Common Lisp special variable scope different for defmethod and defun? - common-lisp

either I'm missing something very stupid or the scope of special variables is unexpectedly different for defmethod and defun (tested using SBCL 1.1.14):
As expected:
(defun ttprint-object (prefix out)
(format out "~A: in defun: < ~A >~%" prefix *print-readably*))
(let ((*print-readably* t))
(format t "let: calling defun: < ~A >~%" *print-readably*)
(ttprint-object "from let" t))
let: calling defun: < T >
from let: in defun: < T >
With let defmethod works different from defun, so unexpected:
(defclass empty () ())
(defmethod print-object ((self empty) out)
(format out "in defmethod: < ~A >~%" *print-readably*)
(ttprint-object "from defmethod" out))
(let ((*print-readably* t))
(ttprint-object "from let" t)
(format t "let: calling defmethod: < ~A >~%" *print-readably*)
(format t "let: ~A" (make-instance 'empty)))
from let: in defun: < T >
let: calling defmethod: < T >
let: in defmethod: < NIL >
from defmethod: in defun: < NIL >
Also with setf defmethod works different from defun but same as with let:
(setq *print-readably* t)
(ttprint-object "from setf" t)
(format t "setf: calling defmethod: < ~A >~%" *print-readably*)
(format t "setf: ~A" (make-instance 'empty)))
from setf: in defun: < T >
setf: calling defmethod: < T >
setf: in defmethod: < NIL >
from defmethod: in defun: < NIL >
Hopefully it's me...
Thanks in advance, Frank

~A binds *print-readably* to false (emphasis added): Tilde A: Aesthetic
An arg, any object, is printed without escape characters (as by princ). If arg is a string, its characters will be output verbatim. If arg is nil it will be printed as nil; the colon modifier (~:A) will cause an arg of nil to be printed as (), but if arg is a composite structure, such as a list or vector, any contained occurrences of nil will still be printed as nil.
~A binds *print-escape* to false, and *print-readably* to false.
When you do
(format t "let: ~A" (make-instance 'empty))
the ~A directive binds *print-readably* to false (i.e., nil), and eventually the Lisp writer calls the print-object method for the object. If you don't want this binding, you might try ~W which doesn't modify the printer variables: Tilde W: Write
An argument, any object, is printed obeying every printer control
variable (as by write). In addition, ~W interacts correctly with depth
abbreviation, by not resetting the depth counter to zero. ~W does not
accept parameters. If given the colon modifier, ~W binds
*print-pretty* to true. If given the at-sign modifier, ~W binds *print-level* and *print-length* to nil.
~W provides automatic support for the detection of circularity and
sharing. If the value of *print-circle* is not nil and ~W is applied
to an argument that is a circular (or shared) reference, an
appropriate #n# marker is inserted in the output instead of printing
the argument.
If you use ~W, you get the results you'd originally expected:
CL-USER> (let ((*print-readably* t))
(ttprint-object "from let" t)
(format t "let: calling defmethod: < ~A >~%" *print-readably*)
(format t "let: ~w" (make-instance 'empty)))
from let: in defun: < T >
let: calling defmethod: < T >
let: in defmethod: < T >
from defmethod: in defun: < T >


