': settings.backgroundSize
var nivoRun = function(slider, kids, settings, nudge) {
var vars = slider.data('nivo:vars');
if (vars && (vars.currentSlide == vars.totalSlides - 1)) {
if ((!vars || vars.stop) && !nudge)
return false;
if (!nudge) {
slider.css({'background':'url("' + vars.currentImage.attr('src') + '") no-repeat','background-size': settings.backgroundSize });
} else {
if (nudge == 'prev') {
slider.css({'background':'url("' + vars.currentImage.attr('src') + '") no-repeat','background-size': settings.backgroundSize });
if (nudge == 'next') {
slider.css({'background':'url("' + vars.currentImage.attr('src') + '") no-repeat','background-size': settings.backgroundSize });
if (vars.currentSlide == vars.totalSlides) {
vars.currentSlide = 0;
if (vars.currentSlide < 0)
vars.currentSlide = (vars.totalSlides - 1);
if ($(kids[vars.currentSlide]).is('img')) {
vars.currentImage = $(kids[vars.currentSlide]);
} else {
vars.currentImage = $(kids[vars.currentSlide]).find('img:first');
if (settings.controlNav) {
$('.nivo-controlNav a', slider).removeClass('active');
$('.nivo-controlNav a:eq(' + vars.currentSlide + ')', slider).addClass('active');
$('.nivo-slice', slider).remove();
$('.nivo-box', slider).remove();
if (settings.effect == 'random') {
var anims = new Array('sliceDownRight', 'sliceDownLeft', 'sliceUpRight', 'sliceUpLeft', 'sliceUpDown', 'sliceUpDownLeft', 'fold', 'fade', 'boxRandom', 'boxRain', 'boxRainReverse', 'boxRainGrow', 'boxRainGrowReverse');
vars.randAnim = anims[Math.floor(Math.random() * (anims.length + 1))];
if (vars.randAnim == undefined)
vars.randAnim = 'fade';
if (settings.effect.indexOf(',') != -1) {
var anims = settings.effect.split(',');
vars.randAnim = anims[Math.floor(Math.random() * (anims.length))];
if (vars.randAnim == undefined)
vars.randAnim = 'fade';
vars.running = true;
if (settings.effect == 'sliceDown' || settings.effect == 'sliceDownRight' || vars.randAnim == 'sliceDownRight' || settings.effect == 'sliceDownLeft' || vars.randAnim == 'sliceDownLeft') {
createSlices(slider, settings, vars);
var timeBuff = 0;
var i = 0;
var slices = $('.nivo-slice', slider);
if (settings.effect == 'sliceDownLeft' || vars.randAnim == 'sliceDownLeft')
slices = $('.nivo-slice', slider)._reverse();
slices.each(function() {
var slice = $(this);
'top' : '0px'
if (i == settings.slices - 1) {
setTimeout(function() {
height : '100%',
opacity : '1.0'
}, settings.animSpeed, '', function() {
}, (100 + timeBuff));
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
height : '100%',
opacity : '1.0'
}, settings.animSpeed);
}, (100 + timeBuff));
timeBuff += 50;
} else if (settings.effect == 'sliceUp' || settings.effect == 'sliceUpRight' || vars.randAnim == 'sliceUpRight' || settings.effect == 'sliceUpLeft' || vars.randAnim == 'sliceUpLeft') {
createSlices(slider, settings, vars);
var timeBuff = 0;
var i = 0;
var slices = $('.nivo-slice', slider);
if (settings.effect == 'sliceUpLeft' || vars.randAnim == 'sliceUpLeft')
slices = $('.nivo-slice', slider)._reverse();
slices.each(function() {
var slice = $(this);
'bottom' : '0px'
if (i == settings.slices - 1) {
setTimeout(function() {
height : '100%',
opacity : '1.0'
}, settings.animSpeed, '', function() {
}, (100 + timeBuff));
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
height : '100%',
opacity : '1.0'
}, settings.animSpeed);
}, (100 + timeBuff));
timeBuff += 50;
} else if (settings.effect == 'sliceUpDown' || settings.effect == 'sliceUpDownRight' || vars.randAnim == 'sliceUpDown' || settings.effect == 'sliceUpDownLeft' || vars.randAnim == 'sliceUpDownLeft') {
createSlices(slider, settings, vars);
var timeBuff = 0;
var i = 0;
var v = 0;
var slices = $('.nivo-slice', slider);
if (settings.effect == 'sliceUpDownLeft' || vars.randAnim == 'sliceUpDownLeft')
slices = $('.nivo-slice', slider)._reverse();
slices.each(function() {
var slice = $(this);
if (i == 0) {
slice.css('top', '0px');
} else {
slice.css('bottom', '0px');
i = 0;
if (v == settings.slices - 1) {
setTimeout(function() {
height : '100%',
opacity : '1.0'
}, settings.animSpeed, '', function() {
}, (100 + timeBuff));
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
height : '100%',
opacity : '1.0'
}, settings.animSpeed);
}, (100 + timeBuff));
timeBuff += 50;
} else if (settings.effect == 'fold' || vars.randAnim == 'fold') {
createSlices(slider, settings, vars);
var timeBuff = 0;
var i = 0;
$('.nivo-slice', slider).each(function() {
var slice = $(this);
var origWidth = slice.width();
top : '0px',
height : '100%',
width : '0px'
if (i == settings.slices - 1) {
setTimeout(function() {
width : origWidth,
opacity : '1.0'
}, settings.animSpeed, '', function() {
}, (100 + timeBuff));
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
width : origWidth,
opacity : '1.0'
}, settings.animSpeed);
}, (100 + timeBuff));
timeBuff += 50;
