WordPress TinyMCE adding unwanted inline styles - wordpress

I've been encountering a strange glitch in TinyMCE on WordPress; it will add it's own inline stylings to elements, particularly when I change the block type of it's parent. It appears to be due in part to having a custom editor stylesheet; as disabling it negates the problem.
Example case: I had a number of links, one per line, all with a special class on them (the class is configured to only apply to anchor tags). When I select that list of links and convert it to an unordered list, it applies inline styles to the links themselves, hard coding an (inaccurate) font size and adding a background colour to match that of the body.
I've added save filters that strip it out when being saved, but I'm baffled as to how it's doing this in the first place.
Any ideas?

Use this :
var textContent = tinymce.activeEditor.getContent();
to get html content from editor and then save. It will give you filtered html content.
I was also facing the same issue but after using this everything is working fine.


Placeholder content turns red below certain breakpoint - Django CMS

I have what seems like a bug in a Django CMS website -- below a certain breakpoint (±730) all text content inside placeholder tags turns red. I have commented out all custom CSS stylesheets, removed links to external style sheets and all inline styling to try and pinpoint what is causing it by process of elimination, but no luck. I've stripped the website down to its bare bones but the text is still red. Is there maybe a specific way to style placeholders that I'm not familiar with??
ETA: I've hard refreshed after removing CSS and tried different browsers too. I've also pinned down the line which is responsible for this behaviour - the content placeholder tag underlined here. If the line is there, all the text on the page is red, if it's commented out the text on the rest of the page is normal (but the actual block content is missing). Any ideas why this is happening/how to fix? click here for the code causing the bahaviour

contenteditable div with nested children won't allow edits once text is deleted [duplicate]

There are so many issues with contenteditable divs and deleting html and/or non content editable content inside editable divs.
Using an answer by the excellent Tim Down here: How to delete an HTML element inside a div with attribute contentEditable?
Using Tim's code, the entire text node gets deleted. I need this to work like any textarea would, deleting character by character and just making sure html elements can be backspaced as well.
I tried the following
else if(node){
var index = node.length-1;
if(index >= 0)
But this is obviously not going to work correctly. If I am at the end of the content, things work as expected. But if I place the cursor anywhere else, it's still deleting from the end.
I'm lost at this point, any help is very appreciated
After breaking down how google uses contenteditable divs in their google plus user tagging, I landed on a much more reasonable solution. Maybe it will help someone else out.
After adding 1 tag, you can already see a lot of differences in the html browser to browser.
In Google Chrome, a space is added with each tag. The button tag is used. And the chrome-only contenteditable="plaintext-only" is used.
When I backspace the space in chrome, a BR tag is then appended.
In Firefox the BR tag is added immediately with the first tag. No spaces are needed. And an input tag is used instead of the button tag.
The BR tag was the single greatest break-through I had while digging through this. Before adding this, there was a lot of quirky behavior with deleting tags, as well as focus issues.
In IE, more interesting changes were made. A span with contenteditable false is used for the tags here. No spaces or BR tags, but an empty text node.
With all of that, you don't have to copy google exactly.
The important parts:
If you're rendering HTML, do the following...
1. Chrome should use the button tag
2. Firefox/IE should use the input tag
For range/selection you generally want to treat things like tags as a single character. You can build this into your range/selection logic, but the behavior of the input/button tags is much more consistent, and way less code.
IE behaves better in IE7-8 using a span. Just from a UI standpoint. But if you don't care if your site is pretty in old versions of IE, the input has the correct behaviour in IE as well as firefox.
3. Chrome only, use the contenteditable="plaintext-only" attribute on your editable div.
Otherwise, a lot of weird issues happen not only when a user tries to paste rich-text, but also when deleting html elements sometimes the styles can get transferred to the div, I noted many strange issues with this.
4. If you need to set the caret position to the end of the div, set the end of the range before the BR.
for FireFox:

How to remove CSS property in the developer tools if it is defined inline?

I am fiddling with the looks of a page from our web application. I need to make lots of small changes quickly to judge the effect, and the developer tools give me the functionality I need, as I'm editing the CSS directly in the element inspector.
However, there is a table on this page, which was created by some JavaScript library. The library inserts style="width:1024px" directly in the <table> tag. I need to change this width to make it 100% of the parent width, but it doesn't work.
Deleting the style attribute from the HTML without reloading the page does not change the width. Setting a new width in the stylesheet does not work because the inline CSS supersedes it. Reloading the page overwrites my changes made in the element inspector.
I cannot get into the code and change the setting used for the library (I assume it allows the developer to define a constant width and does not do it by itself). What options do I have to see the table at the width I need without reprogramming the whole thing?
If you really can't remove the inline style you can override it adding the !important keyword on your css style.
like that
table {
width: 100% !important;
I found out that it indeed works when I change the inline tag directly from style="width:1024px" to style="width:100%".
My mistake had been to first delete the complete inline tag, then write it back again with the new value. It seemed to not "get it" that there has been a change.

Is there a way to find out where a css rule is coming from?

I've inherited an .asp website and had to update the pages to relocate forms in tables to the sidebar.
It's worked fine on all but one page which stubbornly refuses to accept my css and is taking values from who knows where.
I've tried debugging in Firefox/Chrome and even written rules in the head of the page but to no avail. Is there a tool for identifying this kind of thing? I'm no slouch with css but this is baffling me. I don't want to resort to javascript to fix this as I see it as a fundamental issue.
Is there a way to find out where a css rule is coming from?
You may use web inspector in Chrome.
Right click on failing element and select inspect element.
You should end up with web inspector window with two sections: left is html nodes tree and right is styles and properties of selected node. Failing element should be selected already.
Next you need to expand "Computed Style" tab and look for offending style.
When found, you'll see small triangle to the left of style definition - it is clickable. On click it should expand list of selectors that affects this style for this element. You'll see url to css for each of this. Bingo.
As pointed out by austin and Waterlink the Computed styles (or Computed in FF) tab can show the currently applied styles, and their origin.
However, the Styles tab is also very useful. Upon right-clicking "inspect" on an element, the Styles tab will show a Full list of all the active styles and overwritten styles related to the inspected element. (Shows them as they were written in the CSS. Not what is actually being rendered)
That way you can tell which styles were overwritten in which order. A style in your css could be overwritten from an inline style, user defined style, a later defined css file or a css rule of higher importance, or even a non-css-attribute such as width/height attributes directly on a HTML-element
The formatting shows the status for a style:
normal text = active
strike through = inactive since another style has overwritten it
greyed out = identifier not applied. ( If you are inspecting the Style of a <p> element and the css identifier is p, span , then the span identifer would be greyed out)
In this image, the color property of #post a is inactive. It has been overwritten by the color property in #cashieCatalog.
In the HTML tab of Firebug, you should see a panel on the right with tabs Style, Computed, Layout, and DOM. Select Computed. This will show you the "current" style being applied to the page.
If you expand a rule node, you should see a link on the right showing you which style sheet it is coming from, along with stylesheet rules that are being overridden.

Loading multple HTML Pages with different Backgrounds

I am trying to program a TAB based paging.
My problem is each Tab contains a different background, so when I click on the hyperlink, the new background DOES NOT load, BUT the content loads.
Any ideas?
Code here
Tested your jsfiddle, adding !important to your css rules does the trick: http://jsfiddle.net/AnBEc/2/
Depending on what effect you are looking for you could also remove the .ui-content part of each rule (so that it's just #services) that would apply the background to the whole page and not just the content part: http://jsfiddle.net/AnBEc/3/