avoiding side effects implementing OR macro function in lisp

I'm trying to implement the macro-function OR in Lisp
My attempt:
(defmacro or2 (test &rest args)
`(if ,test ,test (if (list ,#args) (or2 ,#args) nil)) )
However, if I test with something like this:
(or2 (print 1) 2 )
Whereas with the default OR:
(or (print 1) 2)
I understand that this is because of my two ,test at the beginning of my if clause, but I don't see how i could avoid it. How could I avoid applying twice the test effects ?
How would you solve the problem of side-effects if you had to code it by hand?
(or2 (print 1) 2)
Intermediate variable
Most probably, you would do this:
(let ((value (print 1)))
(if value value 2))
You need to define a local variable which holds the value of the first expression, so that later you can reference the variable instead of re-evaluating the same expression more than once.
But what if you already have a variable named value in the lexical context where you expand the code? What if, instead of 2, you were referencing that other value? This problem is named variable capture.
In Common Lisp, you introduce a fresh symbol, that is guaranteed to not be already bound to anything, using GENSYM.
(let ((symbol (gensym)))
`(let ((,symbol ,test))
(if ,symbol ,symbol ...)))
Recursive expansion
(list ,#args)
The above is the same as writing directly ,args.
But you are confusing macroexpansion and execution times. If you inject args directly in the code, it will be evaluated (most likely, this is going to fail as a bad function call). What you want instead is to test if args is non-null during macroexpansion.
Besides, you should probably first test if your list of expression contains more than one element, in order to simplify the generated code.
Roughly speaking, you have to take into account the following cases:
(or2) is nil
(or2 exp) is the same as exp
(or2 exp &rest args) is the same as the following, where var is a fresh symbol:
`(let ((,var ,exp))
(if ,var ,var (or2 ,#args)))
Please make use of macroexpand-1:
(macroexpand-1 '(or2 (print 1) 2))
; ==> (if (print 1) (print 1) (if (list 2) (or2 2) nil)) ;
; ==> t
With macros you wish the order of evaluation to be expected and you wish expressions to only be evaluated once. Thus the expansion should have been something like this:
(let ((tmp (print 1)))
(if tmp
(or2 2)))
And tmp should be a symbol generated by gensym. Also when args is nil you should expand or2 to only test:
(defmacro or2 (test &rest args)
(if (endp args)
(let ((tmp (gensym "tmp")))
`(let ((,tmp ,test))
(if ,tmp
(or2 ,#args))))))
you can make use of macros to simplify this:
(defmacro or2 (test &rest args)
(if (endp args)
(once-only (test)
`(if ,test
(or2 ,#args)))))

Explaining Lisp's dotimes: What is result-form doing?

I'm looking at the LispWorks Hyperspec on dotimes but I don't understand what the third variable [result-form] is doing. The examples are as follows:
(dotimes (temp-one 10 temp-one)) => 10
(setq temp-two 0) => 0
(dotimes (temp-one 10 t) (incf temp-two)) => T
temp-two => 10
The Hyperspec says
...Then result-form is evaluated. At the time result-form is
processed, var is bound to the number of times the body was executed.
Not sure what this is saying. Why is the third variable necessary in these two dotimes examples? I seem to be able to leave it out entirely in the second example and it works. My next example (not sure where I found it),
(defun thing (n)
(let ((s 0))
(dotimes (i n s)
(incf s i))))
Puzzles me as well. What use is s serving?
Since dotimes is a macro, looking at it's macro expansion can make things clearer:
Take your first example and expand it:
(pprint (MACROEXPAND-1 '(dotimes (temp-one 10 temp-one))))
I get the following output: (Yours may vary depending on the CL implementation)
(LET ((#:G8255 10) (TEMP-ONE 0))
(IF (CCL::INT>0-P #:G8255)
(UNLESS (EQL TEMP-ONE #:G8255) (GO #:G8254))))
There's a lot going on, but the key thing to look at is that temp-one is bound to the value 0, and is returned as the expression's value (in standard lisp evaluation order).
Take the last example:
(pprint (macroexpand-1 '(dotimes (i n s) (incf s i))))
(LET ((#:G8253 N) (I 0))
(IF (CCL::INT>0-P #:G8253)
#:G8252 (INCF S I)
(SETQ I (1+ I)))
(UNLESS (EQL I #:G8253) (GO #:G8252))))
As you can see S here is treated the same way as temp-one in the example before.
Try one without passing the last variable:
(pprint (macroexpand-1 '(dotimes (i n) (do-something i))))
and you get:
(LET ((#:G8257 N) (I 0))
(IF (CCL::INT>0-P #:G8257)
(SETQ I (1+ I)))
(UNLESS (EQL I #:G8257) (GO #:G8256))))
Notice how NIL is the return value.

