mvc - couple lists on page -

Can I have 3 divs with lists from database on my page? I'm beginner in mvc and I don't know how to exactly do it... When I want make 1 list I do:
public ActionResult Favs()
var db = new MyDbContext();
List<books> lb = db.DbBooks.ToList();
return View(lb);
Then I right click -> make view and check option 'list'.
But what, if I want to see 3 diffrent lists?
public ActionResult Favs()
var db = new MyDbContext();
List<book> lb = db.DbBooks.ToList();
List<magazine> lm = db.DbMagazines.ToList();
List<author> la = db.DbAuthors.ToList();
return View(lb);
////////how return rest of them???
I will be thankful for any help!

You should use a Model class for your return View. (note this is all very rough code knocked up quickly)
Something like
public class MyListsModel
public List<book> Books { get; set; }
public List<magazine> Magazines { get; set; }
public List<author> Authorss { get; set; }
Then your ActionResult would be something like
var myModel = new MyListsModel();
myModel.Books = db.DbBooks.ToList();
myModel.Magazines = db.DbMagazines.ToList();
myModel.Author = db.DbAuthors.ToList();
return View(myModel);
You can then use those lists in your View page which might look similar to this:
#model MyListsModel
ViewBag.Title = "My Page;
#using (Html.BeginForm())
#foreach(book bookItem in Model.Books)
// Do something and repeat this type of action for each list


Displaying SQL Query Results in View

I'm new to MVC 5 with .net
Basically I'm just trying to get my bearings and I want to display some generic queries (disregard the fact that im using the master db, I just want to get the functions working right now). I'm using the authentication 2.0 which has an applicatindbcontext, but I created my own context but since I'm not really wanting to create a model (which could be the problem) I didn't know what to create for properties:
public class MasterModel : DbContext
public MasterModel() : base("MasterDatabaseConnection")
{ }
I created the controller like:
public class MasterController : Controller
private MasterModel db = new MasterModel();
// GET: Statistics
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult GetVersion()
string query = "SELECT ##VERSION AS Version";
IEnumerable<MasterModel> data = db.Database.SqlQuery<MasterModel>(query);
return View(data.ToList());
And finally I'm trying to figure out how to display the results in the view...and I'm completely lost (although it's possible I was lost in one of the previous steps).
#model IEnumerable<IdentitySample.Models.MasterModel>
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
I've followed some tutorials where I've created CRUD style model view controllers, but I guess I'm not drawing the connection on how to just submit informational queries and display the results.
Create a Context:
public class MasterModel : DbContext
public MasterModel() : base("MasterDatabaseConnection")
{ }
public DbSet<MyModel> ModelOBJ { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
Create a Model:
Public cLass MyModel
public int ID {get;set;}
public string Name {get;set;}
Public cLass MyModelRepository
public List<MyModel> GetALlModelFromDB()
MasterModel md = new MasterModel();
return md.ModelTosend.toList();
In your Controller:
public ActionResult Index()
return View(new MyModelRepository().GetALlModelFromDB());
In your View:
#model IEnumerable<IdentitySample.Models.MyModel>
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
#foreach(var item in Model)
#:<div>#item.ID #item.Name </div>

get IEnumerable<T> in mvc post method argument

I have one model called ProductSupplier
I am passing #model IEnumerable to my View
and showing it from view
Now when i submit the form i m not getting list of IEnumerable in my http post method. I want to know the selected supplier from user.
Below is my model
public sealed class ProductSupplier
public int CountryId { get; set; }
public int UserId { get; set; }
public bool IsProductSupplier { get; set; }
public string CountryName { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
This is my HttpGet method
public ActionResult ManageSupplier(int id)
var supplier = App.UsersRepo.GetSupplierForProduct(id);
return View(supplier);
And I am binding it via following way (U can suggest me best way I am new bee to MVC)
#model IEnumerable<ProductSupplier>
#using (Html.BeginForm("ManageSupplier", "Products", FormMethod.Post, new { role = "form") })
{ #Html.AntiForgeryToken()
foreach (var item in Model)
<div class="checkbox">
#Html.CheckBoxFor(x => item.IsProductSupplier, new { id = item.Email }) #item.FirstName #item.LastName (#item.Email)
And finally my HttpPost method
public ActionResult ManageSupplier(IEnumerable<ProductSupplier> obj)
{ // I m getting obj null in my argument
//I want to Get selected id from obj and want to pass in selectedSupplier
var returnVal = App.ProductRepo.AssigneSupplierForProduct(productId, selectedSupplier);
return Json(new { success = true }, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet);
can anyone suggest me where i m making mistake.
I am new to MVC any kind of suggestion highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Firstable u cant do it like this.One way to do that is something like this.Here is the basic step how u do that.
1-assign for all checkbox ,checkbox change event with the unique id.
(take a look at here)
2-Cretae a jquery object and store the data when ever the checkbox clicked ,via versa
var ListProductSuppliers ={ {ProductSupplier_info_here },{ProductSupplier_info_here } };
3-later via ajax request,serilize this object(ListProductSuppliers ) and send to your method
4-on server side deserilize this to the IEnumerable<ProductSupplier>
5 later do it whatever u want with those selected suppliars

