How to place elements on top of each other - css

I have a <button> with 3 spans in it - each span containing different text. At different times, triggered by Javascript, the class of the button will change. Using CSS transitions & transform, I have one span moving out of the button, and another moving in. That all works.
The problem is that the button has grown to the full width of span 1 + span 2 + span 3. I want the width to be simply large enough to contain the largest of the spans. If all the spans could be placed one on top of the other, this would work.
I can't figure out how to get the 3 spans to sit one on top of the other.
Here's a fiddle showing the problem: (Click the button to see the change)
Edit Here's the final, working fiddle:

A solution for layering your spans on top of each other would be to use position: relative; (which I see you already have there) and then modify the top margin of spans 2 and 3 so that they move up to the same position as the span 1.
Here's an updated version of your JSFiddle:
(Please note that floated elements cannot be placed on top of each other. This is why relative positioning is generally used for placing elements of top of one another.)

Since you already use jQuery, you can just calculate the proper width and height
var w = 0;
$('.btn .msg').each(function () {
w = Math.max(w, $(this).width());
var h = 0;
$('.btn .msg').each(function () {
h = Math.max(h, $(this).height());
But now the .msg spans are arranged vertically. To compensate for that, depends on what you what to achieve. One solution is to use position: absolute
.btn {
position: relative;
.btn-status .msg {
position: absolute;
The .msg spans are now lying on top of each other. You must also adjust the vertical transformation.
See modified JSFiddle


css how to align a graphic on page

I'm trying to align a graphic which overlaps the main page element and pad elements. How
to do this? I have a blue circle button (click here) that I want placed in the following picture location on the page.
If you want to place an element above all other elements at a specific position, you should move it out of all the other elements so it is a direct child of <body>. If you place it directly before the closing </body> tag, then it should be the topmost element if you're not using the z-index css-property anywhere. If you do so, apply it to your blue circle as well.
Then to place it to a specific location, use the following CSS:
#blue_circle {
position: absolute;
top: [whatever you want]px;
left: [whatever you want]px;
of course you can also use relative positioning (% instead of px) to set the position of your element.

list with right positioned flyout does not stay within container

I have a series of post titles that visually form a list. Upon hovering over a row in the list, a <div> containing the post content becomes visible at the right edge of the row, behaving like a flyout menu. This flyout <div> has a greater height than the row (in most cases). Its height is also variable, so it is not predictable.
See here. Scroll to the bottom.
Because this flyout <div> is absolutely positioned to the right of its parent, it achieves the desired flyout effect.
But if you scroll to the bottom of the list, you can see that the last item extends below the bottom edge of #schedule-section-container's border. I would like to correct this in the cleanest way possible.
I know this is because of the positioning. But is there a way that the same flyout effect could be achieved without guesstimating a margin-bottom? I would like to use floats, but I don't know how to get the list to keep its short height while having a flyout.
With just CSS this can be a little tricky, but I think what you're looking for is this:
.hentry:last-child > .entry-content { bottom: 0; }
That will position the last child to the bottom rather than the top, giving the desired effect without exceeding the bounds of the container. Since the last few actually exceed the bounds a bit, you could also try :nth-last-child to count from the end, like this:
.hentry:nth-last-child(1) > .entry-content { bottom: 0; } /* This is last child */
.hentry:nth-last-child(2) > .entry-content { bottom: 0; } /* Second to last */
.hentry:nth-last-child(3) > .entry-content { bottom: 0; } /* Third to last, etc */
Might need to add some more specificity to the beginning to limit it to just this page since Wordpress uses .hentry in a few places, but this should give you a good jump off point. Also, if older IE support is required, you might want to consider using Selectivzr