Why is a macro being evaluated while compiling a function definition (Clozure Common Lisp)?

I have:
(defmacro assign (name value)
(format t "assigning ~A to ~A~%" `,name `,value))
(defun opcode-call (&rest args)
(mapcar (lambda (arg)
(if (stringp arg)
(let ((var (gensym)))
(assign var arg)
When I compile opcode-call, REPL outputs:
assigning VAR to ARG
Why is assign being evaluated at compile time?
Macros are functions. They take code via their arguments and return new code. Macros can have side effects.
Your code prints something as a side effect during macro expansion and returns NIL (the result of calling the FORMAT function).
(defmacro assign (name value)
(format t "assigning ~A to ~A~%" `,name `,value))
Using it:
CL-USER 11 > (multiple-value-list (macroexpand '(assign foo bar)))
assigning FOO to BAR ; prints as a side effect
(NIL T) ; the macro expansion returns two values NIL and T
It does not make sense to quote the arguments. The code is equivalent to this:
(defmacro assign (name value)
(format t "assigning ~A to ~A~%" name value))
It still returns NIL as the expansion, which is probably not what you want.
If you want the macro to expand a form into the call to format, then you need to return that call as a list. Here we use quasiquote to construct a list from a template, filling in two values: name and value.
(defmacro assign (name value)
`(format t "assigning ~A to ~A~%" ,name ,value))
Maybe you want to quote the name:
(defmacro assign (name value)
`(format t "assigning ~A to ~A~%" ',name ,value))

Common lisp hashtable

Task is to read N string like "name phone" and store in. Then find stored data with requests like "name".
My code stores names and numbers in hashtable, but after it doesn't find any values. Stored values checks with maphash (it shows all pairs key-value).
Function split-by-one-space is just utility.
(defparameter data (make-hash-table))
(defun split-by-one-space (string) ; to split string: "aaa bbb" -> (aaa bbb)
(loop for i = 0 then (1+ j)
as j = (position #\Space string :start i)
collect (subseq string i j)
while j))
(dotimes (i (read)) ; input data
(let* ((inp (read-line))
(raw (split-by-one-space inp))
(name (string (car raw)))
(phone (cadr raw)))
(format t "Adding: ~W ~W~%" name phone) ; debug
(setf (gethash name data) phone)))
(maphash #'(lambda (k v) (format t "~a => ~a~%" k v)) data) ; this show all stored data
(loop for line = (read-line *standard-input* nil :eof)
until (or (eq line :eof) (eq line nil))
(let ((key (gethash line data))) ; it cannot find anything. Why?
(format t "Searching: ~W~%" line) ; debug
(if (null key)
(format t "Not found~%")
(format t "~A=~A~%" (car key) (cdr key)))))
Sample input:
sam 99912222
tom 11122222
harry 12299933
Unless you specify a test function, hash tables will use eql to determine "is this key identical to that key".
(defvar *s1* "a string")
(defvar *s2* "a string")
(loop for pred in '(eq eql equal equalp)
do (format t "Using ~a, the result is ~a~%"
pred (funcall pred *s1* *s2*)))
This generates the output:
Using EQ, the result is NIL
Using EQL, the result is NIL
Using EQUAL, the result is T
Using EQUALP, the result is T
In this case, the main difference between equal and equalp is that the latter is case-insensitive, while the former is not. To use another test function, use the :test keyword and one of the found "standard" test functions. If you don't need case-insensitive matches, you would simply create your hash table like this: (make-hash-table :test #'equal).

