How do I simulate packet drop while sending packets from Linux Box - networking

I wanted to simulate a situation where when I send some packets say ping x.x.x.x, some of my packets outgoing from my Linux box should be dropped out and number of dropped packets should be then captured through Tx dropped packets in ifconfig tool.
I know some of option/rule that we can provide in iptables but not sure about them.
Can anybody let how to simulate packet drop and dropped packet capture in Linux?

netem provides functionality to simulate various network related situation like emulate wide area network, packet loss/drop/delay.
Please refer this excerpt for more information on packet drop as your have provided less requirements.
Also see SO answer


Why is DPDK also used by transmitter to send packets and not only used by the receiver?

I'm setting up a traffic generator using pktgen-DPDK. What am having a hard time understanding is why DPDK plays a part when sending packets. From what I understand, when the receiver gets a packet and have their system configured to handle it using DPDK the NIC will send the packet to the app directly which then uses DPDK to do packet processing there (by passing inefficient Kernel network layers). So why do the transmitter also need to use DPDK for this? And how does it alter the packets that are being sent?
Here is an example to explain my thinking:
A transmitter is trying to send an image to receiver. The image is divided into small packets, which uses IP and TCP to get the packet from transmitter to receiver. After the packets have traveled over the internet, they finally get to the receiver. The receiver has configured their system to use DPDK, bypassing some Linux Kernel network layers. Through this the packet processing becomes faster.
Based on this example above, I don't see the point of using DPDK for sending packets or even how it would play a part in that. When we send packets, do we not simply use some protocols like TCP and IP to make sure the packet get where it needs to.
What is wrong with the example I'm giving and how could you rephrase it to be correctly?

Ethernet data transfer between FPGA-PC

I am developing a logic core to perform data transfer between a FPGA and a PC over ethernet, using a LAN8710 PHY on my FPGA board.
I've achieved to transfer some UDP data packets from the FPGA to the PC. It's a simple core that complies with the PHY transfer requirements. It builds the UDP package and transfer it to the PC.
To check the reception on the PC, I am using Wireshark and as said above, I receive the packets correctly. I've checked the reception with a simple UDP receiver written by myself.
But, I've noticed that I only receive these packets when Wireshark is running on the PC. I mean, if Wireshark is ON, my application receives the packets too, and the counter of received packets of the following picture increases. (This picture is not mine, just one from the internet)
If I close Wireshark, the PC stops receiving packets and the counter of received packets stops. My application stops receiving too.
Although novice on networking topics, I suspect that this issue is related to PC-side. Seems like Wireshark is "opening/closing" the ethernet communication channel, or something like that. Does anyone knows about this issue?
To build a functional core to transfer data between a PC and the FPGA, I've developed a core to transfer and receive UDP packets. Next step will be ARP implementation (to let the PC identify my FPGA board, as I understand). What protocols are necessary to perform full-duplex data transfer between this 2 devices?
Thank you very much in advance,
Check whether you are able to get appropriate receive interrupt at ethernet driver level on PC-side for a single transmitted packet by FPGA. If you do not get the receive interrupt, check on the transmit side(FPGA) for appropriate transmit interrupts for packet that is being transmitted. This should mostly help you in cornering the issue.
As far as i know, wireshark is just a packet analyzer/sniffer. However, if wireshark is suspected, one option could be to try with alternate packet sniffer to rule out if any such scenario is happening.
A handy tool for determining problems in network and also for determining the network statistics shall be netstat. netstat -sp udp shall list down the statistics only for UDP. There are many other parameters that can be used with netstat for diagnosis.
After many months I solved it, I post to help someone stucked in the same point.
Finally I figured out that Wireshark uses a tool to access the network link layer of the computer. This tool allows Wireshark to sniff all incoming and outgoing packets at a specified network device. To do this, the first step is to OPEN the network device, and that's why my program only worked if Wireshark was open.

Packet loss showing at point of entry onto network - what could cause?

A traffic source (server) with a 1gigabit NIC is attached to a 1gigabit port of a Cisco switch.
I mirror this traffic (SPAN) to a separate gigabit port on the same switch and then capture this traffic on a high throughput capture device (riverbed shark).
Wireshark analysis of the capture shows that there is a degree of packet loss - around 0.1% of TCP segments are being lost (based on sequence number analysis).
Given that this is the first point on the network for this traffic, what can cause this loss?
The throughput is not anywhere near 1gigabit, there are no port errors (which might indicate a dodgy patch lead).
In Richard Stevens illustrated TCP book he makes mention of 'local congestion' - where the TCP stack is producing data at a rate faster than the underlying local queues can be emptied.
Could this be what I am seeing?
If so, is there a way to confirm it on an AIX box?
(Stevens example used the Linux 'tc' command for a ppp0 device to demonstrate drops at the lower level)
The lost can be anywhere along the network path.
If there is loss between two hosts, you should be seeing DUP ACKs. You need to see what side is sending the DUP ACKs. This would be the host that isn't receiving all the packets. ( When a packet is not seen, it will send a DUP ACK to ask for the packet again.)
There may be congestion somewhere else along the path. Look for output drops on interfaces. Or CRC erros .

Command to transmit Data over wlan

I am doing some experiment for which I need to collect Data from wlan driver.
I am interested in transmitting IEEE 802.11b Packets with more flexibility in terms of Data Rate, Packet Size etc.
Basically, I will have the laptop as the transmitter and I have built a custom receiver for IEEE 802.11b which would read the packets ( IEEE 802.11b 1/2/5.5 or 11Mbps) .
So, I am looking at some Linux tool which gives the option of setting these parameters while transmitting data.
I am thinking at commands like iwpriv to set the parameters for the wireless driver, and iperf commands to generate Traffic.
I am not sure, how to use them to achieve a Data traffic, say 1Mbps / and 1024 Bytes PSDU (Packet Size).
The receiver is a dedicated hardware ( not a Computer). Any suggestion or idea in this direction would be helpful.
Use wireshark or pcap (via perl,python etc) to capture what you want.
You may be better off asking this on Server Fault. I found a couple of packet generators that look like they could do what you need but I'm by no means an expert.
you can create and send any ethernet packet [...]
sending sequence of packets
delay between packets, number of packets to send
sending with max speed, approaching the teoretical boundary
change parameters while sending (change IP & mac address, UDP payload, 2 user defined bytes, etc.)
Modify any field of any protocol (some protocols allow changing packet fields with every packet at run time e.g. changing IP/MAC addresses)
Configure stream rates, bursts, no. of packets
I found these in the Wireshare Wiki where there are a number of other tools that may help.

Measuring Dropped packets in Network through wireshark

Monitoring the all network traffic from one port on the switch and captured the all traffic bu using wireshark.
Here i found all packet captured in the summary result and it has dropped packet information also. This is some thing lost packets in the network or at the wireshark point?
I was in ambiguous...i am testing in ethernet based and TCP/IP based protocol.
One more possible case if my server is installed with wireshark and its capturing the all packets coming and going from this point. At this point also found the packet dropped in the wireshark summary.
So any one help in this issue....any explanation appreciated.
Surely wireshark is only telling you about packets it has dropped? I can't see how it could possibly know about any others.
