How to integrate Indian Language with tinymce 4.0.12 - tinymce-4

I am using tinymce 4.0.12 in my wicket project, I have a plugin for Indian language like:
PramukhIme and IndicIme in my tinymce plugin folder, but these plugins are created according to the older version of tinymce and new version of tinymce has changed its structure to read its plugin.
My tiny initiation code is:
mode : "exact",
elements : "textarea",
theme : "modern",
language :"en",
plugins :pramukhime,
toolbar1 :"pramukhime,pramukhimeclick,pramukhimeconvert,pramukhimehelp"
Is there any way or other plugins according to the new structure of tinymce so that i can use it?

Finally i have done it without using any third party plugin in TinyMCE 4!
Note: Few things you have to keep in mind:
The language works upon the fonts installed in your OS.
Download valid fonts: Indian -> Regional fonts and install it in your OS.
Make sure all the installed fonts are proper and valid and downloaded from a proper source.
If you are using Windows, the installation path would be like this:
mode : "exact",
elements : "textarea",
theme : "modern",
toolbar: "fontselect",
font_formats:"SCiRound=SCiRound;Shonarb=Shonarb;Shonar=Shonar;vrindab=vrindab;Vrinda=Vrinda;Devanagari New=Devanagari New;Kruti Dev=Kruti Dev;Kalpurush ANSI=Kalpurush ANSI;Aruna=Aruna;Haritha=Haritha"


tinymce, configuring built in button icons

Is it possible to configure the toolbar buttons styleselect and fontsizeselect
to use custom icons rather than the default text they have? and if so how. all the examples I've come across so far involve defining your own custom button to add on, which seems like a lot just to replace some text with an icon.
One way you can change these is to use a language file for en_US and put replacements there. To make this work you need to do 2 things:
1 - Add a language configuration option to your init:
selector: '#myTextArea',
language: 'en_US', //Force custom translations of button/menu text in English.
2 - Add a en_US.js file to your langs folder within TinyMCE.
This file is where TinyMCE looks for language translations so if you tell TinyMCE explicitly to use the en_US language it will look in the langs folder for a JS file of the same name as the language. You can then put updated translations in that file:
"Formats": "Custom Formats Text",
"Font Sizes": "Custom Font Size Text"
To see all your options for what you can change just grab a language file from here: The label on the left is the "key" and the value on the right is the "value". The "key" is effectively what you get in English when you don't include a reference to a language in the tinymce.init({}) call..

FLUIDTYPO3 Icons are missing (fluidcontent/flux, TYPO3 7.6 LTS)

We had it already .. the missing icons at the fluidcontent-elements at TYPO3 Backend ... (here f.e.).
Now with TYPO3 7.6.2 LTSand the latest fluidcontent 4.4.0.
Sometimes the icons are there, but only on specific places, like Page -> Columns -> Overview
But not at the new content element - wizardor the page properties(images 2+3)
At the new page content wizard page its the following at inspect tool, Serverpath and my directory ../homepages/5/d11223344??/htdocs/mydir/typo3conf/ext/myext/Resources/Public/img/icons/MyIcon.svg
I also create a few Icons at the following folder: /typo3conf/ext/myext/Resources/Public/Icons/Content/Grid03ThreeCol.png for /typo3conf/ext/myext/Resources/Private/Templates/Content/Grid03ThreeCol.html - . I've tried png & svg ... nothing.
Is it a fluidtypo3- or a typo3 problem?
How do you do this?
After a few updates from fluidcontentor/and flux...
Now it works!
Your Template:
Your Icon:
... the images ..
Open your /typo3conf/ext/myext/Resources/Private/Templates/Content/Grid03ThreeCol.html File and in find that icon path.
it will call from below line. Modify your icon path as per below code:
<flux:form id="" options="{group: '', icon: '../typo3conf/ext/myext/Resources/Public/Icons/Content/Grid03ThreeCol.png'}">
Clear cache from install tool and also from backend. And then check, it will work.