Pass a "variable name" to defvar

I've been struggling with this for two days now, and I can't find the answer.
What I want is to define three variables, a, b, and c each with a value of 0.
(dolist (lbl '(a b c)) (defvar lbl 0))
Doesn't do what I want. a, b, and c remain undefined, and lbl now has a value of 0.
I think I may understand why this can't work: defvar is a macro, not a function, and as such I am passing it the form lbl, not the current value of label (which is a, b, c in turn). I think.
But in the resulting macroexpansion, shouldn't lbl eventually be linked-up(?) or evaluated(?) to the value I'm intending? Obviously not, either because it can't be done or I'm doing it wrong.
I want to understand:
How to make this work: (dolist (lbl '(a b c)) (defvar lbl 0))
What's going wrong under the hood. I have a feeling it has something to do with symbols or the mechanics of the quote operator.
Here are a few options:
With eval, by building a defvar expression:
(dolist (lbl '(a b c))
(eval `(defvar ,lbl 0))
With proclaim and setf of symbol-value (note: set is deprecated, since 1994 for what it's worth):
(dolist (lbl '(a b c))
(proclaim `(special ,lbl))
(setf (symbol-value lbl) 0))
This is actually mostly what defvar does (see notes in the linked page), but each Lisp implementation usually also records source file location, as they do for other defining macros.
Under the hood, defvar is a macro that makes the variable special (i.e. with dynamic extent bindings in the current dynamic environment; note: there's no portable undoing for this!), and optionally initializes it if it's not yet bound.
The fact that it's a macro means it doesn't evaluate its arguments, so it can take the variable name literally, and it does so. As such, (defvar lbl 0) will define the variable lbl, not the symbol stored in a lbl variable.
The fact that it optionally initializes the variable means that the initializing expression will not even be evaluated if the variable is boundp. So, its secondary effects won't happen if the variable is already initialized. This might or might not be expected.
Note that this expression isn't actually evaluated at macro-expansion time, it's left for evaluation when the expansion is evaluated, which in a REPL means right after macro expansion (and possibly after compilation, depending on the Lisp implementation; read more about evaluation and compilation, it's quite interesting).
(dolist (lbl '(a b c))
(let ((lbl 0))
(print lbl)))
Why is lbl 0 and not some of a, b, c?
Because LET binds the symbol lbl and not its value.
Similar with (DEFVAR FOO 3).
Imagine following code:
(LET ((FOO 3)) ...)
Now, if we compile this code, the Lisp compiler recognizes the DEFVAR declaration and now knows that FOO is a special global variable. Thus in the let form FOO will be dynamically bound.
Compare this code:
(dolist (v '(FOO)) (eval `(DEFVAR ,v 3)))
(LET ((FOO 3)) ...)
The compiler won't see the DEFVAR and does not know that it should be a global special variable. In the LET form, FOO will have a lexical binding.
Thus DEFVAR needs to be a macro which knows the symbol at compile time (!) and which expands into a form that informs the compiler that the symbol is a special global variable. The form also sets the value when executed.
Thus the best way to create multiple DEFVAR declarations from a list of variables is to write a macro, which expands into a PROGN form with multiple DEFVARs. Inside the PROGN, the compiler will still recognize them.
CL-USER 21 > (pprint (macroexpand '(defvar* (a b c) 0)))
Implemented as:
(defmacro defvar* (vars initial-value)
,#(loop for var in vars
do (check-type var symbol)
collect `(defvar ,var ,initial-value))))
Note that it makes sense to check that the variables are really provided as symbols.
defvar is a special form which makes sure the symbol of it's first argument is a bound variable. If the variable is not bound the evaluated expression of the second argument becomes the bound variables value. Thus:
(defvar *x* 10) ; if *x* was not bound it's now 10
(defvar *x* 20) ; since *x* is defined nothing happens