How to bind bropdown list in Razor View (If view is not bound with any model)

Can anybody suggest me how bind a dropdown list in MVC Razor view. I am using MVC 4. I have a view that is not bound with any model class.
public class Util {
public List<EmployeeType> GetEmpTypes() {
return (new List<EmployeeType>(){
new EmployeeType(){ID=101, Text="Permanent"},
new EmployeeType(){ ID=102, Text="Temporary"}
public class EmployeeType {
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
I have this sample code. I am new to MVC Now after this I don't know how to bind the collection returned by GetEmployeeTypes() Method to a dropdown list
Your class with method
public class Util {
public List<EmployeeType> GetEmpTypes() {
return (new List<EmployeeType>(){
new EmployeeType(){ID=101, Text="Permanent"},
new EmployeeType(){ ID=102, Text="Temporary"}
Your model class with properties
public class EmployeeType {
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
This is sample action
public ActionResult ViewName()
Util xxx=new Util();
List<SelectList> SelectedItems =new List<SelectList>();
List<EmployeeType> items =xxx.GetEmpTypes();
foreach (var t in items )
SelectListItem s = new SelectListItem();
s.Text = t.Text;
s.Value = t.ID;
ViewBag.xxxxx= SelectedItems;
return view();
In View
#Html.DropDownList("xxxxx", new SelectList(ViewBag.xxxxx, "Text", "Value"))
This above code just like a key, i don't tested for that code ran successfully. you can get some idea for how to bind dropdown from my code.
I had a Class like this to get all EmployeeTypes
public class Util
public List<EmployeeType> GetEmpTypes()
return (new List<EmployeeType>(){
new EmployeeType(){ID=101, Text="Permanent"},
new EmployeeType(){ ID=102, Text="Temporary"}
public class EmployeeType
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
In Controller I have written code to get the List of Employee Types
Util obj = new Util();
var v = obj.GetEmpTypes();
ViewBag.EmployeeTypes = v;
return View();
In the View I have written code to bind dropdown.
#Html.DropDownList("EmployeeTypes",new SelectList(ViewBag.EmployeeTypes,"ID","Text"));
Thanks #Ramesh Rajendran ( Now I understood the concept to bind dropdown)
*strong text*you should create the model selectlist like here:
public static List<EmployeeType> GetEmpTypes() {
return (new List<EmployeeType>(){
new EmployeeType(){ID=101, Text="Permanent"},
new EmployeeType(){ ID=102, Text="Temporary"}
public static SelectList GetMyEmpTypes
get { return new SelectList(GetEmpTypes(), "ID", "Text"); }
then you access this method in dropdown list like
when you will submit your form then it value bidden with Name get post to controller.
it is not necessary to bind with model can receive the value on controller with the name that you have given in view like:
Now you can recive the name value at controller like:
public ActionResult test(String Name)
return view();
and make your method static i.e GetEmpTypes() so that you can access it from view.