Custom theme doesn't load theme css file in Drupal 8

I'm making a new theme but have problems loading the css. Though I think it is correct to the documentation of Drupal it doesn't work.
I created a folder in /themes/custom/noadin and added the info and libraries files :
name: noadin
description: 'My new theme'
type: theme
core: 8.x
- noadin/global-styling
- noadin/global-scripts
and created a noadin.libraries.yml :
version: VERSION
css/style.css: {}
version: VERSION
js/script.js: {}
The stylesheet is placed at /themes/custom/noadin/css
Can anyone tell me what it is that I am misunderstanding?
p.s. Drupal is taking the correct theme.
Your info.yml and libraries.yml looking fine, I think may be becouse of caching it is not loading the css and js file try after clearing the cache. (login to your admin area configuration->Development->Performance->Clear all caches) Try after this
You can try look in to this working sample ( this helped me.
Please make sure you have unchecked the following option from -
Home > Administration > Configuration > Development
Aggregate CSS files -- Uncheck and Save Configuration
#Koustav answer helped me a lot. I did changed the drupal/sites/default/files to proper owner since the "Bandwidth optimization menu was disabled and then went to
Home > Administration > Configuration > Development
and unchecked the Aggregate CSS files
Now it's working like a charm!
I was facing the same issue but resolved by doing the below steps.
Goto admin/config/development/performance
uncheck the Aggregate CSS files
uncheck Aggregate JavaScript files

Is there any working spellchecker plugin for TinyMCE

I am using spellchecker from Google in my web application. It was working great but for some reason Google has stopped or removed their service and now it's not working.
Here is the link for the SOAP API -
I tried with some other components like (it's require some intallation on the server and have some issues related to typing + some PHP code to execute) (it's require some PHP code to execute and giving error "the method is not allowed with "POST")
Both aren't working well as expected.
I had also posted an question previously but don't get any reply there Tinymce: Spellchecker is not working.
Why don't you use the browser spellchecking?
There is not much you will need to do to make it work.
The browser needs to have a dictionary of your language installed (AddOn) and additionally you will need to set the attribute spellcheck of the editor body to true.
setup : function(ed) {
ed.onInit.add(function(ed, evt) { //since tinymce4 use ed.on('init', function(evt){...
ed.getBody().setAttribute('spellcheck', true);
This is far faster than a remote spellchecker approach (using something like Google spellchecker or an other aspell server).
The spellchecker plugin included in the 4.XX download WILL NOT WORK. That plugin relied on Google's spell checking API which has been permanently discontinued, disabled, removed. I too recommend using the browser-based spellchecker. After that you can remove all code for spellchecker.
selector: '.mceEditor',
browser_spellcheck: true,
contextmenu: false,
Following up on mcain66's post, I was able to rewrite the .Net handler to use Google's new API.
New dll and source code are here.
Note that I updated the target framework to 3.5 in order to use the JavaScriptSerializer. I can't imagine many people are using older versions of .Net at this point anyway.
The new API requires an API key, but the one in mcain66's post is the same one used by my version of Google toolbar, so it appears that every install of the toolbar uses the same key.
Anyway, I don't know if this is a great long-term solution since it's still an undocumented and unsupported API, but I'm hoping it gets us by until everyone is using IE10+ and can rely on native browser spell checking.
Ref: Post by dhammond member at TinyMCE
For anyone still struggling with the latest version (4). All I had to do was add the following to my init statement. Note the plugin method. I have it on the toolbar as well as it doesnt appear if its not working - good check!
selector: "textarea",
menubar: false,
plugins: "spellchecker",
toolbar: "cut copy paste pastetext undo redo spellchecker | link unlink hr | bold italic underline | bullist numlist outdent indent blockquote | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify",
statusbar: false

CKEditor and paths to plugin scripts

I was using CKEditor with no problems on my site then moved the site from one directory to another -- /vmgdev to /vmg. Everything is working OK except ckeditor, which doesn't appear. It seems that ckeditor is failing to load the autogrow plugin scripts, as it's still looking at the old path. Disabling autogrow fixes the problem and ckeditor appears again. In the head of a page that uses the editor I still have the following:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery.extend(Drupal.settings, {
"loadPlugins": { "autogrow": { "name": "autogrow", "desc": "Autogrow plugin", "path": "/vmgdev/sites/all/modules/ckeditor/ckeditor/plugins/autogrow/", "default": "f" },
How I can I fix the autogrow plugin path? In the form that allows me to change the ckeditor global profile the plugins path is set to %m/plugins and beneath this field it claims that %m is equal to %m - /vmg/sites/all/modules/ckeditor, but that's obviously not the path that's being used.
Remember to clear the cache on your Drupal server as well as the cache on your browser.
Since ckeditor relies on a lot of javascript, I've found that often the browser caches the javascript and doesn't show the changes you've made even if you've refreshed the Drupal cache.