Div Height/Overflow issue

The problem I'm having is I have two divs at the top of my page, one contains a repeating blue background, the other contains a background image.
I have to set the height of both divs in order for them to expand vertically, the don't expand with the content. I have that form on the right hand side set to overflow. Which I believe is what's causing the problem.
I have tried not having the height css in the code, but it still won't expand vertically.
In order to get the backgrounds to even show up I have to manually set the height.
This is the page:
This is the CSS code:
#top_container {
#top_header {
margin: 0 auto;
I agree with WDan in that the issue you are having is due to your use of float: left and float: right on the left_content and right_content div elements.
When you use float on an element, you are basically removing it from the normal flow of the document. By default, elements will appear on the page in whatever order you specify in the markup. Using float (or things like position: absolute) will remove the element from this "order", or "document flow", such that the floated element will be ignored when placing other elements in their default position on the page.
Since the space used by these floated elements are ignored, the top_header div does not take the floated element's size into account when determining its own size. This is why your div is not automatically expanding.
Another alternative to float is to use display: inline-block. Here are some links you can read to learn more about the differences:
I think the problem is you use float in 'left_content' and 'right_content'
Use “overflow: hidden” in the wrapper div.

Trouble with css top on javascript created html object

I am creating a span in javascript to append to a td. Works great. However, for some reason when I call
the new span seems to think it is a child of the window. So when I set the attribute of
the span is actually off the page, yet aligned horizontally with where it should be, when in reality, I just want it to display 10 pixels above where it would load if it did not have the css property assigned to it. Should I be using something other than top here? If I don't use top then the span loads right in place, 10 pixels too low (position:absolute; is set).
Add position: relative to the span element.
You are currently using position: absolute, meaning it will be relative to its nearest ancestor with something besides position: static (the default for elements) or the document.
Add position: relative to the element with ID myTd, not the span.

variable height scrolling div, positioned relative to variable height sibling

recently i asked this question: overflow (scroll) - 100% container height about how to achieve a vertically scrolling div with variable height.
a very helpful user provided a solution using absolute positioning and height:100%, here: in this fiddle, you can see the basic desired behavior - the scrolling div will fill the height of the main container as is determined by the content in the '#main' element.
i modified this somewhat and used top:0 bottom:0 instead of height:100% to accommodate an element above the scrollable area. the modified version can be seen here: (i realize there is a little extra markup and class definitions that are empty, and an adjacent sibling combinator that appears redundant - these are vestiges of the actual structure)
everything is fine, except that i had to supply a fixed top coordinate for the scrolling div (note the top:120px declaration for the '.sidebar-list' selector). i'd like this to be relative to the '.sidebar-options' element above it, so that the options container above can have any number of options and the scrollable div will position itself appropriately. using fixed coordinates, if any options are added or removed, either overlap occurs or unnecessary space develops - i'd like to avoid this. the exact number of options that should appear varies between views.
i had thought to wrap the scrolling div in a relatively positioned container, but doing that creates a conflict with bottom:0 no longer indicating the height of the main '.wrapper' container (which it should do). similarly, using height:100% will use the computed height of the '.wrapper' container so the scrollable div will extend beyond the boundary of the '.wrapper'.
is there a way to keep the functionality shown in the second fiddle, but with the top of the scrollable div relative to the bottom of the options div (which will be of variable height)?
thanks in advance for any suggestions.
EDIT: S.O. asked if i wanted to start a bounty, so i did (first time) - hopefully 100 pts isn't considered too low. still looking for a no-script, pure-css solution that doesn't involve fixed coordinates or dimensions for the y-axis (width and left assignments are OK). thx
Import JQuery:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
New Demo:
Add this nice little JQuery script to your page:
var contentColHeight = $('.content').height();
var optionColHeight = $('.sidebar-options').height();
var newHeight = contentColHeight - optionColHeight;
How does this suit your needs?
I changed position:absolute; to position:relative and added a static height:190px as well as adding background:pink; (so the bg always looks right)
You can try adding and removing Options from the list above to demo this.
Full code:
.sidebar-content {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
background : pink;
I believe you should remove absolute positioning on the inner elements and try overflow:auto.
You need to define the height of the sidebar list coz you have to set this content to scroll-able and min or max height must be defined. And you could set .sidebar-list{position: relative;} See this Fiddle
Edit Your .sidebar-content should also be relatively positioned See this Fiddle whatever your 'options' content contains.