} else if (settings.effect == 'fade' || vars.randAnim == 'fade') {
createSlices(slider, settings, vars);
var firstSlice = $('.nivo-slice:first', slider);
'height' : '100%',
'width' : slider.width() + 'px'
opacity : '1.0'
}, (settings.animSpeed * 2), '', function() {
} else if (settings.effect == 'slideInRight' || vars.randAnim == 'slideInRight') {
createSlices(slider, settings, vars);
var firstSlice = $('.nivo-slice:first', slider);
'height' : '100%',
'width' : '0px',
'opacity' : '1'
width : slider.width() + 'px'
}, (settings.animSpeed * 2), '', function() {
} else if (settings.effect == 'slideInLeft' || vars.randAnim == 'slideInLeft') {
createSlices(slider, settings, vars);
var firstSlice = $('.nivo-slice:first', slider);
'height' : '100%',
'width' : '0px',
'opacity' : '1',
'left' : '',
'right' : '0px'
width : slider.width() + 'px'
}, (settings.animSpeed * 2), '', function() {
'left' : '0px',
'right' : ''
} else if (settings.effect == 'boxRandom' || vars.randAnim == 'boxRandom') {
createBoxes(slider, settings, vars);
var totalBoxes = settings.boxCols * settings.boxRows;
var i = 0;
var timeBuff = 0;
var boxes = shuffle($('.nivo-box', slider));
boxes.each(function() {
var box = $(this);
if (i == totalBoxes - 1) {
setTimeout(function() {
opacity : '1'
}, settings.animSpeed, '', function() {
}, (100 + timeBuff));
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
opacity : '1'
}, settings.animSpeed);
}, (100 + timeBuff));
timeBuff += 20;
} else if (settings.effect == 'boxRain' || vars.randAnim == 'boxRain' || settings.effect == 'boxRainReverse' || vars.randAnim == 'boxRainReverse' || settings.effect == 'boxRainGrow' || vars.randAnim == 'boxRainGrow' || settings.effect == 'boxRainGrowReverse' || vars.randAnim == 'boxRainGrowReverse') {
createBoxes(slider, settings, vars);
var totalBoxes = settings.boxCols * settings.boxRows;
var i = 0;
var timeBuff = 0;
var rowIndex = 0;
var colIndex = 0;
var box2Darr = new Array();
box2Darr[rowIndex] = new Array();
var boxes = $('.nivo-box', slider);
if (settings.effect == 'boxRainReverse' || vars.randAnim == 'boxRainReverse' || settings.effect == 'boxRainGrowReverse' || vars.randAnim == 'boxRainGrowReverse') {
boxes = $('.nivo-box', slider)._reverse();
boxes.each(function() {
box2Darr[rowIndex][colIndex] = $(this);
if (colIndex == settings.boxCols) {
colIndex = 0;
box2Darr[rowIndex] = new Array();
for (var cols = 0; cols < (settings.boxCols * 2); cols++) {
var prevCol = cols;
for (var rows = 0; rows < settings.boxRows; rows++) {
if (prevCol >= 0 && prevCol < settings.boxCols) {
(function(row, col, time, i, totalBoxes) {
var box = $(box2Darr[row][col]);
var w = box.width();
var h = box.height();
if (settings.effect == 'boxRainGrow' || vars.randAnim == 'boxRainGrow' || settings.effect == 'boxRainGrowReverse' || vars.randAnim == 'boxRainGrowReverse') {
if (i == totalBoxes - 1) {
setTimeout(function() {
opacity : '1',
width : w,
height : h
}, settings.animSpeed / 1.3, '', function() {
}, (100 + time));
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
opacity : '1',
width : w,
height : h
}, settings.animSpeed / 1.3);
}, (100 + time));
})(rows, prevCol, timeBuff, i, totalBoxes);
timeBuff += 100;
var shuffle = function(arr) {
for (var j, x, i = arr.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = arr[--i], arr[i] = arr[j], arr[j] = x);
return arr;
var trace = function(msg) {
if (this.console && typeof console.log != "undefined")
this.stop = function() {
if (!$(element).data('nivo:vars').stop) {
$(element).data('nivo:vars').stop = true;
trace('Stop Slider');
this.start = function() {
if ($(element).data('nivo:vars').stop) {
$(element).data('nivo:vars').stop = false;
trace('Start Slider');
return this;
$.fn.nivoSlider = function(options) {
return this.each(function(key, value) {
var element = $(this);
if (element.data('nivoslider'))
return element.data('nivoslider');
var nivoslider = new NivoSlider(this, options);
element.data('nivoslider', nivoslider);
$.fn.nivoSlider.defaults = {
effect : 'random',
slices : 15,
boxCols : 8,
boxRows : 4,
animSpeed : 500,
pauseTime : 3000,
startSlide : 0,
directionNav : true,
directionNavHide : true,
controlNav : true,
controlNavThumbs : false,
controlNavThumbsFromRel : false,
controlNavThumbsSearch : '.jpg',
controlNavThumbsReplace : '_thumb.jpg',
keyboardNav : true,
pauseOnHover : true,
manualAdvance : false,
captionOpacity : 0.8,
prevText : 'Prev',
nextText : 'Next',
beforeChange : function() {
afterChange : function() {
slideshowEnd : function() {
lastSlide : function() {
afterLoad : function() {
$.fn._reverse = [].reverse;
When you initial nivoSlide pass my new parameter backgroundSize:'your width size px your height size px';
backgroundSize:'687px 400px',
effect: 'random',
animSpeed: 500,
pauseTime: 3000,
directionNav: true,
controlNav: true,
controlNavThumbs: false,
pauseOnHover: true});
