igraph get edge from - to value - r

I have an igraph graph and want to simply get each edge's from_id and to_id. For example:
g <- erdos.renyi.game(4, 1, type="gnm", directed=FALSE)
E(g)[1] # will return some edge, possibly not the same one
# Edge sequence:
# e
# e [1] 3 -- 1
What I want is to get two variables v1, v2 where v1 = 3 and v2 = 1 (equivalent to v1 = 1 and v2 = 3). I want to do this for all edges in the graph E(g)[x], where x is the loop variable. Is there any way to do this?

get.edges() returns all edges, get.edge() returns one edge. If you need to iterate over all edges, then call get.edges() and go over all lines of the two-column matrix, with apply(), or a for loop.

get.edgelist(g) is the one you want, which spits out a matrix like:
# [,1] [,2]
#[1,] 3 1

If g is you igraph then try ends(g,es = E(g))


how to convert a node list to an edge list in igraph?

I have a empty graph and need to plot the graph based on the convex hull with inner verticies.
My attemp is:
n = 10
g <- graph.empty(n)
xy <- cbind(runif(n), runif(n))
vp <- convex_hull(xy)$resverts + 1
#[1] 8 10 7 2 1
## convert node_list to edge_list
plot(g, layout=xy)
Expected result in right figure.
Question. How to convert a node list to an edge list in igraph??
You can use add_edges along with embed
g2 <- g %>%
add_edges(c(t(embed(vp, 2)), vp[1], vp[length(vp)])) %>%
and plot(g2, layout = xy) in turn gives
convex_hull does not output a node list in the same sense that an igraph object has a node list. In this case, vp is the sequence of indices so in order to create an edge list, you just need to have the from vertex be going to the next vertex in the sequence. This can be accomplished with dplyr::lead using the first vertex as the default to create a circuit.
from = vp,
to = dplyr::lead(vp, 1, default = vp[1])
#> from to
#> 1 8 10
#> 2 10 7
#> 3 7 2
#> 4 2 1
#> 5 1 8
Try this.
## create graph.
vids <- as.character(c(8, 10, 7, 2, 1))
g <- make_graph(c(), length(vids))
V(g)$name <- vids
## and connect the dots.
g2 <- g + path(c(vids, vids[1]))

Methods to exhaustively partition a vector into pairs in R

(This is inspired by another question marked as a duplicate. I think it is an interesting problem though, although perhaps there is an easy solution from combinatorics, about which I am very ignorant.)
For a vector of length n, where n mod 2 is zero, find all possible ways to partition all elements of the vector into pairs, without replacement, where order does not matter.
For example, for a vector c(1,2,3,4):
list(c(1,2), c(3,4))
list(c(1,3), c(2,4))
list(c(1,4), c(2,3))
My approach has been the following (apologies in advance for novice code):
# write a function that recursively breaks down a list of unique pairs (generated with combn). The natural ordering produced by combn means that for the first pass through, we take as the starting pair, all pairings with element 1 of the vector with all other elements. After that has been allocated, we iterate through the first p/2 pairs (this avoids duplicating).
pairer2 <- function(kn, pair_list) {
pair1_partners <- lapply(kn, function(x) {
# remove any pairs in the 'master list' that contain elements of the starting pair.
partners <- Filter(function(t) !any(t %in% x), pair_list)
if(length(partners) > 1) {
# run the function again
pairer2(kn = partners[1:(length(partners)/2)], partners)
} else {return(partners)}
# accumulate results into a nested list structure
return(mapply(function(x,y) {list(root = x, partners = y)}, kn, pair1_partners, SIMPLIFY = F))
# this function generates all possible unique pairs for a vector of length k as the starting point, then runs the pairing off function above
pair_combn <- function(k, n = 2) {
p <- combn(k, n, simplify = F)
pairer2(kn = p[1:(length(k)-1)], p)}
# so far a vector k = 4
[1] 1 2
[1] 3 4
[1] 1 3
[1] 2 4
[1] 1 4
[1] 2 3
It also works for larger k as far as I can tell. This isn't that efficient, possibly because Filter is slow for large lists, and I have to confess I can't collapse the nested lists (which are a tree representation of possible solutions) into a list of each partitioning. It feels like there should be a more elegant solution (in R)?
Mind you, it is interesting that this recursive approach generates a parsimonious (albeit inconvenient) representation of the possible solutions.
Here is one way:
> x <- c(1,2,3,4)
> xc <- combn(as.data.frame(combn(x, 2)), 2, simplify = FALSE)
> Filter(function(x) all(1:4 %in% unlist(x)), xc)
V1 V6
1 1 3
2 2 4
V2 V5
1 1 2
2 3 4
V3 V4
1 1 2
2 4 3
More generally:
pair_combn <- function(x) {
Filter(function(e) all(unique(x) %in% unlist(e)),
combn(as.data.frame(combn(x, 2)),
length(x)/2, simplify = FALSE))

