What happened to the TOC extension for ipython notebook? - jupyter-notebook

I'm trying to install the great table of contents extension in a new computer. but I cant find it anymore. the only page I do find does not explain how to install the extension on windows.
So.. How can I install it, and why is it not a part of the official Ipython notebook? I simply can't understand how people are getting along without it.

I've installed toc nbextension successfully with Jupyter 4 (ie. ipython notebook 4) recently.
In fact installing extension is easier than before :)
I post my solution here, may it help.
## download
mkdir toc
cd toc
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minrk/ipython_extensions/master/nbextensions/toc.js
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minrk/ipython_extensions/master/nbextensions/toc.css
## install and enable
cd ..
jupyter-nbextension install --user toc
jupyter-nbextension enable toc/toc
A bit more explain:
install will copy toc to ~/.local/share/jupyter/nbextensions/
enable will modify ~/.jupyter/nbconfig/notebook.json.
You can check these two place to see what happened.
Note: we use enable toc/toc here is because toc.js is in ~/.local/share/jupyter/nbextensions/toc/.
If you put toc.js and toc.css directly in ~/.local/share/jupyter/nbextensions/ then you should use enable toc here.
Sorry, I didn't notice the orginal problem is on windows. I'm not sure if it's same for windows jupyter, any report is welcome.
Now the toc nbextension has been added into this project which provide a collection of kinds of nbextensions. It's very easy to install and manage, worth to try!

I cannot tell you specific Windows advice, but think the key points should be platform independent:
Create a profile (either a default profile or a named one - you'll probably want default to start).
Locate where the profile is.
Add the custom.js file into the profile.
Edit the custom.js file to point to the notebook extension code.
In a bit more detail, setting up a profile is covered in detail here but for a default profile just go to the command line and enter
ipython profile
Next, locate where your profile is stored by typing at the command line
ipython locate
Call that <profile_dir>.
The rest follows the (Windows equivalent of!) the instructions on the link you have: underneath <profile_dir> navigate to (creating any directories that do not already exist)
and add the custom.js file as shown. Then edit the first line, where it has "nbextensions/toc" to point to the location where you have placed the toc.js file you have downloaded. This location is relative to the <profile_dir>; for me I have
and the first line of custom.js reads
require(["/static/custom/nbextensions/toc.js"], function (toc) {
Finally, note that this is with version 1.1.0 of the notebook - if you're using an earlier version I strongly suggest you upgrade before trying this.

You'll also find the official installation instructions at:
These instructions include curl commands for retrieving the toc.js and toc.css files from GitHub, which worked fine for me in a bash shell on linux Mint.
For Windows 7, I used a Git Shell (see http://msysgit.github.io/) to execute the curl commands

This IPython Notebook semi-automatically generates the files for minrk's table of contents in Windows. It does not use the 'curl'-commands or links, but writes the *.js and *.css files directly into your IPython Notebook-profile-directory.
There is a section in the notebook called 'What you need to do' - follow it and have a nice floating table of contents : )
Here is an html version which already shows it:


Mac OS 11.2.1 Big sur- git version control Rstudio path -unable to edit . Not able to link

I am new to Version control and this is my first attempt. I am also a novice in R. just did an online course. I have installed Git and was trying to add the Version control through Rstudio Global options. The Git executable file path shows "user/bin/git" But when I go to create a Project>version control>Git- I get an error "Git was not detected on the path" I dug deeper and ran cmd in the mac terminal- which git and got the location as "/usr/local/bin/git", I also did a $ git --exec-path and got the location as "/usr/local/Cellar/git/2.30.0/libexec/git-core" I understand the executable path is somewhere else. I understand that I need to change the path but Rstudio is not allowing the changing of the path, and I am unable to edit the path to "/usr/local/Cellar/git/2.30.0/libexec/git-core" from "user/bin/git". I tried manually entering but that doesnt work, I browsed through the file s and sub folders and selected the executable file location , but it still doesnt change. Please help.
Welcome to stackoverflow: You can find a step by step support on the official support site of rstudio. Here you get detailed instructions on how to use version control with RStudio: https://support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/200532077-Version-Control-with-Git-and-SVN

Can't find a way to get graphic tablet drivers working on mint

So i was trying to install the XP Pen Driver for my Deco 01 v2 graphics tablet on my Linux Mint 19.2 Tina when i came to encounter the following error:
./Pentablet_Driver: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Core.so.5: version `Qt_5.10' not found (required by ./Pentablet_Driver)
I went on to install qt 5.10, still the same error. Others suggested to just change the path wth sudo gedit /etc/ld.so.conf.d/randomLibs.conf which didn't change a thing.
Link to drivers:
The manufacturer has a page describing how to set up their software on Linux with pictures. However, when following them, you end up with a folder name somewhere along the line that has spaces in it, which causes issues.
So a modified set of instructions might look like this:
Connect your XP-Pen product to the computer.
Download the Linux Beta driver from XP-Pen official website.
When the download is complete, extract the compressed folder.
Rename the extracted folder to something without spaces.
Inside the renamed folder is another compressed folder which should be extracted.
Inside the final extracted folder, ensure "Pentablet_Driver.sh" has execution permissions by right clicking on it and going to "Properties->Permissions" and verifying that "Allow executing file as program" is checked.
Open the terminal. (CTRL+ALT+T)
Type "sudo ", then drag Pentablet_Driver.sh from the file browser onto the terminal.
Type the password to complete.
Make sure that you write exactly
sudo ./Pentablet_Driver.sh
sudo ./Pentablet_Driver
I had the same error until I noticed that I forgot to add .sh at the end.

How to find jupyter <nbextension require path> for Table of Contents (2) extension?