Notice that *x* is not evaluated but is used unevaluated. In order to get the same functionality by using a variable that evaluates to a symbol which you want to exist as a variable in global scope you need to do something like this:
(defvar b 10)
(dolist (lbl '(a b c))
(when (not (boundp lbl))
(setf (symbol-value lbl) 0)))
Still, neither of the ones not already bound becomes special like with defvar, but at least you get the same behaviour:
(list a b c) ; => (0 10 0)
Perhaps you should just do:
(defvar *a* 0)
(defvar *b* 0)
(defvar *c* 0)
If you have a lot of variables you need to do this with you can do:
(defmacro defvars (lst value)
(loop :for e :in lst
:collect `(defvar ,e ,value) :into result
:finally (return (cons 'progn result))))
(defparameter *w* 10)
(defvars (*q* *w* *e*) 1)
(list *q* *w* *e* ; ==> (1 10 1)
Also, it's really important to earmuff your global variables. Once special it will follow dynamic binding. eg.
(defun test ()
(let ((*b* 15))
(defun test2 ()
(test) ; ==> 15
Reimplementing DEFVAR
You can approximate the behavior of defvar with a function like this:
(defun %defvar (symbol value documentation)
"Define a global special variable.
symbol---a symbol
value---nil or a function of zero arguments
documentation---nil or a documentation string
returns symbol
Proclaim SYMBOL globally as a special variable. If VALUE is non-nil,
then if SYMBOL is not already bound, SYMBOL is assigned the value
returned by calling VALUE. DOCUMENATION is assigned as the
documentation of type variable to for SYMBOL."
(prog1 symbol
;; make it globally special
(proclaim (list 'special symbol))
;; if a value is provided, and symbol isn't
;; already bound, set its value to the result
;; of calling the value-function
(when (not (null value))
(unless (boundp symbol)
(setf (symbol-value symbol)
(funcall value))))
;; set the documentation
(setf (documentation symbol 'variable) documentation)))
Then you can do, e.g.,
CL-USER> (%defvar '*the-answer* (lambda () 42) "the answer")
CL-USER> *the-answer*
CL-USER> (documentation '*the-answer* 'variable)
"the answer"
And with your original code, you could do something like:
(dolist (lbl '(a b c)) (%defvar lbl (lambda () 0)))
Now, how does this relate to what defvar actually does? Well, you could now implement a defvar like macro by doing:
(defmacro define-var (symbol &optional (value nil value-p) documentation)
,(if value-p `(lambda () ,value) 'nil)
This expands as we'd expect:
CL-USER> (macroexpand-1 '(define-var *the-answer* 42 "the answer"))
(%DEFVAR '*THE-ANSWER* (LAMBDA () 42) "the answer")
You can actually use macroexpand to look at what an implementation does, too. E.g., in SBCL:
CL-USER> (macroexpand-1 '(defvar *the-answer* 42 "the answer"))
"the answer" 'T (SB-C:SOURCE-LOCATION)))
This isn't too much different from what we wrote above, though it's handling the non-evaluation of the form when the variable is already bound in a slightly different way, and it's also got some handling for recording a source location. The general idea is the same, though.
Why things don't get "linked up"
But in the resulting macroexpansion, shouldn't lbl eventually be
linked-up(?) or evaluated(?) to the value I'm intending?
The original code is:
(dolist (lbl '(a b c)) (defvar lbl 0))
We can macroexpand this to see what it becomes (in SBCL):
CL-USER> (macroexpand '(dolist (lbl '(a b c)) (defvar lbl 0)))
(LET ((#:N-LIST1022 '(A B C)))
(SETQ #:N-LIST1022 (CDR #:N-LIST1022))
(GO #:START1023))))
Now, we can still see LBL in two places, including in (defvar LBL 0). So why don't things get "matched up"? To see that, we need to remember that the defvar inside the let will also be macroexpanded. To what? This:
CL-USER> (macroexpand '(DEFVAR LBL 0))
But now we see that SBCL's internals are getting the symbol named "LBL"; the call (sb-impl::%defvar 'lbl …) is calling the function sb-impl::%defvar with the symbol lbl, and there's no connection between that symbol and the lexical variable that happens to be represented in the source by the same symbol. After all, if you write:
CL-USER> (let ((a 89))
(list 'a a))
(A 89)
You want to be able to get the symbol a and the number 89, right? The macroexpansion of defvar includes a call to a function with the quotation of one of the arguments to macro.