ASP.NET MVC passing query result from controller to view

How to print the result of query in View page for ASP.NET MVC?
My code is:
public ActionResult Index()
var list = from m in db.MenuTables
select m.MenuName;
return View(list);
Now what should i write to print the result of this query in View Page?
Personally, I would get in the habit of having ViewModels and then strongly typing your View, to that model.
The model will expose ONLY THE DATA you want to display. Nothing more, nothing less. So let's assume you want to display the Name, Price and some other meta data.
//View Model
public class MenuItem
public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }
public bool IsVegetarian { get; set; ]
public class IndexViewModel
public IList<MenuItem> MenuItems { get; set; }
public string MaybeSomeMessage { get; set; }
//in Controller
public ActionResult Index()
// This gets the menu items from your db, or cache or whatever.
var menuItemsFromDb = GetMenuItems();
// Let's start populating the view model.
IndexViewModel model = new IndexViewModel();
// Project the results to your model.
IList<MenuItems> menuItems = null;
if (menuItemsFromDb != null)
model.MenuItems = (from menuItem in menuItemsFromDb
select new MenuItem() {
Name = menuItem.Name,
Price = menuItem.Price,
IsVegetarian = menuItem.IsVegetarian
// Anything else...
model.MaybeSomeMessage = "Hi There!";
return View(model);
//in View
#model IndexViewModel
#foreach(var item in Model.MenuItems)
<li>#item.Name - $ #item.Price</li>
Note I've skipped some error checking, etc.
The point: only pass what you need.
At first, you may think this is much more code than is necessary. The best answer I can suggest to that thought, is that in the long run, you'll thank yourself for getting in the habit of this because the view should only ever know about the exact data it requires.
Nothing more, nothing less. Sending the least amount of data means you have a very light and simple view which will make your support/debugging much better. Next, you'll be able to unit test your controllers with a lot more intelligence and smarts, when you get to that.
Assuming that list is an IEnumerable of strings (i.e. that MenuName is a string).
In your view, accept the model IEnumerable<string>
#model IEnumerable<string>
and then enumerate it
#foreach( string s in Model )
The first thing you want to do is call ToList() or else you could possibly be executing the same SQL query multiple times.
public ActionResult Index()
var list = (from m in db.MenuTables
select m.MenuName).ToList();
return View(list);
Secondly, I wouldn't just pass up a full list like that. You should create a ViewModel. That will allow you to pass up more data later on with a smaller effort.
public ActionResult Index()
var model = new IndexModel();
model.Tables = db.MenuTables.ToList();
model.AnotherValue = "MENUS";
return View(model);
Now we are on the view, you will need to set the model and iterate the table.
#model IndexModel
#foreach( var table in Model.Tables) {
public ActionResult Index()
var list = from m in db.MenuTables
select m.MenuName;
return View(list);
//In View
#model IEnumerable<ProjectName.models.MenuTables>
#foreach(var item in Model)

How to edit using ViewData model

I have created a View Model based on combination of three Tables.
I click on Edit action it displays the Data from Three tables correctly.
But when i click on Save button i am not able to get data either from FormCollection or from Request["Id"]
Please suggest it the possible way.
public class ConferenceResourceEditModel
public ConferenceRoom ConferenceRoom { get; set; }
public Resources Resources { get; set; }
public ResourceAllocation ResourceAllocation { get; set; }
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
//ConferenceRoom conferenceroom = db.ConferenceRooms.Find(id);
var query =
from c in db.ConferenceRooms
from r in db.Resourcess
from ra in db.ResourceAllocation
where c.ConferenceID == id
where c.ConferenceID == ra.ConferenceID
where r.ResourceID ==ra.ResourceID
select new ConferenceResourceEditModel { ConferenceRoom = c, Resources = r,ResourceAllocation=ra };
return View(query);
// POST: /ConferenceRoom/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(FormCollection form, int id, ConferenceResourceEditModel conferenceroom,ConferenceRoom crf)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
db.Entry(conferenceroom).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(conferenceroom);
Look up model binding on the site where there are magnificent tutorials about this kind of thing.
in a nutshell your controller action will take a parameter of type YOURVIEWMODEL and bind to it automatically
Use some ORM ( like EntityFramework,personally i recommend DatabaseFirst approach). Using something like that:
var query =
from c in db.ConferenceRooms
from r in db.Resourcess
from ra in db.ResourceAllocation
where c.ConferenceID == id
where c.ConferenceID == ra.ConferenceID
where r.ResourceID ==ra.ResourceID
is much more complicated and difficult. Hope it will help.