I'd like to install and enable Table of Contents (2) plugin using command-line.
The docs suggest that I can do the following
jupyter nbextension enable <nbextension require path>
How do I find this path for this extension?
Easy solution:
1/ Visit this unofficial list of nbextensions:
and pick the extension you want to enable. Say e.g. that I want to enable "Collapsible Headings", then
2/ type:
jupyter nbextension enable collapsible_headings/main
If the extension is enabled you will see an OK message.
So in general type:
jupyter nbextension enable <name_of_extension>/main
Most of the times it will work for you.
Based on #jfbercher's comemnt in jupyter_contrib_nbextensions#947:
jupyter nbextension install <url>/toc2.zip --user
jupyter nbextension enable toc2/main
If a non-default directory is used in nbextensions_configurator, it can be obtained like the code here:
nbextension_dirs = nbapp_webapp.settings['nbextensions_path']
Yeah this does seem like a bit of an oversight. I tried to install the configurator... but had issues.
The approach that worked for me was to look in ~/.local/share/jupyter/nbextensions or similar (you might need to use a docker run image /bin/bash if you are drinking too much koolaid - or your employer is forcing you to. ).
There is then a .js file in various directories which I think correspond to the extension names. E.g. hinterland/hinterland.js means the extension is called hinterland/hinterland.

Running newer version of R from terminal when older version is invoked by default

I'm trying to run R from iTerm on an OSX computer (OSX 10.11.6). When I enter R, it opens up an older version of R, from the path /Users/***/miniconda2/bin/R. I would like it to run, by default, an R version found at /usr/local/bin/R, without having to enter the full path every time. How would one go about changing the location of the default R?
Thanks for your help
This is likely due to the PATH variable preferring ~/miniconda2/bin before /usr/local/bin. I'm giving you a few options here to help understand why it is happening.
Let's assume your PATH looks like this:
Modify PATH
You could modify PATH to move /Users/me/miniconda2/bin after /usr/local/bin or remove it from PATH completely. The downside is that if you rely on other binaries in ~/miniconda2/bin they will no longer be found when executing them by name.
Move R out of the way
Another option would be to move ~/miniconda/bin/R out of the way, for example using
mv ~/miniconda/bin/R ~/miniconda/bin/R-miniconda
Afterwards R will be run from the next location in $PATH, but if you update miniconda2 it may return.
Link to R further up in the PATH (easiest/best)
Finally, you could make sure that there is an R executable in something that is further up the $PATH. This is probably the easiest and most effective option.
First, make sure you have a bin folder in your home directory. If this is not the case, create it using mkdir ~/bin and then restart the terminal. The restart should cause the code in ~/.profile to add that folder to your $PATH. You can verify by doing echo $PATH. If this is not the case, add the following line to your ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile:
export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
In the example at the top, the PATH already contains /Users/me/bin at the beginning of the line (highest priority).
Next, create a soft link to the R binary in the newly created folder:
ln -s /usr/local/bin/R ~/bin/R
You should now be able to execute R, which will prefer the softlink created, which will execute the one you like. If it does not work right away execute hash -r or restart the terminal.
Just in case you happen to be using RStudio Server (open source) or someone is looking for how to change the RStudio Server default version of R, here is what I found when trying to answer the same question:
Starting in RStudio Server 1.3 (the newest version is 1.4.1106, released February 22, 2021), a user’s preferred version of R can be specified in the rstudio-prefs.json file in the global-level /etc/rstudio folder or in the user-level ~/.config/rstudio folder.
See https://blog.rstudio.com/2020/02/18/rstudio-1-3-preview-configuration/ and https://docs.rstudio.com/ide/server-pro/session-user-settings.html for user setting options in newer versions of RStudio Server.
See https://support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/200716783-RStudio-Release-History for RStudio release history and https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download-server/redhat-centos/ for Red Hat downloads of the newest version of RStudio Server.

Can I use variables on an IPython notebook markup cell?

I have an IPython notebook and I would like to use one of my variables inside a markup cell. Is this even possible? If so, how do you do it?
If you don't mind a code cell that does the job, there is a possibility without adding any extensions.
from IPython.display import Markdown as md
fr=2 #GHz
md("$f_r = %i$ GHz"%(fr))
This will show a markdown cell in a nicely LaTeX formatted output
Currently, this is not possible, however there is a large discussion on this topic here https://github.com/ipython/ipython/pull/2592. The PR is currently closed, but a corresponding issue is opened https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/2958 and marked as wishlist.
In the meantime an IPython extension has appeared which allows to render python variables in markdown cells. This extension is part of the IPython notebook extensions and works with IPython 2.x and 3.x. For a detailed description see the wiki page.
It is not officially supported, but installing the python markdown extension will allow you to do so. It is part of the nbextensions, for which you will find installation instructions on their github page. Make sure you'll enable the python markdown extension using a jupyter command or the extension configurator.
Calling python variables then should work with the {{var-name}} syntax, which is described in the readme of the corresponding github page (linked in the wiki):
For example: If you set variable a in Python
a = 1.23
and write the following line in a markdown cell:
a is {{a}}
It will be displayed as:
a is 1.23
Further info on this functionality being integrated into ipython/jupyter is discussed in the issue trackers for ipython and jupyter.
The link: installing notebook extention
gives a clear description of what is necessary to enable the use of variables in markdown cells. Following it, performed the following actions to realize it:
conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
after a successful completion of the above command I enabled the python markup extension, from jupyter dashboard, as per the following illustration:
Last but not least!!! The NOTEBOOK HAS TO BE TRUSTED to make the markup extension works with python variables
and it worked for me!