Find number of mutual edges of vertices in igraph in R

This should be straightforward, but I want to obtain the number of mutual edges associated with all the vertices in my graph:
ed <- data.frame(from = c(1,1,2,3,3), to = c(2,3,1,1,2))
ver <- data.frame(id = 1:3)
gr <- graph_from_data_frame(d = ed,vertices = ver, directed = T)
I know I can use which_mutual for edges, but is there an equivalent command for getting something like this:
# vertex edges no_mutual
# 1 2 2
# 2 1 1
# 3 2 1
UDPATE: Corrected inconsistencies in output table as pointed out by emilliman5
Here's a one-liner solution:
> table(unlist(strsplit(attr(E(gr)[which_mutual(gr)],"vnames"),"\\|")))/2
1 2 3
2 1 1
It relies on getting the vertex names for each edge in an edgelist as the "vnames" attribute being a "|"-separated string. It then splits on that, then that gives you a table of all vertexes in mutual edges, and each one appears twice per edge so divide by two.
If there's a less hacky way of getting vertex names from an edgelist, I'm sure Gabor knows it.
Here's that trick in more detail:
For your graph gr:
> E(gr)
+ 5/5 edges (vertex names):
[1] 1->2 1->3 2->1 3->1 3->2
You can get vertexes for edges thus:
> attr(E(gr),"vnames")
[1] "1|2" "1|3" "2|1" "3|1" "3|2"
So my one-liner subsets that edge list my the mutuality criterion, then manipulates the strings.
I am not sure how well this will scale, but it gets the job done. Your expected table has some inconsistencies so I did the best I could, i.e. vertex 2 only has one originating edge not 2.
mutual_edges <- lapply(V(gr), function(x) which_mutual(gr, es = E(gr)[from(x) | to(x)]))
df <- data.frame(Vertex=names(mutual_edges),
Edges=unlist(lapply(V(gr), function(x) length(E(gr)[from(x)]) )),
no_mutual=unlist(lapply(mutual_edges, function(x) sum(x)/2)))
# Vertex Edges no_mutual
#1 1 2 2
#2 2 1 1
#3 3 2 1

R: Calculating adjacent vertex after deletion of nodes

I'm very new to R and trying to calculate the adjacent vertices of a graph, which is obtained from deleting certain nodes from an original graph.
However, the output of the result doesn't match with the plot of the graph.
For example:
g <- make_ring(8)
g <- add_edges(g, c(1,2, 2,7, 3,6, 4,5, 8,2, 6,2))
V(g)$label <- 1:8
h <- delete.vertices(g, c(1,2))
If I compute:
adjacent_vertices(h,6)= 5
However, I want the output to be 3,5,7 as the plot shows. The problem lies in the fact that it doesn't know I'm trying to find the adjacent vertices of node labelled 6.
Could someone please help. Thanks.
The issue here is that when you delete the vertices, the indices for the remaining vertices are shifted down to [0,6]:
> V(h)
+ 6/6 vertices:
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
To find the neighbors, using the original vertex names, you could then simply offset the values by the number of vertices removed, e.g.:
> neighbors(h, 6 - offset) + offset
+ 3/6 vertices:
[1] 3 5 7
A better approach, however, would be to refer to the vertex labels instead of using the indices:
> V(g)$label
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
> V(h)$label
[1] 3 4 5 6 7 8
> V(h)[V(h)$label == 6]
+ 1/6 vertex:
[1] 4
To get the neighbors of your vertex of interest, you can modify your code to look like:
> vertex_of_interest <- V(h)[V(h)$label == 6]
> neighbors(h, vertex_of_interest)$label
[1] 3 5 7

Function that group values of a list (in R)

I am trying to construct a function which shouldn't be hard in terms of programming but I am having some difficulties to conceptualize it. Hope you'll be able to understand my problem better than me!
I'd like a function that takes a single list of vectors as argument. Something like
arg1 = list(c(1,2), c(2,3), c(5,6), c(1,3), c(4,6), c(6,7), c(7,5), c(5,8))
The function should output a matrix with two columns (or a list of two vectors or something like that) where one column contains letters and the other numbers. One can think of the argument as a list of the positions/values that should be placed in the same group. If in the list there is the vector c(5,6), then the output should contain somewhere the same letters next to the values 5 and 6 in the number column. If there are the three following vectors c(1,2), c(2,3) and c(1,3), then the output should contain somewhere the same letters next to the value 1, 2 and 3 in the number column.
Therefore if we enter the object arg1 in the function it should return:
number_column letters_column
1 A
2 A
3 A
5 B
6 B
7 B
4 C
6 C
5 D
8 D
(the order is not important. The letters E should not be present before the letter D has been used)
Therefore the function has constructed 2 groups of 3 (A:[1,2,3] and B:[5,6,7]) and 2 groups of 2 (C:[4,6] and D:[5,8]). Note one position or number can be in several group.
Please let me know if something is unclear in my question! Thanks!
As I wrote in the comments, it appears that you want a data frame that lists the maximal cliques of a graph given a list of vectors that define the edges.
## create a matrix where each row is an edge
argmatrix <- do.call(rbind, arg1)
## create an igraph object from the matrix of edges
gph <- graph.edgelist(argmatrix, directed = FALSE)
## returns a list of the maximal cliques of the graph
mxc <- maximal.cliques(gph)
## creates a data frame of the output
dat <- data.frame(number_column = unlist(mxc),
group_column = rep.int(seq_along(mxc),times = sapply(mxc,length)))
## converts group numbers to letters
## ONLY USE if max(dat$group_column) <= 26
dat$group_column <- LETTERS[dat$group_column]
# number_column group_column
# 1 5 A
# 2 8 A
# 3 5 B
# 4 6 B
# 5 7 B
# 6 4 C
# 7 6 C
# 8 3 D
# 9 1 D
# 10 2 D
